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Immune boosting Nutrition and practices

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@journeywithme2 Love this!


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I've noticed a lot of posters discussing how they are feeling overwhelmed with the energy being emanated by the collective.  There is a lot of fear being generated out there right now, and most members here are very sensitive to it.  As empaths we tend to not only feel other peoples energy but also absorb it.  This is one of our gifts.  We have come here to help our fellow travelers by clearing these energies from this dimension and transmuting them back to source. Most of us do it subconsciously, usually at night.  However, before the energies are cleared they can cause us a lot of suffering.  So, below I'm laying out a few simple, quick techniques we can use to clear our own energy at any time.

Before anything, ground yourself by sitting or lying on the floor and just becoming one with the earth.  Feel the energy coming up from below and energizing your base chakra.  You can also focus on the color red and absorbing its energy.

  1. Next, stand up straight, lift your arms toward the sky like in a sun salutation and breathe in. 
  2. Breathe out as you bend over and reach down with your arms as if you are scooping energy up. 
  3. Hold the energy in your arms as you come back up, sending your arms back towards the sky. 
  4. As you reach towards the sky, imagine light rushing through you, and over you, washing  away any dark or dense feelings, emotions or thoughts. 
  5. Either stay in this pose until you start to feel "lighter" or repeat the above steps until the same occurs (whichever feels better to you)
  6. Finish by bringing you arms down in an arc as if you are forming a "Tree of Light" with your body and slowly breathing out.
  7. Namaste ? 

I like to do this right before bed and first thing in the morning.  Also good after watching or reading the news or interacting with a lot of people. ❤️ 

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For a number of years I’ve been seeing an integrative physician who specializes in lyme, chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS – caused by mold, mycobacteria and biotoxins), and other chronic diseases.  My doctor has recommended some daily preventative oral compounds, which I have attached.  Please note that they are not cures for COVID-19, nor have they been studied in any coronavirus research. They are natural compounds that possess anti-viral properties and improve immune response.  

Pikake and Pikake reacted
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Along the same lines as @deetoo's post above, here is a scientific article on neutraceuticals (supplements) that have been shown to have an effect on encapsulated RNA viruses like the novel coronavirus (as well as influenza).  It's pretty difficult to understand for a layperson, but at the end they provide a table with recommended supplements including daily dosages. As with all supplements, check with your doctor first. ❤️ 

Table 1. Provisional daily dosage suggestions for nutraceuticals that might aid control of RNA viruses including influenza and coronavirus

Ferulic acid 500-1,000 mg
Lipoic acid 1,200-1,800 mg (in place of ferulic acid)
Spirulina 15 g (or 100 mg PCB)
N-Acetylcysteine 1,200–1,800 mg
Selenium 50-100 mcg
Glucosamine 3,000 mg or more
Zinc 30-50 mg
Yeast Beta-Glucan 250-500 mg
Elderberry 600–1,500 mg

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@frank I’m no expert here. I found this nih reference on elderberry and covid 19. I realize the evidence based literature isn’t deep where natural approaches are concerned.  

There’s anecdotal concern elderberry might be part of intensifying cytokine storm in severe Covid 19 illness.





BlueBelle, TriciaCT, deetoo and 3 people reacted
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Yes, you bring up an excellent point. Cytokine storm is definitely a concern with Covid-19.  The thing that I find interesting is that it only happens in some patients, usually either older or with pre-existing health issues.  My feeling (I'm a medical intuitive, but not a doctor, so its really just a feeling) is that with these people, their immune systems take longer to recognize the virus thus giving it time to multiply.  By the time the immune system "realizes" what's happening, it goes into "emergency mode" and ends up accidentally hitting the "self-destruct button" (cytokine storm). The paper you linked to alludes to the fact that a controlled cytokine reaction is part of a healthy immune response.  So the question becomes, does elderberry help promote a healthy cytokine response, keeping the virus in check, so that it doesn't provoke the overreaction, OR does it just contribute to an already disastrous cascade of cytokine overproduction.  My feeling is that if used prophylactically, it is the former, however if used too late in the illness it would be the latter. 


TriciaCT and TriciaCT reacted
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@frank You express your line of thinking quite well and clearly. 

The tricky thing with this virus is its quiet prodromal phase.  We just don’t know enough about the timing with these adjuncts with exposure to disease expression. You’ve given me really good questions for the next time I run into a infectious disease doc or virologist. 



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@frank  Some people think that autoimmune illnesses are a result of a virus not properly expelled from the body.  People with autoimmune conditions are warned not to take immune boosting herbs. For example echinacea.  There's usually a t1 and t2 response from the immune system and if it swings one way, you get allergies as a response, if it swings another your own body gets attacked. For very healthy people boosting immune system may be a good idea, but for most americans, their gut strength and immune system is compromised in one way or another. 

I have been told that balancing the immune response is most effective.

There is also this link.




hazyjane and hazyjane reacted
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Hi @screenie.  Thanks for the links. I know next to nothing about chinese medicine, but the concept of balance definitely resonates with me.


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Humor is immune boosting:  Check this out Chris Mann's new song, My Corona.

Laynara, BlueBelle, TriciaCT and 7 people reacted
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Humor is great @Jeanne-mayell!

I found this professional sportscaster narrating normal life a lot of fun to watch, especially since there are no sporting events now.

Jeanne Mayell, CDeanne, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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I've been noticing talk on this forum about healing Solfeggio frequencies. Can someone post a link to a good, reliable Solfeggio recording on YouTube (or wherever) hat you personally enjoy? I feel like if I search "Solfeggio frequencies" online without any background, I'll get 450,000 results and no idea of how to pick something trustworthy. 

Jeanne Mayell, Laynara, BlueBelle and 3 people reacted
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Oh, I saw that video today.  What a treat!


Jeanne Mayell, Laynara, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Like Screenie mentioned, certain immune stimulating herbs/supplements can make autoimmune people worse if they're TH1 immune dominant (I am). For this reason, I avoid echinacea, most medicinal mushrooms, astragalus, and beta glucan. If someone has no autoimmune issues, astragalus is actually a great immune booster and tonic herb (good for long term use) and it inhibits the coronavirus family. Foods that inhibit it are foods high in flavonoids (like onions) and polyphenols (esp. green and black tea). 

I'm personally focusing on taking C, zinc, selenium, NAC, D, A, and glutathione (which is shown to be depleted in people who develop pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome). Concerns about cytokine storms are legitimate and there is a study that shows that curcumin inhibits the inflammatory cytokine cascade in the lungs and prevents pneumonia. 

Coyote, Jeanne Mayell, Frank and 3 people reacted
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After Trump sang the praises of the anti-malarial drug Chloroquine as a COVID cure, followed by the virologist Anthony Fauci saying, no proof about that, sales of the fish tank additive chloroquine phosphate skyrocketed.   Today It is all over the news that an Arizona couple in their sixties took  a small amount of the fish tank additive and within half an hour became violently ill and the man died before the ambulance could get him to the hospital.   

It goes without saying that people should only take a chemical unless it is prescribed by a doctor and not try to circumvent that process. Normally chloroquine, which has been around since the 1950's is pretty safe if taken as directed. The key is to take it as prescribed to you and as directed.  


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Coyote and Coyote reacted
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I don't know if this is obvious or not, but if it's possible, do some physical exercise. So even a nice walk around the block would do. It helps to boost up the white blood cells according to an article on the ABC news site. (The Australian Broadcast Company, not the one in the US).

But one other thing it also helps, which I felt a lot of people don't talk about, is mental health. From my own experience, what's the point in keeping up with the right nutrition and practice if your mind falls apart. In fact, I've noticed when my mind has gone bad, my physical health detoriates too, as I've lost the motivation to do even the simple things to keep me alive like eating.

So for the most part these days, I've been cycling a lot. As soon I feel my mind in the bad place again (like someone mentioning f***ing Pell), I quickly shut it all of from my sight and rush out of the door with my bike.

A word of warning though. Don't exercise on an empty stomach and always brings a bottle of water and some healthy snack, as you never know what might hit your body during the session.

Also let's not forget. Physical distencing from other people if you're doing it outdoors. (I hate the term social distencing personally.)

TriciaCT, FEBbby23, Grace and 5 people reacted
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@coyote et al

Whatever we can do to boost our immune systems during this time has got to be essential maintenance, for the body and the soul.....

The Solfeggio frequencies on this channel are absolutely awesome :

*Taos Winds Spirit Music*

(on YouTube or Spotify)

Sorry I haven't been able to insert the links directly into post .... hope that you see this Coyote ....

And speaking of supplements, the leading mycologist Paul Stamets @ 'fungi perfecti' has developed some powerful formulas to enhance and boost immune... these are available on his site and are really worth checking out, as is the rest of Stamets' legacy ... ?genius!

I've been in total hermit mode, though try to get out and 'breathe with the trees' as often as possible, drink lots of pure water, watch a very minimum of news, listen to alot of good music, and get out of my PJ's at least every couple of daze ... oh, and remind myself to laugh often and mirthfully...?♐

"Walk in your strength, choose your battles wisely, and keep your sense of humor to save your sanity!"

(Old Warrior's Proverb)


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I have heard that puppy and kitten cuddling can be great ❤️ and Immune booster as well ....

The shelters must be in alot of stress right now, and it's the season ... why not check out online adoption (or call your local rescue) and give yourself and some sweet little soul the gift of love? You could be a lifesaver.....

TriciaCT, Unk p, FEBbby23 and 9 people reacted
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While the world is grappling with the leak from Pandora's Box .... let us all take a deep breath and focus on priorities so important to our essential well beingness... expect little miracles every day ?

Today I saw a Yahoo article that made my heart happy and restored a bit of faith in humanity...a rescue shelter in Palm Beach, CA reported that for the very first time they had emptied all the kennels and cages.

ALL the animals had been adopted or fostered since CV-19 isolation .. just wow! That's alot of immune boosting love!! ?

Good things really do come from the bad my friends, and we are all rising with Phoenix...

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