FBI Raids on Michae...
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FBI Raids on Michael Cohen's office, apartment

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This broke early evening and causing shock waves...think this hits quite a few predictions made for April/May 2018 for the GOP, WH, and Trump. Reports are saying trump is freaking out, could this be the firing Jeanne you heard about Mueller?!


Jeanne Mayell, javamyworld, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Haha; My first thought was Trump quaking in his boots!  ? 

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I suspect he knows he's in the deepest doo-doo possible.  Since he can't "fire" Mueller, he'd have to replace Rosenstein, which he will be motivated to do so, since Rosenstein authorized the turning over of evidence to the New York federal prosecutor which led to the raids of Michael Cohen's offices.

This is doubly likely to happen, now that most of the "adults" are gone and have been replaced by what is reported to be enablers and sychophants (aka "Yes" men).  this will probably be the "victory" Trump gets in June (predicted) that makes him giddy.  But the investigation is now a multiheaded hydra and killing off Mueller won't stop it (as reported....each investigation is now independently headed.....heh heh heh.....)

While I doubt the universe is kind enough to let us see him escorted out of the White House in cuffs, nor will we see him in an Orange Jumpsuit, I do suspect they will 25th amendment him as a compromise to get him out of power....not that he deserves such mercy.

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Did Trump's housekeeper give birth to his child?

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Luminata and Luminata reacted
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The timing fits my prediction for May of “You’re fired!”  But then I also got a sense that it would be retracted or modified in June. Also Bluebelle in her reading of the situation saw that mueller keeps working. 

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Here we go.  I have no insight into Trump's affairs or possible illegitimate children other than the fully vested human logical understanding of the kind of person he is.  I'm sure he's got children he doesn't even know he's sired. 

I too see Muller being reinstated with Congressional support of some kind in June.  Things are all over the map right now(see the weather map I posted a few min ago) but I think the firing will happen and be reversed at some point.  Look out for a military strike in Syria and possible martial law intervention on the home front when marches take place over the firing of Rosenstein and or Mueller.  This may be what I saw and misinterpreted as the March for our Lives moment.  Also, keep in mind that all of this is as fluid and unpredictable as the weather.  And as subject to Higher intervention.  All will be well. I ask our Guardian Angels to keep us calm and safe in the face of the storm we are facing.  I ask that we be granted clear sight and only answer calls to True action that is rooted in Love for our fellow humans and the Earth which sustains us.  Much Love to all!

KB, Jeanne Mayell, LalaBella and 9 people reacted
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It's just an odd unfolding that seems to encapsulate the presidency right now; The NYT and Washington Post are busy tracking down scoops picked up by In Touch Weekly and The National Inquirer quite a while back, given the "instant" seize and spin nature of the media; Dems, the GOP, every kind of lawyer, a porn star, a Playboy centerfold, every kind of media outlet, and the Russians are enmeshed in spiraling projections and opinions about every kind of issue.  Jeanne has often referred to the tale of Persephone ... Trump seems like the modern representation of the tragic hero in just about any Greek or Shakespearian play.  Legitimate and possibly illegitimate children have their respective roles.  As Luminata points out, all of the players are acting out their parts within the context of a roiling environment.  This has all just become a very surreal drama portrayed on the big screen platform of life as we've known it.  Maybe this is exactly what we were all supposed to see; lots of human lessons here.  At some point, we turn from the play and examine our passive and active transactions with the all of it; an equally troubling view for me.  Guess it's like what I heard a man of God say a very long time ago, "the true test of any spiritual experience is what happens to the person afterwards."  

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 While following news commentary on Twitter yesterday, I  had an interesting experience.   Before even reading past the headline of this New Yorker article, I had a sense that the author is intuitive, whether he knows it or not.   https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/michael-cohen-and-the-end-stage-of-the-trump-presidency/amp?__twitter_impression=true

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"The narrative that will become widely understood is that Donald Trump did not sit atop a global empire. He was not an intuitive genius and tough guy who created billions of dollars of wealth through fearlessness. He had a small, sad operation, mostly run by his two oldest children...."

I read this article yesterday too and got the same sense, but I laughed at myself because all I could think was, "I hope he really IS intuitive and is on the money." 

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This is a tweet a half hour ago from the author of this New Yorker article, Adam Davidson:  

“I imagine Ivanka, Don. Jr., and Jared are in extreme legal risk.

So, my prediction is based on believing I have a sense of the news flow of the coming year.

But, still, I do know I could well be wrong.”


He would fit in with our forum....

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Every once in a while, I encounter a reporter or scientist who is also an intuitive (psychic).  I saw this quality early on in climate scientist James Hanson whose intuition has been close to perfect so far, in spite of being unpopular with the establishment and at the fringe end of his dire climate predictions.  

Rachel Maddow is an  intuitive reporter who finds key stories that reveal a deeper truth.  I remember when last year she did a story showing a Russian in charge of their I.T. operations who said the Russians had an I.T. weapon that would enable then to make Russia a key world player.    

And Bluebelle, I agree  with you that Adam Davidson is yet another of these intuitive reporters.

I agree with Davidson that there are tipping points that determine an outcome long before the situation has finished unfolding.  He describes the tipping points he saw in Iraq just as Bush was declaring "Mission Accomplished."  He knew from the chaos in Bagdad that the war was long from over, the mission long from being accomplished.   And in 2007 with the financial situation, he knew that the banks could not stand on a foundation of toxic debt assets.  

Now Davidson sees the Cohen raid as the tipping point for Donald Trump.  

Perhaps therefore our group was unconsciously seeing a tipping point when last September we saw that on or around April 2018 Trump would be snared in a net, and his family would fall apart.   We may not see them fall apart this month, but perhaps we did see the tipping point. 

Reading Davidson's article tells me something about my own intuition and our group's intuition.  I don't often know consciously  what the tipping factor is when I'm reading something, but I feel that it has happened.  I rolled my eyes when Bush declared "mission accomplished over Iraq."

I told clients that a major market crash was coming in 2008, but didn't know why I knew it, just that the real estate bubble was going to break.  The real estate bubble did break,  but I didn't know that toxic real estate securities were driving the market.

And many in our group predicted that April would be the pivotal month for Trump's demise, but we didn't know why.  

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Davidson says "it seems likely that, when we look back on this week, we will see it as a turning point."  Even before reading this article, the moment the news broke about the multiple raids on Cohen, I had the immediate recognition that something mechanical and important clicked into place -- a turning point or tipping poing for sure.  For me, Trump now seems like a twitching dead man walking.  Not dead literally, but dead in the sense there's no trajectory available to him that doesn't end his disasterous stint as our head of state.  Still I worry about all the damage he can do before he exits.  

Jeanne Mayell, Laynara, BlueBelle and 3 people reacted
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So Sean Hannity is Cohen's client, too. Muahahhaha. I mean, if this whole Trump saga was some shitty telenovela I would say, stop it already, this plot is not convincing. But it's real life and you can't make that stuff up. Bizarre times we are living in. I believe somebody said on the predictions page that she saw Fox news ripping in two. I think she is right. Once this chaos we're in has ebbed down, fox might be vastly different, too.

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Technically Hannity was not Cohen's clients.  According to Hannity, he consulted with him but never paid him a retainer, which he says means he never hired him. Who knows. They are all in together in my mind. 

Paul W and Paul W reacted
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I totally agree that Davidson is an intuitive!  Maddow as well.   And what a beautiful thing to know - how many of us are out there keeping the Light shining!  Thank you Bluebell and Jeanne, KB and others for recognizing and calling attention to ways we can recognize and honor our Light Keepers.  

Oh, there is much here on the Hannity front.  ? Hannity has made many contradictory statements all by himself, that he never retained Cohen, "but maybe I paid him 10 dollars a couple of times"...  Truly unbelievable stuff.  And - AND Hannity is our fall guy.  It's not Jared as many saw, it is Hannity.  (Jared may be next ) I'm not nearly as versed in Tarot as many here, but throw cards on Hannity and the FOOL will be prominent.  He is our Jester, the primary distraction.  I know very little about him, but can clearly see his role in the comedy/tragedy we are watching unfold.  The distraction is from Trump's primary assets, his children.  On a deeper level, all of Trump and his family is a distraction from Pence - and the rest of the GOP -and something else I can't quite see.  Ryan's announcement that he's retiring is huge.  He (as well as Mcconnell, Nunes, and on and on) are complicit as was made public long ago.  However, Ryan thinks he can escape criminal charges by not running for office.  This remains to be seen.

Where in the world are Eric and Don Jr?  Have they returned from Dubai (where they attended a wedding on April 6th  - the weekend of the gas attack on Douma) This was a tell in terms of the Syrian gas attack.  There is double dealing going on here, though I cannot make out the exact who or why, but this (Trump's children at UAE wedding) was a trigger for the gas attack on Douma. I sense Eric Prince is deep in the mix here as well.  The fire in Trump tower (April 7th) is involved in this scenario as well - though it has been ruled an accident because of daisy chained power strips, I believe this was the actual event that led to the search warrant and subsequent raid on Cohen (due to Cohen's tweets to someone in the building to get out because of a fire)

And where is Jared?  And Ivanka?  Manafort is not the one who escapes. I'm sorry I don't remember who, but someone had a vision of Manafort escaping - something along the lines of he's gone. It is Trump's children who pull the disappearing act while we are paying attention to Cohen and Hannity.  

Zoron is completely right in that the assets in Syria were not neutralized.  The government players - Assad and Putin as well as UAE and Saudi Arabia (MBS), which I cannot separate on an intuitive level  - and all their war toys are still intact and ready to resurface.  Zoron, can you see who can help us out of this situation?  I know you can do it - there are exit points.  Who/what is instrumental in bringing us to those exit points? 

Our exit points here as I see them, depend on the ouster of Trump and the exposure of Pence and key players in the GOP as well as players in the UK and France.  This is so huge - I can't see it all - nor am I meant to  ? From what I can see, we need to elevate Mueller, Rosenstein, Schneiderman, Jimmy Carter, Maddow, Davidson, Judge Wood, and any other unknown Light Keepers I've yet to encounter - and of course, God (Higher Consciousness, The Great Spirit, Allah, Buddah, Truth - I still think of it as God, though I don't want to offend or put anyone off by invoking that name) and the Angels who direct the Light Keepers here on our plane.

We've got a good number of the players and their roles at this point.  I am called to avoid the distractions and help the Truth Sayers have their say.  I know you all (and many others) are with me!  So let's help those who are keeping the Light of Truth burning through Prayer and Clear Sight.

Love to all!

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Sidebar:  in NY state, all that is required to a) perform a sale/purchase; or b) retain a lawyer is ONE dollar. It's called a "good faith interaction" (oh, the irony!)

As you were.

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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So it's clear from legal analyses that Hannity was indeed a client of Michael Cohen's. It is amazing how much public figures lie (and lie and lie). I've learned so much from the Trump regime, like, for example, that it is totally legal to lie to the public.

Anyway, it seems that everyone and anyone connected to Donald Trump is mired in the swamp.  Trump's a crime boss, to use Comey's terminology. (The Koch brothers have also been characterized by the FBI (as described in Mayer's book Dark Money) as behaving like an organized crime business). That brings in Paul Ryan whose received huge funds from Koch. 

 If we found out that a neighbor or friend was doing business with the mafia, we'd be wary of that person.  Now we learn that Hannity is doing business with the Trump crime family who in turn does business with the Putin godfather.  As an aside, the fact that Hannity said he never made payments to Cohen, "Oh maybe I paid him $10 once," aside from the fact that even a $1 payment constitutes an attorney-client relationship, it's typical of celebrities to expect to receive services for free. So we now want to know, what did Cohen The Fixer fix for Shawn Hannity? 

Regarding who the scapegoat is.  When I said that I believed Jared was the scapegoat, it was back in September when I saw someone in free fall in December 2017.  It looked like a young slim dark haired man and his body language resembled  Don, Jr. but also could be Jared.  It was not Hannity.  Not yet, at least. 

That said, there will be many lambs thrown to the public for sacrifice by the time this whole investigation is over.

Jared was already sacrificed, not for prosecution yet, but for his role in the White House when Chief of Staff Kelly downgraded his security clearance earlier in the year. Trump did not intervene on Kushner's behalf, (even though he later replaced Kelly) as Kushner remains downgraded and humiliated.  Mueller is busy right now pulling so many pieces together, but Jared's ultimate downfall is coming.  Don Jr's free fall has also happened, in that Mueller knows his involvement in the Russian email collusion, although it will take time before it all unfolds. 


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Posted by: Jeanne Mayell

So it's clear from legal analyses that Hannity was indeed a client of Michael Cohen's.  

Well, for attorney-client privilege purposes... maybe.  Just giving $10 to an attorney, and saying, "This is attorney-client privileged" doesn't put everything discussed under the umbrella of privilege.  Say we have two purely fictional characters named Sean and Michael, an attorney.  

If Sean goes to Michael, gives him $10 and asks, "What is the most tax-advantaged way I can legally structure my real estate investments?", that is privileged (confidential legal advice).  

If Sean goes to Michael, gives him $10 and asks, "What do you think is the best real estate investment in NYC?", that is not privileged (not legal advice).  

If Sean goes to Michael, gives him $10 and asks him, "What is the best way I can legally structure my real estate investments?" and Donald, (a fictional 3rd party) is present, that is not privileged (not confidential).  

If Sean goes to Michael, gives him $10 and asks him, "How do I invest in real estate in a way that gets me a cut of that Ukrainian money laundering money?" and Michael tells him how to do that, that's not privileged (advice in furtherance of a crime).  (If Michael tells him, "Money is laundering is illegal. Go away," that actually would be privileged since that's legit legal advice).

This is purely hypothetical of course.  

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Thanks for weighing in, sidwich.  

Whatever you call it, Hannity used Cohen, The Fixer, for legal advice.  He is involved with the guy and although it's no surprise to me that Shawn Hannity is in with the shady set.  (I have never considered him anything more than a Trump-loving spinster and lie machine.)  It may be a surprise to some of the Hannity to find out he's associated with the likes of Cohen. 

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