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The Covid-19 Pandemic (When posting new information, please cite sources)

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Thanks so much for your glorious post. So insightful and healing. 

You're a beautiful soul and we are grateful to you for sharing your deep wisdom and nuturing, caring essence. All the best to you always.


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i felt Grace wash over me when I read your post and am humbled that the Divine has given us this gift to tap into the quantum field. Seers like you and many on this forum have walked the lonely road and harnessed the gift of seeing so that people like me can find the way forward. My skills need fine-tuning, the intellect gets in the way, the voices of peers ring too loudly, but thanks to this forum which you started, I feel I have found one of my tribes. In this period of self-isolation, I am finding the quiet to hear the animals a little more clearly - they walk so closely to the earth they hear the breath and feel the heartbeat of Gaia and they, like the trees, know. My cat tells me to nap in the sunshine every day and to step outside at night to bathe in starlight until we get to fly back to Toronto. We have also redefined the concept of home - home is where my husband and my cat are, and right now, we are home. This doesn’t stop us from taking the precautionary step of flying back to Toronto but I am no longer blown this way or that anymore by capricious airline schedules. 

Yesterday, while fretting that I had to clean the floors yet again, I learned a lesson - consciousness is not just for when I am meditating or practicing qiqong, it’s especially pertinent when I am getting hot and bothered over mopping. It’s in the smallest, most tiresome, most stressful acts that I have to be most conscious. 


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Hello, I was catching up on posts in this forum and I wish to thank everyone here because they were such beautiful, inspirational posts. I am there with you! Jeanne, I remember one of the first sets of predictions you had posted about this time... your prediction was that things are not really going to get better until the mid to later 2020's. I think that makes sense. First of all, there is going to be a great deal of unraveling to come. Trump's time in DC serves as a catalyst but there are a lot of systemic problems. The time needed to undo the damage he has wrought, in combination with the need to correct the dysfunction that has been in practice for decades as well as the need to build new institutions of support and protection--probably a new financial system, new educational system etc. But they need to stop the bleeding first. When you consider a patient in the ICU, often they are placed in an induced coma to protect their body while it is given therapies to help it heal (sometimes they are put in a hypothermic state to protect from organ failure, in extreme cases, ECMO-- a heart/lung bypass) It is done to protect it from it's own confused consciousness as well as to protect that very consciousness. As they heal and get stronger, the drips, the machines are removed little by little and the patient is brought to wakefulness, and little by little able to breathe on their own until they are strong enough to undergo physical therapy which, again, is a whole process. I don't know that we value our health and function of our bodies so much as when we lose it for a while and have to work so hard to get it back. That is how I see our process. It is a minideath, a winter, in order for Spring to come.... And this is going to take some time.

Also, I wish to share an article I read in Medium called Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance by Tomas Pueyo
Medium Article

It talks about the different strategies and timeline for the virus peak and ebb. The timeline for what we are doing (at least in NY) does bring us to probably around the end of May- beginning in June with societal freedoms slowly reintroduced. (I like to give a 2 week margin of error). It is a very interesting article. If this is a repeat referral- I apologize. 

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@jeanne-mayell thank you for your beautiful words.  They are so soothing.  Thank God I found this forum and all the good, dear people in it.  You all provide wisdom, peace and hope.  And friendship too!   Be blessed all of you.  Stay calm if you can, stay positive.  We have each other and we have energy to share with the world. ❤️ 


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I just listened to a 30 something lady on a local facebook. She said that she had Covid 19 though they didn't have the means to test her., but they tested her for Flu and something else, and she tested negative. So that is why they said she had the virus. This is a small town. I came back from Walmart.I'm sure I've been exposed.

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Jeanne, i'm grateful that you post what you see and don't sugar coat it. I don't want to shy away from reality or be unprepared for it when it does hit. there is so much freedom in the truth. Even when you post things that are hard to hear- if people aren't ready to hear them they won't. Everyday we see the painful truth of that playing out in America.

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Here's a 20 minute read from Der Spiegel about the shortcomings of the German healthcare system in the face of the coronavirus. They're dealing with many of the same problems the US is dealing with: a shortage of nurses that has grown acute in the past 10 years; declining numbers of primary care physicians compared to highly paid specialists (anesthesiologists, orthopedic surgeons, etc.); an unwillingness of hospitals to forgo lucrative nonessential surgeries (like hip replacements) even as a health crisis looms; and shortages, price gouging, and outright theft of basic protective equipment (some hospital associations in Germany, like their American counterparts, are also asking citizens to sew surgical masks for them).

I'm not trying to excuse the gross shortcomings of the American system, but this piece illustrates that even in countries that are supposed to have universal health coverage, the picture isn't so rosy when you take a closer look. The main problem, I think, is that all modern healthcare infrastructures, no matter the country, are tethered to growth-based economics, and the growth-based economic model is tethered to the declining energy return on energy invested (EROEI) that defines the fossil fuel industry. The top heavy global healthcare landscape will face a reckoning because of the pandemic, but so too will the basic principles of our economic paradigm. 

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I just heard that Amy Klobuchar's husband is hospitalized in DC with the virus.  He is on oxygen.   He self-quarantined at home for about a week with a fever (100+) and bad cough.  I can't recall whether his test results were in by the time he was hospitalized.  She said he was in DC and she was in Minnesota during the two week period he was probably exposed and became ill.   Amy said the worst part is she can't see him in the hospital.  She's on Capitol Hill, working to pass this relief package.  She looked so worn out and sad, it broke my heart.   Let us keep them in our prayers.

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

The trees talked to me. The Moon told me in 2013 what was going to happen. They know and we know too. And because we have the sacred gift of radically understanding the interconnectivity of all beings, we also get to see the future and past.  

Jeanne, our dear friend and seer sister, thank you. I'm so grateful you're here, and that you've been sharing your visions with the world (and with us!), whether or not it was ready for them. 

This post was so beautifully written. ?

I share a similar experience in that I've been shown the unraveling for some time (since approximately 2008), even if I sometimes pretended not to see it. It's easier on the heart to focus on the hint of light at the edges of change, as all of us have done here and there. 

This is a period of great and terrible transition: it's both a crisis and an opportunity.

A great many souls are suddenly exiting, and that's confusing for them and for all of us. Our planet is in chaos; we are in chaos. We're fractious and divided and often anxious or angry. We need to be able to feel that. We need to be able to look at futures we don't want to see, to feel things we don't want to feel but that are present and real regardless. We need to find ways to make a container for the things that are difficult, and stand together to hold it.

That's how we create resilience. Only resilience generates new and higher possibilities, like a portal to a new kind of light.

Everything isn't just gonna go back to "normal." We are an existential threat to ourselves and to countless other species. Every 24 hours, something like 200 species of insect, birds, or animals is vanishing because of us.

Humans make necessary but difficult change one of two ways: they either read the signs and symptoms on the wind and consciously choose to alter every necessary thing in order to address the problem ahead, or life meets them with a crisis and they're forced. Most of us only change by crisis, which is why we are now living through a structural overhaul. And it's deeply necessary for our survival. Banking systems, food industry, healthcare services, countless other human endeavors are being upended. One way or another, systems and institutions as we know them will have to adapt.

But this isn't the end of humanity. It's more... a beginning, I feel. We're such a young race, after all. 


Another way of saying it:

Pluto has been transiting Capricorn, striking through every "Tower" like a fiery axe. Today, Pluto was joined by Mars, making that axe into a laser.

In the morning, there will be a New Moon at 4-degrees of Aries, tightly conjunct Chiron (our collective wounds/what we need to heal) and square to the lunar nodes (where we are collectively going, and who we have been up to now). A square is a challenging aspect; it demands growth.

On the 31st, Mars will have joined Saturn at 0-degrees (intense) of Aquarius. This is another laser, perhaps of a martial or military nature, and it impacts the collective (Aquarius), not just some people.

All of these energies are part of a clearing: a wound is being lanced. (You have to cut out the infection before the body can begin to heal itself.)

By the Winter Solstice, December 21, of this year, Jupiter and Saturn will form a conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius. This is called "the great conjunction," and occurs once in a generation. It marks the dawning of a new era, one we've been hearing about since at least the 60s. When Jesus of Nazareth was born, the great conjunction occurred in Pisces incidentally. Now the Piscine age is coming to its end.

Transitions are painful, but necessary. They also tend to reveal whatever is most beautiful and good and true. 


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Something happened yesterday. My youngest child, special needs, came inside just frantic for me to stop what I was doing and come outside. When I went out, sitting right there a few feet in front of our gate, was a bunny. Brown, medium-sized, cute, eating some kind of leafy weed. It looked at me, not afraid, and kept eating.

I felt like crying for a moment. It was just so weirdly normal. This rabbit had no idea of the world's chaos, and its calmness, coupled with my child's excitement, was just what I needed to remind me, once again of the necessary appreciation for simple things.

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What a powerful post. Very helpful. Thank you. 


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I have always found your writing to be optimistic on the whole. It's what drew me to your site, I suppose to you. Of course, I dream of a future that I can place myself in that is much more egalitarian - to me, it's not the good old days, it's the future's so bright, and I live there when I'm zoned on what I do. In that vein, we're really just going through the death gasps of the rabid robber baron who is oblivious the pendulum has already begun to swing the other way.  



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Abundant gratitude to you for this beautiful post. I read it at bedtime, after a day that involved a lot of work with anxiety: a flash of the fear followed by breathing and grounding and gratitude, then back to my day's work until the next flash of fear, etc. It brought me peace that helped me ease into sleep.

Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

Seeing comes from connecting and loving. If you didn't know that you could see the world deeply enough to see it in the future, then you can learn. The point is not to do a parlor trick. The point is to connect and love so deeply that you see and you hear and you feel the world.  

Thank you for this reminder that feeling the fear and pain of the world is an intrinsic part of feeling love and the connection between everyone and everything. There can be no compassion without willingness to feel pain--your own and that of others. Like you said, we can find strength in knowing we are not alone, we are a community. And after this storm passes, we need to hold onto that strength and the lessons we are given so that we can fight together to dismantle and rebuild the systems that cause harm to so many beings.


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"Thank you for this reminder that feeling the fear and pain of the world is an intrinsic part of feeling love and the connection between everyone and everything. There can be no compassion without willingness to feel pain--your own and that of others. Like you said, we can find strength in knowing we are not alone, we are a community. And after this storm passes, we need to hold onto that strength and the lessons we are given so that we can fight together to dismantle and rebuild the systems that cause harm to so many beings."


"Seeing comes from connecting and loving. If you didn't know that you could see the world deeply enough to see it in the future, then you can learn. The point is not to do a parlor trick. The point is to connect and love so deeply that you see and you hear and you feel the world."


"This is a period of great and terrible transition: it's both a crisis and an opportunity.

A great many souls are suddenly exiting, and that's confusing for them and for all of us. Our planet is in chaos; we are in chaos. We're fractious and divided and often anxious or angry. We need to be able to feel that. We need to be able to look at futures we don't want to see, to feel things we don't want to feel but that are present and real regardless. We need to find ways to make a container for the things that are difficult, and stand together to hold it.

That's how we create resilience. Only resilience generates new and higher possibilities, like a portal to a new kind of light."


When i am my weariest the gems appear and my spirit knows and reminds me that no matter what I will be o.k.  My family will be o.k. this group and our bigger communities will be o.k. and no matter the depth and the breadth and the great losses to come, we will still go on and we all will be o.k.

I will wake to a new and glorious sunrise and go to sleep with the peace of understanding of the need for each new sunset. I can understand and accept so many necessary endings in order to understand and rejoice in so many new beginnings.

And as that intense and incredible and never ending story of just being present in that love and in that joy will fill my heart with so much power and compassion and knowing that all will be well. No matter how immensely painful it often is for me now   

Not in the state of chaos and disintegration and loss and suffering but because of the acceptances of all of it and so much more to come and the understanding of the need for it all.

That is why i don't  give up when all is broken, nothing is working and i know the losses and missings will be so huge and unrelenting for many, many hard years ahead. 

The love i feel here is so great and so healing that it fills me to bursting. Bless you my sweet sister-friends (and brother-friends as well).

Bless you and thank you all for being in my life now.



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posted by @polarberry:

This rabbit had no idea of the world's chaos, and its calmness, coupled with my child's excitement, was just what I needed to remind me, once again of the necessary appreciation for simple things.

Thank you for that lovely reminder, polarberry.  And even more wondrous, through the eyes of a child.  As we're being forced to slow down and remove the scales from our eyes, may we all continue to see and be comforted by the wonder and beauty of life around us. 

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

I now feel that this community is my home.  You are my tribe. I love you beyond words.  I am so grateful to be with you.  I have friends here that I have never felt so resonate with in my life!  Friends who have saved me. I hope I help you too.

 We arrived on this earth before birth like ET in streams of light crossing the night sky. Crashed into a great tropical swamp that was our mothers' wombs.  Grew up in families that didn't get us, although we loved them, and we just wanted to heal all of them. It is the gift and the challenge of the empath. 

And your visions are coming true too. Your visions are healing us.  I post the hits mainly so you who have participated and put yourselves on the line, can see that you really are seeing our world. 


Your post brought me to happy tears yesterday. I say to myself on a regular basis that I could not get through this global pandemic and orange nightmare without the beautiful souls on this forum. You've enabled us to be together and I'm so relieved and grateful.

I heard someone else mention that they believe that light workers came to this planet at this time to help with this important transition from the Piscean age to the Age of Aquarius.  It dawned on me that we're all part of that important transition. I used to walk around in this life and wonder "what is my reason for being?" "what is my purpose in this life?" (I don't have children so I guess it made me wonder it even more so).  I realized that I'm part of a collective of souls that want to help mother nature, her earth and those who inhabit it. Some of us like myself may only have small parts to play but each cog in every wheel assists the wheel to drive the bus.

You help steer us along, bringing your light and wisdom, and are the captain of a ship of souls who are trying to capture and spread the light. Thank you so very much!

❤️ ❤️ ? ? ??️

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Amy Klobuchar’s husband hospitalized with coronavirus

I'm saying a prayer for her husband. She said how difficult it is to not be able to be with him because she loves him so.

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@triciact, I'm praying for Klobuchar's husband.  I heard her interviewed last night at the Senate.  She looked so exhausted and sad.  Her husband self-isolated as soon as he had cold-like symptoms.  She said that it took more than 5 days to receive the test results.

One of the hardest things must be the inability to visit with your loved ones.    

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The Idiot VP and the Orange nightmare are trying to kill us all if we don't get something or someone to stop them. The Orange one wants to relax social distancing in 15 days and Pence thinks folks can go to work if they wear a mask!  Please tell me when these idiots are going to be gone!

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You've said it all in a nutshell. Time to get the white jacket and transport him to luxury Trump hotel under quarantine and armed guards for protection.

Not his, ours so he can't escape.


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