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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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I’m curious if you see that anyone in government feels or knows the extent to what is going on. Is there an Edward Snowden or does mueller actually suspect how bad it is? I am often surprised by journalists who are more liberal but seem conservative on how deep this could go. It ends up painting trump as bumbling and not dangerous.

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I can't get a sense of Mueller specifically; he confuses me.  My gut tells me that one or more people in the government know, but also understand the danger.  So they are treading lightly, unsure of how to address and/or expose it.    

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We need another Reality Winner ... someone willing to stand up for what's right, and bring the receipts. That poor woman is in jail for espionage, and for less than what Snowden did.

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I feel Mueller know the depths of Trump's criminality and the danger to our country.  But I also feel he is a strict disciplinarian about how he goes about his job and he sticks to what he feels is a conservative interpretation of his job.  He's dispassionate. He reminds me of Jack Web, the monotonic investigator, in that old TV show Dragnet -- dispassionate, clinical.  

His underlying feelings don't matter because he isn't going to capitulate to his feelings.   He's got files of research and a 400 page report filled with facts.  The report is direct and damning. But it doesn't prosecute.  It investigates.  And it pulls so many punches. 

But, as he has said, he did not see his role as a prosecutor. He saw his role as an investigator.  

How does he feel about what has been done with his work?  

I pulled a card and got that he feels his work is out of his hands.  

Does he feel Barr was just?  I don't get a direct answer but I do get that he feels Barr is young, inexperienced and vulnerable, and Barr willingly serves his boss (the orange Mango) and the Thug party.

He knows Barr wanted him out and gone and the whole thing done away with. How does he feel about that?  Bad because so much of his work, in Barr's hands, will be wasted. I pulled the Ruin card, ten swords, from the Thoth deck. However, he did want to get out himself. He wanted to go home and be with his family and retire from all this. 

He hopes the report will be used well but I don't think he's going to do anything more.  I hope I'm wrong about him. 

I know many people respect him. To me, he is a disappointment. It's possible he will come back and come through for us. But I haven't seen it.  Maybe I expected too much of him?

He could have taken Trump out. He walked away. I find the good reasons he did it that way, or even find reasons why he had no other option,  but the end result is he dropped the ball and let us all down. I'm not going to keep him on some pedestal.  

He was not the hero we needed.

Maybe we are the heroes we need. 


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Saibh, are you feeling sorry for Butina?  

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No ... Reality Winner, who was imprisoned for revealing election interference. I've listened to some interviews with her mom, and her daughter's situation is so unfair.

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For the past week or so I’ve been staying away from most news items, and even took a break from reading political comments on this site.  I’ve even stayed away from watching Rachel Maddow, who I love and can usually watch without feeling crazy.  I also find that this community is so often on target politically, that it can sometimes feel overwhelming.  I was becoming much too anxious, and needed a break.

That being said -- I’m catching up.  I agree with so much that’s been written here.  I am in total agreement with those who believe that T, his kids, many in his administration, and many in Congress (that especially includes you, Snapping Turtle) are up to their eyeballs in Russian shenanigans.  I got goosebumps/chills when Jeanne mentioned about the back channels.  It’s so dark that I actually feel dizzy when I dwell on it. 

I too am disappointed in Mueller.  Maybe that’s why I can’t read him.  He confuses me, and I’m tired of trying to figure him out.  And we never should have placed him on a pedestal to begin with.  But this stuff is scary, and we needed a hero.  As Jeanne commented, maybe we are the heroes we needed.

For as dark as all of this is, I actually feel renewed energy and hope in the core of my being.  I initially chucked it up to decompressing and taking better care of myself, but I don’t believe that’s the entire story.   I feel a spiritual cleansing and renewal is on the horizon.  The crap is coming to the surface, for everyone to see.  The Rethugs can hide it from view for a brief period of time, and the Dems can delay it by dragging their feet, but it can’t be stopped.  It’s moving forward, even if we can’t see it in the present time.  I can feel it – my body is even vibrating as I say this.   The Universe demands it.

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Yes, yes, and yes deetoo! Ever since the beginning of June I've felt like "something" in the collective is beginning to shift gear. With me it also started with a renewed energy in my being, which I first attributed to recovering from surgery. But ever since the Mueller press conference, it feels like more and more people are privately resolving to turn to embodied activism and being the change they want to see in society. And it's not just politics. At the read the future night two weeks ago, I envisioned that by the holiday season, people would be sick and tired of the whole charade of being "happy consumers." Instead we'll be openly hungering for a totally new social contract, and Jeanne's recently posted 2019 channeled predictions seem align with some of this.

Right now I've been reading works of fiction that address healing and spiritual cleansing. It just seems like the appropriate thing to do. I just started Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko, and I got goosebumps when I finished Silko's introduction to the text; she's speaking directly to the crises of our time. 


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I hope so, deetoo and Coyote.  I am really down and disgusted today; feeling hopeless.  It doesn't seem at the moment like anything is going to knock these nasty thugs from power.  It is a huge evil game that involves Saudi Arabia, Russia, and scum players like Kushner, McConnell, & many others.  They are in it for money and power and will cover for one another forever because they are all in it.  I feel like my country is gone.

I've been so looking forward to summer because there are and were so many Trump downfall predictions that now seem like they are being pushed back, timewise.  I know predictions aren't exact but they've kept me going. The wheels of justice may grind but excruciatingly slowly.  Sorry for the vent.  ☹ 

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i still feel the same way about Mueller as i did when i posted this, back in May:

05/21/2019 11:46 pm  


    i also think that maybe Mueller is not the hero that we want and need.  I mean, besides being a lifelong republican, he has been friends w Barr for decades (!).    (i have had some pretty craptacular friends myself, but, damn!)  It seems as if he took great care to not look anywhere that a crime may have occurred.  Just not buying the poorly scripted animosity between Drumph and the fbi.  Psycho-drama designed to make us feel that Mueller is sincere in his (lack of) findings.

Is this the same organization that put the thumb on the scales just before the election in 2016?    That infiltrated and tried to destroy the Civil Rights movement?  and the Anti-War movement? and the Black Panthers?    Is this the same agency that was "protecting" us while MLK, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and so many others, were murdered in the streets? (funny, that never seems to happen to fascist pigs)     Is this the same group that drew up plans to assasinate the Occupy Wallstreet activists? The same agency that works out of a building named after J Edgar Hoover, and never had the G__ damned decency to change the name over the front door?  Is this who we really thought was going to help us?

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I hear you and completely understand.  While I feel in my core being that we are turning a corner, at this moment I don’t see much outward manifestation.  To the contrary, it all looks more extreme, more out of control.  Where we are now is really awful.  People are suffering.  Those responsible are getting away with murder – in some cases, literally.  We can’t turn our backs on what’s happening, and we can’t help but feel that pain.      

So how can I be positive?  Wishful thinking?  I don’t know where these feelings are coming from, but I trust them.  And since I tend to be cynical about some things, it’s not wishful thinking.  How can I know this, when I don’t yet have proof?  In much the same way that I know there is a god, goddess, supreme power, or higher life force – however you wish to define it.  I just know.  It feels like a rumbling at the bottom of the earth.   And I feel that rumbling in my bones.

What I can’t say is how this all will play out.  Maybe that’s why we can’t be 100% sure about the timing of some of our predictions – perhaps too many unforeseen variables.  I’m new to intuitive reading, and although I often trust many of my hunches and feelings, I’m not very good with timing things.  My sense is, at the time that we read, we’re on a particular energetic path – sometimes best-case scenario, sometimes worst-case (when it concerns a catastrophe).  And depending on unforeseen variables or decisions, that path can slightly change, which might affect the timing.   It’s like you’re on a highway and decide or are forced to take a detour – the detour might make the trip longer, but you eventually get back onto the main road and reach your destination.  Am I making sense here?  I could be totally off the mark, but that’s how I see it.

I now believe that it’s up to the people – not just our immediate community, but everyone.  There is no savior, no hero – only us.  We have control over how long we’ll be on this dark path.  This country belongs to us.  We have a responsibility to take care of ourselves, each other, and Mother earth, with intelligence, love and compassion.  They’re not stronger than the collective body.  And they don’t own us.

Coyote expressed it well, when she stated: 

"[S]omething” in the collective is beginning to shift gear … [M]ore and more people are privately resolving to turn to embodied activism and being the change they want to see in society … [W]e’ll be openly hungering for a totally new social contract.

So if you can, stay hopeful, take care of yourself and others, reach out when the need arises, and keep the faith.  I'll try to remember that as well, when I see that bad moon rising.

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Sorry for the downer post, deetoo.  Bad day yesterday.

I'm a fighter and I do stay positive most of the time, but my level of frustration and disgust was at an all time high when I wrote that.  I had just finished reading how these sickos were denying toothbrushes and soap and clean clothes and blankets to these little children, and how the older ones are taking care of the babies and toddlers.  The people who are making comparisons to the Holocaust are damned right.

I pray that light and goodness and decency will prevail.

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I didn't experience your post yesterday as a downer.  I felt your deep sadness, disgust and anger.  And I'm right there with you.  The cruelty you describe is very real.  We can't and shouldn't ignore it.  And it's also ripping me up inside.   I remember when this first started happening to the refugee families at the border, I became so ill that my blood pressure became dangerously high.  I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't stop crying.  I knew that the situation was going to get much worse.  I really scared myself, knowing that I shouldn't allow my feelings to consume me.  My doctor and I talked about it, like two earthbound souls who were feeling the same things.  It was a gift, and did more for me than any medication he could have given me. 

I think that when I took a break and stayed away from the news for a while, I created some space for those quiet voices to step in.  That's when I felt what I was describing in my earlier post.  Since some of us have been feeling hopeless recently, I felt the need to share that.  

I want to be brave and see my country as it currently exits, be willing to live with my broken heart, and have the courage to change what I can.  And more importantly, to not lose hope.  Because when I either become overwhelmed, or when I give up, then I'm no good to anyone.   

I strongly sense that you are a fighter, Polarberry.   And I know that your light, goodness, and decency will prevail.

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Polarberry, I get down too and when I do, I know it shows in my posts and I want to apologize to all of you, because you are so dear and precious to me, and I never want to bring you down.  But it's part of the process I have to go through and it's a good process. 

And then I recharge and return renewed.   It always helps me to get away and clear my cache.  

We all have our high tides and low tides. 



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I think it's good to share when we're down.  Also, sometimes you just need to vent.  We're going through an extremely difficult, heartbreaking, and challenging time.  It's important that we be there for one another if we can, and we don't feel so alone. 

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I get down, too.  This is just such a difficult, dark time.  We've written about feeling a shift to the darkness, a shift that began with his election and we knew there were bad times ahead.  Now we are in the midst of it and innocent men, women and children are suffering.  On my down days, I feel I'm watching the end of our democracy, the end of our way of life and I despair.  However, those are just feelings and my deepest self tells me that this time is what we all foresaw and that we have to endure it. Even if we are not the children sleeping on concrete without necessary hygiene and basic health care, we feel it.  We feel the pain of parents separated from their children.  We see all these terrible things happening nearly every day and it's just overwhelming.  Yet, this despair is not the truth that I know in my spirit.  The tide is turning with every disgusting revelation, every exposure of massive corruption and every death of every child in inhumane custody.  There will be a breaking point when the propagandists and deniers can no longer turn a blind eye to this man.  I wish I knew the date.  How I wish that.  However, I do take a great deal of comfort in seeing predictions coming true again and again on this website, predictions about matters great and small.  So remember, we do see better days ahead and we will get through this.  Breathe deeply.  Love one another.  Send your positive energy into the universe and claim the energies of the higher powers to protect our country and the earth.  A priest told me a long time ago to remember that storms don't last forever.  There are beginnings, middles and endings.  This storm we are enduring most certainly will come to an end.  Amen.

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Bluebelle, your words bring me tears and comfort. Bless you, dear friend.

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I think we all have our dark days.  Reading about the camps and the children just makes me boil.  I had to stop reading the comments because of the people who say it's their parents fault for bringing the children here.  There is also the "fact" that some of these children may have been paid to come here and the people they were with were not their parents!  This just reaks of Faux News!  This is beginning to get a load of play on social media despite Faux News talking heads trying to distract by calling people names and deverting the  discussion.  Some one even suggested trying to get the Princess Trump to help, appeal to her as a mother.  Seriously when was the last time you saw her children?  She has a nanny for god's sake.  She is too busy trying to make as much illegal money as she can before she gets caught and hopefully put in jail.

One comment  I did like was the one that said this is what happens when you give the Evangelical Christians the keys to the car!  It should be EVILgelical.  I have strongly felt since day one that this is going to be a big part of the morons downfall.  His friends are making money off the private prisons they run which house some of these poor kids.  Like I said before I have  tried to stay away from the news but I will be interested in hearng the Dem debates to see where they stand  and how much attention they bring to these kids.  Until then  I will deal with the plumbers and clean the basement for my new tenet.  I hate cleaning the basement talk about depressing!

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I wasn't sure where to post this, but since many of us have been addressing what's happening on the border, I thought I should share the attached I received from United we Dream.  I hope the links work here:

We are some of the fiercest advocates for our community, and right now people of color across the country are counting on us to step up. Here are four ways to immediately make an impact by activating your personal network:

  1. Head to to download the Know Your Power infographics in English and Spanish. Share them far and wide on social media, email, and via text messages.
  2. Activate your social networks to share the KnowYourPower Toolkit for what to do if our communities are threatened by ICE and CBP.

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  1. TEXT KnowYourPower to 877877 and invite 5 of your friends to do the same.
  2. Download Notfica on your cell phone - Notifica the app gives immigrants a help button that alerts key contacts if an encounter with law enforcement is about to take place.

These are critical sources of information that can help protect our friends and family and potentially deescalate threats from ICE and CBP.

Nestor and the team at United We Dream

PS -- It’s important to remember these are stressful times, and we need everyone strong and healthy for the fight ahead. That includes your brain!  Don’t forget to check out our Undocuhealth resources for tips on how to deal with the pressures of the work we do.

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After reading the news this morning, I asked the question, What will it take for the evangelicals to turn their backs on T? The card that I drew was Death reversed. I was surprised by that and am still trying to digest what that could mean. I thought that it might  indicate their resistance to change, lack of awareness of what is really happening and just slowness and delay generally. However, I still don’t understand what it will take to change how they feel about the current leader. ?

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