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UK General Election!

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ok it's just the other day you said

 Also, UK Labour Party will not win

but then you said..

My hunch, at this stage, is a very very narrow Labour win

so I assume you are going for a coalition?

or that Labour will win?

or the conservatives will win?

or it's too close to call? :)

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Re ZORON's changing ideas, i have often pondered predictions and whether they can be true, given our human free will. So while I believe it is helpful to look at predictions for the insight they offer, the trends they may reveal, and the knocking us on the head about previously unforeseen choices we may be facing, I believe the fact is that all humans do have free will, and timelines change as a factor of that.  In my opinion, it's an insightful person who's willing to re-evaluate as things become more clear and as the timeline given human choices develops.  here's  a prayer for all people of good will to act and help those who need guidance to make good choices for peace and prosperity and a healthy world for all.

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Reply to Stu:

My predictions re the UK election are at the start point. What I see, varies from day to day, as events impact on the future, and changes it. 

In "Scanning", you get firstly the broad flow of the river of events.....the major things. (First World war was foreseen seen by many psychics, and was clearly unstoppable.) But the fine details, or finer details, wobble about. So although the war was known to be coming, the actual event cause, was not. (Sarajevo).Also, in the early stages of a triggered event, its like a scattering herd of cats. Things zoom off everywhere in all directions, then settle down, somewhat, to a main stream of events. The broad stream of things can then be seen, as it was over North Korea. (we were very lucky there, and it is not over yet.) So my prediction of a "No Labour Win" in the election, followed by a statement that it is going to be a close vote. veered to "Narrow labour win" as events developed, and is now wobbling back again, as the chess figures on the board take their positions. This will continue for a few weeks, then solidify as events impact on the outcome. What I am doing is giving a running commentary on this event, as it develops. A bit like mapping a river. We now have about 50 days to go, and a lot can happen.  I am waiting for a clear event, that will determine the outcome, and we will not get one, for some days yet. This is not "Fudging", it is "Reading". I can only see what I see. I think, now, that events are hardening towards a Labour lose, but more later. 

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Zoron, thank you very much for your updates on this. I read them with interest and I appreciate you letting us know your visions. 

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Do you feel we have a hope for some kind of coalition? 

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Will the Russians interfere with this election as they did with the US / Brexit votes?

Which parties will offer a referendum on the Brexit deal?


I don't get that  psychics were able to see WW1 before it happened, because Europe was ripe for war well before WW1, The European nations had built up massive armies and there was talk of a war even before 1900. It only needed a small spark to set it all off, which could have been anything. Anyone at the time could have predicted that a war in Europe was likely.

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Liam is sticking to a Corbyn win with Russian involvement

Vladimir Putin will come after her and help elevate her rival who is seen as more sympathetic to his interests, Jeremy Corbyn. While many think his leadership is coming to an end, the truth is he’ll win the general election and shock the nation, and the world, in the process.

if he wins is it the big shock we have been waiting for? 


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From: Zoron.

Reply to Stu: 

The reason many psychics saw the first world war, as a certainty, is that in session after session, the mediums saw the lives of the many young men who consulted them before the war cut abruptly short. It was very clear that such a mass wave of death could only be the result of a war. Yes, there were many people who saw it as a very very high possibility, but few foresaw the bloody carnage of a fully industrialized war. They thought it would last 3 months. 

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From: Zoron.

Reply to Stu, re the UK election. 

Corbyn will not get any aid or support from Putin. Corbyn is a genuine socialist, and an opponent of the Right wing, reactionary, anti-democratic Regime in Moscow. Putin is a nationalist, and a right wing conservative. I actually have met with Corbyn a number of times, due to my political activism here, and He is a strong opponent of the Right. He is also a fairly left wing politician, and has rather strong principles. Putin wishes to see the downfall of the Old system in the UK, as it would seriously weaken the American alliance, and Europe generally. So he will do nothing to support Corbyn, and will stay mostly silent on the Conservative Government here. 

What I am now getting, psychically, is the clear indication that the left will fail. The forces being brought to bear on them will be too much. This is going to rapidly advance the break up of the United Kingdom Union, into about four parts. Some parts will leave the Union earlier than others, and there will be conflict. There may well be violence. All this will intensify after BREXIT. This is going to be a very bad period for UK peoples and horrible social and economic problems. 

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I agree with you Zoron, Corbyn is a man of principles and morals, and I do think he genuinely  care for the people. I remember when I first heard of him and saw him on TV speaking, I thought to myself wow! -he had such amazing positive energy about him. Its very very sad if tories will grab more power. I was hoping for some sort of coalition with Labour and Liberal Democrats + maybe greens or SNP, just to keep conservatives out. Anyway I will keep sending good vibes their way. 

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I think what you are saying Zoron is that the organic sentiment on the ground is more in line with labours policies, but that the right wing opposition would do their best to discredit him and it will work. My sense was that labour would not win but would definitely make its presence felt. I've been shocked for a while about how the media has treated Corbyn, it been nauseating reading their smug hit pieces all this time. And yet people still support him, in numbers large enough to discredit the media. Its all just spin now. I wish I could do this scanning with the same accuracy as you. I will post on the Tasmanian tiger tonight.

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Natalie, media have been so horrible and bias to him. 

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Corbyn won't seek Russian help but that doesn't mean to say Russia won't interfere

I think Russia would like to see a Corbyn government because:

1. Corbyn is anti war and won't get involved in Syria

2. Corbyn would seek UN agreement on any military action, Russia is a full and permanent member which would give it more veto power over any UK action.

3. Corbyn is more likely to be sympathetic to another Scotland referendum, which would play into Russia's plan to divide and weaken the UK

4. Corbyn has said he would not use the nuclear option and so is less of a threat to Russia.

5. The relationship with the USA is unknown

6. Corbyn would still exit the EU, helping to split up the EU


1. The conservatives are keen to isolate Russia through the use of ecconamic sanctions

2. Will use the nuclear option

3. already have a relationship with Russia

4. Will engage in military force in Syria and beyond


it seems Russia has everything to gain from interfering in this election (fake news) even if nobody has asked for it.

I imagine if Labour do win, the establishment/conservatives will blame Russia anyway.


back to WW1

People believing that WW1 would be over in a few months is a myth, In The Times between 1 August and 25 December 1914 there is one reference to ‘over by Christmas’ and one to ‘home by Christmas’. It wasn't until WW2 that people thought that the war would be won quickly, and it was used as a propaganda message to enlist new recruits & boost moral, but it wasn't used in WW1. But for many in the regular army it really was over by Christmas because they were all dead at this point. It was the waves of civilians that took over afterwards that war endured.

you can read more about the quick war myth here:


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interesting comment from Liam...

Putin sees Corbyn as the least hostile actor and he will work his military and KGB propaganda agencies to assure that Theresa May’s election is stolen from her by a major smear campaign that will come down the pipeline in the near future. It will shock the whole world, but it’ll be just deserts for an English aristocracy that believes, naively, that it controls everything in UK politics.



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Hello Zoron, Natalie, and others. I couldn't find a better thread to post this on, so here goes. 

I am not one with any abilities, but I do watch the news fairly closely. Today I was shocked to see this article regarding the Leave campaign, and an investigation into a data firm that was also working with Trump's campaign:

I post this while wondering, if this may be one of the things that impacts the coming election in the UK. Or perhaps it's nothing. 

Thanks all, for what you do. 


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Hi Quiet. Zoron has previously mentioned his thoughts on the rigging of the BREXIT vote. I hope he weighs in, because I honestly don't know how true any of this is, but Zoron seems to think it is true.

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Quiet, you can read more about this software here, it's scary


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Hi. New to this board, not new to the site. Not a psychic, just a concerned Brit.

The world frightens me. The idea of another Tory government, coupled with a Trump and potential Le Pen trinity, terrifies me. In her social policies, she's nothing more than a 'graceful' Trump -- a wannabe dictator with a hatred of the 'non-rich' and disabled. She's going to destroy this country. I'm also under 30, so my future is at risk already and even more so if she gets in. I'm praying to whatever God will listen that somehow, somehow Corbyn overcomes the disgraceful media bias and manages to steal the election from her cold hands. He's the only one that gives me any hope for the future.

If you want my non-psychic viewpoint, this GE has all the hallmarks of the US election. May thinks she's going to walk it -- no TV debates, not answering questions, relying on old Tory achievements she had no hand in. She's Clinton, but worse. Corbyn is holding rallies constantly; he's developed a passionate following; he's being seriously underestimated by the media and he's embracing an anti-establishment persona. He's Trump, but a 'good' version. I have a gut feeling that it's going to be much closer than people think.

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JHA,  I agree with everything you wrote.  I feel that media is lying about how unpopular Corbyn is, just to discourage people from voting for him. I might be wrong and my intuition is often wrong but I think it will be closer than what they think. But maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.  I'm praying for him and that in France Le Pen goes back to her cave  I feel helpless otherwise, world is messed up right now.  

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I'm so glad to hear that, Dina. The animosity toward the Tories does seem to be increasing (the right-wing papers seem to have turned on her), but the British public still seems to turn a blind eye to the obvious hypocrisies of the Conservative party. Today, Corbyn announced plans for four additional bank holidays -- one for each country of the UK. A very smart move, appealing to the nationalists and overworked working classes. I hope he continues with that constructive approach, rather than the mudslinging that the Tories (like Trump) prefer.

Personally, I believe hope triumphs over all (and I'm sure Jeanne agrees). It's when we get complacent that we lose (see: "Trump will never win"; "Brexit will never happen"). Hope is a powerful force.

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