GOP Party Extinctio...
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GOP Party Extinction?

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Re: Jeanne's prediction about the GOP being kaput after 2028:


What do you think? Trumpism is the final nail in the coffin or what?

Illustrious Member Registered
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I am going to do a major post on this soon. The key issue, is 2028. Thats the death knell of the GOP. It will fragment, formally and officially, on regional lines, (North-South) and not as they are at present, four "internal" parties that are squabbling like cats in a sack and now fairly obviously the ties that bind them together in one party wearing rather threadbare. Over the next 10 years, it is going to be fairly horrible to watch internal USA events though. The internal war of the Oligarchs to maintain their power and privileges, and their hegemony over Americans, is going to be very nasty. The present weird and surreal atmosphere, Zeitgeist, is going to get a lot worse. The internal disorder and opposition to them that is all part of this, will get a lot worse. But the good news is that ultimately, the extreme American right are in a terminal crisis. the American imperialist "Warfare State"  is going to seriously overreach, and undergo internal collapse. It will be replaced, in about 10 years from now, by a reformist USA Government, that will end up ruling a country that has partly turned away from Washington, asserted local and regionalist interests, and does, however, have a shared interest with the federal Government in reform, restructuring, and reorganisation. This will be a much more diffuse America, but one facing huge problems, amongst which, the Republicans will simply be seen as outdated, irrelevant, obsolete, and unable to offer ordinary Americans a solution to their problems. FINIS. But the endless foreign wars, in other forms, will continue until after 2028. One of these, America will totally lose. The humiliation will spell the end of its old cold war era customs of being Global hyperpower. A very different, chastened America will emerge. In the meantime, fasten your seatbelts. 

KB, Unk p, Paul W and 9 people reacted
Illustrious Member Admin
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Thank you Zoron. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. 

Illustrious Member Moderator
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Thank you, Zoron.    For me, the shift towards darkness and chaos was palpable since the morning after Tump was elected.  I’ve spent this past year trying to come to terms with the new reality and while I see various possible streams of hard times ahead, the demise of the Republican Party is something I can get behind!  Appreciate your sharing, as always.  Your vision of a Ghandian army still resonates with me.

KB, Unk p, Paul W and 5 people reacted