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Favorite Tarot Spreads

Noble Member Registered
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After looking at other tarot spreads, including the Thoth deck, I've realise that the only deck I could able to interpret more precise is to create my own deck from scratch. By that, I mean painting pictures of them and then find a printer to print out in actual tarot card size format. I have enough skills and imagination to come up with something, so why not?

Any suggestions on what I should be aware of, while doing this massive project?

Laynara, Stargazer, Coyote and 7 people reacted
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@goldstone You probably know this, but to qualify as a Tarot deck it has to have 78 cards, 22 Major Arcana from 0 to 21; and four suits of earth, air, fire, and water, from Ace to ten plus court cards. If it has that structure, then it is a Tarot deck and you should be good to go.  Have fun! 

Laynara, Lilinoe, Goldstone and 5 people reacted
Illustrious Member Registered
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@goldstone that is such a cool idea, to make your own Tarot cards.  I hope you take some pictures and show us how they come out!

Jeanne Mayell, Goldstone, Laynara and 7 people reacted
Illustrious Member Registered
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That is a cool idea, and quite an undertaking... me tophat's off to you for the concept. There are alot of enterprising people publishing their own Tarot decks now....

Once I attempted to hand-paint the old Ryder-Waite deck that many still use, but only got as far as some of the Major Arcana. There are literally hundreds of decks out now that you can peruse online for some inspiration if you need it....

Hope everything down-under is going well for you ?

Goldstone, Unk p, Goldstone and 1 people reacted
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Yeah, it is a massive mountain to climb... on a cheap cruiser bike of all things.

Upward slopes are a bane of my legs and my old bike. Which is why I've switched over to a pricer hybrid mixte bike recently, just before the beginning of another Mercury retrograde that starts in the begining of June.

Bike analogies aside, the homemade deck is a major project and would take me a while to complete it. At least you made it through with the Major arcana group. That's an achievement.

Also, there's issue of getting enough supply of my favourite watercolour paper (Fabriano Artistico Hot Press), due to the paper is made in Italy... and things are not going so great with them at the moment. With 78 cards to work with and I'm going to use a slightly bigger space of paper (three sections of A3 size paper) due to health issues with my eyes and hands, this would be a concern for me. Still, I'll see what I can do, at least Australia is quiet for now, but I'm waiting for the shoe to drop unfortunately. We're not of the woods yet.

Thankfully I have enough watercolour paints to last me a year or so while this is going on. Some of them are still in my studio plalettes and the best thing about working with watercolours that you can reuse them despite being dried out. Just a splash of water and they are fresh and juicy again... except for certain paints and brands, but I did my research and picked out the best paints for my own personal needs, so I should be fine. There's a reason why watercolours are one of the more resourceful materials when it comes to art supplies.

I'm planning to do my initial sketches on my computer first, before transfering them to watercolour paper to start the painting process. The reason I like to start my sketches on the computer is because it's easier for me to see and fix mistakes. Having a good screen tablet helps to speed up that sketching process.

Hopefully I can work on them soon, as I'm still dealing with uni and my other art project which is long overdued.


That reminds me. I'm thinking of doing a tarot reading on a local criminal matter case that I'm interested as of late and I was wondering if the Celtic Cross spread should be suffice for that kind of reading or should I pick another spread. If so, feel free to recommend.

Also the reason why I'm interested to see a reading of this case myself is because of the recent upheavals in the US and this case is tied to that, where I was wondering if the FBI and other agencies in the US would be forced to keep this matter in a hands off approch, due to having a lot on their plate domestically, or would they still try to meddle this case in spite of it all. There's a lot of pressue to get this case up and going, but the issues due their meddling and diplomatic issues between the US and Australia, this case is still stuck in the prelemary arguements for quite some time.

The judge herself is currently stuck in a rock and hard place with this matter.

So I'm curious to see what is going to happen with this case in greater detail, as I've had a hunch that the rotted orange guy would cause things that would not blow up in his face, but the mess he left behind has cause some major tremors, to the point that even this case would be affect by that. On the upside, perhaps this case will get a fair trial as it deserves due to this.

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