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Will good win?

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A battle between good and evil was fought.  Good stepped up, bad is avoided.  It wasn’t as easy as evil thought it would be.  (Andrew Posey) Predicted June 6, 2019 for late 2019.

I  had expected late 2019 to be the darkest time for the U.S. democracy, and in so  many ways it was. The dark workers launched their disinformation campaigns, gaslighting, refusal to confirm Supreme Court nominees, a Russian asset in the White House, --  tactics few ever dreamed would happen in the U.S. 

But Andrew got it right that the dark forces did not get their expected slam dunk, and were surprised at how hard it was for them, given the weaponry they used.  

So who is going to win this battle between light and dark?  

When I watch a soccer game,  I can often tell who is winning, even when no one has yet to score a goal. I can tell by the strength and spirit of the players on the field. 

If you think back on 2019, perhaps you can see the strength of the light.  

This morning, the Washington Post's editors counted 19 big positive things that happened in 2019. This list is much bigger if you add to it. 

Meanwhile, I noticed these predictions from our community for 2020: 

  • I feel a world sick of heart, and it is hitting us all in ways that are in many ways leading the way forward, we are turning toward light because it got so dark. (Andrew Posey)
  • I see light, representing enlightenment, awareness, light over the US. Angels, sending messages. (Claudia)
  • Lots of awakening on the planet, not just the young people but people of all ages. (Doris)
  • In December, information coming out, what was hidden from us is now being revealed. There is plenty of room for more to come out. (Claire)
  • It is an explosive time. An awakening. (TriciaCT)
  • I hear a gong being rung, truth and peace. (Doris)
  • People will read more books. (Bernie)
  • The common people are awakening, it’s an awakening from the ground up. (Kathryn L.)
  • I see an eagle rising and with it the hopes of a nation, I see the people cheering and I see a hope of what was dead, now alive again. I see poor people who seem native American, they are dusty and poor, and they are cheering, as if a dam has been opened and they are now receiving water. (Andrew Posey)
  • It’s like we’ve lost 15 pounds, but we have another 40 to lose. Life is different, things are falling loose, but it’s also the same, there is an awakening, a sense of personal responsibility built on needs not values. (Andrew Posey)
  • The fork in the road, the turn is made, I’m not sure what it is, but it looks like we haven’t lost. (Andrew Posey)
  • Democracy will take a beating but it will survive. (Jeanne Mayell)
  • I see a lightening strike for 2019, but it releases a winged egg which is a symbol of rebirth! (Jeanne Mayell)

P.S. No one had foreseen the emergence of a youthful Joan of Arc, Greta Thunberg. The power of this girl to ignite the youth and bring adults to their knees, to silence even Donald Trump, is palpable.

Any thoughts for 2020?

Laynara, Pikake, RosieHeart and 15 people reacted
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I feel that the darkest times remain ahead.

I believe that the evil (referring only to US right now) may win some battles along the way, although good will win the war. But it's going to be a long, harrowing journey. I've felt for a while now that out and out violence may come to pass.

The violent forces appear to be acting as "lone wolves", but this is temporary. I believe that soon they will launch more coordinated domestic terror attacks. I also feel like we may be subject to more attacks by foreign entities sooner rather than later, that it will start as cyber attacks but eventually will lead to actual violence. I think the violence will escalate, and it will take extraordinary acts by those on the side of good to overcome, but I do believe good will win. Eventually.


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What a great question!

I wonder what our group would have seen on a Read the Future Night if we had had one shortly before 9-11?

I think the predictions written and noted would've been quite varied.  Some members would likely have seen and written, "A tragedy on par with Pearl Harbor Strikes the US."  Others, "Something bad happens to a large building and I see the number 2," or "Airplanes fall from the sky," or  "People are trapped in a fire  and can't get out," or "a plane crashes into the  Pentagon and there is a large fire."

 Yet, others would have noted things like this: "After a huge tragedy, a country comes together," or "  Heroes bring light to a dark day," or " Something makes our nation unified and strong," or "First responders will be remembered for their bravery and courag,e" or "President Bush hugs a fire fighter on top of a fire truck," or even "The world units and sends love to the US."

What would make some pick up on the horrible part of 9-11 and others the see elements of the light that is coming out of the darkness?  This is just a fictional example, but it happens in our predictions.  Why is that?

2019 has been a shockingly horrible year.  We have discovered that our country can be a very dark and dishonorable government.  We had seen our leaders at their worst, worse than we would have ever expected.  

And yet...this horrible darkness has brought forth so much light and that light continues to grow and illuminate us all.  It will encourage people to be brave, to step out of their comfort zone, to change bad habits, to notice those who are suffering and make a difference.  It will cause us to go "inward" and grow and discover our own lights.  It will move mountains.  

It will cause us to reject the dark, actively.  

My thoughts on 2020?

There will be more darkness exposed.  From that darkness, there will be more light that shines.  

If the nation has a wave of blue, which many seem to be picking up on, then something will be continuing to happen to make the blue turn out at the polls.  Likely something more than what is occurring even now. 

I would say the other shoe, or a whole DSW shoe store is going to fall and fall hard , the impact will wake some people who have been long frozen (hearts and minds).  These people will begin  to feel the light of the first morning sun rays spreading across the land after a long cold sleep.   

I will acknowledge the darkness (for I feel it important to name it for what it is)  but I will celebrate the light.  




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Well, my response didn't exactly answer your question Jeanne, but it was what I felt after reading your post .

I see you were inspired to gather the positive predictions for next year that seemed to have touched your heart and spirit.  

Was that because you needed some inspiration yourself or because you felt the need to help lift and inspire us? If you needed the inspiration, well, I think you have grouped together some awesome amount of optimism and hope about the new year ahead.  If it was to inspire others, I think your post will help others see there is room to hope for better things in the coming new year.  Even when darkness rises from the swampy abyss ( and it will) ,  we can name it for what it is, shine a light on it for others to see and clean up the mess it made, creating something more  positive and hopeful for our world.

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I started the thread because I kept thinking about Andrew's words that flowed out of him during one of our Read the Future nights:

A battle between good and evil was fought.  Good stepped up, bad is avoided.  It wasn’t as easy as evil thought it would be.

 I know Andrew. He's my first cousin. He's incredibly psychic and a great writer. His predictions come via automatic writing.  He sees deeply. He's also a giver, gives generously to everyone he meets. He was born a light worker and never stops giving. 

Psychologists study optimists.  They find that optimists are far more likely to succeed than pessimists.  Why? Because optimists see the possibilities, the doors that can be opened, while pessimists are more closed up and miss the possibilities.  

I am not talking about pink clouding. I am aware of the situation we are in. 

But I keep hearing in my third eye:  "good stepped up," and "it wasn't as easy as bad thought it would be." 

It doesn't tell me the final outcome because there is no outcome, life just keeps going. But it tells me that light will keep on coming, @Lovendures.  Light will keep stepping up.  

Like you, dear friend!  




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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

But I keep hearing in my third eye:  "good stepped up," and "it wasn't as easy as bad thought it would be." 

I do so love this statement!

Thanks for answering my question.  

I love reading Andrew's predictions and listening to him during Read the Future Nights and various classes.

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I am also having a feeling that more darkness will soon be revealed.  In the coming months, more evidence will come out that will show just how low Trump and his allies have gone, and how much lower they will go to maintain their power.

But this isn't a time of dread.  Never think that.  While it will be painful to watch, remember that by dragging out the darkness to face the light, the darkness always shrinks away.  As more of Trump's misdeeds and corruption come to light, we become more aware and determined to change our government for the better.  

Think about how the situation was only a few years ago, when women were afraid to mention that they had been sexually assaulted.  Now, with the MeToo movement, more people are coming to realize that it is our society that needs to change.  That powerful men who prey on women are the true problem.  That the economic inequality, the legal system, and even the culture that we live in have contributed to the fact that many powerful men rape women and get by with it.  But now that more and more are speaking out, there is a growing awareness that things need to change.

That is what is happening here.  The more and more we learn about Trump and the government, the more and more we will want it to change.  Yes, the economy (on the surface, at least) looks good.  But is it worth the price of a generation of children watching a man who brags about assaulting women, encourages his followers to violence, and insults dead servicemen, war heroes, etc. is considered a "role model" for them? 

I can only pray that we have the strength to endure the revealing of the darkness, and not listen to the lies from those that serve Trump that there is nothing we can do to stop them.  I don't fear the darkness so much as I fear that eventually we will come to accept it.  And I can't do that, least I lose my light.  

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Your excellent post reminds me that the toxicity reported in the news is similar to the symptoms of illness in the body.  Illness in our bodies  progresses beneath the surface long before we become aware that we are ill. Once symptoms arise and we are aware of the illness, we can begin to heal it. The old adage applies to our national collective just as it applies to our own bodies:  "you can heal what you can feel." 

Decades ago, I felt the darkness growing in our country.  It was painful to look around and see that the mainstream didn't see it, although, to be fair, many people had seen it long before I did.   But I suffered over what I was seeing and the fact that I couldn't share it with others without being told I was over reacting. Now more than half the country and much of the world  sees that darkness in U.S. politics with alarm.

Only when a critical mass of the collective realizes the danger of this growing toxicity can we heal it. I feel that awareness began in earnest at the end of 2019 and will reach its zenith in 2020. 

In 2020, I feel a storm of darkness as the Republicans, and the international oligarchs and foreign powers who support them (Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, etc.) fight fiercely to hold onto power in the U.S. But the more outrageously they behave and the further they eat away at our democracy, the more light workers rise up.  

I noticed that a vision I had for late 2019 of submarines came true when NATO discovered an alarming surge of Russian submarines were discovered in the North Atlantic. Trump has tried his best to damage NATO while befriending Putin. I wondered if this submarine surge means Putin feels emboldened since he has achieved via Trump to get the U.S. on his side and NATO weakened. But Putin also knows that his American alliance is shakier than ever now that many in the U.S. are rising up against Trump. 

Then last night I pulled a card for Republican power in this country at the end of 2020,  and got a symbol of demise. The card I pulled was from the Leormand deck which showed an Egyptian mummy casket and means death or demise or an ending. So the card predicted an ending  for the Republicans' dominance. 


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Hello!  Andrew here and I wanted to comment about how interesting life is right now.  It's like we arrived at the part of the movie where the battle is ramping up . When you brought up the way folks might have seen 9/11 - I totally get that - and I'd love to be able to close my eyes and type "Don't cross West 74th Street."

But it comes out as it comes out and I'm writing now because the strongest images that have come to mind are even more abstract.  They  place me outside the earth, and the spinning of the blue and the white becomes like the swirls of jelly when you get it in a peanut jar with the jelly already mixed in, and what I got was that for each act of good - the individual actions of each - changes the weight and the balance of all.  And as the good expanded, the bands expanded, the dark narrowed and why we can't be specific is that it is not specific - and the beauty of ingenious, good - and the individual collective changes the balance.  And it will surprise us.   Nothing new really, but to close your eyes and see it all spinning. There's a great quote from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings that says sometimes you do the right thing when you don't even know you're doing it.  And  what if we were all here just for the purpose of being the bright lights needed as the power grid goes up for grabs?  

Jeanne Mayell, Parizienne, Lilinoe and 15 people reacted
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Posted by: @the-happy-medium

There's a great quote from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings that says sometimes you do the right thing when you don't even know you're doing it.  And  what if we were all here just for the purpose of being the bright lights needed as the power grid goes up for grabs?  

Now this is a discussion that fills my soul.  I have asked spirit for direction and increasingly I see the direction is to be the bright light. Can we keep this discussion going? I am planning to make the Intuitive Way IV series (starts Monday) a focus on being a bright light. 

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Hi Andrew!  

I love what you wrote.  I have been feeling this way too about bright lights but the strength of your words and the visual of the swirl is interesting.  Not a blending to make the mixture one color or substance.  but  the dropping of a drop of colored dye into white frosting and stirring it maybe once or  twice.  Instant colored swirl expanding outward  from the drop of color making a dramatic impact.  

We CAN be the bright light when the grid goes down. I believe the acts of love and light have greater impact as well. 

I agree with Jeanne, let's keep this discussion going.  

Andrew, so glad you decided to post.


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Anyone who can quote "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" , should sit by me.  Probably  my favorite book ever.

I was once told by Spirit, that everything, including evil, would, in the end, be used for the ultimate good. (Whether it likes it or not)

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Thank you, all you beautiful people.  Thank you for the love and light you bring and share.  Thank you for easing my anxiety.    I know the world  we are imagining, and seeing, filled with pure light is the best thing.  Like cool rain washing away the dirt.  It’s hard to wait patiently.   When I feel the walls closing in I read the posts here and I feel peace.  Like I’ve come home, to my place.  In a small way I am part of the peace received and then given back to the universe.  I imagine our world bathed in healing white light.  I pray for all of us to be strong and not get weary.  Thank you all my light bearing friends.  I draw strength from your words.  ☮️?


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And we draw strength from your words. :-)

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And I draw strength from every single one of you! 

I believe as all who have wrote here have said. It is going to be a true warrior's challenge and many of us might not be here by the time the great turning is revealed but those of us who believe and can keep going on even the hardest personal days can still say, be, and do good to increase our own individual consciousness and our own goal for each and every day. 

The days are dark now but a new day and a new dawn will someday rise again.

 Start with today, let the words out of our mouths, the keystrokes from our fingers, the emotions out of our hearts, be caring, compassionate, understanding one's that we would want to hear, to feel, to be lifted up to by others.




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@febbby23 & @ Michele

I am with you, every time I start to feel anxious or scared I come to this website for peace of mind. I do not have any friends who think as we all do, so I come here and read your posts.  I am ever so thankful I found this website. I love you all.


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Love what you wrote, @Lenor, @Michele, @FEBbby23, @lovendures and @The Happy Medium and @allyn --

Love this -- Start with today, let the words out of our mouths, the keystrokes from our fingers, the emotions out of our hearts, be caring, compassionate, understanding one's that we would want to hear, to feel, to be lifted up to by others. -- Michele

Good is winning right here in this thread. 

P.S. Febbby, I like your alias.  It feels cuddly like a Teddy.  

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I posted this in poetry so if you already read it then no need. But it fits our thread. It's who we are and how good is winning:

"I've been thinking about the way, when you walk down a crowded aisle, people pull in their legs to let you by. Or how strangers still say "bless you" when someone sneezes, a leftover from the Bubonic plague. "Don't die," we are saying.  And sometimes, when you spill lemon from your grocery bag, someone else will help you pick them up.

Mostly don't want to harm each other. We want to be handed our cup of coffee hot, and say thank you to the person handing it.  To smile at them and for them to smile back. For the waitress to call us honey when she sets down the bowl of clam chowder, and for the driver in the red pick up truck to let us pass.

We have so little of each other, now.  So far from the tribe and fire. Only these brief moments of exchange. What if they are the true dwelling of the holy, these fleeting temples, we make together when we say, "Here, have my seat." "Go ahead -- you first." "I like your hat."

---- Danusha Lameris

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I have a few things I want to say on this topic.

At the November read the future night, I got quite a few very positive visions for the entire year of 2020. At first, I wasn't sure whether they were just referring to me, or whether they applied to the collective. I eventually settled on the latter interpretation. When chaos broke out in the Middle East in late December, I started doubting the veracity of my visions, at least in how they related to the collective. After General Suleimani was assassinated, Spirit let me know that I had to stop paying attention to the news; I was at a critical juncture where I needed to focus solely on what my own intuition was picking up. 

After a few days of a self-imposed news blackout, I had a bit of an epiphany. The question of whether my positive visions applied to just myself or broader society was irrelevant. I had it in my power to turn personal positive developments into a collective experience. By simply being in the present and absorbing the good experiences coming to me, I was then radiating out my joy and pleasure to the people around me.

Everyone can do this, but we as light workers are especially gifted when it comes to spreading joy and hope, and here's how I know. A week and-a-half ago, I wanted to send gratitude and healing energy to this entire community. When I meditated on this site's collective, first I saw an image of a small, solitary flame, wavering in the dark. Then the flame grew into a raging blaze, as if it were a campfire. The vision zoomed out, and I saw that the fire was in a grassy clearing at night; I could make out the silhouettes of trees on the periphery of the clearing. But in the sky above the fire was an enormous full moon, much bigger than anything you'd see from Earth in our reality. Next, the blazing fire was superimposed on top of the moon, and I understood that the 2 were actually 1. I saw the fire atop the moon for about 10 seconds, and then a supernova-like blast of white light scattered the image back into darkness.

Spirit was telling me that lightworkers like us possess both the ancient wisdom of Grandmother Moon and the fire energy of Father Sun, and, by virtue of our incarnation as physical beings on Earth, we are allowed a special agency to transform that alchemy into healing energy for this world in crisis. How each of us goes about doing this will vary. Since Christmas, for example, I’ve gone outside every morning for 5, 10, or 15 minutes just to stand in the daylight and soak up as much solar energy as I can. Then I let all of that absorbed radiation come through in my interactions with other people, and the result is magical. I’m smiling so much more, and, especially when clear skies are in the forecast, I go to bed looking forward to waking up each morning.

Yes, 2020 will be a head-spinning year, but think of it as the last incline at the end of a long hike. We’ve already made it this far, we can push through one final exertion. Maybe you’re reading this and thinking “What? I’ve suffered so much in these past few years as a highly sensitive person, and now I’m responsible for healing the human collective?” Fair enough, but remember: spreading our light does not mean shouldering all of humanity’s burdens. It’s more about being cognizant of our blessings amidst so much darkness.

My spirit guides have been sending me a particular song BIG TIME for the past 2 weeks, no doubt to get my blood pumping for the work I have ahead of me. Maybe it will speak to you too:

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I consider this to be good winning :

Did he get all he deserved? No!TBS? The fact that he got convicted on what he was convicted on is a start.... that the all powerful rich white men can not buy their way out anymore. I see this as being a sign that they are going to be held accountable... it gives me hope.


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