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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Hopefully, one day soon, this madness will end. Some days I feel like the end is near, and others, like today, I feel this monster's reign of terror will never end. That said, there's something we can learn from him, in the way of not backing down. Good people, and women especially, often back down too soon. Standing one's ground, even in the face of defeat, can work. I've employed it myself in the past year or so and have been amazed at its effectiveness. As long as we use it for good we should keep it in our toolbox. It works. 

Back to you-know-who, I feel him getting stronger. Anyone feel the same way?

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As I read along, i was thinking, Cindy is writing a book here!

But I laughed at the funny parts, cheered at your strong, courageous, confident woman parts and loved every single bit of it!

Do not edit or delete it. Its quite fabulous !

And oh are one heck of a strong, powerful, and very wise woman. And I just ?  you!

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I could not possibly begin to understand how men like Epstein and the Moron exist but I did read an interesting comment on twitter.  It reminded me of something I had forgotten. Both Moron's father and grandfather ran brothels!  So they ran prostitutes.  Is it any surprise the nut didn't fall far from the tree?  

Glad to see you back Cindy.  Iknow just how you feel, I was raised by a Narcissist.  There is no reasoning with them because they have no reason.  If I ever complained about my mother my father would just say "that's just how she is".  Basically we can just accept it or else.  Easy to say hard to do.

I do believe in Karma.  I just hope i am still around when Karma comes calling for the present administration and their buddies at Faux news.  Man can you imagine what is in store for old Rupert when fate comes to call!!!!!!!!! 

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I dont know your father's reasoning for say that but there is truth to it. Ive dealt with many narcissists in my life(live in grandmother, mother in law, brother, etc.), and that is just how they are. My belief is that you should not ever accept the actions and words, but you have to accept the person as who they are. I found myself too many times trying to reason with or change them and have come to the realization that "its just who they are." They will never change. Reasoning with or enlightening them is futile. My life got a lot less stressful when I stopped doing that and just accepted reality, which turned to pity. My best advice coming from my history is limit your contact to when you have the patience to deal with it, but also make certain that when your interactions are ultimately over for good, you have no regrets-either in time spent or in times you conceded because you had no other option. 

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Lynn, to your comment about feeling that "he" is getting stronger, it does feel that way.  I am particularly discouraged by Barr's unrecusal from the Epstein case and Barr's recent comments about Mueller's upcoming testimony in front of the house.  It's easy to see him meddling in both situations.  So, there's that.   Then this morning, I woke at 4:30 a.m. from a dream about people being rounded up and having to wear a white striped crosshatched label.  I saw these people in a long line with a spot light on them and myself in the shadow edge of that line until I, too, was marked with the label and the light shined on me.   I think the dream referred to ICE roundups, which the news reported this morning will be starting in a few days.

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Thanks for the thoughtful response Jeanne, I agree. This struggle is one I hear so often from many people these days, and what a lovely idea to have a separate post just to vent. a perfect example of what i meant by processing, accepting without judgement, and healthily expressing our anger. 

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Jeanne what you wrote above about denial and distraction reminds me of my sister in law. She will say something horrendous and then later deny she said it. I think it's a classic narcissistic trope, I've seen it countless times from people throughout my life. It's designed to confuse and disarm opponents. 

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Bluebelle, the ICE roundups are in fact supposed to start on Sunday. If it happens I imagine they'll be televised.  If they work as the monster intends, it will further strengthen him. So I am hoping it's a public relations nightmare the causes him as much grief as he is causing immigrants. But that will depend on whether the public is sympathetic to people here unlawfully. I'm not sure on any given day we know the country we live in.

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Yes, I do feel he's getting stronger, only because he's surrounded by enablers.  When Lynn asked that question, the orange T**** blimp immediately flashed into my mind, then a flash of Eddie Murphy in the movie "the Nutty Professor."  Murphy's character, Sherman, is watching Richard Simmons on TV, feeling very empty inside, and gorging himself.  He nods off and has a dream where he becomes larger and larger, until he's looming over the city, like a big blimp.  People are running and screaming, someone lights a match, and then someone yells, "he's gonna blow!"   Which Sherman does, in a nasty way.

Parts of that movie, including that one, always made me feel uncomfortable, because I felt badly for Sherman.  But that particular scene really makes me think of the orange monster.  His appetites can't be satisfied, and he's getting bigger and bigger.  But he's full of hot air.  He's going to stupidly light his own match.  And he's gonna destroy himself.

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I'm so upset I'm shaking.

Yesterday on Yahoo there was a story of testimony regarding conditions in the detention centers.

A woman said, "My child is dying."

The guard yelled back, "Are they dead yet? Then shut up and stop crying."

I want to know where the money to help these children went - the $5.4 billion Pelosi agreed to in a bill she didn't want because "the children come first." When do they come first?  Where is the help for them? This is outrageous.  

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Posted by: @lynnventura

Bluebelle, the ICE roundups are in fact supposed to start on Sunday. If it happens I imagine they'll be televised.  If they work as the monster intends, it will further strengthen him. So I am hoping it's a public relations nightmare the causes him as much grief as he is causing immigrants. But that will depend on whether the public is sympathetic to people here unlawfully. I'm not sure on any given day we know the country we live in.

Just imagine if he stays in office until the election. He can do one of these massive round ups the weekend before the election and depress the Hispanic vote/turnout. You know he'd do it if he thought it would help him win. 

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anybody getting anything about any of this?

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So, I woke up to a picture in the press of Wilbur Ross, the orange one and the attorney general in a row at a press conference last night and noted that the two men flanking the president had on matching ties. It looked like they coordinated their outfits for the press conference, which to me is like fiddling while Rome is burning. Our lives should not be anyone’s reality tv show. 

In any case, I threw a few cards (from the Rider Waite deck) and got the following: 

For Wilbur, I drew Justice reversed. I understood this card at this time to mean dishonesty, flaws in legal logic and possibly a delay to him being held accountable.

For the orange one, I drew Four of Swords reversed. Strangely, a few days ago I go this card for him but upright. In this case, I understood the card to indicate stress, anxiety and possibly having to withdraw/ (be unable to be in public) due to illness.

For the AG, I drew the Page of Swords. I took this to be an indication of him being so focused on getting his way that he overplays his hand which could then result in problems for him. 

Additionally, I drew two more cards, one for the day of the planned raids and one for the will of the American people and their reaction to the raids.

I drew the Three of Pentacles as the card for that day. I understood this as the pinnacle of the administration’s plan with regard to “the other” and that this, for them, is related to money that is being earned by imprisoning large numbers of people. Could it be that the Stonemason in the picture is ICE and that the couple is the country watching their work?

As to the will of the American people and their reaction, I drew the King of Cups. I understood this to mean that the American people overall are kind and tolerant and will be very angry if the raids are carried out. There will be an uproar if this goes through as planned. This gave me some hope. 

As always, let me know if you interpret this differently. 

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Yesterday I was thinking about the very potent “Ditch Mitch” movement that was posted on this thread a couple of days ago. Mitch is very detrimental to our country and planet. We must get him out of power.

I decided to use an energy method on Mitch that I learned from a Hawaiian kahuna I studied with for several years. The method is offensive, not in the sense of hurting someone, but in the sense of getting someone (or something) to move. As I was energetically working on Mitch my sense was that he is very firmly rooted in the ground/his position of power. Yesterday, and again today, I did some work to get those roots to dry up so they can easily be pulled up and out. Even the mightiest oak tree will die if its roots dry out. Even the biggest tree will be uprooted if the winds (winds of change?) are strong enough.

Hawaiian protocol doesn’t allow me to share the method I used, but I think anyone reading this forum can either come up with their own offensive energy method or use a method they are already familiar with. I also gave some positive energy to Amy McGrath, in the form of a monetary donation.

Aloha to all.

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Hi everyone!  

I have been following along every morning (except on the days when I get too upset and cannot find my own alignment - I won't sacrifice that) and I keep seeing that he has a stroke at some point. My vision is the little bit that he did early on about the reporter that was handicapped - only - it's him having a stroke and his body convulsing in response to himself. He's in office when it happens in my vision and it feels like everything is finally catching up with him from the inside out.  I see the stroke for him but I don't see a thing after that - just those few moments really. 

When I look at him I do think that he is just trying to beat the odds and that he does somewhere inside of himself feel bad about some things that he has done along the way. I also feel like he justifies it by comparison to others and that that has always worked to assuage himself because there was no greater audience of voices saying that he is incredibly off base in his thinking and actions - until this stage. This is the stage of the game that begins to recoil at the positions that they all find themselves in because of what they wanted to "achieve" for whatever they believe in. Both sides, perhaps are ensnared in all of this but most especially his "backers".  Now they all have to decide how they exit this madness with any shred of dignity and face the guilt and self-loathing that comes when the audience and crowds people egging them on fall away. I do feel it catches up with ourselves as our souls show us new perspectives and mirror back to us who we have become (for him it will be how the world sees and interprets him) the further we get along.  

Just my thoughts and feelings so far. I may draw cards on it at a later date but wanted to chime in with all of you. Thank you. 



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Awesome insights. His deteriorating speech indicates dementia is setting in too. 

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Thank you. When I do watch periodically I have noticed that he is reading more speeches as well.  I don't feel like that would be by his choice alone. I don't think that he will ever really get to the level of being able to do everything that he wants to do the way he wants to do it with nothing barring him, like a kingdom. He needs others to be totally tied into his views and I just don't get that feeling that that will ever come about the way that he wants it to. So I feel like that is his undoing, pushing for that outcome. 

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Lilione What ever you are doing to unroot Mitch please please continue.  My best friend and I are going to work for Amy's campaign.  You are right we must get rid of him.

Speaking of the mango moron and his dementia I just read on facebook that he says the framers of the constitution were unfair to him.  Everything he want to do is unconstitutional!  Well duh!  What kind of an idiot are you!  If it's against the constitution it is against the frame of our democracy and the foundation of our Republic!

I agree with the stroke idea.  I can easily see him having a stroke.  His diet is junk and he has an unfettered temper.  My accupunctorist has said just looking at his face that he can tell he is very ill and can easily have a stroke.  I can also see him ending up in an institution.  I can't see  his wife wanting to take care of him if he strokes! 

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@lilinoe, Wow -- I love that idea.  M* is lethal.  As dangerous and evil as T*, but much more cunning.  I've been trying to come up with a method that draws on the martial arts.  Years ago I took a class in judo, and unbeknownst to me when I signed up for it, the class was filled with little boys.  I was a 32 year old woman and these little kids, less than 1/2 of my weight, were throwing me.  Very embarrassing and humbling.  Anyway, I've been focused on leverage and balance, and now you've mentioned working on the roots.  I love that.  No roots, and the tree will fall over.


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Hi, you inspired me to do a meditation on erosion. I pictured Mitch as a large tree dominating a lakeshore. (This is easy for me because I live by Lake Ontario and of course, a number of Finger Lakes). I envisioned the water wearing away the soil beneath the tree, exposed roots drying and storms coming, winter passing with more and more erosion so finally the tree topples into the water. It sinks and parts die and it ultimate ends up laying against a bed and creatures derive nourishment (bugs, birds, fish, frogs, snakes etc.) animals make shelter, parts rot and break down and mushrooms grow, moss grows over it and eventually it just decomposes and becomes part of the soil. New growth occurs in its stead, the area that was shaded out because of this tree now gets sunshine.

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