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I just felt the Earth shaking

Illustrious Member Moderator
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Jeanne, I will have to see if I can find any factual information about wind over the past 6 weeks.  While I am noticing more  continuous days of wind,   I don't know how valid my observation is in terms of what the actual wind gust  numbers say. What we haven't had  yet are our summer monsoons or haboobs  .  A haboob is a giant  dust storm wall  that suddenly appears sweeping across the land as far as the eye can see.  Haboobs are fierce and scary and we always have some around the monsoon season .  


Illustrious Member Admin
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Two thoughts about the unusual incidence of winds in your area:  I’m not a meteorologist but first thoughts:  

 1. Wind is caused by the sun when it heats up surface air causing that air to rise and then cooler air rushes in to take its place. The greater the differential between air pressure and temperature between the surface and at elevation, the stronger the wind. 

2.  I had seen in a reading of the future that climate change especially the melting Arctic would cause a change in prevailing wind patterns across the US. 

The polar vortex which involves the jet stream, i.e., high altitude winds that encircle the Arctic and affect weather across the US, will be disrupted and eventually broken entirely due to the warming of the Arctic.  

The breakdown of the polar vortex will profoundly alter the direction of prevailing winds across the US., which will In turn permanently change the weather upon which we have depended.  

Of course the weather is infinitely complex and the oceans and the mountains and the weather from all directions are all involved. 

The loosening of the polar vortex caused Boston to get 112 inches of snow in 2015 while Alaska didn’t get enough snow to run their annual dog sled race without moving it 400 miles further north and still needing to make artificial snow there.  At times it was warmer in Toronto than in Boston.   So weather went chaotic. 

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I've noticed an increase in wind in general in the US over the last couple of decades. I used to live on the east coast. Growing up, I never remember constant strings of gale warnings and actual wind storms. Since about 1995, there had been so many damaging wind storms (in the absence of significant precipitation of any type), that I lost count.  I also don't recall there being tornadoes in NYC metro area growing up, but since about 1990, I remember having to take shelter from tornadoes multiple times, and one even touched down 1/2 mile away from where I lived in the suburbs.

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Perriwinkle10,  I am thinking of you this morning after hearing about a 4.6 earthquake northeast of Seattle and wondered if you are nearby.  There have been at least 8 aftershocks.  I keep thinking about your earthquake premonitions and hope you and your family are safe.

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Laura, to your point about tornadoes appearing where they previously never appeared -- I wrote this in 2011. We had a tornado come unusually close to our town near Boston and I got a premonition that it was going to be a new normal in the future.

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Bluebelle, I am sad to say that when I posted that post about the L.A. teen who had contacted me to share how terrified she and her little sister were about psychics' earthquake predictions, Perriwinkle decided to stop posting.  I asked people to be a little more gentle with how they interpret their predictions.  Totally my fault :-(. I am sorry for scaring her off.  She was a jewel. 

I did not mean we shouldn't post what we see.  I don't even know if I have an answer as to how to share visions and dreams and at the same time point out that we can't know for sure.  Because sometimes I feel I do know for sure -- as in the case of sea level rise which I've known for years would be much higher than science had been predicting.

 I don't have the answer to how to share what we see  and at the same time, deal with the fact that some of it will terrify people, but I don't want people to stop sharing their visions and dreams.  I think the answer is to calculate our accuracy rate and let people know there is uncertainty. 

Anyway, she is gone.   I am sorry.


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Thanks, Jeanne.  I am impressed with her precognitive abilities.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Agree.  :-(

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Maybe it would be good to post a warning at the top of predictions? Like a disclaimer?

I agree, no one should censor or self-censor a vision.

But maybe there's a way to reiterate to new readers that nothing is ever set in stone?

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Hi Jeanne - I recall you mentioning a while back that Michigan and the Great Lakes areas will become pivotal in the future due to the fresh water resources here. Does that tie in to your mention of a water crisis in the Midwest in the mid-late 20s? Do the Great Lakes become an oasis of sorts? Thanks!

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Good idea. I have got that posted in various places but perhaps a post at the top of the forum is good as well as in the prediction  page.  Added  it to my to-do list! 

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Hey guys... 

I would like to preface this post by saying a few things: 

1) I'm sure most of you read Jeanne's post on this thread about my need to step away. It's important that you all know that she took the time to personally e-mail me (and even offered to call) in order to remedy my butt-hurtness. (That's a real term) I am humbled by her willingness to have open dialog in all circumstances, it's not a trait you find very often these days. 

2) I am 35 years old. I have not experienced a lot of life yet and the chunk I've managed to trudge through so far has been greatly improved by stumbling across this forum and realizing that for once in my life... I am not alone. I am not crazy. I am part of a vast collective of like-minded individuals. I grew up being told I was crazy, that my thoughts were just an overactive imagination. -even when those thoughts turned into real things. Unfortunately, I was not gifted the sight of good visions or future happenings... for some reason, the only things that pop in are: right before someone dies, creepy bad folks...and earthquakes. I have yet to be wrong about any of the above. With that being the case, I'm sure most of you can imagine how many people I have scared away. I learned the hard way to keep my mouth shut. That is why I felt so grateful to have found this forum and also why I felt so embarrassed when my vocalization of the earthquakes was not reciprocated so well. :-/ 

There is a fine balance that I'm still trying to figure out, between what I see and what I say. Fear is the most powerful emotion humans experience - sometimes even more than love. Fear guides our history books, religions, dreams and goals. Fear of the unknown and fear of the uncontrolled is by far, the hardest to process - and that's why I feel so badly for vocalizing my visions to ya'll. It wasn't right. 

I wold like to add: As for myself and many people who are very in tune with mother earth - everything spiritual has to do with earthquakes because earthquakes are part of earth and earth, for some of us, is the highest spirit. Obviously, this is a personal opinion - but the same can be said for visions of flooding, drought and sea levels rising. There is no difference between a vision of earth shaking vs. a vision of crop failure. One vision or the other is not more or less real, based off of its creator - be it man made or earth made. The entire goal of life itself is to be one with the earth and the spirit. So to see visions of earthquakes - to me - is frightening but no less remarkable than something as simple as planting a tiny seed and watching it grow into a basket full of zucchini. ❤ 

I appreciate you reaching out Jeanne. You have a pure heart and your intentions are always authentically kind and loving. I'm so sorry we had a misunderstanding and I'll do my very best to keep learning the ropes on how to communicate in a way that's easily digestible! ? You are a blessing for opening this forum to others.

I hope this post helps anyone else who feels alone and scared...don't be, these people here are good and you can talk freely. We are all human and we are all learning how to do it better every single day. 

As for Bluebelle....thank you. I got the email. Heart overflows... big big love. 

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I was so very happy to see your name on this post.  As soon as I saw it ( in the side right column)  I smiled even though I hadn't read the post yet.  I also smiled when I actually read your post.  May I add how beautiful it was to read as well.  Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and experience with us.  You may not know it, but I believe MANY people have been keeping you in a circle of love and light.  I am so happy to hear both Jeanne and Bluebell reached out to you.  By coming back and sharing your thoughts and feelings, we can all grow and once continue to appreciate the uniqueness  and beauty of  this community.  We can learn from you now and if we are blessed, in the future.

Thank you for giving us this gift Periwinkle 10.  

I think you will find a lot of supportive people on this site, people who have either been through something similar to you and can relate to how you are feeling or people who are simply wise and kind souls who can help heal wounds with a balm of gentle words written in authentic kindness and love. Sometimes these words will catch you unaware, you may start crying.  This is a great place to learn insight into many intuitive areas and to feel supported.  I am so sorry you felt unsupported earlier for I do not believe anyone here would wish that for you.     

As for your predictions and abilities, I do hope you can continue to share them.  Perhaps you will see something and share it and by doing so, someone will be able to prepare for that earthquake or warn a family member or friend.  If you are able to give that warning, you may find your gift is actually positive for it can save a life or allow for someone else to be prepared thus saving another life.  

I have a daughter who has had some VERY unique gifts.  Mine are very minor.  She was lucky to have family members who believed what she saw and supported her during some wild times.    The fact that you made it to age 35 and are here with us without having support is amazing.  I am glad you found your way here AND found it back again.

Welcome Back with arms held wide. 


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More than once I've teared up over something beautiful some of you have said in this forum, but seeing you back here, Perriwinkle10, and reading your beautiful words -- all of the things you wrote, including about our earth, I just cried.

Earlier today I had gone back over your late June posts predicting the earthquakes and this thing you wrote jumped out at me: 

One thing that just came to mind though and HOLY CRAP I HAVE CHILLS.... in my comments prior, I mentioned to you all that a seer had told me once that I was meant to be here by the mountain. She said, 'when the beings from the mountains reveal themselves, it will be because we as humans have reached our breaking point. Society as a whole will need their help. Your job is to be a helper. You were brought here to help those who cannot see the light.'" 

As I read this I knew you'd find a way to share your gifts for people, even if not here.

Thank you for coming back.

Lovendures, your words are also beyond wonderful. I love that because you have attended so many online events, when I read your posts I can hear your voice and see your sweet face.  Love that. 

This is a community.  We are going to figure it all out together, and if we don't figure it out, we will still be together. 



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My cup overfloweth. ❤

I had a light bulb moment last night as I tossed and turned. Maybe you guys could chime in on it? 

In my dream where I was experiencing these earthquakes and at the same time felt this heavy sense of government take over, where people were hiding in their houses and not helping those outside..... I think it was a vision of our current situation. Earthquakes and ICE raids. 

I live in a predominantly republican, good old boy, small town. Racism is common here. 


Illustrious Member Participant
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Perriwinkle10 - welcome back, I'm glad Jeanne got through to you. Regardless of one's avocation, sometimes there's bad news that must be delivered for the long term well being of the receiver(s).

As for your most recent dream, yeah, that sounds about right!

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Perriwinkle10, wow! How beautiful of you to share all that with us, and so great to have you back. This is healing for all of us, and you and Jeanne are so lovely and strong to model this to all of us. Gratitude!

I really resonate with figuring out how to contribute and share appropriately, both with big blurts and little ones. It is something that is really coming up for me to heal with love for myself and others, with humor, and with releasing and moving on. So, rock on. You are doing it exactly right, in my opinion.

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Thanks you guys, means a lot. 

You know, this really puts into perspective so much on our history of people who saw things others could not. We're living in such a scary time but think back to the ones who set the stage for folks like us... Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce.. they had to use rhymes and riddles and often times cover their sight with alternative names so they would not be accused of dark art. We really are world's better in relation to our past. I'm lucky to have the right and the freedom to discuss these things with all of you. ❤

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I think it was Bluebelle who got through.  Want to put credit where credit is due.  :-) . 

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You spoke of a government takeover where people are hiding in their houses and not helping those outside.  I got a message last night while gazing at the night sky and then had a dream this morning.  It is about hiding from our psyches all of the hurt our collective is causing.  I don’t think we are going to end this darkness until we really see it all.  Here is what happened last night that makes me say that. 

The last three nights the planet Jupiter has loomed large in the sky right next to the moon.  It was the biggest and brightest light in the sky next to the moon.  Right before the 2016 election I got a message that we would live through the Greek story of the rape of Persephone.  That we would enter a dark period with a man in charge who represents the dark underworld god himself—Hades or Pluto.  He would kidnap and rape the innocent Persephone and he would not return her to us until our own suffering got so bad that the crops failed and the people begged Jupiter or Zeus (same guy) to do something.  The king then ordered Hades to bring her back.   That is the gist of the story.   Keep In mind that The innocent springtime goddess Persephone symbolizes all that is innocent. As a culture Americans have been naive about themselves.  Our “perception” as a culture (root is same as Persephone) has been that life is pretty damn good and easy.   But we have not understood the suffering we’ve caused to get such a rich rosy life.  (I know many will disagree  with me about this but not enough time to lay it all out.)  

Anyway last night I looked up at King Jupiter in the sky and begged him to save us from this darkness. I felt a whispered message that we still weren’t awake enough yet.  That not enough of us understood the depth of suffering our collective has caused. We feel our own suffering and we are more aware than before of the suffering of others, but we don’t totally see the darkness within us that needs to become light.    

You see Pluto or Hades the god of the underworld is also the god of the unconscious.  We have to shine the light  inside ourselves not just outside.  

Then I had a dream early this morning. I will post the dream perhaps in the dream section later but for now just want to say that it’s the second dream I’ve had this year about the suffering I cause when i eat animal food. It’s just one example of the darkness inside but it’s the one that has shown up twice now in my dreams. 

 I’m not a vegan. I eat dairy chicken and fish.  I’ve know for a long time that getting these foods causes horrific suffering. just don’t know how yet to get along without these foods.  Before all the vegans start sending recipes, I can’t digest a lot of foods like beans so it will be challenging but probably doable if I put some effort into it. 

The dream wasn’t just about food though. It was about anything I do to help or protect myself that causes unnecessary suffering in others.

This also includes hiding in my home while others are being harmed.  

Mostly it was about finally taking an honest look at how I live that causes suffering.

  I don’t for example actually cut off the heads of chickens or haul fish out of the sea and kill them. I pay someone else to do it.  But we are still ordering those kills every time we buy those foods. I also don’t crowd goats and cos into dark barns and force them to give me their milk.  I pay someone else to destroy the joy they were suppose to have in this world so I could enjoy milk and cheese.  

Food is just one part of this issue.  I don’t think veganism will solve trumpism. But apparently it is up for me.  Then there are the clothes I wear and the other products I buy and the hiding in my home. 


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