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What should I do with my intuitive experiences? Where Should I Go From Here?

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Hello everyone! I've been visiting this site since before its redesign and I've finally decided to make an account. 

I've been having experiences since I was about 13. It started out as a 1 second long dream about the future (from my point of view) that came true about every 2 weeks. Other things such as statements, numbers and answers to questions pop into my head just before being spoken. I also sometimes see sparks of light near me ( I have almost no idea what it could be), and a colorless field around me sometimes if I focus (it feels cold and tingly). Once I woke up to a woman's voice and responded to her while I was half asleep.

One of the biggest things to happen was when I was almost robbed. I was checking out of a store. Once I reached the door with my bag I was hit with the most overwhelming feeling that said “he’s going to rob me”. I sprinted to my car, and before I took off I saw a guy quickly walking towards me like he was trying to catch up to me. I actually began to cry a bit, which is very rare for me. I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life, nor was it ever repeated.

I posted this in order to hopefully learn more about myself and what possible directions I could take, so anyone's reply would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I hope more people here will respond to your important question of what to do with your intuitive experiences. And welcome to the forum, Ultima. 

There is no quick answer so I hope this thread will attract lots of comments.  

1. My overriding thought is to practice increased awareness of these moments.  Sounds like you already are doing this. Try writing things down so you don't forget what you got or so you don't later distort what you got. 

2. Try to keep your analytical self from taking over your thoughts.  So if you get an intuitive realization or vision, try to remember what the vision was and avoid making it into something else.  We have a tendency to csee the most catastrophic interpretation of our visions - it's natural for the brain to default to the negative in order to protect us from the worst case scenarios.  But usually the worst case is not what happens.  

Case in point:  I get a vision of a volcano.  The more I think about it, the more I begin thinking that the Yellowstone volcano will blow and we are all doomed. Or I see missiles being shot through the sky and the more I start thinking about that, the more I believe that there will soon be a nuclear holocaust.  To protect ourselves from going off on an anxiety tangent, we need to stick as much as possible to the vision itself, and write it down so we don't stray in our interpretation.  

3. A word about those bright lights that you get. They sound similar to the blue lights I get. They go off when I feel a truth resonating inside me.  I think of my blue lights as emanations from a higher being, like Pinochio's Blue Fairy. Lol. 

My theory is that these are coming from our nervous system which is reacting to an energy around us.  It means we are resonating with something.  It's similar to goosebumps that happen when we feel a truth.  As I said, I feel it's coming from spirit guides trying to speak to me, but I'm open to the possibility that it's simply the realization of some kind of truth or some kind of connection with Collective Consciousness or collective thoughts.  Whatever it is, pay attention to any message that goes with it. In my case, it is usually a beautiful and positive message. 

4. Over time, if you stick with it, you will likely use your gift for something that matters to you. When meditating on the world, I tend to see climate or earth issues. The main reason I get so worked up about the U.S. president is that I see him as the  threat to the healing of the earth.  

Although when doing a one on one reading with someone, my psyche wants to see their higher purpose and any healing they need to help them thrive and rise up.  The most important thing is to allow yourself to be who you really deep down inside want to be. To come in sync with your soul self.  

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Thank you for your reply Jeanne!

I have been attempting to increase my awareness for a while now. And while I'm not entirely sure, I feel like I've been picking up/ giving off impressions off to people now. I thought about how if we're all connected and I've been picking up ideas, statements, and answers off of people, then the reverse should be possible as well.  

My analytical self does tend to get in the way when I'm attempting to understand experiences, I'll try to follow my instincts a little more.

When the blue lights appear does it linger in one area or does it appear once then disappear?

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My blue lights just appear for a split second. I might see a few one after the other.  Everybody is unique so while we have similar experiences in the way we get intuition, we also have to allow for uniqueness. 

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Then they're quite similar to mine then. I always just assumed them to be spirits or something similar.

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I’m very grateful for this topic.  I know that I’m intuitive and empathic.  Any impressions I get usually come from feelings, or sometimes auditory – rarely do I have visions of things, except an occasional dream.   I do get spiritual chills, as well as some flashes of white light.  But beyond that, I feel like a newbie.   More often a feeling or thought will come to me when I’m busy doing other things.  I put too much pressure on myself during our readings, so I will often feel blocked or too spacey to continue.  It’s a control thing.  There is a reason for this – many years ago, I had a series of some very frightening, paranormal experiences.  That, combined with my lack of being grounded back then, scared the bejesus out of me.  I can look back with some understanding of why that occurred, and I’m not sorry that it happened, insofar as I became much more spiritually connected.  But the experience has still left me with some fear.  I want to be protected and approach all of this with a healthy respect.    I’d appreciate any feedback about protecting oneself.

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I tend to see a small white dot when I meditate.  No flashes.

I also think it can be difficult to do the predictions.  Often I think I see what I want to see or what is associated with the month like clovers for April or a turkey for Thanksgiving. When I do see a possible vision, I tend to see the visions sorta like a laser show, They are kinda like energy outlines.  

I have been able to have predictive dreams.  I will usually wake up and feel it  as an important dream to remember.  If I write it down, I can track it.  I have also gone to sleep with the intent to see what will be in the headlines for a given month.  I have had some good success with that though I haven't tried it for awhile.  I don't actually see a headline, just the basic idea of the event unfolds in the dream.  

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Besides dealing with the fears that I referenced in my earlier post and learning to protect myself, I’m often dealing with the ego – i.e., what I want or don’t want to happen, vs. what I’m really intuiting.  Being a mortal soul, I also risk bringing all of my quirks, fears, biases, moods, etc. into whatever I am sensing.  One day I was absolutely certain – I mean, 100% certain – that a good friend of mine had passed away.  She was older and had some health issues, but generally was doing okay.  A few days had passed and she wasn’t responding to my emails, which was unusual for her.  So I asked the question of whether she had passed on, and received a strong yes.  I was also sure that I felt her spiritual energy from the other side (she has powerful energy).  I checked it out with a mutual friend who is psychic, and she agreed that our friend had transitioned.  I almost called the local police to have them check on her, since she lives alone.  About an hour later, my missing-in-action friend contacted me.  All was well.   We both laughed about it, but it made me wonder.  And to also doubt myself.   That happened to be the same day when we had some bad shootings reported in the news later that afternoon.  Was I picking up on that?  I don’t know.

And then there are the biases.  I refuse to acknowledge the possibility that Nikki Haley could be our next president.  I have no sense of it, one way or the other.  I do strongly sense a female, but I refuse to acknowledge the possibility of Haley.  Years ago, when I was first getting to know myself in this area, an older psychic friend who I admired was extremely accurate with her predictions.  She told me that she was voting for Bush over Gore, because Gore would get us into a war.  I strongly disagreed with her.  She told me that she checked her pendulum, and yes, that was the case.  She never convinced me of it.  Would Gore have gotten us into a war?  I never believed so, although I can’t say for sure.  But I do know what decisions Bush made, and where we are now because of those decisions.  Only recently, when that same friend began sharing some crazy conspiracy theories about Obama, did I realize how some of her belief systems and biases probably affected some of her political intuitions. 

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It's nice to see all of the replies!

I remembered something I forgot to add. It seems like my abilities are heightened every so many days/weeks, almost like it's on some sort of cycle? For me it felt like all of a sudden I was much more intuitive and all of my experiences I listed above happened more often.

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@ultima, Have these cycles you referenced coincided with your focus on increased awareness?  Of course, that doesn't really explain the cycles.  Really interesting.  For me, if I focus on being more open, present and grounded, then I often begin to have more hunches or sparks of knowing -- which makes me feel more connected and confident.  And with that confidence, I sometimes will have more intuitive experiences.   

I do understand getting caught up in the analytical mind.  I can overthink things, which will often get in my way.

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@deetoo Hmm... The cycles were much more noticeable when I started actively noticing and trying to increase my intuitive abilities. But as of late I have felt more confident in my intuitive side and I don't notice these cycles much anymore, while my abilities have continued to grow to the point where I notice things every day. 

Could it be the cycles were to make me more in tune with my intuition? Also I forgot to add that my third eye would start tingling every time I noticed the cycles, but I'm unsure of how connected that actually is to the cycles.



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Any chance your cycles are linked to the moon phases?

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@laura-f and @ultima, that sounds right.  I know that for me everything is heightened during particular moon phases.  

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@laura-f and @deetoo, I have no idea if it's linked to the moons phases. Does anyone know which moon phases make intuitive abilities better?


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For females, definitely full moon brings greater power.

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So it's different for males and females? Wonder why that is.

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Sorry, should have been more clear, in that I can only speak for the female perspective. I honestly don't know how moon phases affect males, or if it's different.

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So why does the Moon's phases strengthen abilities?

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I don't know! sorry! something to do with gravity maybe?

Maybe someone else on here can weigh in?

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@ultima, I know there are many phases of the moon, but I don't know much about their psychic significance.  I’ve read that the Full Moon phase amplifies vision, mental processes, dreams, etc., and have found that to be true for me.  It also gives me more energy.

I also feel that I'm affected by the New Moon phase.  That occurs when the Moon is directly between the earth and the sun.  My understanding is that we can’t see the moon during that phase, because the side that faces the earth is not illuminated (i.e., the “dark side of the moon”). The moon & sun are in the same Zodiac sign during a New Moon, so it’s a big concentration of energy.  It’s a good time to set intentions, goals, begin new projects, etc.

I don’t know anything about the Waxing or Waning Moon cycles.  I'm thinking that the planets may also play a part in finding your answer.

There’s a cool website from the Beckstrom Observatory http://www.beckstromobservatory.com/ ,  which is a private astronomical research facility in Michigan.  You can find out what’s happening in the sky for that day, week or month, or even ask a question.  It won’t answer your questions about the psychic significance of the moon and planets, but it’s fun to see.

I wish that I could be of more help.  I'm trying to figure out some of this stuff myself.  I'm thinking that someone else on the site probably has more knowledge about this than I do.

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