The Migrant Crisis
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[Closed] The Migrant Crisis

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It seems obscene that we’re having July 4th celebrations going on while all of this is happening at the border.  FYI, this evening, 7/3,  Rev. William Barber will be addressing the nation on political violence against immigrants and people of color.  Barber is an outspoken activist and behind the Poor People’s Campaign.  His sermon will be livestreamed via .  Click on July 3rd Sermon.

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I heard, but havenot been able to varif, that one of the Texas-I believe-a Ms. Wilson has question why their are very few teenage girls in the camp that she visited.  This camp is a private one.  She noticed when questioning the lack of sanitary items that there were none for young girls.  Very interesting.

Jeanne Mayell, deetoo, Michele and 3 people reacted
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Yogagirl,  I feel a lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach.  There is so much hidden, yet to be revealed.  Someone in the news yesterday -- I can't recall who -- predicted that a whistleblower will come forward.   He believed that a secret video would come out.   Don't know whether he was speculating, or whether he actually knew something.

Jeanne Mayell, Michele, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Meetoo, deetoo ?

I am heartbroken for these children in all ways.

And yogagirl, it is far too horrible for us to want to know but we do...and its everything they are now saying about the liberals only it's them doing sex trafficking kind of horrors. 

Pray for divine thunderbolt to strike human decency into their perverted non sentient beingness.

Border Patrol's Oversight of Sick Migrant Children - The Atlantic

Jeanne Mayell, LalaBella, deetoo and 3 people reacted
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I can see a whistleblower coming forward and I hope it is soon.  The other day on facebook (which I review once a  day to keep up with my yogafriends) there was an interview witha a former female border patrol officer and she tells a harrowing story that included sexual harrasment and assault against female officers by their male  counterparts.  SHe said it was a male dominated society and stopped just short of calling them animals. This is why I wouldn't be surprised to hear from a whistleblower and soon.  She said they were trained to treat the immegrants like the lowest animals and the abuse was voilent.    

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Don't forget the Lights for Liberty vigil is taking place this Friday night. I was originally going to go to the one if the main sites in Manhattan, but it turns out 19 planned gatherings have popped up in my home state of Connecticut. Right now there are 725 gatherings planned both for the US and in several foreign countries (check out the directory here). There's also going to be an online international vigil.

BlueBelle, Unk p, Lilinoe and 9 people reacted
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Link to Lights for Liberty vigil:

Shawn, Unk p, deetoo and 3 people reacted
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Just wondering whether some of you might be interested in a daily silent minute of prayer/meditation for the migrants?  We could agree to do it at a designated time, wherever we are, on a daily basis.  There's spiritual power in numbers.   

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My brother and sister-in-law are missionaries in Ecuador, working among a native South American tribe. 

For those who don’t know, Venezuela is in economic crisis. Food and basic supplies are so scarce and expensive, hundreds of thousands flee to find a better place where they can work to feed their children and send home money to family. Many flee to and through Ecuador, where they live.

Daily Ross and Mary are working to help meet immediate physical needs, listen to heartbreaking stories, and share the hope found in Christ. They are partnering with a local church with ties to a church in Venezuela.

I am so touched by their mission. While I am not particularly religious, their faith and journey/commitment to it has basically put them in a position to help people in a very tangible way. I thought I would share here how these people are approaching a migrant crisis which is very different than how the United States government and people are dealing with it. The compassion and willingness to meet people, look them in the eye, listen and offer comfort and understanding is something we are all capable of and something I think Christians are actually called to do but one does not need to be a Christian of course. They are not fixing a difficult problem that is beyond their and these poor refugees abilities to repair and this situation is not perfect. However, children are not being torn from their families, people are not herded like factory farm chickens into pens. People are being treated with dignity.

Here is a link to their blog: /" target="true">


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Oh, Rowsella ... you and I would have a very interesting conversation, I bet. My husband was born and raised on the mission field in Ecuador; my brother-in-law and his wife are currently there on a mission, as well. My comments criticizing evangelicals for their hypocrisy, my anger at and lack of faith in faith communities for actually helping people has made me a bit of a pariah in my husband's family. I've found it very hard to keep the peace and be diplomatic in these times when I see the thin line running between working to help people and that "help" being in the form of proselytizing. Your family appears to be doing God's actual work; that's wonderful to see.

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My husband is Ecuadorian and we just went to Ecuador in March and my in-laws were saying that they have a lot of people from Venezuela in Ecuador, I wanted to eat traditional Ecuadorian food and they said not to bother you might not find it around the neighborhood . It’s a shame what is happening in their country. At one point I saw a family trying to sell their Venezuelan money. I don’t know why but they were desperate for money. 

BlueBelle, deetoo, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
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I'd like to propose that anyone who is interested join us in a silent minute meditation each night at 9 pm local time for the people at the border. I'm going to start tonight.  

I may also set up another one of our online Healing Prayer events just devoted to the border crisis.  In our online healing events, I always begin with your own personal healing, then we move on to sending healing to others.  If you are interested let me know. 

But in the meantime, join us in a silent minute of prayer directed to those at the border at 9 pm local each night. I am on eastern time, so that's when I will be doing it in case you want to join me at the exact same time. 

Lilinoe, Michele, Lovendures and 9 people reacted
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The collapse of Venezuela is both heartbreaking and a cautionary tale that the seemingly impossible can happen anywhere.  Venezuela had the largest middle class in Latin America, yet extreme poverty was permitted. Eventually I demagogue seized on the desperation of the poor to ascend to power, and pave the way for what we have now. I'm hispanic (not Venezuelan) and have always loved how the country's people were always so fun, cool, hip, irreverent.  I am so sad for what's happened there, and also aware that it could happen here as well. 

Jeanne, count me in for the 9:00 silent meditations. 

BlueBelle, deetoo, BlueBelle and 1 people reacted
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@yogagirl:  concerning your feeling that a whistleblower would come forward, I just saw part of an interview of a former female border control agent.  I'm wondering if it's the same person you read about on Facebook.   She stated that the racism, misogyny, and xenophobia have been going on for a while, long before Mango got into office.  She just never felt free to speak about it, because of being threatened.  She said it's become significantly worse since 2016.  She believes that the abuse is as high as  80%.  She believes it's a good sign that it's no longer hidden from view.

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@deetoo that sounds exactly like the women I saw interviewed.  She diffently refered to the "culture" , being taught at the training center.  I believe we need more people like her to come forward.  

Jeanne I actually started lighting my white candles and saying a silent meditation at 9:00 last nite!  I will continue every night.  Good Idea.

I am unfortuneatly not up to speed on the problems in South and Central America.  It makes sense to me that that is a big part of the problem we have now with so many people seeking asylum.  Thank you members for posting the information above, it is very educational and helps me to understand a lot of what is going on.

Now for the rant of the day!  Just who in the name of god and all his sweet angels do Mike Pence and Lyndsey Graham think they are fooling?!  The pictures of them are appalling! Looking at the VP makes me think of a big empty plastic vessel.  Thank heaven they are taking a beating on social media. I don't watch the news on TV anymore so I don't know what kind of coverage any of this is getting.  I know someone on twitter said the rally's for light last night got next t o no coverage.  Could be why Moron sent tweetalee dumb and totally stupid to visit the camps?  Ya think!? There was quite a nice  crowd at our local events and the one in NYC was huge.  On a positive note (?) I read where a group of protesters were able to sway the MArriot hotel chain to refuse temporary housing to ICE.  I'm no astrologer but I have read enough about eclipes and retogrades to have  a feeling this is a very explosive time.   All I can think is if the admin thinks this is going to end well for them they are sadly mistaken.  

One other thing I read that makes me feel a little better.  Do not believe the polls.  There are ways to fix or sway polls, so we really don't know who thinks what.  I just try to rely on my moral compass and believe that the majority of my fellow man will do the same.

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@yogagirl, I happened to see some footage of P**ce at the camp, with the caged men in the background.  His body language was interesting -- looked somewhat uncomfortable, then came the vacant eyes -- he then crossed his arms across his chest, then brought them down -- like he didn't know what to do with his body.   I saw this mind bubble over his head that said:  "just get me out of here."

I like your white candle idea.  I'll do that when I meditate tonight.

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Jeanne,  I will join you in meditation and prayer tonight.  This touches my heart and I will be glad to join in a healing meditation online whenever you schedule it.  

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@deetoo Pence also said it is the Democrats fault... I like how they try to spin it.

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@jessi1978, I had heard that from him and others.  Some also denied the abuse, or at most stated that it was exaggerated.  They have no shame.

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Jeanne,  Bluebelle, Lynn and all, 

I will join you tonight and very night and would also join in a group vigil at any time.

Bless and save these children and families seeking refuge at the borders ?


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