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[Closed] Smell?

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Alright, this is new to me. Thought I was going absolutely bonkers yesterday. 

From the moment I got out of bed, I keep getting the most intense whiffs of a perfume that's not mine. 

I was at the store, had a photo session in the woods, sitting on my couch, at a house I went to look at with my sister... same smell. It kept coming in random moments. I checked my armpits (did I use a weird deodorant?!) I got on my hands and knees to smell the carpet, the couch... nothing. AND YES, I did look crazy. ?

The smell is a powdery perfume. It reminds me of a grandmother.

After 8 hours of this randomly happening, I sent my parents messages to ask if we had anyone in our family that maybe wore a very strong powdery perfume. My mom is usually the open parent in regards to my random woowoo questions and conversations. My dad on the other hand, is a bit timid and still very conservative on the topic. Oddly enough, he was the first one to reply to my text last night and what he said kinda shook me. 

"Yes, my grandma Hazel. If you see her, tell her I love her."

Almost brought me to tears and I don't know why. 

I also don't know why I would smell that. This is a new experience for me. Was it a smell to get my attention? I've never experienced spirits or signs outside of my dreams before. I do frequently feel like I'm not alone but I believe my fear of "scary things" prevents me from opening up to that. 

Has anyone else experienced this? How do you process it and what is the goal? I feel like, "hey i smelled a lady... anybody know a lady that has powder perfume? No special message, just smell." Lol. That's not helpful. -_-  

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@perriwinkle10 , I would venture to guess that if you were close to tears, then it may have been your grandmother or someone close to you.  It could also be something psychic in nature.  Are you still experiencing it since yesterday?   In my experience, I've found that sometimes deceased loved ones have come to comfort me if I'm feeling sad or unsettled.  But I can't always find a reason for it.  And I imagine the experience is different for each person.  My friend told me of a deceased relative's energy showing up for her birthday celebration.

I know it can be a little unnerving when you first experience something like that.  I've had similar things occur for most of my life.  My sensitivities to such things have become stronger, ever since I had a number of intense paranormal experiences in my late 20's (that's a story by itself).  I'm in my late 60's now.  My sensitivities have increased even more since I've become more in tune and comfortable with that part of myself.  They've also increased since the Age of T****.  Guess the spirits feel we need all the help we can get!

Some examples of past experiences:  My husband gets up before me and occasionally smells the lovely scent of fresh muffins coming from the kitchen.  I don't know whether the original owner of the house where my husband and I now live was a baker, but we did hear that she was a big smoker.  Over the years one or both of us have occasionally smelled strong cigarette smoke. 

Years ago when we lived in another house, I was the first to arrive home from work and smelled cigarette smoke.  I just knew it was my husband's father, who had passed away about one month before.  I exclaimed "he's not home yet, dad!"  The smoke smell immediately went away.  When my husband came in about an hour later, he remarked "was someone smoking in here?" 

The only time I have smelled flowers is when someone just passed away -- usually someone I've known who had been sick for a while. But I have known people who have smelled a deceased loved one's perfume. 

For me, it's not always smells -- it's more often a strong feeling, often with goosebumps. When we had to euthanize our dog two years ago and immediately returned home, I strongly felt Gracie's presence in particular areas of the house.  I mean, really strong, with goosebumps.  I'd sometimes call her name and would feel her spirit walking behind me.  I felt her there for about two weeks.  Funny story:  during this two week period, if I began sobbing from the loss, Gracie would disappear.  In her human form, Gracie was no Lassie; what I mean is, if I were Timmy and had fallen down the well, I'd still be down there!  She was not a dog to comfort you when you cried and, in fact, would leave the room.  So when I cried and her spirit disappeared on me, I remembered that -- and laughed!  After about two weeks Gracie must have crossed rainbow bridge, because I no longer felt her around.  That made me sad, but our little girl had to move on.  

I sometimes have felt a spiritual energy that doesn't belong around me -- not necessarily bad, but just doesn't belong.  I can sense that the energy is different.  It usually occurs inside our home.  If I address the energy -- e.g., "who or what is here?" it becomes stronger and I will feel the goosebumps.  So I instruct it to go back to the light, or wherever it came from.  Being raised Catholic, I will also make the sign of the cross. 

It's all still a mystery to me, and I maintain a healthy respect for it.  I don't know if it's an actual spirit or just some mysterious energy, but either way, I believe that I have control over how it affects me.  




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I love these discussions!  Last year I had one unmistakable olfactory "vision" with a client. We were having a phone reading and I started smelling a gas leak.  I knew it was coming from reading her, not an actual gas leak in my house.  So I told her I was picking up a gas leak coming from her. She said she had smelled gas in her house the day before but didn't call the gas company because the smell went away.  After we hung up she called the gas company to come and look for the leak. 

Of course I couldn't actually smell the leak. Perhaps it came to me via her thoughts. Or somehow I was transported there.  The gas company never did find a leak, by the way. 

These experiences boggle the mind.  I really did smell a gas leak but it was not any where near my home. 

I don't know if understanding how these experiences are processed in the brain is interesting to anyone.

But it thrills me to think about it.

A University of Amsterdam brain researcher named Birgit DeGelder did some experiments with people who were using some kind of sixth sense to see things.  She used pet scans to see what was going on in the brain when this was happening.  It showed  that  people were using a deeper part of the brain -- the reptilian brain, as well as other sensory parts of the brain.  So somehow without any chance of seeing an image, their reptilian brain and visual cortex created an image for them. 

And somehow without having a gas leak at my house I could smell my clients' gas leak experience.  And somehow   Periwinkle could smell her grandmother's perfume, and Deetoo's husband smelled cooking that wasn't exactly happening, or was it? 

The reptilian brain!  



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First of all, Deetoo - Gracie sounds like my pup. ? I think that would make my tears turn to laughs as well. 

So today turned pretty crazy in terms of this smellavision. 

After I posted this, I went outside with my coffee and sat on the deck. I guess I had a vision? (Again, learning to accept that it's a vision and not my imagination is a hard concept) 

I'm suddenly in a back yard. It's California. The backyard is surrounded by a U shaped house. Concrete walkways and a ton of flower beds around the edges. In the center of this backyard is a very big flower bed with roses. My grandma is there, she's bent over in a peach flowy dress with a sun hat on. She's clipping roses for a vase. She looks up and smiles at me. Her lips are pink and glossy. She says, "tell my little David everything will be just fine." She smiles, makes a little giggle and goes back to cutting her roses. 

I take a deep breath. Immediately assume it's just my imagination but stop myself and accept that it was real. I send my dad a text and ask him if grandma would call him "my little david" 

Dad replies a bit later, "That's petty trippy little indigo." 

Moments later my mom sends me a text and says that grandma would call dad "her little david", that she wore long dresses and sun hats, always used vaseline on her lips, lived in a u shaped house with a big rose garden in the middle.... her husband - my great grandpa Ross Berry was a famous master gardener who created new breeds of roses. Funny.. my grandma's name was "Hazel Rose" 

And she wore rose powder perfume that she used in one of those old perfume bottles with the squeeze ball. 

I guess maybe I had to tell my dad everything was going to be ok? (They're moving right now and I know he's nervous) 

I feel really..... empowered? I feel really special today. Like I was of clear enough head space to push out the imagination thought and actually acknowledge what I can do. 

It makes me wonder though, if all these thoughts I "imagine" of people who are not here that I hear in my head ALL THE DANG TIME have actually been talking to me? If so, how do you decide what to say out loud and what to not say? Do you just not say anything unless someone asks? 

I finally told my husband today what's been going on. He is so dang supportive of me. :-/ After I let it all out I said, "next up is the old guy who smells like aftershave and cigarettes and keeps saying "tell pickle I say hi"" husband replies, "hon, that's my grandpa, he called me pickle." 

I need a stiff drink. 

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Holy smokes, Jeanne.... same thing with gas over here. It was right when I opened my art studio (which failed miserably) and by a lady next to me at the dr office. 

I don't know if this is true or not - but my immediate reaction was the word "STRESS" 

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I've often smelled flowers in odd places and in winter. Honeysuckle, rose, etc. I just thought it was to remind me that things are not as bad as I think. My husband's dad would stop by after he died. and we'd know by the pipe smoke smell.

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My first experience in smelling something that wasn't 'there' was after Monica died. Not too long after the accident, I was working on the computer in the office when it filled up with Monica's perfume-Vanilla Lace. 

I've smelled it a number of times over the years. I couldn't find it for years, so I took to wearing Warm Vanilla Sugar, which is very similar. 

My son grew up believing in the metaphysical, but as he hit his teen years, he grew skeptical. He's very tolerant of my beliefs and what I tell him, but he was giving up as early as his mid-teens. One night as I was in bed watching a movie, he came into my room asking me if I had something in the oven. I wryly asked him how often he knew of me cooking while in bed, and asked him what would prompt such an unusual question. He said his room suddenly filled up with the smell of vanilla, and he couldn't figure out why, other than maybe I was baking. Intellectually he thought maybe I had taken a bubble bath or used my perfume, but dismissed that notion when he came into my room and there was no vanilla smell. I explained about his sister's perfume. He was perplexed that he couldn't come up with a 'logical' explanation for what had just happened to him. 

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Oh, I love these perfume stories!  Wonderful, just so wonderful!

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Love these stories. I have similar things happen often throughout my life- particularly that flowery perfume smell, i always knew right away that was one of my great grandmothers coming to tell me

To find a nice catholic boy.. lol. Always made me smile. Loved my grandma Reardon’s sassy, no nonsense personality.


My twin sister and i are both pretty tuned into this stuff- but we each have different “skills”. I am empathic, feel and “knowing”- more predictive and reading energy of people. My gut feelings on people are strong- and often have been right. She attracts spirits to her when she sleeps, all the time. It scared her at first because it would wake her up out of a dead sleep- shed see them

Right there hovering in her face. Like “moving- wavy lines, like looking through heat energy coming off of a candle flame” she says. She often has “spiders” come to her that would scare her at first- even wake up and partially hallucinate them- and ofcourse shed freak out because she’d momentarily think a massive spider was on her wall. Id often be woken up by her screams at 2am- and id get a text “just thought i saw a spider again. Sorry!” . Eventually i asked more- and she told me she realized in her dreams of them they were a wise female energy. Definitely female shed say. She knew they didnt want to hurt her. At this point its also normal for her to wakeup and see a white cloud/ smokey blur hovering above her- ive seen it too if im staying over, they like her for some reason. At this point she wakes up and knows right away- she’ll say “excuse me! Im trying to sleep!” And it will vanish. Ive seen them too when sleeping over with her, scared the crap out of me at first. I saw it as a mist/ white cloud though.


For me its been a range of experiences. Unfortunately, as far as smells- its been a bit of a darker experience.... id love for people to help me out with this one. I used to live in a pre war apartment in brooklyn that was just evil. Absolute evil. No way to explain it. It could never stay clean. Youd walk in in a perfectly fine mood and immediately feel this sense of dread and anxiety, it trapped you there. I would sit on my bed for hours feeling unable to leave. Constantly felt stuck and isolated. Friends who’d visit would tell me they couldn’t stand to be there, the walls always felt like they were closing in... the place always “looked”  like a different apartment everytime they’d come. we could never keep it clean, no matter how hard we tried, the place was just ... infected. A lot of paranormal/ disturbing things happened to me at this place. Angry whispers trying to rile me up at night, doors opening, shadows, feeling like something was with me— hovering and hostile— most notably it constantly wreaked of rotting eggs or dying animals. The whole place. Especially the hallways. The building itself always smelled this way. It wasnt definable...For a while my boyfriend and i thought some kind of animals were crawling in and dying in the building. But it came and went at certain hours of the night, with no correlation to anything you could physically seek out. I knew it was haunted.

I Didnt need anyone to confirm it- i knew something was off- but one time i was speaking to a brilliant women who reads past lives, a very skilled reader. She told me point blank, spirit wouldn’t let her get on with the reading until she conveyed the message- there were multiple demonic energies, at least seven, residing in that apartment building, and they were attacking me like energy vampires. She said they were dangerous. She mentioned the smell, the whispering, everything i had been experiencing for months without me saying anything at all. She told me there had been a murder there, and occult activity and there was a massive portal opened that needed to be shut. Sure enough i did see there had been 1 recorded death on the property. The building only had about 5 or 6 apartments and people were constantly moving in and out. She told me to get out asap, that the energies there were not human, and they were working to “divide” my boyfriend and i- isolate us. Its funny- the apartment was set up with 2 separate bedrooms on each end, a long railroad style place. Often wed get “lost” from reality. Separated unintentionally. Me, stuck on the bed on one end, him in the office. Hours would pass before we’d notice we had planned to watch a movie together hours prior and it always felt like he was being pulled to that office away from me.


Im not one to fall for embellished stories, but as soon as she spoke the words i felt it was genuine. she wasn’t telling me anything new, more validating what i was feeling already . The whole place just had this stench of death. When i smelled that smell, i would do the sign of the cross, light my sage, and sometimes pray outloud (im not particularly religious but was raised catholic). It scared the living hell out of me. Luckily I got out of there asap and we never looked back.


My friends and family soon after commented on how much happier and healthier i seemed overall once we’d moved.

Just my creepy story on paranormal smells! Havent told that story before.! It was only last spring i got out. Perhaps others have had experiences like this. I didnt know if i believed in demonic or dark entities prior— now i do without a doubt. Hopefully i didnt bring down the vibe too much. I have always struggled with this kind of energy- not always to this extent- this one was the most visceral and real, but in other ways. 

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I feel a little bit that way about the house I live in now. It's not nearly as severe, but I've never felt happy in this house, and there's been a lot of family drama since we got here that doesn't occur when we are not in this house. I have had constant minor accidents here, from falls to things falling on me. A lot more migraines than I should be having (with nothing new medically), and somewhat of a financial downturn for family income overall. It's gotten a little better - I've done multiple spells to cast out evil and curses, including regularly using sage, and I have sealed the house from the outside with black salt and white crystals. I used to feel a more evil presence within the house, but now I don't. Finances seem to be recovering slowly and my depression has improved in general too. It's still not ideal though, and I remain homesick for my old house/town/life even though it's more than 5 years that I'm where I am.

Glad things worked out for the better for you, no you're not crazy, your story is wild but not unique.

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Trust your gut laura! I believe you.

I felt this icky feeling there, like once i was there I couldn't leave, my anxiety was way up, and also had inexplicable nausea and headaches when I lived there too. It was like walking into this dark place that trapped me. My boyfriend and i regularly referred to it as a black hole before we even learned or looked into anything spiritual. I never get nauseous like that. I couldn’t quite verbalize what was wrong with the place for a while, but the more i talked about it with others and the more time i spent the more obvious it became to me. That being said, I'm a pretty intuitive person and pick up on these vibes easily and it took me a while to realize i need to trust that gut feeling... so if you don’t usually feel “off” about stuff like this, and you do in your home- it could be a sign somethings not right there. I also had a few friends with strong instincts who would confirm independently so that did help. One warning sign id look for is any kind of sleep issues, dreams, or weird things around sleep time. 

Either way- i support you! I recommend looking up specific crystals/ incense that are meant for strong protection and not just cleansing as well. Those helped me a lot. I believe I used black tourmaline to grid my home and black obsidian crystals in each room scattered around. It also got so bad for me that I had my boyfriend bring a crucifix and picture of Mary from his mom’s house lol. (Tip- cleanse your crystals in salt water every week)

 I also was told to keep burning those Santeria/ saint/ alter candles around my home. It was creepy, the woman I spoke to asked me if I already had the alter candles. I told her yes i did, i always picked them up randomly at the bodega by me but had never thought much of it. She told me “they hate those, theyve been trying to knock them over- keep them burning while you sleep” — turns out the week before I was lighting one and it had weirdly flown out of my hand and i spilled the wax all over my kitchen floor. Yikes. I would keep a white one burning next to my bed as i slept and every night I did that i had a much better, more restful sleep.

Someone who knows more about saints will probably laugh at my description because I know so little, but I believe this one saint- Lazarus- has something to do with death/rebirth or the dead. I was told to utilize this guy. I believe theres some medallion of a saint that people put on doorknobs that are meant for spiritual protection. I’m not super religious but at that point I need all the help I could get.

The salt and white crystals & sage should help too though. I had someone recommend to me I play church like music in my home- as in tibetan singing bowl music and Gregorian chant music. you can find them on youtube or Spotify. The neighbors must have thought I was nuts. But hey, I had demons to get rid of!! 

Have you ever looked up the history of your home now? I know there are public records online that you can access, sometimes free but sometimes you pay like $1 to access. Might be helpful. I did a lot of research and although It freaked me out it definitely helped validate my problem was demonic/dark energy in nature. 

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I did look up the house history, it was built in 1936. Nothing unusual, no one died here as far as we know. BUT compared to other places we have lived, including other old houses, this one has a very long list of occupants (owners and renters), longer than any other place, so who knows.

Thanks for you support and ideas @sagetarotpisces

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so interesting thanks for sharing ? 

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@sagetarotpisces and @laura-f, The paranormal experiences I mentioned in my earlier post had some similarities to what you described.  It happened in my late 20's, in a house where I was living with two other people.  I don't believe I was in any physical danger, but it was powerful.  Someone who once lived in that house had passed away about a year earlier, but it was from a long illness – nothing violent.  Only one prior owner of the house.  In my situation I am convinced that it wasn’t so much the energy of the house, as it was the dynamics with the people I lived with, some of it quite negative.  I was in a life transition, depressed/inwardly angry, and feeling quite vulnerable.  One person was very gifted psychically, but manipulative and controlling – with a hidden agenda that I don’t think she was fully aware of.  Actually we were all gifted either psychically and/or empathically, although I didn’t realize that about myself at the time.  Anyway all of those factors seemed to open up a portal.  And in came the kind of crazy, paranormal stuff you see in movies.

sagetarotpisces, like you I was raised catholic but not religious.  At that time I was going through a spiritual crisis of sorts.  As I lived through this, I thought I was losing my mind.  The first time I felt attacked by these unseen forces I was terrified and didn’t know what to do, so I called on God.   Each time I did that, I was pretty amazed how immediately peaceful and protected I felt.   For as threatening as it seemed at the time, the experience ended up strengthening my faith and changed the course of my life.    

I do keep crystals around our house.  If I ever do feel an unwanted presence in our current home, I tell it to go to the light or wherever it came from.  I also say a prayer and cross myself.  A crazy story about crystals:  I once had an HR director who had a large clear quartz on her desk.  After she went through a week of doing performance evaluations with the staff, the crystal turned a dark gray!

laura-f, I agree about the sage.  I didn't know about the black salt.  The first home my husband and I owned had a funky basement.  It just always felt "off" -- almost like an uncomfortable, dark and depressed emotional residue.  We later learned that the person who once had an apartment in the basement had emotional problems and drank too much.  You could feel it.  So I had a  friend come over and do a cleansing ceremony, where she used sage and prayed with us addressing all four sides of the house.  It did help, but we had some difficult neighbors, so we ended up eventually moving.

Ever since I had that experience in my 20's, I’ve been hypersensitive to my environment.  I can immediately read the energy of a room.  It made it especially hard when I worked in a large, corporate environment with in-fighting, drama and hidden conflicts.  Lots of behind-the-scenes BS going on.  On the surface I managed it well, but it took a lot out of me.  (I know that most on this site are empaths, so you understand what I mean.)  I also have problems visiting certain historical sites, especially if there was any violence involved (e.g., makeshift hospital in Gettysburg that treated Civil War soldiers, etc.)

I've shared my paranormal experience with a few people over the years, but not many.  Thankfully my husband and close friends don't believe I'm crazy!  A few years after I left that house, I shared my story with a guy I was dating.  He smirked and asked "do you watch a lot of soap operas?"   Nice, huh?  That was the end of that relationship -- and don't let the door hit you on the way out! ? 


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Thanks for sharing this! Im in my late twenties and seems like a similar awakening of sorts for me- i now know  how sensitive i am to my living environment. Thankfully, my space now is quite “light”. 

I guess what i was always curious about was learning about the differences in spirits/energies. I dont know if I could ever tell the difference between a human, spirit energy, and a demonic or inhuman entity. (Anyone who gets this better than me- id love to learn!) What i do know is that a human spirit would not be as evil as my old place was... it was way too icky and dark to be anything but pure hate and a desire to wear me down. Whatever it was- it fed off of me. Gives me shivers to think about! 

i do feel this type of energy in some of what we see in the news today, unfortunately.

And as for the guy you dated who made that comment—pfft...Buh bye! I have the same attitude. Not sure i could ever date someone who is that spiritually closed minded, they’d have an awfully hard time hanging with me- lol

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@sagetarotpisces I get visitors in my dreams, like your sister. 

I was in elementary school when walking to school one day after a rain. I saw a white cloud in sort of shaped like a woman floating cross the second floor wooden deck of a house as my sister and I walked. I told her to look at the odd cloud, and when I turned back, it was gone. 

The second time I had a cloud, it was in my bedroom. I was 12 or 13. Woke up and there at the foot of my bed was this big white cloud-inside the house. Scared the daylights out of me. I saw no way to exit the room without going through it, so I pulled the covers up over my head. I don't know how long I stayed like that, but it was gone when I finally got up the courage to peek out from under the covers. 

I get more shadow like glimpses when I'm awake and see movement. Sometime in the hall, sometimes in my room. Usually while I'm watching tv and my mind is relaxed. Tho the other day I was at the kitchen sink and as I turned around I saw the butt and tail of a big black dog over by my dog's water dish, disappearing into the wall behind the dish. I think by the size, short hair, and appearance it was one of my passed black great danes. Made me chuckle, till I realized my mother was in the room and I didn't want to have to explain. With her late stage Alzheimer's it would have turned into an Abbott and Costello banter routine. 

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So cool! I guess i can see them too, but its so odd that I only have seen them when I'm with my twin, as they seem to be attracted to her. Ive never seen one (as far as i can recall) on my own. Besides my late great grandparents, i haven't experienced much death to those close around me, and the spirits she sees seem to be random. The old apartment she lived in in LA was one, and her room in my mom’s home now (my twin has the master bedroom) is another more recent sighting of “the cloud” lol. 

Sometimes im jealous they seem to want to talk to her more- none of them are harmful and actually seem protective in a way. Weirdly enough, theyve come to her in times that are very stressful or transition phases of her life (moving across the country, going through a breakup). One christmas we were sleeping in her bedroom at my moms and the space heater kept getting moved closer to us  as we slept, like someone was trying to keep us warm at night. We woke-up and it had been moved about 10 feet right next to the bed. Loved that. Another weird note- she’s told me shes been woken up from sleep with something hovering directly over her body by her face most frequently when she had someone sleep over- like when ive slept in her bed while visiting or a friend is staying for the night- almost like its protecting her. Kind of cute. Thanks protective spirit!

she thought she was nuts at first or having issues with her eyes (she actually will eventually be legally blind in one eye due to cataracts) but once I saw it at the same time as her, we both knew. 

Mostly though, I'm not sure i’d want that “attraction” from them because well, I value my sleep!! And clearly from my posts above I don’t think i need any more “visitations” of the paranormal variety.  

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Posted by: @laura-f

I did look up the house history, it was built in 1936. Nothing unusual, no one died here as far as we know. BUT compared to other places we have lived, including other old houses, this one has a very long list of occupants (owners and renters), longer than any other place, so who knows.

Thanks for you support and ideas @sagetarotpisces


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I sometimes smell cigarette smoke around me that no on else can smell. Sometimes it can be so strong I have to leave the room I'm in or if that doesn't work I have to cover my nose for a little. Does anyone know what this could be linked to?

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This thread is fascinating! Thanks for sharing. 

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