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Why do our visions of the future sometimes change?

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Bin, a member of our community,  has asked several times why some visions of the future change as we "read" the future at different times.  I ask myself this same question, but since we are dealing with one of life's biggest mysteries, I accept that we may never know the answer. 

In case you don't follow what I'm asking, here's an example.  A few months before the Alabama special senate seat election I asked myself  whether Roy Moore or Doug Jones would win. I got Roy Moore would win.  Later, just a few days before the election, I asked again and got that Doug Jones would win.We know now that Doug Jones won, so the earlier prediction was wrong and the later one was right. 

Now this experiment is not clean because I actually used different methods to get each answer.   The second time, I used a more reliable method. The first time, I just reported the prevailing feeling in my head. The prevailing feeling was that the Republican would win.  Everybody thought that the Republican would win because Alabama is a deeply red state. So I was merely tapping into the dominant collective feeling. That's a really bad method because you pick up prevailing opinion, which is based on history, not the future, and is not necessarily anything true about the actual future.  When a doctor tells a patient they have a terminal disease, that's also a prediction based on past events.  As we all know, there are patients who beat the odds and survive in spite of the odds.  So to read the future, we need to let go of prevailing opinion and use a better method. 

The second time I read the Alabama election I let go of prevailing opinion and instead asked my cards to show me how Roy Moore would be feeling a month after the election.  I was also more focused this time because I was online with a bunch of students and was using my cards.   In the cards, Moore looked dejected a few weeks after the election.  I asked how Doug Jones would be feeling a few weeks after the election, and I got that he'd be celebrating.  This time, I got the correct answer.

Had the future actually changed or had I just used a better method the second and time? I think the latter but there's no way to know.

It's the old story of fate versus free will.  Did the future actually change or was it always going to be Doug Jones winning in Alabama?  No one knows the answer to that.  But I'd like to start a discussion about it.

In the two years' run up to the 2016 presidential election, my students kept seeing Hillary Clinton would win.  I never actually saw her win, but I was so glad that they weren't seeing a Republican that I went with that prediction.  Okay, very bad prediction system on my part. An inner voice warned me not to repeat what others were prediction and just stick to what I was seeing.  But I ignored that inner voice.

 I had taught my students to see the future in inner visions and I asked them who they saw standing on the Inaugural platform on 1/20/17.  They almost universally "saw" Hilary Clinton, even long before she had gotten the nomination.  But I could not see her there, and in fact I simply couldn't see anything.  I now realize that my students were not able to do the remote viewing of Hillary Clinton on the Inaugural platform. They were instead seeing her at the Democratic National Convention receiving the nomination and also at other public events.  I know this because of the various outfits they saw her wearing each time. 

As for why I could not see who was on the Inaugural platform all those times that I tried, I now realize that it is very hard to see what we don't want to see. I mistakenly and sloppily kept telling people that Hillary would win. Live and learn. 

But I did finally see the Inauguration in July 2016.  I was doing  a group reading of the future and asked once more for people to look in their minds' eye for the 2017 Inauguration.  I saw clear as day Donald Trump standing large and close up on the platform looking menacing and holding a symbol of fascism.  He appeared like an apparition of evil.  I did not believe he was really there on that platform.  I decided he was just there in spirit, continuing to harass the country.

And so I continued to get it wrong. I also saw Obama standing upstage on the platform facing the crowds with angel wings.  That later turned out to be Obama speaking publicly online to scared and grieving democrats telling them he would be right there with them throughout Trump's presidency.  

So again, I have to say that the future of who would win the 2016 election did not change in the run-up to the election.  I was just unable to believe that Donald Trump would win. 

So does the future actually change or is it all written and fated in advance? After years of reading the future, I can't answer that question. 



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The strongest visions I've received over the years, even 30 years in advance,  have, to the best of my recollection, come true.  The ones that haven't come true were misinterpretations or errors of interpretation on my part. 

Back in 1979 when I had a life changing trauma, I got a message from spirit.  I will write more about it another time,  but the message was  clear that everything is precise and determined by physics. Was this really from spirit?  No way to really know, although it felt so.

  My first husband of six years had died suddenly by his own hand.  He nearly killed me in the process. This was a life changing trauma that was  the precipitating factor in my changing my career to what I do today.

I was in shock and grief  and a window opened up to the spirit world like never before. For the first time, I was aware of a direct link with people on the other side.  

I felt I could reach my hand into the air and reach right into another dimension.  There's a book called The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman in which the hero gets a knife that can make an incision into the air whereby he can step through to another dimension.  This ability to make an incision into reality to another dimension  is what I experienced during that traumatic time.  I believe I'd been doing this all my life, but this was the first time I experienced it in such a clear and bold way. 

The voice told me that everything was determined according to the laws of physics.  Every tiny thing we did had an effect, it said.  


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Below I am appending posts from the Midterm Elections section that mainly deal with the subject I've started here.  I realize they come from the Midterm Election section so apologies if they seem a little disjointed from the flow of this topic, but in fact these posts contain valuable discussions of how prophecy works and I want people interested in this topic to be able to find them. 

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Here's how the Midterm outcomes show up to me:

Because there's so much volatility in the collective field, many of us are seeing more than one potential timeline (i.e., potential outcome). Maybe we were seeing one thing last month or last week, and something different today. That's not uncommon, but it's all the more intense in a system of high volatility. Which timeline will pan out depends entirely on shared consciousness. And here's why (bear with me) ...

Maybe you've heard of quantum superposition and/or Heisenberg's uncertainty principle? Essentially, quantum particles are also waves. And particle/waves have a profound nature—they can be ... anywhere. And everywhere. At once.

At the quantum level, you can't nail a thing down; it's entirely potential. (In 1927, Werner Heisenberg was able to show that we can't know the precise location and the velocity of a particle at the same time, thus his uncertainty principle.)

A wave function is a superposition of many "eigenstates" (think of it like position), and only when the wave state "collapses" can its position (eigenstate) be known. What's most fascinating is that a wave state collapse occurs under a super special condition: observation. ... And not just the act of observing, but the expectations of the observer affect what will occur. This suggests that consciousness itself plays a crucial role in physical outcomes. (I'd say that consciousness IS the observer, the expectations of the observer, the seeming manifestation of physical outcomes, and all else besides, but I'm getting carried away.)

All that is to say this:

What happens on Tuesday depends on the highest degree of coherence that surfaces in our collective field in order to collapse the wave function in its own direction. A critical mass could cohere the field and manifest a blue wave, or a very different critical mass could do something else entirely. Or there could be so much volatility that no real coherence occurs and outcomes are varied and fractured.

What's most important to know is that too much focus on fear and doubt disintegrates coherence. That isn't a guilt trip! Doubt and fear are natural, especially in times like these. We wouldn't be human if we didn't feel them. The objective, I think, is to work to hold ourselves through those states using whatever practices work for us—and to continually stand in a vision of the best possible outcome. 

That isn't woo-woo. It's essential.  

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Thank you, with a big helping of gratitude, Vestralux,  for explaining this so well.

I'm usually reduced to time traveling cats and 100 monkeys on atolls and islands.  Quantum 101.

But essentially it all "jellos" down to essential positivity.  Now, is not the time to doubt but simply believe that all good and wonderful,  bright and beautiful and animals great and small and well, angels  angles and aliens from time machines are helping us, now.

But it's still up to us earthlings. So, play well our positive , believing part, as Will Shakespeare urged our past, present, and future selves.

We are so much more powerful than we realise. Power up, Scotties. Start wild blue waving. ?‍♀️?‍♂️

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Thank you, VestraLux, for this terrific explanation. The role of consciousness in affecting reality is one that has long resonated with me. Its implications seem to directly dovetail into much of what Jeanne's work is all about. I love how the "outliers" of science can sometimes explain, or help frame in a different way, what is discussed on this website.

For those who would like to dig in further on this subject, here is a link that briefly explains related experiments conducted at the fantastic Weizmann Institute of Science:

And for a much deeper dive, here is an amazing piece from the BBC:

One scientist who I've followed is Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist professor at Harvard. Her research suggests how our universe may interact with unseen other dimensions/universes. And if it's accurate, such observations may go a ways toward explaining the "unexplainable." It's pretty wild, but it's science!

There is much fascinating work from others, like Carl Jung and even Rupert Sheldrake, that use academics as a basis for studying the nature of what we try to understand here. I strongly suspect that science will catch up with how we "intuit" and how future timelines evolve.

But for now, I think that VestraLux is suggesting that the most important thing we can do regarding the midterms (aside from voting and ensuring we get others to vote as well), is the power of positive thinking. Standing in a vision of the best possible outcome is definitely NOT woo-woo, and it is essential!


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Cheers to Michele and her endless positivity and enthusiasm! You make me grateful. ✨


[now Beastie Boy's is playing in my head..."I'm Mike D and ..."]

Thank you so much for sharing these links with us. I'm fascinated by the implications of Lisa Randall's work (and have a lot of thoughts about extra-dimensionality, myself, though none of them are strictly scientific—at least not yet?). 

I fully agree that how we intuit what we perceive to be future (or alternate) timelines will become understood by science. I'm open to the idea that we could discover those sciences—and many other breakthroughs—with the inspirational assistance of those who already understand them, perhaps those who already access or dwell in dimensions beyond our own. 

Srinivasa Ramanujan, for example, was born in India in 1887 and had no real formal training in mathematics but went on to explore or discover a whirlwind of infinite numerical processes I can't even name without my eyes crossing (infinite nested radicals, anyone?). He did most of his work in isolation, began college, dropped out (twice), then wrote a strange letter of introduction to mathematician G.H. Hardy, Fellow of the Royal Society at Cambridge.

Ramanujan's letter presented some kind of fabulous mathematical formulas, which I won't even try to explain, because let's be honest, I can barely remember my multiplications table. Hardy recognized that Ramanujan was self-taught (both unheard of and frowned upon) but he was astonished by the leaps the young man was able to make. So, he invited him to Cambridge and the rest was history. Their profound and sometimes challenging intellectual partnership was later described by Hardy as "the one romantic incident in my life."

The thing to understand about Ramanujan, and why I'm mentioning him here, is that whenever he was asked how he could make such fabulous leaps of genius or how exactly he came upon the sparkling revelations that he did—particularly in light of the fact that he was largely untrained—he always said, quite humbly and genuinely, that he received his insights in dreams and visions directly from the goddess Namagiri, an emanation of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.

And I, for one, believe him. Though I also feel that because his heart was so very devoted in the energy of love, from the time he was a boy, and because he so deeply desired and diligently quested to understand the mechanics of his universe, extra-dimensional forces conspired to reveal them to him, in the most beautiful way possible. 

He died quite young after prolonged health complications, but Ramanujan must be a wonderful source of inspiration for mathematicians today.  

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Thanks, Mike, for those links.  I was trying to remember where I had heard about that experiment all morning.  It is important that we stay focused, to make sure our particles go through the right hole on Tuesday.  The more people are able to do that, the better our aim will be.  Vote and think positive!

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I understand the physics... somewhat... although Vestralux's explanation is clearer and more helpful  than anything I've read.  It's also the first time anyone I know has ventured to explain how quantum physics and superposition can explain different visions of the future. 

The double slit experiment shows that the potential position of particles, which we are saying represent potential futures,  break down and change when observed.  

But since all that we know can only come through our own consciousness, which means through observation,  and consciousness changes the behavior of waves, then I question the final interpretation that the future we "see"  actually changes.

Whenever I've seen a future that didn't come true, I usually see the error I made. I see how the method I used was wrong, not that the future actually changed. 

I agree that the future is continually forming.  Everything we do and think affects the future. I agree with that. I'm talking here about prophecy.  If we use a good clear method, then I think we can see the actual future.  

But if we see the future and a lot of people see it too, then the question is, will that change it? !!!

If we see that global temperatures will rise to 10 degrees Fahrenheit above normal then will that cause people to do something about that and change that future?  If we keep thinking that something will happen to avoid that future and we will all be okay, will that change the future? 

Psychologist Sonya Lubormirsky has found in research that optimists, those who see a better future, are more likely to find better pathways to the future.  They believe they will succeed, so they don't give up until they find a way.  This phenomenon I know is true. It's how the mind works.  We don't want to give up or we will stop trying to succeed.  I'm not sure how that fits with the physics, though.

Curious to know what people think. 



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Jeanne, thank you so much for asking these beautiful questions. And redirecting these posts here. (I'm a world class thread de-railer—forgive me!) 

I'm a longtime admirer of theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant Universe and The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos. It's been a long time, and I can't be sure, but I think it was in the first one that I read this wildly remarkable theory (paraphrasing):

Whatever can happen, will happen. An infinite number of times. 

I never made it to calculus much less to advanced physics, so I can't even claim to understand how a string theorist ties his shoelaces. But I've always had a deep and abiding curiosity, along with a visual and synesthetic feel for some of the models? It feels a little bit like some piece of my particular soul arrived from a far away place which is intimately familiar with these mechanics and still finds them exhilarating and beautiful—like art, like love—and can't wait for everyone to adore them as I do. So, when I say what I will below, know that I understand I have no more validity to claim a thing than anyone else. It's just my passionate belief talking—and I have a lot of it, as you've probably seen.  ? 

When you say that you realize how you've sometimes gotten past predictions wrong, I understand completely (and many times can relate), but I view it differently today. In the case of Hillary, for example, I looked into the inauguration, and past it, and still saw her standing there, having won. I believe the field was in a high degree of coherence around that particular timeline because she received the popular vote by millions. But not just that. 

My proposition to you is that that predicted timeline DID come to pass. Hilary Clinton won the U.S. presidency and sits in office. In an alternate timeline. And you and I and The New York Times and every news pundit who expected it to happen are all there. (Though, who knows what shenanigans are going on there now.)

My second proposition is this:

THIS timeline—the one which so suddenly and violently rifted—wasn't entirely foreseen by many of us (though we had a few strange inklings), not just because any old thing that can happen will happen, but for a reason.

A deeply significant one.

I believe, and I sense you probably do too, that this is a very significant time in this sector of this galaxy of this universe. It's been prophesied for ages: Aquarian Age, Mayan calendar, Ninth Wave—it has a lot of names. And I believe that those of us who find ourselves in this wacky alternate Trump-iverse (ha, so much more than that, of course) agreed on the soul level to be here. We've come along, either to clarify and heal our personal and collective karma/shadow/trauma (interchangeable terms), or in direct service to the collective Terran sphere which must now do so. 

At this particular parallel, there's been a great deal of historic pain and suffering, proliferated by a high degree of energetic manipulation. And it's time for this to begin to resolve. But it will never come to an end by direct confrontation with the manipulators (war), which is more of the same mindset which created it. It can only come to an end through awakening. By rising out of the consciousness of "victimizer/victimized," and more fully accessing our higher nature and subtle capacities as multidimensional beings.

Those higher capacities are available to all of us now by way of Living Light. Humanity's future is to become an awakened, integrated collective consciousness. A Whole Self. We won't lose our individuality or distinctness ("hive mind"), but will become more radiant forms of ourselves while also becoming a unified Oneness. Because time is not linear, We are already that Oneness, just as each of us is already our Highest Self. So, our work as seers and healers and teachers at this particular timeline, I believe—is to draw down that Light into the collective field, while holding the darkness we see reflected with unconditional positive regard, if we can, or with neutrality, if that's all we can manage. We have so much assistance available to us.

When we look out into the collective social field, it's kind of like looking into a busy high school cafeteria. There's a lot of schism, a lot of distress and toxicity and overt and secret violence. There are many voices speaking all at once. We can visualize it like the waves on an audio tuner, with lots of rapid peaks and valleys repeating and fragmenting. But imagine a student with a clear voice stepping on a table and breaking into song, something clear and powerful which everyone knows by heart. Then two or three more step up beside her and start singing, and the room quiets down. Soon, other voices in the cafeteria join, until finally, nearly everyone is singing.

The audio tuner, which at first showed volatility and fragmentation, would start to glow with a powerful wave form. That is what coherence does. That is how we draw down light to influence the field. Many people are manipulating the field toward fragmentation, but it is very simple to sing. All you have to do is close your eyes, stand in the Living Light of the already Whole that We Are, and "sing" it into the field.

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Vestralux my path is about letting go of my soul’s victim mentality (I recently left an abusive marriage). Your post - the second option speaks loudly to me. I have a strong desire to help my ex who has been with me many times to awaken too but I guess I don’t know how and I’m afraid I need to create stronger boundaries and accept a neutral position. But I try to send him light and love. As a teacher, your cafeteria imagery is well adapted to the analogy. In any case we chose this life, we chose this path, through it we will learn and be of service.

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Jaidy.  ❤️ 

I'm warmed to hear you've found the courage to step out of an abusive dynamic. That cycle is difficult to leave, especially in a marriage. Even when we finally do, there can be strong auric attachments, which we call by names like "codependence," which is real, though there's more to it energetically speaking. So yes, boundaries are so important, but so is clearing our energy field and taking care of ourselves in all the ways.

Maybe I should have mentioned that many of us who've chosen to stay in this parallel, also seem to have chosen to experience a great deal of personal trauma (take Jeanne's personal example further up the thread). And I believe we must begin to heal and integrate these traumas before we can be of the best service. I call it the Chiron Bridge—Healer, heal thyself.

Taking on these traumas unites us fully in the ancestral lineages we've adopted, and it offers us authentic experiential understanding of those we now serve. I believe that in the great arc of time, we've all played the part of both oppressor and oppressed, victimizer and victimized. Saint Francis of Assisi said that compassion is the recognition that I, too, have been capable of any act. 

Maybe this is why you're able to love your ex-husband, failures and all. That comes from a soul level. But to also fully love yourself from that place means that you can no longer permit him to harm you in any way. Tolerating harm would not only be unloving to yourself, but it would actually be unloving to him—because each of his unloving actions further degrade his soul's condition.

This doesn't mean that you were accountable for his behavior when you were trapped in the abuse cycle, which was an unconscious process. But now that you're waking up, now that the rewards of consciousness are greater (i.e., you feel greater clarity and freedom and love), there is also greater responsibility. I believe we're called not just to wake up, but to clean up. Because we're not just ourselves alone, but a mutual being of interdependence. My actions—and even simply what I will allow from others—does not just affect me; it affects all of us. 

I'm being reminded of these very same lessons today with a longtime friend who struggles with mental illness and addiction. She's relapsing and lashing out. It's hard to draw the line when a big part of me wants to run to the rescue—but we can't save someone from themselves. I don't take her behavior personally. And precisely because I love her, I won't allow her to mistreat me. 

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vestralux thank you for that. When i left I felt a huge burden lift and a contentedness I had never felt. But I was trying to practice offering loving kindness to him and we stayed friends. He suffers from a mood disorder that brought chaos to our family and only recently did i understand that I needed to end our friendship and allow him to experience the consequences of his actions for him to grow. That is a significant piece- understanding that to love him, meant not letting him harm me. I was only able to see it through the eyes of my daughters- letting him harm me, was harming them.

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I'm so glad to hear you've been able to make this separation, Jaidy—for your daughters' sakes, and yours. And for his. ?

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I don't fully understand what I have been reading in this thread  ha ha

 It does however remind me of what I have read and seen about Dr. Masaru Emoto who did studies on water and energy and showed how water reacted to conscious frequencies.  

For those who don't know, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water.  Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water after being exposed to the different variables and subsequently frozen so that they would form crystalline structures.  Classical music produced water crystals which looked beautiful where as heavy metal music created  the opposite looking crystals.  Dr. Emoto went on to type out different words, both positive and negative in nature, and taped them to containers full of water. The results were that water  bottles with positive words  on the container produced water crystals which were  far more symmetrical and beautiful than water bottles  with dark, negative phrases written on them,  The same happened when polluted water was prayed over.  The ugly crystals because beautiful geometric snowflake like shapes.  

The research appeared to show water has memory.  It reacts to pictures , music and feelings.  It has vibrations.  

Dr. Emoto  felt that water  was a messenger of God.  He felt that if we are in vibrational harmony we are healthy, if we are in disruptive vibrational disharmony, we become unhealthy.  ( Studies show we are made up around 60% water.    Some life organisms are up to 90% water).

Water is both around us and in us and is shownto reflect positively or negatively depending on its surroundings.

The same thought could  be said about the oceans and the planet.  

So, using this idea, I would think that the more positive thoughts of a situation, the better the likelihood  of a positive result.  For example,  envision the candidate you like being elected to office instead of them "not losing", as the word "losing" is a negative vibrational word. I am sure many people here already think and act in this manner, I just thought I would mention it because I know I need reminders, perhaps someone here does as well.  

Note to self.  I need to consciously  make sure I am consciously giving thanks before a meal and truly wishing people I interact with well.  




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Lovendures, yes! Dr. Emoto's work was a beautiful practical illustration of the way products of consciousness (thought forms, intention, artifacts like music, etc.) can either cohere or fragment a field, which in this case, is water. Cymatics is another great example.

Really, everything is energy and energy is fluid. Consciousness is the conductor; it sets the frequency and frequency determines design. 

The more loving, affirming, and intentional our consciousness, the more coherent our frequencies—and the more beautifully and powerfully we co-create. 

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Here's another article to add to the great articles Mikeb posted here and the multi universe idea that Velatrux and Lovendures discussed. One of our readers sent me this article that the human brain contains at least 11 dimensions of thought.  

In other words alternate universes exist in the brain.

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Love this conversation.

Science is finally catching up with what many of us have been experiencing for decades. Hurrraaaayy!!!

Eighteen months ago, Zoron and I had some pretty great conversations here on the whole construct of quantum realities and multi-verses and multi-realities.

I'm happy we can go back into the conversation with Vestralux and now so many others!

Really loved your linked article,  Jeanne. 



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OMG, Lovendures!  I was just thinking about Dr. Masaru Emoto's book, The Miracle of Water this morning.  I have used the concept he used in these experiments for years to boost my mood. I stopped on this page before going to the how to get through these times page to post about it. Now I think it might belong here.

After I read Dr Emoto's book, I thought, if a positive word works on a bottle of water, why wouldn't it work on me.  After all, we are made of mostly water.  I started wearing positive fun socks to see if it would affect my mood.  It definitely seems to work.  I have socks with the word love, peace symbols, rainbows and other positive words on them.  I also have socks that make me laugh like a raccoon in a floatie, a fox in a top hat, even dinosaurs being beamed up by UFOs.  It is really hard to look down at a pair of socks that makes you happy and remain negative.  And it is amazing how many times a day I look down at my socks.  Even in the summer, I wear little footie socks around the house that speak to me.  Target has cheap crazy socks.  So do many novelty stores.  There are fun socks for men out there also, so guys can try this too. I really believe this works on my tootsies just like it did for Dr. Emoto with the water molecules.

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Hmm. The way I see the multiverse is as a great churning ocean of potentialities. Conciousness lights up the potentialities which then become realities. (Quantum collapse of the wave form).

But as we have 7 billion consciousnesses lighting up potentialities and collapsing the wave-forms, there gets to be a tug-of-war about which realities become actualities.

Enter the visionaries. Some gifted visionaries act as lenses that focus potentialities, collapsing the wave-form by the strength of their consciousnesses. The strength of MLK's vision gave shape and form to an inchoate yearning for social justice--helping to collapse that waveform into being. In a reverse fashion, Trump has lensed racism and hatred into a palpable reality.

The reality that wins is the one we choose to feed, by how we hold our consciousnesses. 

Those of the prophetic mindset can tune into multiple potentialities, yes. If there are two competing potentials, the prophet (intuitive, tarot reader) may see one possibility or the other or both. We've been calling those different timelines.

Vestralux, the imagery I get is that the non-manifest potential universes 'fade away' if not lensed into being by consciousness. A grid of multiverses exists in potential, but consciousness travels through them actuating a position in that grid into 'reality' moment by moment.  If consciousness isn't there collapsing that waveform, a universe doesn't exist except as potential.

One of the things that a shamanic practitioner does is clear out the pre-programming of consciousness that determines which realities are perceived into being. Essentially, they can achieve a 'null state' where waveforms are not collapsed, but remain pluri-potent. That is when miracles seem to happen.

All very speculative. YMMV.  R1

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