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Reading the Coronavirus

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Ok everyone, I have completed this week's weekly Tarot reading on how the coronavirus will impact the US on a national level. Before that, however, I decided to recap my previous readings on the subject. Get ready for a whopper of a post (my apologies for the novel):



Cards: 4 of Cups / 10 of Coins / 8 of Swords 

My reading: A past of apathy and self-absorption has led us to this current problem. In the present, people continue to attend social gatherings. Unfortunately oppression, confusion, and isolation will result. (Note: this was a Rider-Waite based Tarot; the others that follow all used the Thoth.)



Cards: Fool / Hermit / Princess of Wands / Death / Queen of Wands

My reading: We are entering a new area of life and are, quite literally, entering the unknown. Now is the time to withdraw from the world as much as possible and prepare for change. Avoid the impulse to be irresponsible and careless; instead and let go of old ways of being. It is clear an end is here—but a new beginning will emerge. We will need to call upon our inner strength and embrace the transformation that brings enlightenment. (The Queen of Wands could also symbolize the “women rising” future seen by many.)

@Frank had a slightly different interpretation of these cards: The Fool means we are embarking on a journey, with the Hermit indicating it will be one of introspection and soul searching. The Princess of Wands indicates that from this will come new ideas, inspiration and limitless potential resulting in the Death of old patterns and ideas. The Queen of Wands encourages us to have courage, confidence and determination in the face of this change.



Cards: Queen of Wands / Death / Hermit / Fool / Chariot

My reading: This continues to be a period of change and transformation as the crisis surges. We must continue to hunker down and wait out this turbulent time. I am bolstered but the appearance of the Fool and Chariot combo at the end there and wonder if we might not soon see a positive development, perhaps a leap forward in treatment.

@jeanne-mayell interpreted these cards in this way: The cards are very high level cards - Trump cards and Court Cards, indicating an epic situation. We are in a game changing, culture changing situation in which everything seems to be moving fast and big changes are happening every day. There are no bad cards. The Death card says we are going to be letting go of old ways. It seems to loom over us but the Collective does not know yet what it means. It is coming closer, though. Death coming closer: As the reports from Italy show a catastrophic death rate (double the Chinese) because their medical system cannot handle the surge of severe cases, the U.S. Collective is becoming aware that the same may happen here. Did we shelter quickly enough? No we did not. We didn't even have tests. One hope that is not in the cards yet, is treatments, like drugs. We need to get those antivirals out to people. The FOOL - Donald Trump - moves further back in your line of cards the second week because people have no use for a FOOL - full of hype, naive, inexperienced in a catastrophic emergency. The Fool also represents the naiveté of the American people. Naivety is moving further away next week. In the FOOL'S place is the QUEEN OF WANDS - a strong protector, someone who is doing her best to protect the people. She is the female-based democratic Congress, the Katie Porters. But she cannot hand out medical care, only entitlement to medical care and money. The HERMIT is the American people sheltering in place, isolating selves. The CHARIOT indicates that we are going to be going it alone, independent state and local action to deal with a crisis that the Federal Government utterly and totally has failed and will continue to fail to do. This entire process is a dry run for what is going to happen when climate change ramps up. Both the Virus and Climate Change are exponential processes of nature. The Universe is giving humans a chance to get ready for climate change which will be far more devastating than this little virus. I think we will learn our lesson from the virus - the harsher the lesson, the more likely we will learn. 



Cards: Queen of Wands / Emperor / 10 of Wands (Oppression) / 7 of Wands (Valour) / Queen of Cups

My reading: We continue in this period of tremendous change and transformation. This change is great and frightening, so it is not surprising that people would seek order, stability, and security — but a desire for order can easily give way to oppression. Oppression, however, has a positive result, as the courage of many comes to the forefront, especially those (perhaps nurses and doctors?) whose inner wisdom and intuition will be valuable in this time of crisis.


Thanks, all - as always, would love to know your thoughts and interpretations :)

Also, I have to say: this Queen of Wands loves a corona reading, doesn't she? ? 


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I should note it also occurred to me the Emperor was Governor Cuomo, but with Oppression immediately following it, I thought the card did not represent someone so acting in the best of our interests.

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One thing that just occurred to me: 

In last week's reading, I thought that the week would end (I generally do Thursday to Thursday/Friday) with a new beginning, a great leap forward. At the time I thought (or rather hoped) this might be referencing a positive development, but I just read that tonight the US has surpassed China and now has the most CV cases worldwide. That is certainly a leap of a different kind, unfortunately. 

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Posted by: @sistermoon

Oppression, however, has a positive result, as the courage of many comes to the forefront, especially those (perhaps nurses and doctors?) whose inner wisdom and intuition will be valuable in this time of crisis.


Don't forget the citizen journalists who are subverting oppressive governments to reveal the truth of the coronavirus in their own countries. This is happening in China and is probably taking place in Iran (I haven't checked). I think we can expect a surge of citizen journalism from India, where Narendra Modi (ideological cousin to #45) has just ordered a 3-weeks lockdown. Things in India are already turning chaotic, with pharmacists and grocers being unlawfully attacked and detained by police; states shutting their borders and stranding travelers; informal workers having no way to purchase food, The list goes on, and this is 20% of humanity we're talking about.

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"Unfortunately if my surviving the 'rona comes down to eating liver, I better start getting my affairs together now ? ? ? (I have awful memories of being forced to eat liver as a child.)"

As do I! Because i grew up in Alaska it was moose and deer liver! And my dad heartily advocating for tongue and other even more disturbing organs--head meat, and even brain. Puullleasse, no no no!

My father was born in a huge pioneer Alaskan family where survival was entirely self dependent on survival and subsistence  skills and no part of a hunt was wasted. It was the waste of the gift of parts of an animal and many parts contained (as @thebeast noted ) essential vitamins and minerals etc.

Much like the indigenous native tribes of Alaska, also believed and practiced in native villages are still practiced by their children and grandchildren today.  It is not only their culture but intrinsically connected to their deepest spirituality of being one with the animal.

All animals are and were seen as sacred and holy gifts and hunting and using the gifts of them as part of all that is passed down and rituals from the ancestors.

The same could be seen and said of my own dad and his siblings and extended family.  They all used every part of the native animals and fish as well. It was common to be offered breaded and fried fish cheek patties or potato and fish eyeball soup by my Finnish grandmother.

Needless to say in spite of our double pioneer DNA (Finnish from my dad and French from our mother) most of us five kids were initially overly finicky and even highly resistant, much to their dismay. 

As a result, the five of us kids, ate a lot of homemade bread and ketchup sandwiches instead.

But as @jeanne-mayell has said and all 3 of my adult children as well-- If we insist on eating meat (particularly in the decades to come) we need to be willing to kill it--or in my personal  case participate in the process afterwards of preserving and using it as I have. 

My husband and kids have all hunted, carted out and cleaned as well as hung  up the meat animal (for weeks as required) before cutting apart and wrapping many deer, elk, and home raised pork or beef as well.

I am still finicky. I prepare the butchering setups and supplies give thanks and prayers of gratitude to the spirits of animals who sacrifice their lives to us and help in wrapping for freezing or drying.

And i am emotionally attached to my chickens. I thank them every time they give eggs and provide  a wonderful and loving home for them. But i would have to live a more challenging food necessary life than now before i could them. And i know that day might still necessarily come.

My ancestors and my parents and grandparents would be proud of my family. But no, it is not easy at all. Besides being very, very hard work it is often emotional.   You truly have to see yourself as part of nature and just a part of all there is--as one in nature-- and connected to the food chain and the gifts of the great mother earth and her many species of children to consciously and with gratitude and even reverence eat other beings.

Humans may see theirselves as royalty (to make this thread under this heading of  Prince Charles and William at all!) but truly we are not.

Our governance is a man made construct based on our own views of power over others. It can and often is destroyed in the wild where without our manmade tools of power, control, destruction from knives to guns to bombs while in the wild we are simply part of the natural and ever changing hierarchy.

And right now,  at this point in time microscopic particles are taking humanity down in great numbers. Succession to the throne has begun.




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"Unfortunately if my surviving the 'rona comes down to eating liver, I better start getting my affairs together now ? ? ? (I have awful memories of being forced to eat liver as a child.)"

As do I! Because i grew up in Alaska it was moose and deer liver! And my dad heartily advocating for tongue and other even more disturbing organs--head meat, and even brain. Puullleasse, no no no!

My father was born in a huge pioneer Alaskan family where survival was entirely self dependent on survival and subsistence  skills and no part of a hunt was wasted. It was the waste of the gift of parts of an animal and many parts contained (as @thebeast noted ) essential vitamins and minerals etc.

Much like the indigenous native tribes of Alaska, also believed and practiced in native villages are still practiced by their children and grandchildren today.  It is not only their culture but intrinsically connected to their deepest spirituality of being one with the animal.

All animals are and were seen as sacred and holy gifts and hunting and using the gifts of them as part of all that is passed down and rituals from the ancestors.

The same could be seen and said of my own dad and his siblings and extended family.  They all used every part of the native animals and fish as well. It was common to be offered breaded and fried fish cheek patties or potato and fish eyeball soup by my Finnish grandmother.

Needless to say in spite of our double pioneer DNA (Finnish from my dad and French from our mother) most of us five kids were initially overly finicky and even highly resistant, much to their dismay. 

As a result, the five of us kids, ate a lot of homemade bread and ketchup sandwiches instead.

But as @jeanne-mayell has said and all 3 of my adult children as well-- If we insist on eating meat (particularly in the decades to come) we need to be willing to kill it--or in my personal  case participate in the process afterwards of preserving and using it as I have. 

My husband and kids have all hunted, carted out and cleaned as well as hung  up the meat animal (for weeks as required) before cutting apart and wrapping many deer, elk, and home raised pork or beef as well.

I am still finicky. I prepare the butchering setups and supplies give thanks and prayers of gratitude to the spirits of animals who sacrifice their lives to us and help in wrapping for freezing or drying.

And i am emotionally attached to my chickens. I thank them every time they give eggs and provide  a wonderful and loving home for them. But i would have to live a more challenging food necessary life than now before i could them. And i know that day might still necessarily come.

My ancestors and my parents and grandparents would be proud of my family. But no, it is not easy at all. Besides being very, very hard work it is often emotional.   You truly have to see yourself as part of nature and just a part of all there is--as one in nature-- and connected to the food chain and the gifts of the great mother earth and her many species of children to consciously and with gratitude and even reverence eat other beings.

Humans may see theirselves as royalty (to make this thread under this heading of  Prince Charles and William at all!) but truly we are not.

Our governance is a man made construct based on our own views of power over others. It can and often is destroyed in the wild where without our manmade tools of power, control, destruction from knives to guns to bombs while in the wild we are simply part of the natural and ever changing hierarchy.

And right now,  at this point in time,microscopic particles are taking humanity down in great numbers.

Succession to the throne has begun.




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Hi all. Trying to understand the future of climate change brought me here about a year ago, and I've been following along ever since. I am awed by the perceptiveness of the intuitives on this site and grateful for being able to read your insights.

My psychic abilities tend to come and go, as hunches, feelings, images. 

Over the past couple of days I've seen an image of a candle: there is a long white taper and the flame is going out, with a thin spire of smoke rising up from it. This feels to me like the end of the age we've been living in.

I did a simple reading with the Rider Waite deck today, asking how things will occur around the Coronavirus in the US over the next two weeks. The results:

Two of Wands: The stop-start of the federal government. Dithering too long about taking clear action. Things staying in theory rather than being implemented.

Six of Pentacles: The distribution of much-needed financial support to people who have been laid off and to small businesses that are struggling.

The Tower: I hope this does not have to do with our healthcare infrastructure. It feels more like the collapse of structures that are selfish and do not contribute to the common good.

Wishing everyone good health.

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My family has always been poor, and I don't remember it, but my sister said they only had meat once a month. I do remember brains and eggs though.  I wouldn't eat them. You could tell because the eggs turned green. My brother told about eating a plate of brains and eggs, and saying how good they were until they told him what he just ate, and wanted to throw up. 

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@sistermoon, I love your readings. Your 10 of Wands for Mar 26 appeals to me as symbolic of the tremendous burden and stress of our situation--illness, confinement, isolation, and quarantine; and the 7 of wands being our valiant healthcare workers and even our quarantined selves, defending us all from disease.

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@elaineg, when I was a kid my father ate brains and eggs and blood pudding.  We grew up in an ethnic (primarily Polish/German) neighborhood in Baltimore, and all of the small markets had it.  He also loved fried Spam (as did I at one time).   My mom served liver & onions at least once a month.  I could only eat liver if it was covered in gravy.  It all gives me the willies now!

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I took a dabble to see what I got. 

1. Current situation: Knight of Wands reverse

  • The virus is spreading fast but dampers are put in place by various countries around the world, slowing it down but not by much. 

2. Past - 6 of Swords

  • The virus went globe crossing international waters and continents.

3. Future - 2 of Pentacles

  • People will struggle more with their finances than the virus itself. It's a balancing act for many families.

4. Foundation - 5 of Wands reverse/2 of Swords

  • People clashing, infighting, denial, misinformation, blinded to the reality of the situation 

5. Crown - Strength reverse

  • Double meaning: the virus makes us weak. Many succumb to it, they can't keep fighting. It's like battling a lion and losing. Weren't not realizing how dangerous it is just like a caged lion is still a wild animal. 

6. My Role - 3 of cups

  • My role in this is to offer blessings and prayers to the collective and keep my eyes towards God. Also water is cleansing. Deep Spring cleaning of the home is recommended. 

7. The World's role - Queen of Pentacles

  • People must remember we are a part of Mother Nature. Not simply living in it. Our pride, greed, and selfishness is what caused Mother Nature to unleash this. Her way of cleansing and resetting our mind to the things that our important. So that we may find to the right path. Community, Families, and the care for Mother Nature is what's matter in the end.  

8.  Our Hopes/Fears - 4 of Cups reverse

  • People feel hopeless and fearful but they don't need to be. Their fear is an illusion. We must accept the blessing given to us by the universe. The things we think are important are not.  Again more water energy. A need for cleansing and emotional stability.  

9.  Final outcome - Knight of Pentacles

  • This virus will be with us for a while. 3 months at least. Fast to come in. Slow to move out and dissipate. 

10. Overall energy - Death

  • Many deaths to come but also transformation for the betterment of men. A time of judgement. 


I'm not gonna lie guys, I freaked out a little bit when the Death card came out as the overall energy. I feel it was too on the nose by spirit. ?  

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@leona. I think you did a really nice job with this. I don't know what deck this is (I see it is not the one I read) but your insights and interpretations are excellent!  Now about that death card:

Death as the overall energy means an ending- is about all that we are going to throw out, stop, end  because of this pandemic.  It is the end of an era.  The length of this pandemic and the trauma it will inflict in the U.S. and other countries that have ignored it and scoffed at it will determine how much change is coming from it. If we don't learn lessons from it, them worse will come. 

I feel this pandemic is a dress rehearsal for climate change.  It's a wake up call that we must respect Mother Nature or she, i.e., the natural world, will back fire on us and end us as a species.  It is not personal.  Nature is not personal.  It is simply the way it is - it is the law of karma or balance. If we live out of balance from nature, then we suffer. And if we can't learn, then we end as a species.  


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Posted by: @sistermoon  


Cards: Queen of Wands / Emperor / 10 of Wands (Oppression) / 7 of Wands (Valour) / Queen of Cups

My reading: We continue in this period of tremendous change and transformation. This change is great and frightening, so it is not surprising that people would seek order, stability, and security — but a desire for order can easily give way to oppression. Oppression, however, has a positive result, as the courage of many comes to the forefront, especially those (perhaps nurses and doctors?) whose inner wisdom and intuition will be valuable in this time of crisis.


@sistermoon, This is a wonderful reading.  So well done.   Keep going!  I'm going to become addicted to your weekly readings.

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@elaineg My mother tried to serve us tongue once at a formal Sunday dinner. I remember when my older sister said in a nasty torturing voice used for younger siblings that I was eating TONGUE.  You're eating tongue., she said in my ear.  I lstopped eating and looked at it, recognizing it as a big tongue, and immediately became sick. 


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@jeanne-mayell, LOL!  I'd forgotten about the TONGUE.  My father ate that too.

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Does this virus dissipate at some point? Or is it just with us now and how we are living is our new normal?

deetoo, fried Spam, lmao. My son loves that. Sends the rest of us running from the kitchen toward fresh air.

My hubs likes lengua on tacos. I've tried it. It's not too bad but wouldn't want to make it a regular thing.

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@Lawrence said this in the Covid-19 thread:


Posted by: @lawrence


This is GAME CHANGER. Abbott to market, starting next week, a fast point-of-care #coronavirus test, delivering positive results in 5min and negative results in 13min. Will deliver 50K tests/day to start. Kudos to Abbott and FDA’s Jeff Shuren and team at CDRH who are in the fight.

And, because I was so convinced that the "leap forward" at the end of this week would be a positive one, I'm hoping this could be it. I hate to think the leap forward would be the negative one re: the US having the most CV cases in the world.

And @jeanne-mayell, thank you for your kind words re: my readings. Talk about praise from Caesar!

I want to add that, upon further reflection, the Queen of Cups at the end of my last reading represents all lightworkers whose courage will be necessary to get through these times. Of course, healthcare workers will be the most taxed being on the frontlines, but bravery will be required of all of us, and we are all being called to serve with the gifts that we have.

I am reminded of Milton's Sonnet 19 (When I consider how my light is spent); in it, Milton ponders his service to God in the face of his increasing blindness. Milton's increasing blindness was quickly rendering his one talent -- writing -- useless. He wonders, "Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?" -- ie, how will God judge me when I am no longer able to use my one talent to serve him? 

Milton comforts himself with the thought that there are many types of serving the Creator, and the poem ends with the line: "They also serve who only stand and wait." In applying this to our current situation, we must not think that, just because we are only staying inside and waiting, that we are not serving the highest good with valor and courage. Even if we feel anxious and afraid, take heart -- we are exactly what is required of us.

All of that is simply a long way to say we are called to be the Queen of Cups, to rely on our inner, intuitive selves, to use what gifts we have (especially the ones frequently on display in this forum), and, above all, to know that we are brave, even in moments of deep anxiety and frustration. We are all serving, even as we "stand and wait."

Love to you all.

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@bluebelle Yes, I get the same. And I think there'll be blowback on more than one front, because many of the released will talk with the media about their treatment and the disappeared children who to went into the American foster care/adoption system that Betsy DeVos has been running. Maybe that's why I keeping seeing her in an orange jumpsuit with her head bowed. I kept seeing Christmas lights when I said that, so next holiday season that may be when it comes to a head. 


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Oh how dearly,  dearly I can relate to and love this post. Sisters holding hands in our circles upon spiraling circles under the moon light are we all among so many of us here now. Serving and chanting and singing and praising with joy and gratitude. We were all called to serve and we are doing it with such great power and force and endless energies of grace . 



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I've been trying to do so with the tarot, as my emotions were too unbalanced to make an accurate intitive reading at the time, I had some pretty difficult events I've been reeling at the time.

I wanted to know what is going to happen to Australia in the next couple of months. I've chose the celtic spread because everyone is affected by it. I had some strange readings from the results. I wouldn't mind a second opinion on this.

These are the results:

Significant: Wheel of Fortune (Inverted)

I chose that card because many lives have changed dramatically when the virus was hitting through our community.

Cover: X Cups

I guess that means despite the horrid situation with the pandemic sweaping across the country, the domestic situation seems under control so far. A calm before the storm perhaps? There are signs promising signs that we have a chance of not being in the same situation as Italy. Also Australians are probably on the fortunate side compare to say India for instances.

Challenge: Emperor

Unfortuately when this card shows up, this means our biggest challenges is how the govenment is dealing with the crisis, where made some bad choices in the past in dealing with the virus. Such as not closing all in coming traffic in sooner, letting the passengers disembark from the Ruby Princess which later on played a massive part in causing the virus to sweap through the country, etc. Seeing that the card that represents the Morrison government seems fitting in hindsight.

Foundation: X Wands

Thinking back, there's been a lot of anxiety within the country as of late, due to the bushfires that occured months ago, putting our collective with a massive weight of wariness on their shoulders.

Past: Pages of Cups

I guess this card represents the bygone times, where we felt lucky, mateship and such. Even during the bushfires, people were working in unison to help over come it. The said bushfires did not stop our former way of life, as I've noticed a lot of people were trying to flock to the Delgraves street cafes during those troubled times with the fires. Not so much now with the virus going around sadly.

Crowning: Lovers (Inverted)

Again, bad choices have lead to Australia dealing with the virus ravaging our community like a psychological and physical wildfire. Because of this, there were massive lockdown laws being put in place, as both the state and federal governments are trying to make up for their blunders.

Near Future: IV Coins (Inverted)

There will be something significant relating to money, mostly losses and opening wallets. Already I saw the news that the Government were adding funds to deal with the ecconmic fallout of the virus, including welfare benefits.

About me Card: IX Swords (Inverted)

I guess this card is saying that I'm not in the right place, but there's still some hope to recover from it. My mental health has been poor as of late, the failure to apply to a graduate program has send me over the edge, but I guess it's trying to say that there's some light at the end of the tunnel I suppose. Alternatively, it warns me not to fall into dispair.

Near Environment: I Wands (Inverted)

Everyone's hopes and dreams were put on hold at best or at worse shattered, causing everyone to moody and unmotivated to go through the day. Collective wise.

Hopes and dreams: I Swords.

People were hoping that the virus will be done and over with, so they can get on with their lives. The collective is very on edge at the moment. Probably catty. If some of the members of the government's response to some people faunting from the guidelines, regional citizens very unhappy reaction with the influx of tourists and city dwellers despite being told to stay home and rasing numbers of people dobbing on others who did the wrong thing to police; the card from the sword deck indicated there's conflict within it.

Outcome: Queen of Coins.

(To be honest. I'm not sure about that last part. Can someone help me out with this one?)

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