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Your dream analysis peaked my interest.  It helped me understand a dream I had several months ago that I keep coming back to.  
My husband and I were driving thru what felt like the Pennsylvania mountains that I drive thru from home in Ohio to CT to see my family.  In the dream we are driving and the roads are crumbling away, collapsing but there is always a way  to navigate.  It feels very focused .  We are intently looking at the options ahead and which one seems safest.  I am pointing out the options - turn here , stay there , look there etc . Then I look down and I see all these construction workers with hard hats who look up at us . And I hear - leave them alone . Then I go back to navigating with my husband and the dream ends. 

It feels to me that these dreams are similar.  Maybe a snapshot into what was coming .   Any thoughts?

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@kksali Welp, my intuitive read is that your job now is to weigh options and choices, navigate through your family's circumstances safely.

It is not your job to be shoring up old systems. Yours is to stay above it all and get through.

What I find interesting is that there *are* people whose job it is to shore up the road for others. Their task has been assigned, and they are 'waving you through.'


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@runestoneone. Totally resonates. Thank you.  

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@runestoneone Thank you for your insightful analyses - we shall see what happens. And def makes sense given the current (and prolonged) political, environmental, and moral turbulence of the past few years. I have often said that as horrible as everything has been, at least we now know what was beneath the surface - I'm horrified by the cruelty, avarice, and sadism that the average person has been able to tolerate (and in too many cases, maybe identify with - yikes). The eruptions now make me think of boils, but the toxic and terrifying variety. 

And the people who did not see it despite the fact that the vapors were burning apt metaphor for those who stand by and do nothing while Rome (the US and the world, now) burns. :(

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I saw Angels dealing out tarot cards!


I came home from work yesterday afternoon and read some of the distressing news about the coronavirus and the inept and evil response to it by the liar-in-chief’s administration, as well as various hospital administrators. In order to calm myself down I went to the website of a spiritual organization that I belong to. The executive director had posted a message about the coronavirus, along with a prayer that I found very comforting. In part the prayer says “We pray for a greater awareness of your presence and ask for your assistance in understanding how each of us may be a channel of blessings to one another during this time.” 

After reading the prayer I was feeling much better and was sitting in my room in a contemplative and prayerful frame of mind. As I was sitting there I thought I felt the presence of my spirit guides. I then had the following vision. 

I saw a broom very vigorously sweeping a floor. The broom was being swept very hard and very fast, stirring up a lot of dust, and sweeping dirt out the door. I heard the words “Out, damned spot!” I then saw steps being built and a new foundation being poured. My feeling was the dirty old ways are being swept away and steps are being taken to build the foundation for a new tomorrow, a new era. As I was thinking about that, I saw Angels. As soon as I had a tear of recognition in my eye they started dealing out tarot cards; many, many, many tarot cards! They were dealing them out fast and furious. Someone recently titled a post in the forum “you get a tower card, and you get a tower card, and you get a tower card”. I think in reference to that I heard “you get a card, and you get a card, and you get a card”. At first I thought my vision of Angels dealing out tarot cards was a confirmation that we get Divine help when we give tarot readings. I still think that, and I am happy for the vision. Upon further reflection, I think the Angels were showing me that everyone gets a card (or cards) as they go through life. What kind of cards are they getting? Are they striving to “be a channel of blessings”?

The last part of my vision was a message to keep praying, pray for relief from the coronavirus, prayers do help.


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Posted by: @lilinoe  

I then saw steps being built and a new foundation being poured.

I love your vision, so reassuring. I especially love the steps and new foundation. It reminds me of a vision I had of a steep cliff we'd be climbing to get up to a new plateau. We are rising to a new level.  It will take work but we are doing it. 

The brooms and the sweeping and the angels dealing cards is so fun!  That was @lovendures who started a thread, You get a Tower card and you get a Tower Card" to describe the crises  Trump's minions will be getting. After the Tower card, in which all is destroyed, comes the Star Card, in which we have renewal, hope, new life 

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I had an odd dream where I went to work (I work at a hospital) and one of the things I was asked to do was to help with printing off big sheets of money and cut them apart with one of those paper slicers.

So, I was thinking the government  (I work in an institution and the gov. is one) was going to keep printing out lots of money for the economy and/or the hospitals are going to be bailed out by the government since they are going millions of dollars in the hole. I'm sure our CEO would love to hear of my dream!

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Wonderful vision ... ?

Even when I am (awkwardly)  channeling some archaic spirit that takes me by surprise, I am always reminded of all the Earth Angels that are tirelessly working for all of us.....

Here's one that I tune into everyday ....

MJ (@soulful revolution)

The Tarot is an incredible tool ...

My favorite card of all is The Ace of Cups ... ?


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I'm not sure if this is wishful thinking or I have an inkling sense about the upcoming Easter. I was in a mindful state of trance when taking a shower, when I saw a vision. Three things. I saw the Cardinal giving out his sermons and blood pouring from the walls of the church and a man who is from fringes of society pointing his gun at the Cardinal. He pulled the trigger and no one is there to stop him as not a single soul is there during mass. Just the trigger man and the Cardinal.

I need to look through my visions and get some clarity through the tarot, but my senses say that something is about to happen in the weekend.

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Your post was so beautiful it almost made me cry. 

Thank you. 


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@lilinoe, beautiful vision!  Thank you for sharing.

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I've been thinking through my vision yesterday, analysing it and I think I know what is it about.

The blood of the wall is a representation of the victims that were affected by the said church. There's a lot of blood, which means countless of the number that suffer through their hands and Pell plays a good part in that.

Despite all his holy investments and preparation, no one is there watch the sermons. Which also means no is there to witness or mourn what is about to come next.

The trigger man who walks into the church and shot him. He's unkempt and terrifying to look at. His hair is red as a fire and lots of leather. He's a biker holding a gun and pulling the trigger. I think he symbolises death in personification. Edgar Cayce once told how he saw a nice boy with scissors. The boy said that he's death, much to Edgar's shock, before he continued that death can take many forms. I suppose he chose his form as an innocent child just to not terrifying Edgar.

The point is that I think Death is at Pell's doorstep and there's no one there to stop Death commiting his actions. Death's form as a terrifying biker with a gun represent force, Death will come into Pell's life in a spatacular fashion. Since it's a biker imagery, this kind of death that Pell is about to face will not be a comforting one.

Might not come in Easter, but Death is already there and has no intentions to let Pell to linger in our world nor allow him to go gently.

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Since the pandemic hit the US in February, I began having strong dreams in early mornings-- all scary but with a positive outcomes.

This morning I got another one. I was in a town that was on the side of a hill.  I needed to drive somewhere urgently but someone had stolen or disabled my little car or my little car and it couldn't get it going. 

Suddenly I got out and found myself going back to a bigger heavier vehicle I used to own,  similar to the Mazda MPV minivan I owned in the 90's, except this one was manual shift with a clutch.  I got in.  We were parked on a hill which was very scary and I had to get the car up that hill.

At first I could not get the car to go forward.  It was big and heavy and when I had to disengage the clutch which would cause it to roll dangerously backwards before I could  engage the gears and could get going forward.  But then I stood up and put all my weight on the accelerator, popped the  clutch into gear and we went up the hill steadily.  

Right before I awoke, I had a clear sense that we were climbing that hill in that big heavy clunky van, going right up and headed for the top! 

Interpretation:  we are now going to make progress with battling the pandemic.  The hill was the curve of hospital cases and we are going to meet that curve, get the equipment  we need, people will be hunkered down and get the supplies they need,  and as a collective we will be able to meet the demand. It is April 11 and we are  turning this thing around.  




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I had a dream last night that, as I was dreaming, I got the sense that this was really a dream about the coronavirus. It was odd, because the dream was entirely unrelated to it, yet in the dream I had almost a jolt what was happening was really about it. Anyway, I'm interested to hear your take on it.

In the dream, I was with my mother and my adults siblings (who are all are younger than I am). We were going down the river in either an SUV or an RV. It was enough to accommodate us all, whatever it was.

I was driving -- or rather, I was attempting to drive. The river was quite wild and as you can imagine taking a vehicle down it was not easy. It was difficult to keep the vehicle from capsizing and we were fishtailing quite a bit. I noticed the more I turned the wheel -- the more I fought to keep the vehicle upright -- the more perilous our situation became. I realized I had to stop fighting the current. This is when I had the thought: this is really about the coronavirus and woke up. It was almost like a voice speaking over the dream, if that makes sense. 

At first I thought the dream meant "the more we fight against it, the worse things will get." But that hardly makes sense to me; of course we should fight against it. 

Curious what all of you make of it, since you are all so good at interpreting dreams. I rarely have dreams that announce themselves to me in such a way, but I still feel as thought my understanding of it is rudimentary at best.

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My first thought is that the dream recommends that you "go with the flow".  I hope that's not too simplistic to be of use.

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When I read this, this is the first thing that popped into my mind.  Spirit is wanting you to learn to flow with events...

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I am struck by the number of dreams (here and my own), about traveling under difficult circumstances by any means of transportation available. For me, its been cars, trucks, buses, bikes and even hang gliders! There is usually some degree of difficulty in operating the vehicle, but progress is made.

I like your interpretation of your dream.

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@sistermoon and @raindrop, I also got "go with the flow."  It goes beyond this pandemic.  One of the 12 steps of AA entered my mind:  Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.  We do what we humanly can, and then we Let go and let God (or Spirit, Universe or whatever fits your beliefs.)  

@jeanne-mayell, @sistermoon and @raindrop, I never bother to share my dreams, but I am also struck by the number of dreams I've had over the past two months about driving under difficult circumstances -- car won't start, car goes too fast, getting lost, can't reach the brake ...    I also had a dream about navigating my car through a flood.   I'm usually exhausted by the time I wake up from those dreams.

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Beautifully said. All of it.

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Yes, it is about going with the flow as others have said.  A river in a dream is often related to the flow of life.  Also, water generally tends to relate to emotions as well as life, death and rebirth.  This all fits with the times we are  living.

Don't fight, adjust to what is and let go which will then carry you through. 

( Basically, what everyone else has mentioned.)


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