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Brent Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nominee

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Stargazer, right?!

It's almost like Kavanaugh came in with some intense past life business to rectify, and to do that, volunteered to have himself flayed on the most visible and public altar in service of the Rising Feminine and its need for reconciliation and healing.

We all know that you have to acknowledge something before you can heal it. But you have to fully feel a thing before you can acknowledge it. If Kavanaugh has done anything, he's shot a bolt of lightening directly into our national nervous system. No one can anymore deny the collective trauma women have been carrying. And those who try are increasingly recognized for what they are. 

Jeanne Mayell, Marley, numerologist and 5 people reacted
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Yes, Kavanaugh definitely has some very serious past life karma! Heavy duty to the collective. My impression is that he was an SS officer in Nazi Germany in this last one, and desired sadistic power above all... some big dooz to pay.

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Posted by: Jessi1978

 Chiefs Justice Roberts transfers Kavanaugh misconduct complaints to 10th Circuit. I wonder why now? 

I read somewhere that the judge who handles ethics complaints for other judges in D.C. is Merrick Garland.  For obvious reasons, he  recused himself from this particular case, which I think is the reason it was ultimately transferred to the 10th circuit in Denver.  Talk about karma!

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For a Post script on this whole fiasco, here is randy rainbow.  It was recorded before the confirmation, but it still helps me deal:

Marley, CDeanne, VestraLux and 3 people reacted
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Ha! Oh man, Jeanne, I needed that. 


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Here's another bit of hopeful news.  This morning Diane Feinstein (minority leader of the Senate Judiciary Committee) said that if the Senate turns blue, she will absolutely revisit Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Got to flip that Senate.  If you folks can do any canvassing, now is the time.  Door to door canvassing is the most effective way to get votes. Contact your local democratic committee.  Just saying....

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I'm from Florida and I'm defiantly gonna vote blue. Even if the odds are against me I'm still going out and vote regardless doing the right thing is very important. My vote was originally to put Trump in check but know I'm voting for all woman, they need to be heard and they should be in power. I hope to encourage anyone in red states please vote even if you know the odds are against you just go vote I did for 2016 and I'm not discourage at all.

Paul W, Michele, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
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Jeanne, I heard Feinstein on NPR yesterday being interviewed. She said she would not reopen the investigation of Kavanaugh (it's a done deal now) but that she'd investigate the investigation of him by the FBI - what/who they were instructed to interview. Feinstein is my state Senator, and while I respect her and her experience, I'm beyond frustrated with her and the Kavanaugh/Ford mess. I've read a lot of comments from people about why they are extra motivated to vote, like in GA, and one of the main reasons is because they think Kavanaugh was treated unfairly by the Dems. Let's just hope even more voters are motivated to vote as a check/balance on the GOP.  -daria 

BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle and 1 people reacted
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Has anybody heard about the witches putting a hex on Kavanaugh and men like him? Any idea what that is all about?


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This year, people need to make sure their voter registration hasn't been tossed.   YOu can check on to see if you are registered and if there your state has early voting which is nice.  Here is the link: has everything you need to know about voting in your particular state. 

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I got a visit from my republican brother, and among the things we talked about was Kavanaugh. He said that Ms Ford had been a loose woman. I asked where he heard that: Fox news. The only news he watches. It doesn't matter what the other news programs say, if nobody watches them. He said he would pray for me: the poor uninformed democrat. About the witches, when Trump was elected, they put a hex on him too. It hasn't worked yet.

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This made a lot of the lesser known and/ or needing news to go viral sites about 2 weeks ago.

I respect those who follow ancient druidic beliefs and truly identify with earth and natural world belief systems but have found that a lot of the modern witches are finding a strong need to use darker forces to attack those who they see as carrying energies that have personally harmed them in their lives.

Like all energy,  it is the balance or balancing of dark and light (or good or evil if you prefer those terms) that once is out of balance creates out of balance energies in this dimension in this world. "As above, so below".

So, if you Google this there are a dozen or more news stories about a book store in New York having a hex party for the purpose of cursing Kavanaught. And then the Catholic priest saying he'd do an exorcism to negate their hexes.

A lot of the time, I see a lot of modern groups practice with hexes (truly deep down) as attention getting and coming from the energies of the wounded child turned into urges for revenge. 

More importantly they seem to project watching recognition and attention which at its base is the need for love, to push back their own fears. Or in the book store, fear of not doing well and needing more clients, business and even publicity).

Personally, I have known both self-proclaimed witches and self-proclaimed pagans. Both were quite interesting in how they projected their own energetic realities and intent to create or find their tribe in this world.

20 or so years ago I was actually sent a practicing Pagan to my home  and my lay healing practice--which I did for free for many years--by a psychic psychotherapist who sent me patients to help outside of his own practice.

I got extremely clear visions from her about her and her serious health issues and honestly shared them using only symbolic imagery that were neutral not dark. She was very dark towards my light (her illness and fear of of her future) but I gave her only caring compassion, love and healing light in return.

She knew I could help her in some emotional ways as I did with hospice patients, she felt and relaxed with my energy and trusted the psychologist and friend. There was no charge only her time but she never returned. I still think fondly of her and wish she'd been open to help and healing across all modalities. She carried so much loss, so much pain, and I tried to send strength to her to keep trying and I think she did try eventually.

The practicing witches I met loved their tribal identification and focused on affecting the weather. Sort of like our "Predict the Future Night" only with weather.

I made my choices to use my gifts my way and they choose to, in their cases, use theirs playfully. They had no interest in doing hexes to cause harm. It was a way to learn more, be more,  in their own way privately and quietly.

We are all trying to learn in and from this Earth School for different reasons but I firmly believe in the basic spiritual principal of "do no harm" and putting a hex on Kavanaugh would neither honor that principle not allow balance between the energies to occur through natural karmic or divine principles.


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There is a documentary out called The Brainwashing of my Dad.  I found it on the Roku channel and on Amazon earlier this yr.  The woman who did this film had watched her fun, kind, democratic father turn into a raging Fox news jerk.  She also talked to many others whose family member changed overnight after listening to right winged news shows.  It was the same story over and over.  The movie also explains how Fox news came into being.  It was really interesting and does have a happy ending.

As for the witches doing the hexes, it is sad because that type of thing can bounce back on to them.  I think both Trump and Kavanaugh's past actions or even past lives have already cursed them.  Imagine being in Trump's head at 2 in the morning.  I am sure his inner voice is not kind and keeps him from sleeping.  It would be difficult to tell if the witches really made any difference in that chaotic brain.

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It is interesting that this discussion was started here today. I just had this discussion two days ago with a friend. 

The Washington Post had an article days ago talking about how Hurricane Florence impacted my town. I said that some hardened climate change deniers were changing their tune after living through the storm and it's aftermath. It noted our town was a conservative enclave, and had been for years. That part is not true. Up until 2014, our representative was a Dem who had been in office since 1996. 

I moved here and knew it to be kind of half and half-making it rather moderate. The change has seeped in, and the Dem retired, knowing that the gerrymandering meant he'd be wasting his money on another campaign. Tho the conservatives here said it was because of Obamacare's faulty start. I don't believe that-it had it's faults during roll-out, but so many here finally had coverage they couldn't afford otherwise. 

As my friend shared the same observations-we were rather moderate to liberal leaning when we moved here over 20 years ago- it has changed. We still have the influx of northerners trying to escape the cold winters up north, many of whom come from more liberal leaning locales. What has changed is the upswing in viewership in Faux news. It was just a fledgling station when I moved here. It has warped the viewpoints of many citizens. Instead of the news, they give opinion much of the time, and many don't realize the disclaimers that are in the fine print of most of the shows, telling them it's entertainment, not news. This includes O'Reilly, Hannity, Carlson, Fox & Friends-the list of entertainers is long. 

One of the good things that I've seen happen in the last two years-the lack of Faux news on tv's in public places here any longer. Prior to Trump's election, for years, you'd walk into a restaurant that had a tv, and it was tuned to Faux. Not any longer. I know I've said it (not directly to an employee, but definitely while one was in earshot)-I refuse to return to an establishment where I'm paying money for services and I'm subjected to the channel. I thought I was the only one, but I haven't seen the channel on a single tv in a restaurant in over a year. Most are now tuned to sports, weather, or a local cable news station. 

I haven't been around lately. I had to take a break from reality. After the stress of the hurricane, I took a vacation. I had friends who had scheduled a cruise months ago. They had asked me to go, but family obligations made me hesitate to join them. The storm postponed my plans, so without much notice, I took off for a week in the Caribbean. It was the right thing to do. This way we missed Hurricane Michael sweeping through our area again, and another round of power outages and school closings. Getting in touch with nature, hiking the caverns of the Baths in Virgin Gordo, strolling along the beaches in Tortola, and snorkeling in St. Thomas and the Bahamas washed away so much stress. Mother nature knows her stuff!

After our return, we found we're booked with work for months. So much hurricane damage needs to be repaired. Someone in one of the threads noted that they loved that there were points of light in places they hadn't realized existed. We exist in every corner of the US. Often we're overshadowed by those who are fear motivated. Today for example, we were welcomed back into previous client's homes to help them put their homes back as we left them when we finished renovating them months ago. They argued with insurance adjusters to make sure our team would be the ones to do the repairs. These are nice people. We have fun with them, are treated well, etc. However some of them are so entrenched in the party cult, they have no clue that the podcasts they have blasting in the house are truly offensive to us. One couple owned a pizza shop out west prior to retirement, have children currently working in the movie industry, and as we worked around their house last time, we inadvertently stumbled across their bowl and pot stash (tho we didn't tell them we found it). Every indication says these are Woodstock hippies (the absolute liberals of their day), yet they listen all day long to pundits who tell them that liberals are mentally ill or that we're trying to start a civil war (these are things we've actually heard them listening to while we were there). It's such a strange juxtaposition. 

There is more to all of us than our political, religious, or other types of beliefs. Not all conservatives fit a singular mold, just as progressives don't all fit the same mold. The one thing that I have found that is so different as progressives is that we don't live in the same kind of fear they do. It's not that we don't have some fear, but we don't feed on it, and we seem to look for answers to it. We find light and positive aspects along the way as well. 

There are aspects of mental illness related to conspiracy theorists and cults. Unfortunately with the advent of Faux news, the conservatives have been somewhat brainwashed with what they've been fed, and they don't question it as much as we question what we hear. I don't just rely on one source of news. I look at many outlets for confirmation of what I'm reading. Just as we have compassion for those with anxiety issues, those who are oppressed, etc., these folks are just as needy. Many won't be reached at an intellectual level. It's hard to open your eyes to your own shortcomings. They need to feel like they belong, and they are being fed the Kool-Aid they need to fulfill this need. Today's bomb's are being touted by some of the right wing pundits as a stunt by the left - to stir the pot, or drum up support at the polls. Why should they see what is going on in the country when someone is willing to explain it away?

Trump is mentally ill. Too many doctors came forward when he was elected noting their professional concerns. Those of us who have dealt with narcissists or mentally abusive individuals know the signs. We've been the victims of their abuse. It is widely known that an abused spouse often does not leave their abuser. This is only different in that we're not talking about familial relationships, but the underlying principles are the same. To have not seen this coming or to have been a party to it will not be something that some folks will ever be able to admit.  There will be those who hit their breaking points and wake up to see what has been transpiring, while others will claim hoax no matter how much proof they are shown. What they need is healing, and to that end, all we can do is send light, love and healing energy. 

It doesn't mean we can't do what we can otherwise. Now that I've had some down time, I need to write back to my senator. I wrote to him over Kavanaugh's confirmation (which happened when I was away and had no tv or internet-thank goodness). When I returned home I found a response mansplaining the situation and hiding behind Susan Collin's skirt. I'm not going to just let it slide.  ? I had read a prediction from another psychic who said he felt Kavanaugh would be confirmed, but he'd be ousted a few years into his term. That resonated with me, tho I hoped that he would never be confirmed. I think there's a lot that will come toppling down in the near future. Things like the NY Times piece today which says that Trump's unsecured phone has been giving the Chinese an earful from the start is just one of many things that should start toppling this administration. 


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Welcome home, Cindy. Nice to have you back here with us. Another one of your interesting and thoughtful posts that I always enjoy reading!

I laughed out loud at your "Faux News". We were looking at cars at a dealership once years ago when their newest, very young "associate" showed us around the lot explaining each car's features.

She stroked one car's car seat telling us they were fox leather.  I was appalled at the loss of so many tiny animals lives just to make 1 car seat when I realized she meant "faux" leather as opposed to real or cloth.

I really should have taken her aside and gently explained the pronunciation but it was long after the fact before common sense returned to my brain that it was not really fox skins.

Faux new favorite word combo!

Love  all your stories learn a lot about so much more than politics. but about the human spirit and all our similarities, differences and ability to grow through challenges.

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I believe we are being pushed as a society to deal with two big issues that Trump has brought to the forefront.  One is mental illness, especially personality disorders like narcissism.  Many of our mental health professionals have not been trained in these disorders which are rampant in the US.  The general public is not educated in recognizing these problems to guard against being taken in by these people.  Trump is a textbook example.  The way the Republican party is behaving is exactly like abuse victims do.  To survive, they are either freezing, fawning over him, becoming just like him and becoming his flying monkeys, resigning, or bonding with him through the trauma.

Another issue being spotlighted is the suppression of the feminine energy.  This is always the first step taken to being able to manipulate people.  Both men and women shut down half of their being in order to function in groups like Patriarchal religions, politics, the business world, right wing media.  When that happens, people turn off their empathy and intuition that helps them connect to others and think for themselves.  Healthy assertiveness becomes aggression and anger.  We are out of balance.  This is why women can support Trump and Kavanaugh.  I think the Women's movement often misses the mark on this. It is not just women in general that need to rise, but the feminine energy that both sexes have that needs to be returned to its place in balance with the true masculine energy.  I think we are now being forced to understand this in order to progress and survive.

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I reread my post above.  I want to clarify. I didn't mean to sound like I don't support the Women's marches and the feminist movements.  I totally do.  What I was trying to express is that we won't have equality out here in our world until all of us, both men and women, heal the inequality within.

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TaG22, totally love what you have written.  I want to add to your wisdom through my own sieve:  The way to heal the inequality within is to become authentic.  Become one with your deep intuitive self. Become one with your soul self.  I wrote an article a few years ago on how to find inner guidance from your body.  It is the way that I find my authentic self.  It is how I can tell when my intuition is coming from a soul place instead of from something someone said or from prevailing thought.  I wrote this article a few years ago. It teaches you how to find your true self within you at any given moment. If you are serving the wrong master, or capitulating to someone who keeps you down, you will know it if you follow these methods of self awareness:

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I am closing this topic since it is moving into a new topic of Post Kavanaugh Women Rising and opening a new one. Go there for continuation of this great discussion! 

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Great article, Jeanne!  Thanks for that.

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