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Reading Our Pets!

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@jd1960 I see you love your sweet Teddy so much that you told us all about him in your exhuberance. Now don't say any more and let's see if anyone can read him.  He is a beauty, for sure. 

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@melmystery, we want your feedback!  Please read what we wrote about Merlin and let us know if anything makes sense. Thanks! 

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@jeanne-mayell @Clara. Oh this picture makes me laugh!  I so enjoyed reading your darling dog.  Reading these pets has been a blessed reprieve from the trials we are experiencing.  

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@bluebelle Laughing, I know! So funny and so cute. And you saw that he likes to carry things. @Clara

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@jd1960 Teddy feels like he believes himself to be the boss of his domain and likes to set boundaries on what he feels are appropriate. He has a good opinion of himself and believes it’s his job to keep a certain level of decorum around himself.  He loves his humans to bits and is very comfortable being an indoor cat. He enjoys his comforts, all the while feeling he deserves them. Does he have a quiet corner of the house where he goes not to get disturbed? He feels like he has a favorite blanket or cushion that he considers his alone. When he sleeps or lays around, I get the impression he’s not completely asleep but watches for any danger or disturbances. He will deal with those accordingly. Does he prefer a specific type of food or treat that is particular to him? For example chicken over fish? He seems to have a somewhat unique personality that can be quite charming and somewhat manipulative in getting what he wants from his humans. He likes when his humans are happy and feels loved. He’s a lovely kitty.

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@bluebelle yes, reading our pets, being with them and being able to laugh is a respite from the terrible world situation we are living through. Thanks all of you 🙏

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What an amazing topic! Of course I have to submit my buddy Samson.

Samson is now the very young age of 17.5 (!) years old. He's a Jug-Pekingese (Jack Russell + Pug + Pekingese). His vision isn't so good anymore, although you can't quite tell from the photo. I pray we will be celebrating his 18th birthday in August.

I'd love to know what you all see in him.

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@sistermoon Samson knows he is an old fuddy-duddy at this point. He knows he's no longer a threat to the enemies of the house, and he's not a tough guy any more, in spite of his name, if he ever was.

He requires tender loving care and he gets it from you. He is close to you and feels loved, protected, and comforted by you.  

I don't get much spunk or machismo in him at this point, but it is all as it should be and he is okay with that. So I kind of doubt he raises a ruckus when people come to the door.

According to my cards, his hearing is not gone, though, and he's still quite focused on living, not yet planning to pass over to the fur-baby Elysian Fields.  He plans to keep moving forward with the household and with you.

Sistermoon, he wants to be by your side always. And even though he's less bold, less macho than he may have once been, he's content and happy.  I feel this puppy has felt always happy and safe in your care

I am wondering if he prefers soft food and a simple diet, actually he prefers everything to be soft. When I tune into him, my teeth feel a little tender.

Finally, I can't say enough how loved this little guy feels. He is precious cargo, a treasure, and wants only to be by your side. 

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For those who are having fun in here, meet my girls Lucy & Ricki. Lucy is the older gal in the forefront with the graying muzzle. Lucy is an 8 year old Great Dane / Lab mix. Ricki is an 11 month old Great Dane / Great Pyrenees mix. Neither were thrilled I captured their attention for a pic as they were settling down for a nap just now.

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@bluebelle - Oliver is a TOTAL goofball.  He’s not quite at “Marley and Me” levels of story, but he did once eat an entire chocolate cake my daughters made for Easter, and we had to take him to the vet to get his stomach pumped.  He even ate the tinfoil and the Rice Krispy treat base layer.  The vet’s description along with her “He’s in good spirits now” to this day makes me giggle whenever I think about it, even if it did cost us several hundred dollars in emergency services.  As my mother in law puts it, he “eats like a goat”

@Jeanne-Mayell - absolutely he is a “big boy” - he’s deifnitely overweight and we’ll be trying to work on that this spring.  He does love to run and does love to be outdoors.  The year and a half I worked from home was probably his favorite.  Because he’s naughty when we’re not around we kennel him during the day and I think that really wears on him.  

He only recently started barking - for a while we thought he’d be the sort of dog that would show a robber where the “good stuff” was in exchange for a snausage.  He has a special relationship with our UPS driver who always feeds him a treat.  There was a day he was inside when the driver came and we went out to find the package with several treats in the shape of a heart on top of it.

@Lovendures -  He smiles constantly.  I’ve never seen a dog smile until him but you just know when he looks at you.  And yes, he sits on people with his big, bony elbows.  He is not a cuddler like our Saint Bernard was, but he’s happy whenever he’s near us.


Thank you for your Oliver reads.  I will make sure he gets more exercise this spring as that was a consistent hit across the board.

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@jeanne-mayell, @lovendures, @bluebelle

Thank you all for your observations on Mr. Merlin.  I deliberately waited about 24 hours to come back and comment as I wanted to give folks a chance to read without my input.  There's so much to process from your readings.

I adopted Mr. Merlin when he was about 6 months old.  He had been a rescue kitten.  He and two siblings had been found with no mother when they were only 3-4 days old.  A family known to someone at my job had nursed and taken care of them until they were ready to adopt out.  I was looking to adopt a cat and my co-worker set me up with his caretakers.  I had him fixed not long after adopting him, but I sometimes wonder if it took as he definitely wants to be the alpha male of the house and neighborhood (and yes, he doesn't always seem to realize he's smaller than the people around).  He's very strong willed, curious, and adventurous.  He's definitely a character. He has lots of energy, but can also be found napping.  He tends to nap in different places - sometimes my bed, sometimes the couch, sometimes a closet, and sometimes on the top of many bookshelves I have around the house. Sometimes he'll even sleep at the foot of my bed in the overnight hours when I'm sleeping.

He especially likes high places - the clothesline in my laundry room (as seen in the photo), on top of tall shelves, and since I've started letting him outside I'll sometimes find him in a tree and I've even had to get him off the roof of my detached shed a few times.  He does seem able to get down himself, though early on I felt I had to help him.  He really didn't want any help either.

I don't have any mice, but he has caught bugs in the house, and unfortunately a few very small birds since I've started letting him outside.  He is prone to stomach upset including semi-regular vomiting.  Sometimes it's furballs and other times he's eaten too much or too fast.  He's very quick and I'm convinced he can teleport. There have been a number of times when I've seen him going one direction and I'll turn around and he's in the totally opposite direction laying down like he's been there the whole time. I'm not sure of his other magical powers. 

As for the man with the round face and red beard, that is probably me.  I actually have dark blond hair and no beard, but my stubble does have some red in it. I pay a lot of attention to him and he mostly seems to like the affection, though he'll sometimes let me know that enough is enough.  He is very independent, but also wants to be around me - just across the room.  When I'm laying on the couch, sometimes he will come lay on my chest (but he'll jump up and pretend he wasn't being affectionate if anyone walks into the room).  He's not overly nurturing or affectionate, but he has his moments.  He does like being petted and rubbed under the chin.  He's not normally a lap sitter, but sometimes he will.

Now that he's outdoors sometimes, he almost always comes running whenever I call him - except sometimes he'll act like he doesn't hear me and sometimes I think he's out of hearing range.  He tends to stay more or less along my block of the neighborhood and is especially prone to visiting the yards that have other cats. He really likes being outside and will also plop down and roll on his back to let me know he doesn't want to come inside yet.  I tried to keep him as an indoor cat, but his adventurous spirit wanting to go outside finally wore me down (last fall).  He's actually taken well to going outside, though it is hard to get him to come in at night before I go to bed.

He does swipe at my legs and will actually grab on to one as I walk down the hall.  Mostly I think he's playing, but sometimes he does this when he's mad at me for not getting his way.  We sometimes play hide and seek and he's not often fooled when I hide behind a curtain or door.  He also likes hiding and doing sneak attacks on my feet. I pretend that I didn't see him either. He has some fascination with the fish tank and I had to build a wooden frame around it with a top to keep him out.  He doesn't pay much attention to it anymore unless he sees me feeding the fish. 

He wants to be around people, but doesn't want to be too obvious about it.  When he was younger, he was a bit clingy and I do wonder if it's because he lost is mother when he was so young. I actually spoil him with affection and mostly he gets his way (except not always getting to stay outside as long as he wants). He's a Virgo like me, so he does like his routines which often revolve around my schedule.  I rent a room out in my house and have had different people living there since I adopted him.  The last two housemates have said that he actually waits by the window for me to come home as he knows my schedule. He also likes drinking water out of the sink or tub faucet. 

I'm not sure he's ever seen a horse.  I can't place a turquoise necklace, but I do have a few "magic" necklaces around.  Usually I keep them out of site, but last week he was batting around one that had a spiral design. 


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@melmystery wow thank you for such a detailed rendition of Merlin’s life!  I see now why it is a good idea to wait for more people to post. I love this guy. 

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Loving all the posts on this thread!

I would love to get a take on our rescue cat, Cricket.  We got her when she was 3 years old and she's now 9. I haven't found a way to post her picture. There is no option for me to choose or attach a file as shown in Jeanne's earlier post.

I've followed this site almost daily since retiring in late 2016 but have never posted. I have learned so much from every single soul who's posted here!  Wonder if being a new poster has anything to do with not being able to attach a picture yet.

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Thank you so much for giving feedback on Oliver. him.  What a character.  I LOVE him!  I can totally see him eating that cake too.  What a great family dog!!  My dog LOVES to smile and this surprises people.  HE IS ALWAYS HAPPY AND SMILING.  I felt the energy of my dog smiling as I saw your Oliver.  It is good to see that this was a match and not me simply thinking of my own dog. I think it was a symbol to see the match of personality.


What a great feedback post.  I am so happy you shared so much with us.  I think I learned something as well. I noticed I was thinking of the cat I had during my childhood a lot.  I had images of him watching the fishbowl and trying to scoop out the fish.  Of another cat I knew batting at people.  Of my dog attacking bugs.  I also had images of my childhood cat sleeping on high shelves inside a large pottery bowl and I a high cupboard.  I did not post the last two but realize that would have also been a match.  

So what I think I have learned through this exercise and with Dannyboy and @melmystery  is I can get images or feelings of what I know from my personal experience and apply it to a reading like this. I know people can get information this way but I didn't know I could do that as well.  


Thanks for opening up this pet thread to everyone.  I am learning a lot through the process.  It is also fun!!


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@allthetrees Welcome to the forum. For security, files and links have always been blocked when people are new. People can send a jpeg file to us via the contact menu item, and as long as we don't have to click on it to see the photo, we can take a screen shot and post it here.  If that doesn't work, then  I apologize but there is a higher need for cyber security right now. But keep posting!

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Here is @allthetrees' rescue kitty Cricket. They got her when she was 3 years old and she's now 8. I've followed this site since late 2016 and while I haven't posted, I’ve learned so very much from those who do post here.  BTW, she is lovely.


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Cricket enjoys her home and is very comfortable there @allthetrees. She feels serene and loved by her humans. Does she like her peace and quiet? Is she unsettled by lots of noises and an unsettled environment as when there is shouting, loud noises or a lot of excitement around her? I feel there was a lot of sadness, even grief at one time in her life perhaps caused by a separation or some sort of loss or trauma but this is now in her past. I feel a gratefulness radiating from her though. She’s a happy kitty and likes to take advantage of her comfort.  Does she have a specific human she likes best? She seems to resonate to one voice over all others but there’s a certain hesitancy to appear bias! She tries to spread her purring to everyone equally. 

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Cricket enjoys the sunshine. She likes to sit by the window and soak up the rays on a sunny day.  She likes to look out the window and view the world. She might be a day dreamer.   If she does go outside, she doesn't go too far.  I get that she is more of an indoor cat and is comfortable on beds, sofas and cozy places.  She is a "purr box" and loves to purr.  She loves you and is happy with her family, she doesn't need to worry.  Her eyes smile.

@allthetrees, welcome to the forum.

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@jeanne-mayell Thank you for your reading of Samson. You hit the nail right on the head with everything you said, and your words moved me to tears.

I once read that some pets find us and are meant to be in our lives, much like spouses, children, and others with whom we travel through lives. I believe that to be true for me and Samson.

I came across him in a pet store back in 2005. (In the future, I'll adopt, but this was before I understood such things.) He was 8 weeks old, and it was the first day -- probably even the first hour, since I got there shortly after the store opened -- he was up for sale. I saw him and immediately knew he was mine. My husband (then just my boyfriend) suggested we take some time to consider it and return for him later if we still wanted him. I refused to leave without him. I just knew that, if I didn't get him right then, I would never see him again. I left with him that day and we've been together ever since. 

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@sistermoon Oh, what a beautiful story.  Thank you for sharing how you knew he was meant to be with you on that day.  Your experience brings up for me the nature of true intuitive wisdom. In my worldview, I would say that the reason you showed up at the pet store that very day at that very time was because at some level you were following inner guidance to find him.  He is part of your soul family and you felt that connection.  

This thread has had so many positive impacts on people that I hadn't consciously expected when I moved it from the Student Forum to this open forum. For me, it's improved my ability to read, and I know it has helped others here to find new ways to read.  Reading people's pets here is a lite form of reading that is fun and with little negative consequences, as long as we keep it constructive and positive.  

It has also given us your heartwarming story about Sampson, and the other fur-babies here. 

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