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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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A Christchurch Mosque shooting survivor was at the White House today and thanked Trump on behalf of the people of New Zealand for his leadership.  I live in New Zealand so I had a bit of a wtf moment.  I was also listening to talk back radio and the topic was Trump, and every caller praised Trump and said that we need a leader like him.   


Beyond depressing.


I pay attention to the posts on here where people say he will stand down due to ill health, as nothing else seems to stop him.  Even the appalling racism this week doesn’t seem to bother many, it whips up their hatred even more.


I was born in the UK and it looks like the idiot Boris Johnson will become Prime Minister.  Trump loves him so that says all you need to know.  The world has gone mad.

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Hi everyone.  I have  favor to ask anyone on here who throws cards or reads intuition.  I don't know where to post this because I know the elections are still far away.  But, here in Ky we have two Dem's running to replace Mitch and I wonder if anyone can throw cards or gets a intuitive hit for us?  The names are Amy McGrth and Mike Broihier.  Both ex marines one  a mother and the other a farmer.  Neither from Louisville.  It is important to note that people in Western and Eastern KY hate Louisville and will not support a candidate from here, even thought Mitch is.  Go figure.  Jeanne I hope this is OK to post.  If not I won't be offended!

Hererightnow I was surprised to see Boris in the front running.  I think he is a clown.

Another thing to remember, the Reps are sending the moron out on the road for his freak shows to get him out of the WH.  He is losing what is left of his mind and the more time he has on his hands the worst he gets.  I just know that the majority of the people I know from any walk of life, are so sick of all the hate that they are totlly turned off by all this crap.  He is now trying to claim the one of the squad is married to her brother.  He will stop at nothing to incite hate. 

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These displays of hailing Trump are contrived.  They are contrived as are the advancement of Boris Johnson.  The world has not gone mad but dark money is busy advancing the dark money agenda.  They want you to think that a vast majority is supporting these sick freaks of nature, but it is not true. 

Ten years ago there suddenly began to appear young people in my town and neighboring towns standing in front of U.S. Post Offices with leaflets showing Obama with Hitler mustache and advancing the Tea Party agenda. I approached these kids and asked them if they were getting paid and indeed they were. They didn't know at all what they were advancing.  It was Koch Brother funded and it was the beginning of what is going on now worldwide but with much more sophistication than hiring a bunch of half wit kids to stand on the streets. 

It's an old trick that the U.S. used during the latter half of the 20th century to overthrow over 13 countries, only our government sent in special forces.  It's all documented now.  Send in mercenaries or special forces or these days send in  Internet bots to foment an uprising of support for extreme right wing.  Then everyone is convinced that the majority supports these right wing powers.  Well they don't. And if the dark money succeeds in getting themselves in power or in continuing their reign of power, it still will only be a matter of time before their power disintegrates.  Why?  Because people are natural forces of nature and people will not be controlled and abused and treated like automatons for long.  

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No doubt about it - here in the US we are suffering under Minority Rule. I don't see that changing for at least 40 years, but I'm not the best intuitive on here, so take my pessimism with a grain of salt.

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Jeanne that is exactly how Mitch was elected last time.  He was behind in the polls, mainly because he couldn't be bothered to come to KY and campaign, he relied on his "friend" to hold parties for his rich friends, his oppoinent was out all over Ky personto person .  At the last minute the Kochs came through with a couple of million and ran awful TV ads against Allison and she lost but just barely.  Right now he is way behind in the polls.  His popularity is like 18% in KY.  Our Rep governor is one of the resons for that.  He came from up north and the first thing he did was pick a fight with the teacher union.  Since then he has done away with our ACA division on health care and cut back on Medicaid and food stamps.  In Eastern KY that was not a good move.  But even now with the cuts there is a large group of people who will vote Rep because they always have andthe Reps here depict the Dems  Devil worshipers.  I don't have a lot of hope of a female winning here.  We have had only one female govenor and that was over twenty years ago.  The other candidate I mention has a better chance because he is also a farmer and a vet.  Right now I will take either one!

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I've seen two paths for our country and I don't think it is determined yet how it will go.  Both lead to the same place eventually, which is the dark money people will be kicked out. 

One path happens sooner,  preserving more of the current structures we've established.   People get people's candidates elected in 202o or 2024 and we begin to restore sane government.

The timing will depends on when enough of the electorate will blame the current dark money governments for their pain regardless of the fake news and fake social media posts. While many people see it going this way in 2021,  I think it is still undetermined. 

The other path which has loomed in my mind over the years is one in which the dark money people hold central power a little longer.  As a result, the land begins to deteriorate so badly,  that people turn away from the federal government and focus on local governments and local solutions to thrive. Eventually the federal government disintegrates.

This second vision is a modern version of the Rape of Percephone myth being played out in this country and also around the world. 

In the myth, a dark god (Hades) steals springtime and the land goes fallow.  When it gets that bad, the people go around the dark god to the greater god (Zeus) and demand change. Eventually balance is restored. 

In our world, it's no secret that climate change will soon accelerate to the point where people will have to take matters into their own hands to thrive. Already all of the major bread baskets of the world are underperforming. So we are part way to the Greek myth where the land goes fallow. 

This has happened because the dark money people put people in power who protected the oil industry by denying climate change, so they can keep drilling and burning and destroying the land. 

The question is how bad does it have to get to wake up the electorate?  

I felt a lot of hope for an earlier turnaround when I watched  Ayanna Presley and the squad stand up to Trump this week. The new leaders will be matriarchs.

It's only a matter of time before the dark money party crumbles and is kicked out. It will happen.  I know it will happen. We all have to keep the faith. 

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@yogagirl, re your comment "the Reps here depict the Dems Devil worshipers":  I encountered that recently.  I have the luxury of living in a blue county of a purple-to-blue state, so this was the first time that’s happened to me.  A contractor stopped by to bid on some work in our house.  I can't recall how this even came up in our conversation, but Jim made reference to "Demon-crats."   Besides have the cojones to say that to a total stranger -- whose business I assume you want -- I couldn't let that go.  "I'm a Demon-crat," I replied.  I received no apology; instead he felt the need to explain, stating that the Dems have gone too far to the left (e.g., abortion, LGBTQ issues).  So he must equate those issues with "demonic."  Jim was quick to add that he didn't vote for T*, but he didn't vote for Hillary either.  (Perhaps he didn’t vote at all or wrote someone else in; I didn’t ask.)  Jim said he had voted for Obama, as well as Bill Clinton. He remarked that his wife and son tell him that he shouldn’t discuss religion and politics, but … he clearly was a man on a mission.  Off and running.  Since Jim hadn’t been a T* supporter, and he had another 45 minutes before his next appointment, I was curious and willing to talk more with him.  In my opinion, his was a very confining, black & white view of God and religion.  It saddened me.   I clearly pushed his buttons with my views on Jesus, God, and spirituality.  I did try to find some areas of agreement; they were scant.  Jim remarked, “you’re a lot like my wife.  She thinks that you only need to be a good person. ” His parting words were “I hope that you get into heaven.  I hope that I do.”  My parting words were, “Don’t worry about it; I’m not.  I think I’d really like your wife.”

The way I see it is, for as limited as I believe his spirituality is, Jim didn’t vote for the orange monster.  I wish more of the religious right had that kind of integrity.

Honestly, Yogagirl, I don’t know how you and others who live in the red states deal with it.  I can “talk the talk” pretty well, since I’m not surrounded by T. supporters, day-in and day-out.   Not sure how well I’d deal with it if I were in your shoes.  You handle it with such grace and humor (much needed!).

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I understand how you feel. I know that kind of hatred and bigotry does exist from the Trump supporters and GOP types. However, when you see many of the nasty remarks online, just remember that people say their most darkest thoughts online, things they won't admit to people in person.  Some of that kind of negative rhetoric is also from those who are trying to sway the vote (Russian or other Bots/trolls). I've realized it's better to not read the comments from some of the online sites like yahoo etc. because that seems to be the case.

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The timing will depends on when enough of the electorate will blame the current dark money governments for their pain regardless of the fake news and fake social media posts. 

@jeanne-mayell, like you, I also believe that it is still undetermined.  I have felt that for a while.  This was confirmed for me this past week, when I heard a number of different Dem elected officials comment that it's up to us, the people.  A few I heard seemed to be begging our citizens to do something -- whether by protest, Congressional sit-ins, calls,  whatever -- but emphasizing that they can't do this alone.  They need our help.  We can help turn the tide.  We have more power than we think. 

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@deetoo I am lucky that I am retired.  If I had to still work in an office I would probably be unemployed or in jail!  I have, like most of  us on here, built a community of like minded people. They are out there even in red states.  I also live inLouisville which has a large group of progressive individuals.  The alt-right is present but not the majority.  The neighborhiod where I live is one of the oldest in the city and was once a wealthy neighborhood.  In the seventies it was turned into apartments and a big draw for the Hippie crowd (me included).  I practice Yoga and am trained a yoga teacher so my circle of friends include many progessives.  This is all nice and pretty easy.  However, with the exception of my brother who is a lot like me, I no longer have contact with the majority of my family ie cousins, aunt and uncles.  We do not share the same beliefs and I got tired of being called names and yelled at.  They are the praise Jesus everyone who isn't just like me is wrong and evil types.  I also very seldom see the group of ladies I used to work with for the same reason.  When I do encounter someone who is right wing  usually I just keep my mouth shut.  I learned a long time ago, due to dealing with my family, that it does no good to argue.  I do what I can do to help those in need and I protect my beliefs by voting and plan to help transport voter with out transportation in the next election.    I wish it wasn't like this, I miss some of my family, but it is what it is.  Unfortunety I don't see even the removal of the great mango moron as a solution to this.  The divid has gotten larger and my family and I have drifted farther and farther apart.  I give thanks for my friends and blessings, it's about all I can do.

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thank you so much.  My problem is this: I don't have any doubt that eventually things will get better. But it will probably be after I'm gone, and I don't want to spend the rest of my life under this kind of regime, for want of a better word. If it weren't for my family and my dogs, I'd leave (I'd leave anyway but my sisters won't let me take any of the dogs). I have friends all over Europe, but I'm stuck here. And I'm such a wreck, I'm afraid my sisters will want to leave when it's too late. I know I'm projecting.

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PS- Epstein has to stay in jail!  I hope moron is quaking in his boots right now.  Epstein seems to me to be the type to help himself first.  The key maybe the women who was his "girlfriend/procurer".  I wonder how long she would protect  these men if threatened with a long prison sentence,even though she deserves one!  I have a feeling this is going to be really down and dirty with a lot of men higher ups, not just in the US but all over the world.

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@yogagirl, I'm happy that you have a solid network of like-minded friends.  I guess birds of a feather, find one another!  My sister-in-law and her husband live in Prescott, AZ and have created a similar lifestyle for themselves. 

I'm retired too.  Have some challenging health issues, but in this last chapter of my life, I don't want to go quietly!  You inspire me to do more. 

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Does anyone sense that something fishy is going on with the SDNY case against the T* Organization?  That's the federal investigation into whether T* Org executives violated campaign-finance laws.  It appears to be wrapping up without charges being filed.  Another odd thing about it -- back in January, shortly after Cohen was sentenced, prosecutors requested interviews with executives at the company. But then prosecutors never followed up on that initial request.  Didn't Barr become Attorney General in February?  Hmm ....   Any impressions/thoughts?

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Thank you Jeanne for your explanation that these people are actually in the minority!  We just need the silent majority to speak out.  Thank goodness for twitter, where participants are overwhelmingly anti-Trump.  I do as much as I can on there spreading the anti-twitler message, even though I am not American.  

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My first thought was Barr, the fixer.  Barr, the unrecused AG. 

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Mine too Jeanne. Thanks.

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@jeanne-mayell, Yup.  Exactly what I am thinking.

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It's been reported in the NYT and Newsweek, that Jeffrey Epstein kept CDs of child porn in a safe in his Manhattan townhouse, and the CDs were discovered when the FBI searched the place.  Jeanne, wasn't there a prediction from last year or the year before that about damaging material about trump being kept in a safe?  Wondering if this is related somehow. I keep thinking about Bluebelle's prediction that something related to children would cause the GOP to finally break from him, and Lawrence's prediction that trump is sliding down a hill.

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