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Not sure, but you can try grounding yourself prior to meditating. Let us all know if you need tips on how to do that - there are many ways.

I get the sense you will prevail in the court case if you've got a good lawyer.

Also remind us a day or two before so we can send a storm of positivity your way!

Good luck.

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I hope your lawyer or the twins' lawyers, not sure how it works, will use the words "death sentence." In fact their lawyer could just use what you've written above about this situation and it would be hard to imagine a judge who'd return those babies to that woman. The judge also needs to be reminded that her obligation is to the children, not the mother. 

When you are that close to an emotionally charged situation, the best reading is to try one of two strategies:

1. Reading it for yourself: Ground yourself first in prayer or meditation. Then go beyond your usual everyday mindset and focus on the highest vibration you can imagine. I focus on the tallest trees and I ask them for whispers of wisdom about the situation.  Some people focus on the wisdom of the whole universe or a spirit guide way up high above our earth.  You are going above the clouds of worry and seeing clarity.  Then ask a good quality question, not a yes or no question, but something like: what can I know about the twins' futures?  Or what can I know about the court appearance or outcome?  What can I know about the judge or person who will make the final decision? 

2. If you find you are too emotional to do this yourself, then ask a  positive-thinking person to tune into it for you. They may not be able to answer the question but they may be able to give you some peace and that is what you need right now. 


I feel a good outcome for those children.  I also call upon anyone reading this thread to send positive light especially to the children, and also to the courts and all involved. 

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Our thoughts, prayers, and energies are always surrounding you. I have been drawn to your persona, writing, and strong vibratory energies ever since you joined us.

I knew you were someone with great power and burgeoning talents and abilities that will only grow even faster and greater from this immensely challenging life filled with all of these experiences that many would cave or crumble under while you continue to reach outward and upward. 

Please let us all know how you are doing.

You are always in our hearts.


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Thank you Jeanne. The DA files and handles the case and the parents have their own lawyers. We can be called as witnesses but have no say in the matter other than what we are asked on the stand if we are called. If it was a judge trial, id bemore comfortable but this is decided by an 8 person jury. Also, Wisconsin is a very "traditional Lutheran values" state aka misogynistic state and I work from home. I am a stay at home dad during business hours and then hand off to my wife when she gets home so I can get my work done. That isnt well received here, thus part of my fears. Your good outcome for the kids is very encouraging and much appreciated.

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I'll be including you in my nightly meditations. But definitely follow Laura F.'s advice and tell us about the trial a few days in advance so that we can amp up our focus on a positive outcome for you and the twins.

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I definitely will. Im expecting it to be scheduled sometime in March but it could be any time after Xmas-depends on the judge and lawyer calendars

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@mas1581, I feel very peaceful as I meditate on the outcome of your situation.  I am sending positive light to you and the twins, and will keep you all in my prayers.  I will also pray that the judge and jurors will be divinely guided.  

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This is a petty, pity, selfish post, and I need help to get over it.I have always been very shy, but Mother thought I could be a teacher. Wrong, but I got  a fine arts degree. My husband dropped out of college, and got a job at a plant that made large generators for oil companies So we did OK for twenty years until the plant closed. Jobs were harder to find, Then Arlie got sick. We open a craft shop, which didn't make a lot of money, but it paid the bills. We had it for eleven years.            My brother, Jr left home when I was about seven, He became a petroleum engineer for Phillips 66. Became a vice president for the company, and president of another oil company. He is rich, rich. He has wonderful things for me, mostly since Arlie died. After the house burned in 2009, he got the property cleaned  off, so the city couldn't get it. He got me a used trailer on my property, and after that trailer burned, he help me get another one. I had insurance, but I still needed help.   ..............

So I was talking to him, and he was talking about his will. So I asked hi if I or my daughter was in his will. No, he has a trust that goes to his kids, and step kids. Two are already millionaires. He brags that one perfected how to side drill. He hates I spend money to feed animals. Then on politics. I said you're only a republican because your rich, and he said you could be rich, if you saved money.  iI liked to know how to do that. Also he thinks Obama is muslim, and trump is the greatest president that we have had is his lifetime.   

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I always say that democrats care about people, republicans care about money.

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Dearest Elaine, You are a brave woman to show us this side of you and be willing to share your grievances with us. You shared what he has done for you and yes, even if you didn't say it, we can recognize that he could have done more. I agree with that idea as obviously he could have.

But as you say, he left home when you were seven. You don't say how close you stayed from then on but you were a tiny child and he a young man who wanted more and was probably willing to do whatever he had to for an advanced education. He made basically good choices for himself as we all try to. And he made a lot of money. Good for him for his hard work.

If he didn't want to look back as a challenging childhood or parents he may carry subconscious resentments to this day.  We tend to carry our early pains and triggers just as it hurt you yo have your mom choose or decide things for us even if subconsciously buried. 

You shared all of this pain, the hurts and the grievances with us as you most likely gave carried in you and tried to share with Arlie and others. But they're still there,  still hurting you.

We all do this Elaine, we all hurt, get triggered by events over and over. This happens to all of us and we all have people who judge us, see us as having enough money if we didn't spend on things no matter as small as feeding stray cats. To those with nice houses, cars, vacations, etc.when those they arevptone to judge complain in any way about not being to afford this or that, they get triggered by us. 

So, no matter how simply you live anything that is seen as extra that they know about (from us and our complaining) they then feel judged. Judged that they aren't doing enough for us even when they have given repeatedly.

We are all hurting remember and our hurts and how we try to feel better can go against one anothers "programs" of what we're saying and feeling v.s. what they are hearing and feeling.

I had some very rich distant relatives, I was helped 50 years ago by my college books etc being paid for by them. They could have paid for every bit of my college and didn't. They were surrounded by closer relatives needing or asking for help. And when they died, one of the relatives who helped them all his life got everything. 

That was their choice and I certainly understood it. But I was sad for my parents who were very close to them when young. Dozens were not in the will. It is common to recognize those actively in your life, your whole life, and forget those who needed it more or the most. It's just how it often is.

Now, I recognize if you read this literally you will want to say this isn't quite how it was or is. I'm just using examples. We can't wish people were different just like we can't wish we were. It's how we live, work at it, or make choices in our lives. 

All you can do is let it go and that's one of the hardest things we ever have to learn. Every time we are hurting or going through challenging times it's easy to hope and pray for help but rarely is it financial. And when it is like half of the smallest amount we ever think they'd offer.

None of this may actually help you, it sure wont make you feel better when I say "it is what it is" or "he is what he is" just like it doesn't help him to be told things or asked whose in his will. 

But I will say this, most people don't or won't admit their flaws or grievances and bless you, woman! You did! That's huge. This is one way to look at our dark sides and let it out into the light.

On the other hand, it doesn't help us to hold it in by never letting it go or setting free. All I can add is that we all truly like you, appreciate your being here and sharing and we all will hold you in our thoughts and prayers. May you, dear lady, see yourself and all that you do have as enough. It's not what anybody us wishes, or Hope's, or prayers but accepting our ,lives, our pains, and often very real challenges as just being how things are and hopefully for a greater reason, larger more spiritually purposed reason. 

Lots and lots of love being sent your way.





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Love, love love this!

Feeling the sunshine, bringing it within and sharing it with others is by far one of the grandest ways of sharing any of us can do. ????☀️☀️☀️

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@michele, you are a tower of strength. I soaked up every word your wrote to Elaine. When you comfort people here in your powerful way, it helps us all.

@elaineg, I am proud of you for living a good life and doing no harm. I love that you contributed to the world by supplying the means for people to do arts and crafts. For many years I got so much joy from arts and crafts shops. I would wander around these shops for hours imagining what I'd make. You also helped animals. There is no higher calling than that. I think it is notable that you have chosen to spend your life bringing joy to others even as you have suffered.

As for the incredible power of helping animals, the unseen good that it does, and the energy of love it creates, I want to tell you about someone I loved who helped animals. MaryJane came to live with us when I was little to babysit for a few weeks.  We fell in love with her so, lacking a place to live, she stayed with us permanently.  

MaryJane never had any money because she spent every cent on animals.  She lived with us in exchange for a bit of housework and some occasional babysitting. She had a day job in the city working as a bookkeeper in a greasy broken-down bodyshop.

MaryJane spent all of her money on helping animals. People around Boston would bring her stray cats and she'd be sure to get them to a vet for shots, health care, spaying and adoption.  She never owned her own home and later when my parents died and our family had scattered, she moved into public housing, still working and giving every cent to the animals.

One day I was driving down the street where that greasy body shop had been and where MaryJane had worked all those years as a bookkeeper, while really she was an animal savior. In its place was a three story brand new sparkling animal hospital and shelter!  The way I saw it, MaryJane's  efforts had created an energy field of animal caring until someone saw that it was the perfect location for the hospital and shelter.  

Money is energy, so how you use it matters.  And you have used it, as did MaryJane, for the highest good. 

Your brother made his money as an executive in fossil fuels, an industry that is causing untold suffering in this world. Because the oil industry executives first understood in the 1970's the damage that burning fossil fuels was doing, industry executives bear a lot of responsibility for hiding the truth from people and advancing that business and reaping blood money.  

I do not envy or admire anyone whose money comes from harming others.  I understand and sympathize with those who can't live any other way. I also realize that  we are all so interconnected on this planet that all of us in some way play a role in the harm and the good that comes to this world. 

But your brother is fortunate that he helped you, who in turn have helped the helpless ones. His energy got to do good by giving money to you. 

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Thank all of you for your good thoughts.  I always feel better when I come here and tell you things, I can not tell other people. Thank you again.

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You are so loved!

And as Jeanne has so wonderfully shared with her words and stories you are loved by many here in our world, no doubt by your clients over those hard working but doing what you loved creatively and giving to your community years and  the cat kingdom as well.

Hmmm, wondering if you have a little Egyptian past life in you with all your love of cats. Hmmm...wonder if I do too. I've always fed strays, too. It's such a wonderful giving as well as receiving back once again! We may not worship them but we sure love and care for them!



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Bless you Jeanne for your sweet words to me and lovely response to Elaine. You took up where I left off and enriched everything so much. 

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i have really been touched by your posts today and it’s helped me look at my own grievances and inequities in my family in a different way.  If you can let those grievances and injustices go, you are freer to see the good in others, to see their soul selves and connect  on a deeper level.  I’ve seen people harbor grievances and resentments their whole lives and it not only damages their relationships, it damages and corrupts their own Inner spirit.  

Elaine, thank you for sharing with us and may you be blessed by your love and caring for animals.  Michelle, you are an angel among us.  Much love to you.

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My turn - I need some healing light for my cat Arlo. He's an 11 year old marmalade, my "good boy".

He developed a bump on his head a couple of weeks ago, the vet said maybe an abscess, so we started him on antibiotics last week. He was doing ok, but the lump kept growing.

Last night at bedtime, he couldn't hold his head up, his eyes got cloudy and he lost bowel control. I rushed him to our local vet ER, thinking maybe a stroke.

Luckily, not a stroke, but they are deciding between cancer and cryptococcus (which is a fungal infection from spores here in SoCal, in humans it's called valley fever). They found more nodules on his lungs.

Our usual vet is not working today, so I left her an urgent message. The ER doc called to say that while Arlo is still "very neurological", he's eating a bit and in good spirits.

I'm not ready to lose him yet, he's a housecat and I figured I'd have 5-8 more years with him at least, as aside from being overweight he's in good health (til now anyway).

Please send him some healing, much appreciated!

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Hi laura-f,

I will send loving, healing energy to your sweet boy. Please let us know how he is doing. Very, very hard. Know that I am thinking of you..and him.

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Hey Laura, i had a similar thing happen to one of my cats, who is the same age as yours.  I eventually switched her to a grain-free diet, and the symptoms gradually all went away.  She is fine now.    I really hope it is something simple like that for Arlo.       Peace and love to you both.

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I think of Arlo and he makes me smile.  I can feel his sweetness.   I'm sending your precious fur baby healing energy and both of you lots of love.

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