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[Closed] Random Predictions II

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Now that I'm fully awake, I'm thinking the dream means that humans are acting as angels with their prayers and helping to uplift the energy from evil to good. I actually think it was one of those angels that lifted the 6 year old boy off the earth. Ukraine is a very Christian country from what I've heard so it makes sense that I would see this as Christian imagery. Since this is a dream, I probably should have put it in the dreams thread. Sorry about that. 

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@chromosomexy I am fascinated by your dream and also by the vision of @fjellvandre 

This resonates in a big way to me and, I think, to many on this site who have seen/felt a similar sense of the Ukraine war being a turning point of some kind that is shifting us on the Earth, finally, to a new system of good and light.

I am especially intrigued, @chromosomexy, that you don't have a background in Christianity, so I feel like this dream is even more meaningful. I grew up in the Ukrainian Catholic Church and learned how Christianity came to Ukraine in 988. We had a whole huge celebration in 1988 at my church to celebrate 1,000 years of Christianity. There is a deep spirituality there (even before Christianity...pagan roots, etc.) and I feel that is significant in this current war. Light is shining there, even amidst the horror of war, and it will help catapult this shift.

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I had  dream where there were people putting ash Wednesday crosses on their foreheads about 2 days ago. No Jesus Christ or Satan references tho. I'm also not religious or Christian but I was Catholic. 

All I remember was that I did not have the cross, felt kinda self conscious but I would not put one on. 

Not sure if that's related but I thought I'd share anyway.

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I don't think my dream meant to say that we are in the cusp of entering the end of the world. It's possible that some of us,like you @chromosomexy are tapping into the subconscious of what people are feeling ATM. I would bet money that people think we are about to enter the end of humanity. I don't remember who it was that said that sometimes we tapp into and dream the feelings of the environmental subconscious. 

Either way I'm looking forward to April. 

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I consider myself a "Christian in exile" because I believe in the core tenants of Christianity "love thy neighbor" whilst refusing to believe the supposed laws that many of the churches around me teach (Basically, that all gays are sinning and damned to hell, and all women were born to serve men and thus can't preach in church, etc.  Sorry, but the idea of being gay means an automatic ticket to hell whereas child predators and rapists can somehow be forgiven just turns my stomach.  Seriously, how can being in a same-sex relationship with two willing partners be in the same boat as those who intentionally defile women and children is beyond my comprehension.  Also, the idea that God would make women and then force them into a life of servitude to men simply for being born women makes absolutely no sense to me.  So when in doubt, I ask myself WWJD and protest the rest.)  

Nevertheless, your dream had great significance to me.  Personally, I don't think you are seeing the end times.  In Revelations, the mark of the Anti-Christ is 666, not 6.  Perhaps you see someone who is trying to be the Anti-Christ, but the time is not ready for it, which explains why, upon being marked by Jesus, the boy with the six exploded into light.

Perhaps the boy is not a person per say, but the idea of white man rule over the rest of us.  Remember, this world has suffered badly under the rule of racists and sexists for centuries.  Perhaps the boy is symbolic of the old world order where rich white guys are no longer receiving the blessings of God and are now being put out of power forever.  Many people on this site has foreseen visions where our governments become more inclusive and diverse, with many people sharing power as opposed to a few at the top pulling all the strings.  So when you saw this boy (the old way of doing things) be marked with one 6 and then explode in light, maybe the vision means that the old way will be destroyed from the light warriors within and that despite the importance these people place on themselves, their downfall does not mean the end of the world.

I don't know of course, but when I read your post I was filled with a sense of optimism and peace.  So that is my guess as to what your dream meant.

Although I will say for disclaimer purposes that I am a Christian that doesn't go to church to protest the teachings that, in my humble opinion, are detrimental to Christianity in general and will serve to ensure that more and more people will turn their backs on Christianity, so perhaps I am reading to much into your dream and looking for something to justify my own stance as opposed to going to hell for daring to speak out against the teachings of the Bible.  But I don't think I am wrong in that your dream is a good thing. 

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@chromosomexy your dream is really fascinating. I had a waking vision of Jesus in 2017. It was the experience that kickstarted my spiritual journey in asking questions about why I am here, what is my purpose etc. I had spiritual experiences before, but never really understood them or explored what they meant until I had that particular experience. I started looking into Christianity first and then moved into Spirituality. But I still retain elements of Christianity within my Spirituality. Like other people, I have come to believe the bible alone doesn't cover everything, and if it must be read, it really must be read with a spiritual lens.

But back to your dream, and also what you said about the choice between good and evil. I had a similar choice shown before me in a dream I had last year that was about the future of the world and Russia. I was shown two doors with one that was the old paradigm and the old ways of doing things, and a new paradigm which represented the positive future with new ways doing things. We collectively had a choice to go through either door, and it seemed like Russia was part of what wanted to keep humanity stuck in the old paradigm, along with people like Trump, Pres. Bolsonoro of Brazil, and Nigel Farage (the architect of Brexit in the UK). 

It's really fascinating how so many people are having similar dreams and messages.

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Posted by: @allyn


I consider myself a "Christian in exile" because I believe in the core tenants of Christianity "love thy neighbor" whilst refusing to believe the supposed laws that many of the churches around me teach (Basically, that all gays are sinning and damned to hell, and all women were born to serve men and thus can't preach in church, etc.  Sorry, but the idea of being gay means an automatic ticket to hell whereas child predators and rapists can somehow be forgiven just turns my stomach.  Seriously, how can being in a same-sex relationship with two willing partners be in the same boat as those who intentionally defile women and children is beyond my comprehension.  Also, the idea that God would make women and then force them into a life of servitude to men simply for being born women makes absolutely no sense to me.  So when in doubt, I ask myself WWJD and protest the rest.)  

Nevertheless, your dream had great significance to me.  Personally, I don't think you are seeing the end times.  In Revelations, the mark of the Anti-Christ is 666, not 6.  Perhaps you see someone who is trying to be the Anti-Christ, but the time is not ready for it, which explains why, upon being marked by Jesus, the boy with the six exploded into light.

Perhaps the boy is not a person per say, but the idea of white man rule over the rest of us.  Remember, this world has suffered badly under the rule of racists and sexists for centuries.  Perhaps the boy is symbolic of the old world order where rich white guys are no longer receiving the blessings of God and are now being put out of power forever.  Many people on this site has foreseen visions where our governments become more inclusive and diverse, with many people sharing power as opposed to a few at the top pulling all the strings.  So when you saw this boy (the old way of doing things) be marked with one 6 and then explode in light, maybe the vision means that the old way will be destroyed from the light warriors within and that despite the importance these people place on themselves, their downfall does not mean the end of the world.

I don't know of course, but when I read your post I was filled with a sense of optimism and peace.  So that is my guess as to what your dream meant.

Although I will say for disclaimer purposes that I am a Christian that doesn't go to church to protest the teachings that, in my humble opinion, are detrimental to Christianity in general and will serve to ensure that more and more people will turn their backs on Christianity, so perhaps I am reading to much into your dream and looking for something to justify my own stance as opposed to going to hell for daring to speak out against the teachings of the Bible.  But I don't think I am wrong in that your dream is a good thing. 

Years ago, I decided to read the bible, but only what Jesus had to say.  I was stunned when I was done because of how beautiful his philosophy was and I wasn't getting any of it in church.   So, I along with a friend of mine who was grappling with the same issues, decided to stop going to church, and study on our own--2 hours each week.  We picked books we wanted to read (Richard Rohr; Edgar Cayce; etc.) were two that packed a lot of punch.  No where anywhere did we discover that it was about going to church.  Instead, it was all about how you treat people.  That might seem simplistic, but it jumped out at us everywhere we looked.  We kept up this study for more than two decades now and never fail to find something meaningful to learn.  We both say that we would never have grown as much as we have had we continued in the church route.  My Christian faith is stronger than ever and I never go to church.  We embrace all faiths and all people--recognizing that we are ALL ONE.  No doubt in my mind that you are NOT going to hell.  

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That is a good way of looking at it - the parables in the new testament shared by Jesus are very spiritual and I agree with you that a lot of the main messages from Jesus are about how you treat people.  All the obsession with dogma and doctrine of the Church can get in the way of the main message and simply having a personal relationship with God.

I always have thought a very spiritual passage from the bible has been 1 Corinthians 12 concerning spiritual gifts. When you read that with a spiritual lens you can see it is talking about a lot of the different spiritual gifts that people bring to the world. I believe that includes healing, clairvoyance, intuition, and much more. I always point towards this as an example to show people (usually certain close minded Christians) that people have spiritual gifts are not all pagan or witchcraft at all. I mean, the bible even talks about astrology with various signs beìng in the stars etc.

I agree with you, and believe there are elements of truth in all faiths.

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@allyn as I read your commentary I was struck by the thought " Church" is not a building ... WE - our bodies - are the church... thus going to church in a building ... where the " bodies of Christ" are missing as the they preach white supremacy, subjugation of women, condemnation of those of other races, beliefs , sexual orientations to hellfire , all the while engaging in adultery,pedophilia and more... fails to negate the Christ Consciousness that dwells in so many who never darken a church door. You? Do go to church... every day .. in every way... expressed in the way you live and think and believe.

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I got the following today: 

I see Putin’s face in profile (especially his nose).

I see an image of an atom - including the movement around the nucleus.

I see Charlie Brown clutching his football - he will not let it go for anyone or anything.

I am standing at the bottom of a cliff? and the very steep sides of it going up to the top are white and the light at the top is very bright.

I see an image of Napoleon on a horse along with his mounted army. They are dark and rushing towards a battle that they know they can not win.

I don’t know how all of these things are related or exactly what they mean all together. 

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@baba I think I speak for many people on this forum by saying we have been waiting to hear from you.  

You seeing Putin in profile with an emphasis on his nose made me think of an animal's heightened sense of smell, maybe a bear that is sniffing out danger and reacting accordingly.  

After reading your impressions, I felt the need to put together some nonperishable supplies in our home and encourage my children to think about having an emergency plan in place.

I hope and pray for the best, but I don't think its paranoid to have a plan in place.

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@lowtide I am doing the same thing....and have advised my children as well.  Nothing over the top...similar to a tornado plan...with a few provisions to spend 24-48 hours in an interior closet without windows.

Just a small container in the corner of the closet...that I pray is never needed.

And...welcome back've been missed!

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@baba Charlie Brown and the nuclear football?  Someone always pulled that football out from under him before he could make contact.  hmmmmmmm.  Putin needs a diversion.  

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@baba   At least part of your vision feels like you are describing Putin's Waterloo... white cliffs with bright light (UK's famous White Cliffs of Dover)... Napoleon on his horse (many paintings of him show him on his famous white horse)... was defeated by the British-led coalion opposing France.  Unfortunately, Napoleon lived and fought another day...

Charlie Brown? Perhaps the Russian version of "the nuclear football" is taken away from his control.

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@baba  Hmmm Putin is "cutting his nose off to spite his face"?  I also felt it was the UK and White Cliffs of Dover....and "Able was I ere I saw Alba"

As for Charlie Brown, a uniquely American character... could that represent Joe Biden?

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@journeywithme2 @baba @freya 

I also thought of "cutting off his nose to spite his face"

And the combination of Charlie Brown "nuclear football" also resonated.

The white cliffs and light at the top made me think of the difficult passage the world is facing with this crisis and it is lined by lightworkers with the brightest light of resolution at the top.

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@baba @journeywithme2 @cc21 @freya I had some similar impressions & some dissimilar. 

For P's profile, I saw Pinocchio. Liar, liar, pants on fire type of vibe.

For Charlie Brown I got that this time, he was holding on to the football-Lucy wasn't getting the chance to pull it out from under him again-which is something that has never happened before. Charlie always gave Lucy another chance. I felt that Charlie B wasn't one particular leader, but many in the world who are saying enough is enough-we won't trust you again. P is Lucy.

Focusing on the atom, I only see an atom, I'm not getting any gut feelings there other than the idiom that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Haven't a clue what it means.

Like others, I felt the Napoleon reference was Waterloo. This was a huge miscalculation.

The White Cliffs of Dover I agree with- in name. To me it was the old song Mom used to play on the piano. It was a WWII song -looking foreward to the end of the war.


There’ll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Just you wait and see
I’ll never forget the people I met
Braving those angry skies
I remember well as the shadows fell
The light of hope in their eyes
And though I’m far away
I still can hear them say
Bombs up…
But when the dawn comes up
there’ll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Just you wait and see
there’ll be love and laughter
And peace ever after
When the world is free
The shepherd will tend his sheep
The valley will bloom again
And Jimmy will go to sleep
In his own little room again
there’ll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Just you wait and see
there’ll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Just you wait and see…
Maybe it has to do with the fact that hours after you posted, Poland offered Ukraine planes? Or maybe that the end isn't too far off?

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@baba Profile and nose made me think of covid since the man is isolating like crazy. @freya actually I think after Waterloo Napoleon was done. 

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Thank you for sharing what you got today.

I also must say the football is likely about the nuclear football.  I would tend to think this is Biden.  Biden being in control and not being reckless.  Charle Brown is also a regal "Joe". But on the other hand.  Perhaps those who have access to firing the Nukes in Russia are not willing to give up that control, meaning they will disobey an order and not fire if told to do so.  

Cindy, thank you for posting the lyrics.  Very helpful to understand better context.

I believe more people in Russia are starting to understand they will not be able to win in Ukraine.  Anonymous recently hacked Russian T.V. and broadcast foreign international news footage of the war for the truth to get to the Russian people. 

The lies being told will not go over well.

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My first thought on the view of Putin and his nose was the Pinocchio connection growing with lies.

regards to all

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