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[Closed] The Impeachment of Donald Trump

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Well said! I couldn’t have expressed it better myself!

Lilinoe, Jeanne Mayell, lenor and 13 people reacted
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@jeanne-mayell In the scenario you describe what are we left with? Assassination? Having the military come into the White House and remove him by force? I have no reason to doubt that Trump would refuse to leave after losing an election or being convicted in the senate on impeachment articles. I also think he would refuse to leave at the expiration of 2 terms. He has a sense of special entitlement, never mind his deplorable morals and extreme lawlessness. He knows he can count on Sean Hannity and others like him to perpetuate his dictatorship with endless propaganda and outright lies.


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Posted by: @fmabon

What does Archangel Michael expect us to do and how do we control this THING?  I think it's too late, since too many in power and at levels who could have implemented controls and/or stopped IT chose to enable IT instead.  I am referring to mango mussolini as "it" because a black hole isn't human

Asking what a higher being advises is the best question! A 12th century Tibetan prophecy told by Joanna Macy predicted that the world could only be saved by heart warriors.  You are all heart warriors in training. The heart warriors would be armed with  (1) compassion and (2) insight into the radical interconnectivity of all beings. Read Joquim Phoenix's oscar speech. 

Violence will not work. Violence against the right wing in power will result in them becoming much much stronger.  They will brand any violence against them as terrorism. They will have the perfect excuse to shut down democracy completely and declare a state of emergency.  It is what they want. 

I am not saying, even thinking, that violence would come from anyone here. But we need to shift our thoughts, our habits,  our inner dialogue to a higher level.  When they go low, we must go higher.

A higher being would advocate that we do two things: (1)  work to maintain the democracy via political action, and (2) build in our own back yards the world we want to see.  Be the change you wish to see, as Ghandi said.

As for (2): practice treating all beings, including animals and the earth with respect as you would your own children.  Live sustainability. Build sustainability and fair treatment of all beings in your own communities. Help the vulnerable. Find your own role in all of this, the one that fits who you are and what you feel excited to do.  

There is a lot going on right now to build the world of light in local and state communities.  We have seen in predictions more states joining the Paris climate accords. In Massachusetts where we have a moderate Republican governor dragging his feet, two teenagers from my town successfully sued the state for not meeting its environmental goals. We have replaced all street bulbs with LED lights. Thanks to the work of a few advocates we have the highest percentage of residents buying wind energy for our electricity of any town. These efforts took a lot of work. 

These practices extend to protecting immigrants, the downtrodden as well. 

These practices extend to practicing ways to calm your own mind and helping others calm theirs.  I have a friend who teaches mindfulness in his corporate marketing firm, and another, a corporate lawyer,  who now teaches mindfulness to the elderly.  

So what do you do with your anger, your pain, your frustration?  

Stop reading the news if it gets to you.  Focus on the light and on self care - gratitude, walks in the woods, animals, wildlife  and children "who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief." Remember you came here to help this world become a light-filled world. 

The light-filled world is rising beneath the headlines.  It is coming.  So join that world.  Know that the dark players are going down.  And above all,

Do Not Become attached to a time table outcome. Your attachment to a certain outcome at a certain time can crush your spirit. Yes, we have seen some energy disruption in March and April.  Some think it will end Trump.  Some do not see it ending Trump.  See the long view. 

You did not come here to vanquish the perpetrators of darkness with more darkness.  You came here to vanquish the dark with light.  Be the light.  

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@jeanne-mayell Oh my goodness, thank you! I've been wavering between a sense of optimism and a sense of futility, and your words resonated with my spirit.  Thank you!


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Yesterday I felt the panic in the population all day and I felt it in myself because I’m an empath and I pick up what people feel. 

But then this voice came in and remembered in the Tarot the Hanged Man which is a card that tells us that when we cannot fix the situation we need to just breathe.

We need to hold back and wait and do nothing when we are feeling the way I know I was feeling yesterday.

We need self-care and we need to do the thing that nourish us.

By the end of the evening I knew that I would be okay and I knew that we would be okay.  I also knew that this situation is a challenge to all of us to evolve.

We came here to spread our light but we are soft beings and can be easily stricken down and we need to become internally more strong and more filled with light.

Finding your light in the midst of such darkness is a win-win situation for you.  


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Oh, I so needed to read this today! Thank you for stating it so well - I actually teared up at the end. You are absolutely right, "We are light (house) workers.  It is stormy out there and we have work to do."


And Jeanne reinforced this yet again - "You came here to vanquish the dark with light.  Be the light."

Thank you both for your firm and encouraging words!! Hold steady and be the light!


Lilinoe, FEBbby23, fmabon and 23 people reacted
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@jeanne-mayell and @lovendures are completely right. Yes, it's frustrating and scary, but everything comes to an end at some point-good and bad.  This will end too and change for the better will ultimately come from it, as it always have through out history. 

Yes, he is challenging our democracy, but he is also exposing existential flaws in it that need to be fixed. Yes, he is going to get away with it, but his punishment really has no effect on anyone but him. Yes, he is a racist, xenophobic, misogynist, but he is forcing the oppressed to better stand up for themselves. Yes, he is promoting those qualities to the public, but he is exposing the qualities that are there in people but deeply hidden. Yes, he is deranged and evil, but he is forcing the quiet good to rise up and be known. Yes, he disgustingly threw paper towels at victims in Puerto Rico, but that shined a light on people in need that wouldve gotten glossed over immediately and forgotten. Yes, he conspired with MBS to murder Kashoggi, but he exposed MBS as a cruel totalitarian when his public image was a reformer before that. Yes, he working with Putin to disrupt the globe, but it is showing the world that Putin is still up to his old tricks. 

Think about all the good that is coming from him. It's always darkest just before dawn.


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Sometimes I read things on here that just amaze me.  Yesterday, I felt uneasy all day. Didn't know why other than the obvious; that we have criminals running the country and right now things look bleak. The feeling lasted all day and I went to bed with it. I really needed to see this.


FEBbby23, ghandigirl, Lovendures and 19 people reacted
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Political action is going to be critical to wining this election. It is winnable.  

They can't win if there is a blue landslide. They can't win if people show up at the polls in droves.

We also need to help get vulnerable people back on who have been thrown off the voter registration lists.  Your local Democratic Committee can hold post card parties to get people back on.  Iowa's poor turnout must be a signal to us all that we need to step up  the political action.  Democratic complacency could empower the GOP. Vote your heart out. Get others to vote.  Help people get back on the rolls. 

mikeb, FEBbby23, Pikake and 15 people reacted
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I am actually happy with the low turnout in Iowa. Democratic voters' biggest problem has always been complacency. How they turn out for the primaries really doesn't matter, but if there is a fear of low general election turnout, that will create the urgency needed to get people out of their homes and to the polls. Part of the problem over the last 40 years has been that the typical dem voter leads a much busier life than the rural GOP voter and they have prioritized their daily life over voting. Trump coupled with fear of low turnout and Trump reelection will make them update those priorities.


Lovendures, lenor, raindrop and 13 people reacted
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100,000,000 People didn't vote in 2016!  Yes 100 MILLION!  If you are living in a district or red state that has voter issues, it's important to volunteer to help get people enrolled to vote. Especially in swing states.

Getting fired up for the light is also important. Sending light to our polling places and electorate, etc. will help big time. I'm on fire and will not allow the negative press, GOP and Orange nightmare deter me. ❤️ ? ? 

Lilinoe, FEBbby23, BlueBelle and 19 people reacted
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Regardless of whether or not he has dementia at present, this is his biggest fear in life.  

As someone of a certain age myself, I worry about the same thing happening to me. 

So, I have some compassion for Trump about this -- it must be horrifying to be living through this in the public eye, feeling yourself decline, while grasping for (false) hope that it is not what you fear most.  

And fear makes even perfectly normal people do crazy things.   Therein lies the danger.

@rosieheart, thank you for this post.   When we discuss in the forums, sometimes quite descriptively, about T’s physical and mental decline, my heart hurts.  My mother passed away from Alzheimer’s and I witnessed her journey.  As a 67+ old woman, I fear that for myself.  Mom lived with my sister until her dementia progressed to the point where she needed round-the-clock care.  When we moved mom to a long-term care facility and cleaned out her house to get it ready to sell, we found newspaper and magazine articles she had saved about how to recognize the early signs of Alzheimers.  I can only imagine how terrified she was back then.   The one blessing is that once the disease really took hold, mom trusted more and giggled a lot – something we rarely witnessed growing up.  She no longer remembered her life of depression and anxiety.  Mom became that child-like spirit, joyful and much more at peace.    

I remember when the “Unraveling …” thread was first created, many of us were predicting shocking news (Mueller, etc.) that would result in T’s undoing.  Each time our predictions were confirmed, many  believed or hoped “we’ve got him now!”, only to see T get away with it – over and over again.  Perhaps now we focus more often on T’s grotesquely clown-like, mental and physical decline, not only because we’ve predicted it, but because it is right there in the open, for the world to see.  It’s something concrete that we can hold on to.  You can’t make up alternative facts about what is standing before you.  That physical and mental unraveling.   In a strange way, witnessing that decline gives me hope. 

I believe T deserves whatever karmic payback is playing out.  If part of what we are currently witnessing is dementia, he’s chosen this public forum.    People don’t love him, they fear him.  And they use him. They allow T to make a mockery of himself, because they benefit from him having so much power.  And yes, we now have criminals running this country.

There is no light, no love there.  It’s hard to comprehend and live with the depths of his cruelty.  We all desperately want his cruelty and lies to stop, as well as those in power who support him.  I haven’t wanted to offer T compassion, because I tell myself he doesn’t deserve it. 

Then one day last week flashes of that movie, "Ghost" kept entering my mind whenever I thought of T.  Specifically, the parts where those dark entities engulf the demised antagonists in the film.  I also remembered something else – Patrick Swayze’s eyes, as he witnessed the darkness carry them off.  I saw them as the eyes of compassion, as if to say, “this is where your choices led you?  What is worth it?  How sad I am for you.”    T has unleashed those dark entities onto himself, like a spiritual suicide.

I believe there is a place for compassion.   I believe that only through compassion can I stand firmly in the light.   Standing in that light strengthens me to face that darkness – not just T’s darkness, but my own.  And as a nation, our own darkness.  In the wise words of @mas1581:

Yes, he is challenging our democracy, but he is also exposing existential flaws in it that need to be fixed.

I am comforted by @jeanne-mayell's words:

Do Not Become attached to a time table outcome. Your attachment to a certain outcome at a certain time can crush your spirit. 

See the long view. 

Finding your light in the midst of such darkness is a win-win situation for you.  

Hold on, everyone.  Stay strong.   Do whatever you can to take care of yourself.  Hold and spread your amazing light.  I have deep faith we will get there.  And I love all of you.

Lilinoe, FEBbby23, BlueBelle and 31 people reacted
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Thank you. I'm called a lot of things but wise usually isnt one of them ?


FEBbby23, JourneyWithMe2, Jeanne Mayell and 9 people reacted
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So right and true, Jeanne! Thank you. I especially loved: The light-filled world is rising beneath the headlines.

Poetry of resistance, or rather poetry of assistance!

Gratitude for the chance to shine our lights, together and individually.

Much love.


FEBbby23, Jeanne Mayell, lenor and 9 people reacted
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@mas1581,  I'm laughing out loud here.  Wise and witty!

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@triciact, 100 million!  That's staggering.   I'd like to know what percentage of that was apathy, voter suppression, etc.   But perhaps that's not what ultimately matters.  As you stated, what's important is becoming active in getting people registered, getting them to the polls, and fighting voter suppression in whatever way we can.

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I don't know the stats on that 100M #, however in the past it has historically been more democratic or independent voters that tend to not show up at the polls. Add in voter suppression and the apathetic voter and bingo. I have heard all my life people tell me they never vote. They don't think their vote matters much.

Side note: I have pretty much heard almost every psychic on yt say they see trouble at the polls in November. A recount, much like the Bush election needed. It goes one way in the beginning and then another way afterwards. Could be why Jeanne saw Warren looking disappointed. My hope is that regardless of the proven cheating that will likely occur and manipulation that it gets sorted out correctly, even if that means we don't know right away who has won. It's more important then ever in our history to make sure that we all go to vote and get everyone you know out there too. The young vote is important because they are usually the most apathetic voters. I see the older/retired  folks in my area there all the time.


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@triciact, I remember for years hearing those same words, i.e. I'm not sure I'm going to vote because it won't matter.  And most of these people would then point to the electoral college as the reason why they felt that way.

Do any of you think that young voters fully recognize the current threat to our democracy?  They certainly understand the problems with our broken and corrupt system, which is why I fully understand their support of Sanders or Warren.  But again, do they recognize how critically important it is to get T and his henchmen out of office?  I can't get a clear read on that.

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@5leafclover well, people like that never get assassinated. It's always someone with a kind message.


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Posted by: @laura-f

It's giving me anxiety to think that Drumpf Sr. lived to 93 WITH dementia. The thought of Drumpf Jr. living another 19 years makes me nauseous.

Would it ease your nausea if he lived another 19 years, with the vast majority of it involving him behind bars?  I hope he lives long enough to serve all his sentences.


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