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Excellent reading! Truly!  I wanted to respond with very similar responses but i had too low of a phone signal. 

I tell people i live in a zombie phone signal house but honestly after a decade and a half of many people coming in for energy readings/healings the energy totally changed and has stayed for for last decade and a half as well.  (Imagine Twilight Zone theme music here...) ?



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Posted by: @tiger-n-owl

Having a baby in a dream can be a metaphor for starting new in life or maybe it is all of us and our  ‘new beginning’. The girl baby maybe is the feminine energy coming to the forefront of the world.




What a dream! And I love tiger-n-owl's interpretation. The above quote struck me as meaningful...your dream shows you protecting this feminine energy that is being birthed in the world, through our current chaos and crisis, and you are protecting it. Maybe the change in direction that you took, "I don't have to do this" is showing us that we don't have to go back to exactly "normal" after this crisis, but should continue the light work and energy that is coming forth to forge a new path to a better future - the future that many of you have seen and posted about here where the female energy is strong and society is more nurturing. Your Russian peasant imagery also made me think of my Ukrainian ancestors (my paternal grandparents and maternal great-grandparents) who came to this country to forge a new life. We are forging a new life now, but don't have to do it the old way. Does that make sense?

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I loved all of this too! When you brought into yourself with a personal meaning and revelation I realized that as each of read @coyote dream, that each of us would share some meanings, understand and translate/ transfer others to ourselves and our lives and ongoing journey and transformation and perhaps in the end it really is the one pulling in the many into a whole. 


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I'm going to go slightly more literally in my interpretation. Without getting into it, long before I became a mom I had dreams and knew who was and wasn't going to be joining me as my child in this life. The punchline is that the Universe sent my husband aka the skeptic the dream that told us who our child was going to be, and it absolutely came true, including most details (minus the metaphors and allegories).

I think you had a combo dream of past life and your future in this one. I think you will have a daughter eventually. I think that since you're not ready yet, you have some anxiety around this, and so you dreamed of another time and place in which you faced great stress around having a daughter. Maybe in that prior existence you were trying to get your daughter to safety. In your dream you took control of the situation. This may mean that it will go more smoothly this time. The dream is telling you that while there may be cause for anxiety re: your daughter, you'll take care of her and keep her safe. It's as if the Universe told you "Look, bad things happened in a prior life, and you managed it then, so don't worry so much this time around when faced with a similar situation."  I have no insight into any underlying situation, but it could be anything, from pandemic to war to personal medical issues (NF is genetic?). Whatever it is, you'll handle it and you'll both be stronger for it.

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@cc21 and @tiger-n-owl and @laura-f

I believe it could be a combination of all your interpretations. I know that at one time 25 years ago my husband and I awoke from a dream at the same time and had the SAME dream that we were going to have a baby daughter. We both experienced the same look to her, dark hair and lashes, blue eyes, etc. It was amazing. We never did have that baby, however right after that our dear friends had told us they were pregnant and it was a baby girl - my god-daughter. I have written about her in another post here in the forum. She is a gift to us both and like the daughter we never had - and looks exactly like the one from our dreams!

So I believe one way or another you will be a father to a baby girl, could be in various ways.

Coincidentally, I don't usually write anything about my dreams, primarily because I tend not to remember them! However, I awoke this morning in a dream, most of which I can't really remember, but in the dream I had had a baby when I was young, but it was taken from me by my parents and given away. I can't remember any other details....just thought it was strange!?


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This morning as I was looking for where I filed the PDF for the unemployment handbook on my computer, I weirdly came upon this dream of mine from 2014. It seemed significant to find it today in a old dusty corner of my computer files, especially because it featured my Dad, who has been with me in many ways in spirit these past days and weeks...he has showed up in many ways.

I have so many dreams, long and complex often, and I am fearful of boring you all, but I feel the strong connection to what you have all been saying with Coyote's dream, and other's dreams of babies. (In fact, the morning that you posted your dream, Coyote, I dreamed of beautiful babies with crystals and polished stone spheres in them and in their hands. Someone asks, "Can we give/sing Kirtan or some other devotional to them? I answer, "Of course! It is delightful to do so.")

This is the dream:

Jan. 5. 2014 Uncharted Territory

I am traversing uncharted territory in the sky. There are places where land rises up into the sky and becomes an amalgam of both. Also of mists.  Shangri La?

I go up. I am alone, but have the sense that others like me have stumbled to this site/sight, and have left some relics of their passage through. It is thrilling and beautiful and strange. Eventually, I get the sense that it is time to come down and get back, so I put on roller skates and skate down through layers of physicality. I skate down long swooping paths, spiraling down from this mountainous mysterious place. At the bottom of the path it is very dark and enclosed, and I go very fast in a complete corkscrew circle ending by emerging into the light. Two young mothers and their babies in strollers are at the bottom (that I have to carefully pass). A young teenage boy is with them also. I smile at them and delight in the babies. They are Mayan or Tibetan looking. The moms are kind of stern looking, but not so standoffish as to be impolite. The young boy is more open-faced. They are telling him to go get something--perhaps transportation. As we all wait there, a large crowd forms, and we are all waiting for something. It is as if we are at the edge of a parade route. One person moves their car out of a parking place, and immediately another barrels into the spot from the other direction, claiming it.

Some people get out and come over to me. They want me to do something for them, and they are asking the crowd generally for others to volunteer drive? to communicate something for them? I realize that I have a couple of cell phones belonging to my daughter Zoe's friends in my pocket, and I am somewhat concerned about abandoning one responsibility to take up another. How will her friends find me to retrieve their phones?

The people from the car are a bit intense and intimidating. I feel as if I might have to put the one mission aside as not as pressing, while I do something for this group.  It is not as if they are forcing me, but they are strange and intense and challenging. 

Interestingly, Dad comes through the crowd and offers to drive for them--in search of someone? I am amazed to see him striding forward like that and offering to do something potentially dangerous, and worried for him inasmuch as his health issues would seem to contraindicate his taking on this responsibility.[This dream came to me a little over a year before his death, at a time when he was much debilitated from Parkinson’s.] However, he looks good and purposeful and steady on his feet, and I think, why not? If he dies attempting this, perhaps it is a good way for him to go, being bold and assertive and a free agent choosing to participate. He certainly appears self-possessed. So, I see him leave with a contingent.

Most everyone around us seems to be Guatemalan or Mayan/Central American to judge by their appearance. But not quite that either. It is sort of an angular Asian look, with cafe-au-lait complexion and black straight hair, but also rounded Indian cheeks. In fact, the way they look does not really conform to any group I can think of--quite a foreign compilation of features. Their bearing is dignified and demanding.

I think part of what I am waiting for and perhaps aiding to occur, is for oodles of little babies to come spiraling down the chute from the land/sky place, like passels of puppies sliding down a chute. Loads of healthy, happy little babies that somehow I helped be able to arrive here. So I think all of us are ultimately involved in a good thing, though the circumstances are odd and we come at it from different angles.

The other part is that I am returning to a celebration that Zoe (daughter, teenager at the time) is taking part in (this was an earlier portion of the dream, and I return back to those proceedings). It is also why I have her friends' cell phones on me.

Zoe is wearing a beautiful white dress, short and flared, emblazoned with a bright, red flower in the bodice. She looks really great in it, and she tells me she decided on the short dress in preference to the longer ones most of the young women are wearing. She also gives me something to wear for the ceremony--a longer white/pearl dress. I keep stepping on the diaphanous hem of the fabric as I walk barefoot in the grass with her. We are walking in a garden in the sunlight. Some of the other girls in longer dresses are visible now and then. Zoe's dress is unusual but really works--it looks unburdened and free, ready to fly, whereas the longer dresses appear a bit mired in tradition somehow. Zoe's step is imbued with that freshness and strength also. I think the ceremony is some type of graduation.


So there are elements of birth and death in this dream, of discovery and challenge, and of celebration of passage from one phase of life to another. I appreciate any thoughts that others might have. I am trying to learn how I am supposed to use my copious dream material, and I thought maybe this would be the group to give me guidance and support in this. I apologize for length of my post.

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Now I'm looking back on this and wondering if this doesn't apply to the Covid-19 virus, which makes me wonder about the stone dragons since they came out of American soil. 

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I’m new here—thank you for letting me join. I’ll just get right to the point because I’m feeling pretty stressed. About 6 months ago I had the thought I would lose my husband to a pandemic disease. I didn’t think too much about it at the time. I have had many many experiences over my life when I have known something would happen and it does. My question is—does it have to be like this? Is there anything I can do to change the outcome even if this is the way it is supposed to happen? Should I tell him? He’s a firefighter. 

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@leighh I've known a lot of people who have premonitions of impending danger.  I understand how terrifying it is. I have gotten them too.  I want to say a few things.  Barring a chance to do a one on one private reading with you, my response is likely very rough and might not fit you, since I don't know you and do not have the bandwidth to "read" people in the forum, so please forgive me if it doesn't fit you.

First -- You said that you "have had many many experiences over your  life when you  have known something would happen and it does. "   I want to challenge that belief.  It is more likely that you remember the premonitions that did happen and have forgotten the many visions you've had that didn't come true. It's not that I'm saying you aren't psychic. Of course you are. I see that. And since I don't know you, I could be wrong. But usually that's the way the psyche works.  I've known many psychic people who get premonitions like that and they don't come true, at least not in the literal way they got it. 

Premonitions involving danger often are warnings, not destiny.  Your husband's risk in the pandemic is that he could be a first responder to someone with COVID who can't breathe. 

If that is true, then can you help him protect from getting COVID?  

Does he have preexisting conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure or asthma? He's not likely to die from COVID if he's healthy but he also should wear PPE if he is responding to COVID cases. 

There is also the possibility that your vision is a premonition of your fear, the fear you now feel in this pandemic because he is a first responder. We get visions, yes, and then we get it wrong in the way we interpret them. We even distort the vision in our memory as our minds try to make sense of what we envisioned. I'm not saying you @Leigh, are wrong. I don't know you, so I can't tell unless we do a one on one.

I would take the vision as a warning for him to reduce his risk factors. Wear PPE, take immune boosters, better diet, and perhaps you yourself know where his vulnerabilities are which again, might be why you got the premonition.


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It's my belief that whatever we see that comes true is revealed to us by Spirit for the Greatest and Highest Good. Sometimes that may be just the tiniest snippet of things. Unfortunately, our minds don't like to be "left hanging" so we tend to automatically fill in the blanks, usually with our own fears or desires. It's possible you were shown the pandemic and then your subconcious, wondering why, immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was a warning about your husband.  The thing is, if it were a warning, it would be for the Greatest and Highest Good and you would continue to get warnings and they would become increasingly insistent and specific.  I think you just need to trust your intuition and then let God and let go.

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Welcome to our forum! 

This is a challenging time for all of us especially sensitives who have had many intuitions over their lives and kept as a very quiet part of their lives for fear of sounding impulsive or crazy or needlessly scaring others away.

We all tend to have bad dreams here. I've had periods of my life when I'd have one every single night if my life as far back as 8 years old that i can remember but way before that according to my mom. I literally can't sleep but for an hour or two at a time.

The trick is (and its often a trick of our minds) learning what would really constitute as a dream and what are all our fears and anxieties coming to the surface of our awareness so we can look at them and learn to analyze what they represent to us in our worry thoughts dreams as out subconscious tries to help us get them all out and away.

We all have the same thoughts that become our superstitions. A lot of people here are in that category as we then try to make them fit predictions that we or other have thought or have said.

We're all so desperate to not be afraid to have our fears be explained to us by someone else so we can feel better about our world,  ourselves, and the actions of husbands. (I did NOT type husbands i swear to you.  I typed others. "Autocorrect" typed in husbands!)

To me that is spirit typing. Hahaha. So really look at that. There's a hidden truth popping out just for you from me!!!

I've have bad dreams..NOT premonitions about everyone i love over and over in my life. The things never happened so i learned to tell the difference between a wake up in the night heart stopping bad dream and the tiny voice of spirit saying "stay home today".

You can learn to do this too.  No one knows ourselves better than we do. We are being given (forced to) stay home now and learn to spend great deals of time with ourselves and our families. 

Use it well to grow and learn and listen to you. This is quite possibly one of the most teachable and valuable moments in all of our lives.

Learning to tell what part of ourselves  is really ourselves and what part are whispers of what we know as past lives is so important too. Often our biggest fears around fires or drowning or other traumatic ways to die (i can't breathe..i can't breathe of pure panic for example) comes from these almost genetically carried parts of our psyche  that cling to us like cytoplasmic gook from "Ghostbusters". Ha!

We can use our time up by watching tv or reading here or watching endless British dramas (my time users) or playing video games endlessly trying to relax (yeah right?  Ever notice  any of them being relaxed?) Or we can spend a half hour or a more in quiet meditative YOU time. Ask spirit questions as if you were your own very best oracle because you truly are. 

Love light and prayers to you from someone who's been there and gets it! Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. And by day.



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Hello my dear’s been awhile and I hope you’re all well. My mother is recovering from covid19 after getting from me. We both work at the school district here in our valley and it’s been a mess of politics during a time when I need her to focus on just getting better. She’s a tough cookie however. 
The dream I had last year appears to be taking place - I’m not sure where I posted it though. As I process this realization, I am filled with interesting words that keep popping into my ears right before I fall asleep. Two that have been making their appearance very loud and very often are: “Canda” in a woman’s voice - almost like a whisper increasing as it flies by my ear. And “Sandu” which is from a woman. 
No idea what this means but it makes me pop my eyes open real big and takes awhile to fall asleep. 
Anyone know what this means? 

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Hi Leighh. I am moved by your question as I have asked the question a lot in my life. Now that I have lived a full life, I believe the answer to your question is a resounding yes! Yes, there is something you can do about it. You are being called to pay deeper attention to your inner strengths. Your "premonitions" do not have to be realized because we are powerful creators. You have seen a trajectory, a possibility, but you play a part in this outcome. You have seen the pandemic. You saw the likelihood of losing your husband, a firefighter, as well. Blow it up! Visualize the same scene and blow it up, wipe the slate clean in your minds eye. I used to teach, so I would see my visions on a blackboard and erase them with the eraser. However you chose to do it, creatively, blow the outcome of losing your husband up. Then, visualize shining golden light and protection around him at work. Then, visualize your life with him as you grow old together. All the scenarios of life with him, visualize. Be creative and send your  love and light to him. Visualize pouring a giant pitcher of this love on top of his head until it flows through him and lights up his room. I add protections of roses as well. Know that we all are powerful light workers helping, and that the God Source that lives in all things also lives inside you and inside him. Be prayerful in fierce action and yes, change the outcome. Finally, as a retired firefighter myself,  I would say that absolutely, you have the amazing gift to be a very powerful supporter to someone who needs your help as he goes forth to help others. Be at peace. Sit in the sun. I too am sending him focused protection and strength. 

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@timo THANK YOU!!! That is nearly exactly what I have been doing and I will carefully consider everything you said. Along with boosting his health and immune system every way I can think of. He is 56 this year and 4 years shy of retirement. He’s been a firefighter since he was 18. I really feel like I can make a difference for him and I will not give up. I started feeling a bit defeated and alone yesterday and I needed to hear this from someone other than myself all the time. Thank you ☺️ 


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@michele-b Thank you so much for your reply Michele. 
I’m not much of a dreamer—good or bad—and not typically even very fearful. I just get thoughts that feel like fact. Sometimes they are like lightening bolts in an acute situation when someone needs help and sometimes just a quiet matter of fact thought that seems to come out of nowhere for the future. 
But I did suddenly feel very afraid yesterday even though I had this thought months ago. I guess it finally sunk in—lol. 
I’m not a young woman —so I have lived this way for quite a while without sharing anything with others very often. Sometimes I do if someone is dying imminently. I was extremely discouraged from expressing myself by my mother growing up. My mother has been gone nearly 10 years now and I am beginning to accept the way I am and I hope to nurture it. I’m happy to have found you all ?

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@frank Thank you so much for your reply Frank. I have actually been hearing this thought louder and more persistently over the months since I first had it. And I do believe I have added to it over time! I actually catch myself starting to plan life without my husband ?
I am considering your saying “Let God and let go”. It reminds me of being hospitalized with early labour at 27 weeks with my youngest son. I shared a room with a lady who was trusting in God to the extent that she didn’t seem to accept any responsibility for her own actions. She sat and re-read her bible while I sat and read everything I could get my hands on about caring for a preemie. I followed doctors orders to a T and researched all possible solutions for my predicament. This lady would not stay still and her baby was born at 27 weeks and put in the NICU where he later died. I can’t help but feel she could have made a difference for him. She could have tried ?‍♀️ 


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@jeanne-mayell thank you Jeanne! I’m sorry if I am answering you for the second time. I’m not sure if the first message sent. 
I will look into how to contact you for a reading and what is involved. That might be good for me ?

I have taken all you wrote into consideration—thank you 

I’m very happy to have found you and I plan to stick around here ?

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Posted by @frank:

Unfortunately, our minds don't like to be "left hanging" so we tend to automatically fill in the blanks, usually with our own fears or desires. It's possible you were shown the pandemic and then your subconcious, wondering why, immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was a warning about your husband.   

Posted by @jeanne-mayell:

Premonitions involving danger often are warnings, not destiny.

There is also the possibility that your vision is a premonition of your fear, the fear you now feel in this pandemic because he is a first responder.


Welcome to our community.  So glad that you joined us.

After I read your post, I immediately heard  "Your observations may be correct, but your conclusions may not be."  What I understood that to mean is, being human, we're a mixed bag of moments of clarity, intuition, desires, hopes and fears.  I believe that I am quite intuitive, but I've lost count of how many times I have been wrong -- either in my interpretation of what I see, or about the final outcome.  In those cases, it's usually my fear that gets in my way.  

As @jeanne-mayell mentioned, I would focus on supporting your husband in helping to reduce his risk factors.  As @timo offered, visualize shining golden light and protection around him at work. Then, visualize your life with him as you grow old together. Be creative and send your love and light to him.   And as @michele-b shared, Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. And by day.

I am sending you and your husband peace and supportive, protective light.  


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@deetoo thank you so much deetoo. I agree—we are very complicated! Over my life I have learned that if I feel any doubt about a thought I have it probably is coming from my own hopes or fears and I don’t give it much weight. But it can be difficult to discern sometimes. When I first had this thought there really was no fear. There was no pandemic. 
I am loving receiving everyone’s thoughts on this ☺️ Thank you 

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I had a vision yesterday. The first longer one in a year.

I saw the world like a children's map (like one I had in my classroom, and books I have read to students) Each country was a different color and on each country there was one person, a cartoon person, (like paper dolls but moving a little) representing the country. I think the solitary figures represented social distancing in each country. There was a Nigerian woman with a headdress, someone from England and others. Mexico maybe. As I watched, the  movement over each country was swift. My view was floating on the fast wind that represented and was the virus spread. However each of these people was smiling at me, smiling encouragement.

 I was "told" that my future will be rapturous and beautiful.  Rapturous made me think of the rapture. This is interesting because I am not a Christian but Christ imagery was used anyway.

So either I survive and continue to live well and happy, or I don't and reside in Heaven So either way I am taken care of. I know that doesn't sound too comforting but it felt very comforting.

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