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For anyone who can't find the continued discussion on this topic, which is in another section, I'm including it here. (Had a mishap with the forum app and this topic got moved to U.S. Predictions but when you click on it, it gives you a 404 Page Not Found). 

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05/16/2018 3:48 am  


Zoron is posting this short item re his work on the middle east crisis.

I have been taking a great deal of time and effort  this last week,since my last significant post....trying to focus on nothing except the Middle East situation. Thi is now rapidly developing an unstoppable momentum...nobody is now really controlling events, events are controlling them. Grim, but true.

I have been doing a lot of Divination: about a dozen runs, by various methods.....they all same the same, and it is utterly paradoxical. Isreal, if they make military moves, will succeed in the early stages, the first phase. The Americans will back them. The  Saudi's will support them, but actually prove to be completely useless, and will ultimately suffer serious consequences, as a result. The initial Israeli attacks, if they make them, will result in Isreali "Victories", in a manner of speaking. The isreali's will pause, and think and plan their next move. but events will overtake them. TheIranians will take legitimate reprisals and attacks, and it will be a great shock to the Americans and isreali's. I have posted about this in detail, elsewhere on this site. But the balance tilts. The damage done to the USA will be serious, not militarily, but politically and economically. It will result in a decisive break in the Western alliance. the Europeans will walk. America will witness the ultimate collapse of NATO. The Isreali's will become very isolated. The international economic damage will be severe. In a practical sense there will be no real victory over the Iranians, who will win, in practical terms. But repeatedly, I am getting the paradoxical outcome, of initial Isreali success, if they do attack. I also get that this is descending into a serious situation, but more realistic elements in Isreal are desperately trying to avoid this disaster. But without success, at the moment. Everything is now in a balance. Expect things to continue towards war, unless something significant happens, like a Russian ultimation. 


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05/16/2018 6:22 am  

Zoron, thank you. Very scary times. What do you see happening for Palestinians, do they have any hope or do they get wiped out completely? 

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05/16/2018 3:56 pm  



The situation may seem bad, but if a war breaks out, and The Israeli's attack Iran, they will have some success from Air strikes and missile strikes, but ultimately, will suffer considerable losses of aircraft and crews, and will face international uproar and protests. They have no way of using ground troops....But the Iranians can attack the Isreali occupied sector of the Golan and if they do this, will be supported by a massive ground attack by Hezbollah Forces from Lebanon, who have massive stockpiles of missiles. The Russians are also going to gauge very carefully their moves here. At a certain point, they will take action of some kind, if an actual war starts.

On the Palestinian issue, the awful atrocities being committednd  against them by the Isreali's will not break them.....but will lead to further resistance in Gaza. The isreali's, if the war escalates, are seriously considering using it as an excuse to drive a section of the Palestinian population on the West bank into exile, as "Expelling terrorists", and seizing yet more land. If that happens, then the war will seriously escalate, and we are looking at a very dangerous situation. I have covered it all in my postings....None of this is certain, but what will happen if events go in a certain way. We have entered into a period of dangerous uncertainty, and my previous posts outline the various timelines......the next two weeks are critical. -- From Zoron

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Zoron, thank you for your reply.  Just wondering how much longer people can suffer and if they have any hope for peace ever. 

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Hi Dina,

My heart bleeds for the Palestinians.....

they are being treated by the Isreali's with utter racist contempt.

The violence against them is really disgusting....

if arabs had attacked isreali's, and had killed hundreds and wounded thousands, in such attacks, the world would be in uproar....

but Palestinians are expendable....and a classic case of blaming the victim.....

So the long term, I think, is still in the balance.....the Palestinians survive, as a people, but how much land they have, is very the moment. A great deal of suffering, still to come.......But ultimately, the Isreali's will be the authors of their own defeat, and will be forced to compromise, in order to survive......its all Karma, and its working out....

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Just wanted to report I'm getting the impression of a big military attack very soon in Syria (this weekend), led by Israel but with US support.

Also, in the much longer term, I'm getting an all-out attack on Jerusalem by Iran. This is just a possibility at this point, and it isn't happening this year or the next, it's sometime in 2020.


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I generally concur with Maria. certainly, a war is now inevitable, unless something very significant happens....the timing is a bit uncertain.......So I Think that there may be a precursor attack on Syria, by the Isreali's, but that more will follow on from that.....I am watching the Russians very carefully. Any attack on Syria, would allow them, under international law, to take action at the requests of the Syrians, to prevent further  Isreali attacks. Do not be surprised if the Russians act, in some way, as Isreali attacks on Syria are illegal under international law. At this point, we have reached the key trigger point. Given Trumps behavior, it will make an international crisis inevitable. 

Also, like Maria, I am getting an Iranian attack on Jerusalem, but not as late in date, as she is proposing. It is possible that we might be seeing two attacks, on fairly soon, one later..... but things are very serious.

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Nothing happened last weekend, so at least timing was off on that one.

However, I'm wondering if the impression I got was a symbolic attack, rather than an actual one. Pompeo has come out today with a very fiery statement about Iran, with 12 conditions in order to make a new deal that go so far that he surely must know that Iran would never agree to them. So he isn't trying to make a deal, he's just preparing the argument for war. And it was over the weekend when he must have been working on it, presumably in coordination with Israel.


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Something curious has happened. Psychically,it has all gone quiet, in the Middle East. This may be the lull before the storm, or it may be something is happening behind the scenes, that is unclear as yet. I think the latter is the case. certainly  Trump is beginning to realise that he has blundred into a very serious situation.  I am sensing big international efforts to try and defuse things.....but it has suddenly gone awfully quite.

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Europe is trying very hard to salvage the deal. Iran just made public it’s demands. I think Europe may take them up on it. I think that’s why Z.

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In addition, Kushner was awarded "permanent security clearance" about the time you posted this.  He's a big player on the ME front.  Something big definitely happened.  Don't know exactly what yet.  ? 

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Frannie, thats great.....fits well with what I am getting. it is weird, there is a strange kind of silence that has appeared. Its as if the whole war machine has been put in neutral.

Something is definitely happening. Frannie, i think you are right. 

If the Iranians have made an offer, to the Europeans, that does not get them out of the boiling pot and safe from Israel and the Americans. Sowe will have to wait and see what is happening, re the Iranians. But this whole crisis has hugely damaged the Europe-America alliance. The EU and NATO members will be very wary now. Trump is effectively on his own, on this one. But I think it is a pause, before the storm....

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Yes more strange events in the Middle East. 

It has all gone ominously silent, regarding the Isreali preparations for a potential war against Iran.

There are two things happening. Firstly, the Isreali leadership is locked in internal dispute, about what to do. There is a feeling that things got out of hand, and went too far, and that has left the Isreali elite with limited options, and that they are now in a dead end street. They cannot risk going forwards, and they cannot retreat. So they are in stalemate. Putin has had a significant effect on things. Something happened during Netanyahu's recent visit to Moscow. I think Putin gave him some kind of warning or ultimatum. This was with regard to Both Syria, and to Iran. On Syria, he gave Natanyahu a strong set of red lines, that should not be crossed, or they would trigger serious consequences. Likewise, on Iran. 

Natanyahu is now trapped, between the Russians and the Americans. He is also being systematically opposed by the Isreal military. They can see clearly, the serious risks. There is also a faction in the Pentagon, in Washington, that are opposed to Isreali military "Adventurism". This situation is at the present not resolvable. It is going to lead to very strong pressures on Netanyahu, who may be forced from office, later this year. In the meantime, I see combat between Saudi and Iran, and would not rule out the possibilities of an Israeli strike later this year, on Iran. What is certain, is that coming out of left field, there is a serious Iran/Saudi confrontation. It relates to the crisis in Yemen, and leads to direct military combat between the two states. This is low level at first but could escalate. I see this later this Summer or early Autumn. The evil brew is still being stirred, in the pot.

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I don't see an escalation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, unless they have support from America, which could happen. And in that case, Israel would certainly join in as well. I still see the possibility of a military strike on Iran next week or the week after, but the details of it are very shifty.


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Agreed. Verryunstable and undecided situation

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Bolton also behind the scenes is being shackled. Pompeo is the favored son right now and he’s preoccupied with Korea. P is a hawk on Iran but ambitious and calculating. He wants to be president. Bolton is pissed. Those two will eventually clash. Bolton will lose. 

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Very accurate. Situation now inevitable. Wheter there is a war or not, huge changes in middle east now inevitable. More later. 

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