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Scanning Trump. Latest.

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Thank you Michelle. Your kind words mean a great deal. I grew up with a misogynistic narcissist, so I learned almost from infancy how toxic such a mindset can be. By adolescence I was desperate to be free of this person and culture,  and I understood that it was largely based in a fear of losing control of oneself and thereby feeling the need to try to control everyone else.

So right now instinctively I recognize whats going on, but it triggers me enormously as well. Everything I thought I'd escaped turns out I didn't because this is what the world is like. Emotionally I have a very hard time with this, all my illusions about life have been shattered and I've been left terrified.

I try to gain strength from this site and my personal life, it's not easy though.

I hope and pray that all of us can get through this with our sense of decency and humanity intact.

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Natalie...I didn't have any where near that kind of a history to deal with and my heart so goes out to you. I have had friends who faced enormous mental, physical and emotional abuse and their stories seared me heart and opened it wider than it had every been opened up to that point.  And I have to save I feel in my heart you are incredibly strong whether you realize how strong or not and your intuitive gifts are guiding you to do the hard, hard work you are so bravely doing and talking about know. God Bless you in the biggest meaning of the word..Good Blesses you in all ways for you are truly of Good! We go through so many, many really hard challenges in this lifetime..mine have been chronic pain and immune disease processes that were supposed to put me in a wheelchair by 40. I'm 67 and 1/2 and still walking, talking, and on the path. We can do this because here, in this special place with very different energies surround by like minded people of one tribe or another that we carry in our archetypal unconscious if not our physical DNA..we are all joined as one. And with the help of those that have opened up a variety of really large, wonderful gifts and more to come..healing whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual..even the intense, and incredibly challenging narrative of PTSD triggers,  is not only possible but almost a given. Bit by bit, one step at a time. We are all helping one another.

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Thank you so much Michelle. You have no idea how much good your words do me. I used to curse fate for my luck, but I also know that I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't experience those things. I'm so sorry about your health problems, it truly shows the power of the mind that you are able to thrive in spite of them. Coming from a selfish family myself, if I didn't suffer I would be just like them, and I would rather not be like that. You're right we will all get through this, one way or another we have to. Ghandi says to be the change you wish to see in the world. And while it's a cliche statement I do my best to live by it. The last few years as I've watched the world go down, I've tried to be more kind, understanding and compassionate in my daily life. The chaos has made me want to behave better and listen more to the voices of others, I've wanted to understand and so I started to listen.

Thanks again to everyone and god bless you all.

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Thank you, all, for being so forthcoming with your personal stories and insights. This is definitely a more trying time than any I've ever lived through, and I feel acutely the difference that having small children in this world has made for me. I teeter between the faith that has carried me through life's difficulties thus far and a new sense of fear, anxiety, and abandonment. Being in my mid-30s, while life hasn't been perfect, I feel like the tests I've lived through are nothing compared to this new world we have entered, in which the stakes are so much higher.

As I mentioned earlier, I sat down for an automatic writing session to try to square with these emotions, and as promised, I dropped the full conversation into a separate post, which you can access here:

Automatic Writing Session Post

I hope it offers some consolation, especially to those of us here who are wracked with worry about what is happening and how we will survive it. I'm thinking of all of you, and sending you light and love.

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Hi Lora I brought up sin not in a religious sense, but more in a moral sense. I could've used the word crime, for some reason sin seemed to fit the context of what I was saying best, I thought. I also rejected the moral and religious beliefs of my parents, there's something incredibly shallow and ridiculous about dogmatic belief systems. 

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Hi Lora I am sorry for misunderstanding. I was brought up kind of religious, kind of not. My husband is in the process of losing friends who are religious Trump voters, all because he happened to speak off the cuff one day and mock Trump. I have a real problem with religious fanatics of all stripes, they're cult like in their thinking pattern. Years ago I read American Fascists by Chris Hedges, where he goes undercover and infiltrates the religious right, it's a scary book to read. Right now I think about the damage the religious right does around the world and I see red. Sometimes I like to think about the more pure side of religion, I can't imagine that if Jesus were around today he'd approve of Christianity. I just wonder how everything gets so corrupted.


But anyways

enough on this


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Thanks for this great thread. I agree that Jesus would be appalled at the Christian Right and all the wars fought in his name.

On the other hand, he might be pleased that the world's Christian religious leader, the Pope, was standing up to all the greed and racism. And being a wise man,  I wonder if he'd just say that the world hasn't changed much since his day. 

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Hello everyone! I just read every post on this thread and I want to share my feelings about it and I will try to say it as clearly as possible :) 

What I see that is common is fear...a lot of you are worrying and are fearful and are trying to take on the problems of the world and I would just like to remind you or point out that that's not why you're here. Let's remember that we are souls first, we are here to learn and progress, and we have chosen to be alive in this exact time period, precisely to help during this enlightenment. I understand that it's completely overwhelming right now, there's so much going on, so many wrongdoings, so much suffering but be assured that every one is in his or her spot, in the exact place they are meant to be for events to take place. The only thing we can do - that we must do  is focus on ourselves and our soul path. We are all drops in this ocean, and all of us doing our part and being part of it, can make waves. Worrying and fearing only feeds into more worry and fear. I would urge all of you to focus on the good things in your life, to observe what is going on without getting too emotional about it, to do what you love, to love, to express love, to be loving - that is how we survive, how we effect change, how we turn things around. There really isn't a stronger force in the universe than love.

Vida, I've read your automatic writing post and it's amazing! Those are words to live by! Just surrender...surrender your fear, your anger, your sense of hopelessness...every kind act counts - don't doubt that. You have your automatic writing and I am blessed to be able to communicate with my spirit guide and that's exactly how he would answers those questions if I were to ask him. When I read the questions, I already knew the answers and I know one thing that has been true in my life - spirit is always right. There is a divine order to everything, the universe knows what it's doing, and there are other beings here that will take care of things...that's why we don't need to look for retribution or karma...and true power is not material, it's your soul's growth and spirituality...sure it may seem that these rich people have it all but they don't. We are eternal souls and there are many, many other lessons to learn and karma to balance. 

I went thru the anger, the fear, the sense of hopelessness too but then I figured out that it was only making me feel worse and not actually helping anything. When I asked for help all I kept hearing was - focus on yourself - this to me means focus on your path, on your soul, on your growth - not in a selfish way but in a productive, loving way so that your soul's essence radiates and helps heal others.  Love and light to you all~

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While I was on retreat, I did another timeline which I just posted on the predictions page under Latest Predictions - a new section I've added near the top of the page so you can keep latest predictions separate from what you've already read.  

Part of the scan was of Trump.  It totally agrees with Zoron's scan, except his is more detailed and in depth and mine follows a timeline.

The crisis for Trump seems to happen in December of 2017, but sometimes I'm a little wary of the accuracy of visions when we have already looked at that time period a lot and that can cause errors.  One of us had a vision two years ago that in December 2017 the Congress would be roiling over what to do with the President. I believe that we can unconsciously start seeing variations of an original vision if we get it into our head that December 2017 is the date it will all happen. That is how we got it so wrong that Hillary would win. I'd like to find a group of people who have never read our visions and see what they see when guided through the timeline.

With that caution in mind, I nevertheless saw that December 2017 is when Trump's crisis is strongest. Logically it seems so soon, given that the special prosecutor has just been appointed. 

More important is that the following month (in January) I saw a single thumb up.  I took that to mean that the Congress voted on whether to impeach and the President was spared by a small majority.  He is nevertheless diminished in stature and even mentally losing it.  For the month of October 2017, I'd seen everything go sideways for him, which is to me a sign of severe mental distress. 

I also did a scan of Robert Mueller, and would like to expand that reading when I have more time. What I got so far is posted in the same section of latest visions.

I got many other visions going out to 2026. What stands out in my mind, as well as the others seen so far, is that the Republicans will likely win again in 2020 because of their advantage with funding, gerrymandering, voter suppression, actual suppression of votes cast, bombarding the Internet with negative messages, and other shenanigans we may not even know about. Many in the public at this point are resigned to the corruption and have moved to run their own programs locally. Over time, masses of people move north and off the grid. 

 The post Trump aftermath brings on a harsher reality.

It is as if the Republican leaders and their Oligarch funders are determined to get a stronger tighter grip on the throat of democracy once Trump has become quiet.  While the federal government becomes colder and harder, however, there is a rising tide of blue liberalism that at first works outside of the system.  So while some people feel depressed and beaten down, there are some who are gaining in optimism and strength. You have to look at the broader patterns to see what is going on.

But there is a turn-around. 

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Thank you, Jeanne, for this latest scan. Much appreciated.

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Thank you for your visions Jeanne. It is the fleshing out of what many of us have seen as well. Did you sit in meditation for a considerable period to get this level of clarity? Sometimes the clearest visions come to me when I go deep and sit for half an hour. 

Several of your newest visions stood out to me. The image of jesus begging the gop to do the right thing, and reading subsequent visions show that they obviously don't do the right thing. Before you posted this I threw just one card to see the future of the gop, I don't remember what it was, but it represented annihilation and disintegration. That deck has turned out be shockingly prescient and accurate, I've learned to trust it. Thank you for letting me borrow it. 

Another vision that stood out was the image of crowds of people larger than imaginable descending on the white house. I've seen hints of this myself sometimes. 

Every morning I wake up and there's more negative news. A lot of times its violence or threats of violence against reporters or protesters, or even legislation along similar lines. It always comes either from the south or areas in the mid south west. But then the new york state house recently voted in favor of universal health care (not sure if it will get through the state senate). So what you and zoron have said about blue states going more left and red stated becoming horrific is beginning to happen. I always come back to the question of why, why do people and honestly certain regional cultures insist on being so hateful. Emotionally its very depressing watching everything unfold. 

Reading everything leaves me with questions, maybe you can weigh in, but I understand if you can't. What will happen to the universities, especially ones with strong international reputations like the ivy league? What about hospitals and medical research facilities like the major boston ones? 

When people move north and off the grid, the sense I get is that it will be those that feel repressed in the south. The white working class republican base will largely not move or at least in much smaller numbers.  

When you said that Trumps base stays with him when no one else does, it reminds me of an article I recently read in salon where a Yale psychiatrist was interviewed on her take on trump and his supporters and she described a cult like emotional attachment that is impossible to break for his supporters. How long do you think his base will stay with him, and when they finally abandon him, where will they go? Will they ever be forgiven by others? 

I think the south never got over the civil war, they never forgave the north. And now they're going to get their revenge by destroying the entire country, partially out of spite, partially because they never believed in democracy or human rights to begin with. This is not the whole south, far from it, but it is the descendants of former plantation owners (jeff sessions) who are doing this. 

I'm sorry for the typos, this is a kindle.  My apologies also for the emotionally charged post. 


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Thank you, jeanne for the latest versions. What drew my eyes over these visions were those regarding climate change. From your visions regarding drought, parched lands, rivers running low it looks like rains will be either absent or there won't be enough rains in coming years. Zoron said food production will be the first victim due to climate change. From your visions it is clear how all of that will happen.

On 2022-24, I agree that this will be the turning point for our planet. A large portion of mass will experience consiousness elevation and they will understand the need to change the current system and protest against those at the top will start to take shape. New trends start to emerge and people will start to discard old practices which were harmful to civilization throughout the world. These will prove to be dominant in 2026-32 and cause the end of old order.

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WWIII is going on, everyday situation is detoriating. It is called perception war.

Current world war is not like the last two one fought in the first half of last century. Wars did not stopped after the WWII. Conflicts didn't stopped in the various parts of the world. Wars in korea, vietnam, afghanistan was the direct result of cold war. Korea, afghanistan still remains unresolved. As a whole, in every region of asia and africa you will find a conflict-prone area. Asia is like europe of one century ago. Where one miscalculation can plunge the world into chaos.

Besides, in this era where you can kill scores of people by contaminating food supply or spreading a virus, there's no need to use attrition-based war in every situation.

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Thank you all for your posts. About the food, we are being poisoned slowly these days with hormones, GM, pesticides etc in our food. It even tastes different these days. More and more Im thinking we should get our own plot of land and grow fresh, organic food. 

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You're right Dina, the food does taste different. After taking home a carload of vegetables from my mother in laws garden last September, the flavor blew me away so much that I still can't forget it. Its one of the major reasons that im determined to have my own vegetable garden one day. If you are concerned about pesticides please check out the environmental working group

Asian is also right that ww3 has been going on around us since the end of the last war. The only thing that has changed has been the field of battle has moved. The west no longer wanted to fight wars on their own territory after ww2, so they started fighting proxy wars in poorer nations. The historian Niall Fergusan has an excellent 6 part documentary series called the war of the world about this subject. He is a bit of a right wing hack, but still an excellent historian.

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All of you, Grace, Natalie, and Asian, thanks for your comments. Natalie, it didn't take nearly as long to get all those visions as it did to transcribe them into the website. lol.   I think it took about a half hour. 

Regarding your questions, the Ivy League schools have been through the Great Depression and are still here. Harvard's been around since the 17th century.  The research hospitals will have problems with funding, as will all of the health care sector, if those health care cuts go through and I think a lot of them will. The hospitals always cut the lowest paid workers first.  Health care will still be a relatively rich industry but those at the lower end -- primary care physicians, nurses, technicians, aids, clerical staff will get paid less. 

Need to meditate on migration and who will move.  Farmers are going to be hit hard - both because they are going to suffer from severe drought - dust bowl-esque drought.  And many will lose their farms because Trump is going to deny them the extra insurance coverage they have always gotten from previous administrations since the Dust Bowl era. Ironically, they voted en masse for Trump. I have to wonder how they are taking this betrayal. 


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Bless you Jeanne for all you do and share. And all of you who are here. I just want to say that I've read every thing that is posted since I joined in...every day..every word often many times.

And my abilities are more in the scanning of where we are all at because my heart tells me we are part of the Hundredth monkey phenomenon..right now. This present day one.

This is a super group whose each evolves, allays fears, understands the power of the two or more gathered and are changing time and space. 

I've worked with tremendous healing energies for decades and miracles have happened over and over. You can't change big karma and the need for our evolutionary change but you can change small fates at a time.

And that is why a lot of our predictions will be off. Energies of the collective subconscious and for those who work to create miracles...collective conscious. We are already evolving as a group.

I'm so proud of this gifted group and of our gifted leader and all who help us without names here.

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Jeanne, I read those predictions and I wanted to add that your predictions about Paul Ryan fit what I got about him recently. I saw him on the speaker's podium suddenly raised much higher, him smiling ear to ear, and something told me "He'll be raised higher before he's gone."

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Michele,  This is so nice to read your thoughts about our community. I love our community too!  I love how kind everyone is to everyone else.  Such a breath of fresh air you all are and how you help each other, and you help me too.  This has been a hard time for everyone, but I feel uplifted by you all.  So Michele, thank you. You have no idea how much your words infuse energy into me to keep going with this. 

I see not only a group of supportive people but also I see people who are evolving -- finding courage, hope, becoming more intuitive, and seeing the big picture while staying informed about the current one. Love it!


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Meghan, Yes, two things I've seen in the future - i.e., in 2018 -- (1) the Capitol building looks twice as large as before, which means the Congress is going to be running the government, not the Executive Branch, and (2) Paul Ryan looks like he's either going to be running for president or he's behaving like an acting president but from the role as Speaker. 

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