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Alien visitor

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Maria, I do think that's possible. There may be alien life made up of plasma on the sun that is so different from life as we understand it that it is incomprehensible. There may be alien life that exists in complex quantum states which only intersects with the electrical charges in our neurons, & having no bodies.

Crikey, I could go on and on.

So if there is weird alien life out there why the heck should it conform to our way of doing soul structure? I lean toward the idea that what earlier times might have called angels we might call 'aliens' and both descriptors might fall equally short of the full truth.

I have yet to figure out what this heavy psychic weather is. It feels mostly like an *intense* yearning -- but for who or what I can't quite see, but signs point to something transpersonal.

Tthe next month or so is going to contain a LOT of psychic/energetic/karmic clearing & flushing out.

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ElaineG, I hope  you saw Friday night's Ancient Aliens show because it was two hours of ALL EGYPT!  It was a great show.  You can probably catch it next week on a rerun at an earlier time.

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I've been thinking about aliens again and the so-called Fermi paradox: If they exist, where are they? Nowhere? Are we hard to find? Are we too young to understand or to be spoken to? Is it too much effort to talk? Are they afraid? Does it take time and we just have to wait? Or is there a cover-up by the world's governments?

What do people think is the most likely answer?


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World governments can't agree on anything, much less to cover up solid evidence of alien visitors. 

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Star Trek's concept of the "Prime Directive" or belief in no interference.

A conceptual law that applied to civilizations which were below a certain threshold of technological, scientific and cultural development.

It was meant to prevent starship crews from using their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on the other planets and their inhabitants.

Perhaps we need to invite them in and ask for help.


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I think the most likely answer is that aliens are not from this 3-dimensional material world grounded in the 4th dimension of Now. We won't find flesh and blood beings flying in a UFO made of hardware from a galaxy far far away. I favor the idea that the experience of alien encounters is no different from encounters with angels or spirits. And the job description is similar! Don't they view us from a distance, silently guiding us and protecting the universe from our mistakes? And given that physics tells us that there are actually at least 10 dimensions of space-time (maybe as many as 16), it may be that aliens, spirits, and angels are aways with us in dimensions parallel and adjacent to us. They may inhabit space time dimensions connected to other pasts, presents and futures, which we can sometimes glimpse, as through a glass darkly.


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Exactly, Snowbird, I so agree. One of our category topics, we talked about quantum physics, parallel universes etc. 

Fascinating and so many physicists agree. Maybe not with all of our angels, spirit guides or alien ideas and discussions but even Stephen Hawking talked about 12 or more dimensions in a recorded interview.

I know every time I imagine something terrible, I apologize to my alternate universe selves for having to live it out "because" of me.

Reminds me that we create our own reality and to focus on positive thoughts just in case!

Deep down inside I think we're in a holographic quantum matrix of some kind. So much to think about and learn and good things to do to make this world a better place for wherever our consciousness is at whatever level of existence. Time to astral travel and dream lovely big dreams  ?

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Snowbird, I don't think you need a vast amount of agreement to cover up anything. Humans are clearly capable of vast conspiracies, when the stakes are there. Think of D-day, that took the Nazi command by surprise. Or, for a lighter example, Santa Claus. It isn't extremely difficult to keep secrets.

I'm aware of the opinion that aliens are essentially spirits, and I can see the logic in that. I was just thinking that there is no reason why there can't be physical aliens in other stars, and they could in principle try to communicate with us, with radio, for example.

The prime directive idea is interesting, but it begs the question: why would aliens prefer not to impose their ideas on us? Are all aliens tolerant and multicultural? And if they are, what is making all of them that way?

Also, going back to the original theme of the thread, the latest news about the interstellar object that visited our Solar System is that its trajectory isn't entirely following the gravitational path. The current theory is that maybe there was some ice on it that melted when it came close to the Sun. But one can dream up other possibilities...

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Two telescopes, Hubble and Chandra,  are shut down at the same time.

Last month, it was the observatory in New Mexico (I know they said it was about child pornography, but is it really ?)

Any thoughts ? That seems a lot to me...

Thank you !

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There was a thread on the observatory in New Mexico in the US predictions, people can try to look it up if they're interested. I personally never believed the child pornography story. Why would they need to close the observatory for that reason? Surely arresting the man responsible and dealing with any computers in the observatory that were affected would be enough. Just because a few computers may need to be taken away, I don't see that there would be a need to close the observatory. There was also a story that they closed the local post office, and I simply can't imagine why that would be necessary in a child pornography case.

Going back to the original theme of the thread, there is a new theory that the reason the interstellar object didn't follow exactly a gravitational path is because it had a solar sail. If that was true, it would mean it was an alien probe...


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I haven't read the whole thread here, but I'm assuming the OP was referencing the cigar-shaped object they dubbed Oumuamua (Hawaiian for "scout" or "messenger from afar"). Is that it?

I may prove myself to be a radical, or at the very least an outlier (not ashamed of either), but I believe this had once been an alien craft—a very long time ago. Whatever that means for relativistic spacetime travel.

I feel they were a crew comprised of what we would think of as representative scientists and technicians from different galactic races, and that they may have been working together toward mutual survival. They were ultimately attacked, and sadly, everyone on board perished. That's what put the vessel on its strange, orbit-less course across the void. This would have occurred many millions of years ago our time, possibly more.

And I personally think there are plenty of folks at NASA (and in lesser known official programs) who are very aware at this point of precisely what that object was. Our government is an old remote viewing pro, after all.

As to the more recent topic of this thread:

What we think of as alien or extra-terrestrial life, I would call extra-dimensional intelligence. It's hubris to assume we're alone, and I'd say it's foolish to believe we're advanced. In the case of Oumuamua's crew, I feel they were approx. where we are now (just a few years more to go for us). I say this because, at least as I've viewed them, they were traveling in physical bodies and primarily using 3D tech. 

Any sufficiently advanced life form will have accessed higher/multi-dimensional gateways and acquired not just an awareness of their own light body, but the means to advance its capacities and use. They'll understand the dimension we consider the astral plane and much, much beyond it. From our vantage, we categorize these things as entirely spiritual and light and love, but multi-dimensional access isn't strictly "higher." It isn't strictly the domain of "angels" or benevolent races. Plenty of humans right here on earth access those domains all the time (likely a good many right on this site). 

However, when higher spheres (not just multiple, but evolved expressions of the spheres) are accessed, my understanding is that extra-dimensional intelligences, whether we consider them angelic or galactic, operate from intricate, mathematical and harmonic Divine Laws. They have incredible power, far more power than lower races, but the difference is that they would never employ their power in violation of the free will of another's soul. With that power, they have the capacity to create spheres. 

There's a common 101 quantum physics lesson about dimensions that goes like this:

The first-dimension is simply a point. 2D is a line or a plane. 3D has height, width, and depth. And the fourth has time. If someone living down in 2D, whose life is entirely comprised of that plane so that a straight line (with no height, width, or depth) is all they can see, suddenly starts hearing voices coming from the third-dimension, they might think they're hearing a ghost. And if they told anyone about it, their 2D friends would probably assume they were insane. Or possessed.

If they continued talking to (or channeling) this 3D voice, maybe they'd decide it belonged to an angel. Or an alien. A lot would depend on the 2D person's capacity for discernment, as well as the 3D person's sense of integrity.

Dimensions overlap; they're all right here. So, when you live in 3D, you can easily look down and see the line or the plane, but the 2D citizen living on that plane can't see you. When you live in a higher realm, you may have a physical reality belonging to that dimension (its atoms have higher vibrational frequency with different axiontal spin, etc.), but someone living in a lower dimension has no idea you even exist. Or maybe they have an inkling, but they've mythologized you, created a religion in your honor, built a pyramid to contain your essence, prayed on their knees to you for mercy or forgiveness, or written a B-grade horror movie depicting some misshapen version of you.

Humans are koi in a goldfish bowl. Higher races have alternately sat us on the shelf for amusement, completely ignored us, bred and hybridized us, fed and nurtured and protected us, and knelt over the surface of our waters to whisper manipulation or loving wisdom and guidance. It all depends on who they were, and what our souls desired to learn at the time.

Eventually, we all become someone's ghosts. Someone's aliens. Someone's angels. Those are my thoughts, anyway.  


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Vestralux, you always have lots of interesting philosophical insights to offer. Me, I just do my best to absorb a little wisdom from time to time, and I hope that eventually, most things will fall into place.

I'm not going back to the general subject of aliens because it's just too big. But I've been following what's happening to Oumuamua, and it's most intriguing. I agree with you that NASA and the military people are very likely to know more than they're making public. The whole pattern, when first they announced the discovery, and only later they figured that the path wasn't exactly gravitational, sounds a false note to me. As soon as they had the data, they could see the trajectory. They must have known that it wasn't quite gravitational from the start. I can easily imagine information about it being classified while they figured what to do about it, and only after the military said that it didn't fit an aggressor's movements, they released the information generally. And they seem to be feeding it drip by drip, which is again intriguing. Like they don't want the public to freak out the way they did.

The issue with the movement fitting a solar sail is that, if that's what it is, the object has to be very thin. Like a metal plate, if it isn't even thinner and it's like an actual sail. Nobody knows a natural process that could create thin plates in space, so it surely seems artificial. There could be, of course, a small probe hanging from a big sail.

And also, I don't think anybody knows what would happen to a thin plate going around in space for millions of years, but intuitively, you get the feeling that it probably wouldn't last that long. Space may not be as harsh as most environments on Earth, but surely millions of years is a long time for something very thin to last. So even the idea that it's a piece of space junk from another alien civilization doesn't seem entirely believable.

This is very much the sort of thing that one would really like to have a closer look at. And maybe that's exactly what NASA, or some other organization, is doing. After all, not all space launches are public.


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A UFO was reported off the coast of Ireland by a British Airways pilot well as other pilots in the area.    The Irish Aviation Authority is investigating the report from Nov. 9th 2018.  2 bright objects reported by the pilot which  traveled upward at a high rate of speed.  One pilot said the speed was "astronomical, it was like Mach 2" - which is twice the speed of sound.  No military aircraft were reported in the area.

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Maria, I just reread my post to see what might have inspired you to say that I have, "lots of interesting philosophical insights to offer," and just had to laugh at myself. Your words felt a little like a nice way of saying, Wow, girl, you're out there! though I could easily be projecting. (But yes, I'm out here.)  ? 

I'm a rather intense Enneagram type 5, if you're familiar. So, without meaning to, I can sometimes read as though I'm suggesting that, 'given my intense analysis of the universe and stuff and things, x is how things are.' (Yikes.)

I promise it's not conscious or intentional. When I was writing the above post, I had a furrowed brow and was trying pretty hard to find the right words to describe what are difficult concepts for me. I've never shared these ideas out loud, much less with strangers! Never discussed my views on intelligent ET life or artifacts—much less asserted any kind of philosophy about it.

I apologize if I came off a bit strong. 

In the last couple of days people have been asking my thoughts on Ancient Aliens (never seen it) and things of that nature, but I really don't have opinions about these things. I've never been especially interested in ufology and, if I'm honest, probably found others' obsessions with such things a bit mystifying. (Ah, how the Cosmic Waitress loves a good opportunity to serve me some crow.) I've had experiences, don't get me wrong, but I'd never much tried to understand them.

So, I for one found it very surprising to view inside Oumuamua and see what I feel I did. (I personally couldn't view the outside, maybe because it lacks stable landmarks, but I vaguely sensed that if felt "encrusted"). I probably expected to experience mineral composition, which I would feel in textures, smells, or tastes, but instead, I was clearly seeing the inside of what had been a ship.

It no longer had an atmosphere and there was significant damage. I could detect what appeared to be metal or synthetic chambers of some kind, inside which were at least two frozen remains, long-since deceased. They appeared to still have structure or form, but when I moved into them, I couldn't detect any tensile quality to the organic matter, which suggests to me that if they were even slightly disturbed, they might dissolve. (At first I wondered if they could be a holographic projection of some kind, but I could taste the matter. ...I know this sounds weirder than weird.)

That idea, "dissolve," then made me aware of the icy coating along the inside of the two adjoined chambers I was able to view. It registered as biomatter. That's when I became aware of an attack, and understood that the people inside this vessel had been... exploded? vaporized? I don't know, but their matter appeared to be the ice I was seeing. Whoever was lying in the chambers may already have been inside them, and simply never came out again. 

As for NASA or anyone else knowing about this, it's just a feeling I have. I could be wrong about all or any of this, but it feels true for now, so I'm going to trust it until I have reliable evidence to the contrary. 

As for solar sails, or any other theories on the mechanical or other nature of this object: I said that I feel these races were about where we are in terms of technological development (and otherwise), but there's a fair amount of room in that margin. Even twenty years is an exponential shift for us. Imagine 500. We can theorize about how their ship may have traveled, but my own feeling is that how is less important than understanding why. I don't know, but I sense it originally had to do with a planetary calamity of some kind, largely of their own making.   

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