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Trump: I keep hearing the name Beelzebub, the Devil

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This past week in a vision I keep seeing a creepy image of Trump. I see him from the waist up, his body stiff, like he's in a trance.  He has many arms, like an octopus, that are moving rapidly, as if he is conducting an orchestra.  The image looks like a demon to me.  I've seen this image somewhere in Judeo-Christian mythology. But I am not familiar with it. Still image persists and the name Beelzebub keeps repeating. 

I knew that Beelzebub was some form of the devil.   So I looked it up. Beelzebub was one of the many forms of the devil in Christian mythology.  He represented the sin of envy, among other things. He was also called, the Lord of the Flies

If anyone has some thoughts about Trump as Beelzebub, please post.

I am not saying Trump is the devil.  I am saying that he channels a form of darkness when he needs to channel in order to save himself, just as others channel saints and angels.  

I'm not religious. But these characters exist in our collective conscience or perhaps a guide is sending them to me.   So they come to me to help me understand.

Trump goes into autopilot when he needs to get something done.  He  goes into an intuitive trance. He trusts his intuition to get him what he wants -- power, money, and right now, protection from public humiliation and prosecution. 

The demons  of hell are chasing him down, nipping at his heels.  He knows he's committed crimes, but he feels he's entitled to enrich himself and use his power any way he wants. 

He's climbed to the highest level of power in the global political world and now they are coming after him. 


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Jeanne, yes yes yes!

Beeelzebub as a noun is the supreme personification of evil often represented as the ruler of hell.

Vampire and beelzebub are semantically related. In some cases you can use "Vampire" instead of as the  noun Beezlebub 

During our April 29, 2018  "Predictions Group:

I wrote:

"I ended up with all intense negative visions. And it was all Trump and his family. I see symbolically (keep that in mind as you read this) and I've always seen Don Jr. as a 'vampire" and his love of "captured/farmed" exotic wild animals (some even on the endangered list) as obvious examples of his dark, inherited energies, even blood lust.

But during class, I saw Trump Sr. with an "incubus" on him which then explained his own preying on others to empower his own continually drained energies.

I saw the obvious unatural tendencies for young beautiful women, including inappropriate expressive descriptions of his own daughter whovi saw as a visual mirror of the incubus.

Ivanka mirrors his protections but is still separate from him and like a wife thought she could help corral his tendencies, temper, and views but alas, all it's done is create mental and physical health problems in her own life and put her own problematic lineage husband further under Trumps spell casting with Jared's own need for power and money, not to mention his own lineage and his father.

I am NOT into vampire mythology. Haven't even read Anne Rice or watched any Twilight movies or the books.

So, it was intense with visions of Trump with archetypal vampire/victim  as a spell casting/spell caster.  I saw him also as the Wizard of Oz along with his Yellow Brick Road (gold bars), the verdant green (money) fields with the poppies (altered stages) which connected to so many things, drugs of course, addictions in himself (sex, varying deviancies) and so on.

I have pages and pages of writing this from after class of was over. I can barely read them but still feel them.

Dark money, dark underworld, dark misuse of women and young girls, casino money laundering thtough ex wife Ivanna.

I'd felt energy sick all day and debated about attending the video class and then had connection problems over and over and missed big chunks on and off as it was going on.

I've explored and worked with the concepts of sacred contracts, the idea of 12 archetypes we each carry, and discussed shadows and shadow work on this site.

So, it's lovely having others hear talking about concepts I can not only relate to but finding space to explore visions I'm not always comfortable talking about.

I was a crazy woman the summer before the election. I kept telling my family I thought Trump would win and they either thought I was nuts or used facts and figures to calm me down. Election night was my worst dreams coming true. I kept hoping I was dreaming then worked so hard getting my shadow anger verging on hate out in order to search for deeper meanings and reasons. 

I can see them now but I still can get pulled into shadow energies with each new day of news. So much work to do yet for all of us, but here we can not only see the light but share it inside and out and each day I feel ever more empowerment from that!

I am blessed to be able to see, be, and share the light and to use the energies of Mother Earth/Father Sun as well as sacred connections from so many belief systems so it's always unnerving to have visions filled with the dark energies of others , sad they are easier to see than the light and we have to put up such walls of energetic protection to keep them from latching on to us, too!"

(End of my quoting from my April post.) 

It was obviously a very long, intense post. Like you may feel now, i knew I had to share it last April even if it made no sense ir was too scary or weird in this forum.

But now i can see that we have truly joined energies and can now protect and defend in unity.

We need Vestralux back with her insights and Bluebelle with her light.

Others (you know who you are) join us in this holding of space now to encircle us with goodness and light as we tackle this energy of discussion.

If you feel the calling and strength, join in this difficult discussion and unite your gifts and higher angelic future selves for these times ahead. 

lenor, numerologist, KB and 23 people reacted
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Yes.  Perhaps there are some cross cultural references here.  Beelzebub is the devil's right hand man; his Supreme General.   ( First referenced in Paradise Lost) Look at Mattis stepping down here - Trump is taking the role of favored General of Darkness.  Beelzebub is smarter than  Trump by a large margin, but I think the General aspect of the character is what you are inviting here.

The many armed demon may be a reference to Kali, Hindu Goddess/demon.  Kali is a formidable Goddess - bad ass warrior, not to put too fine a point on it.  Keeper of Time and Death, the ultimate Mama Bear defending her cubs.  She has many arms, and beheads her enemies and drinks their blood.  Those who see her as a Goddess say she devours the Ego to protect what is true.  We are said to be living in the Kali Yuga, which is the era of final darkness before the golden age is reached. 

When you're seeing Trump as this, it may be you are seeing Kali imposed over him - devouring his over sized ego.

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I saw Beezlebub as an incubus riding/sucking vampire blood on Trump's back creates an 8 appendaged image...the octopi.

Symbolic representation of intertwined, interdependent  codependent evil power and control.

More political/control and power/supreme control for me as in Putin and Trump. 

Thanx Luminata, every suggestion even when not what one may see, can still add to and recreate the whole.

Makes us each think,  clarify and remember visions as they first ocurred.

Everyone, keep your thoughts, energy, light coming in.

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Bohemian Rhapsody by Queens is where I first heard of this word

 Freddie Mercury wrote “Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me”.  I understand  Beelzebub  better in the context of the song now, thank you!  :D.  

What I find interesting is that so many people have felt that no matter how bad Trump is, he is not actually a devil or evil.  It is difficult for me to personally label him as such due to the many times Obama was labeled as satan and the Anti-Christ by the same people who now support Trump.  I don't like to label anyone in that way  as I tend to hope that everyone can be redeemed.    But one has to WANT to redeem themselves, right?

I do believe Trump has chosen to act in an evil manner, repeatedly and throughout his life.  Beelzebub  is an apt name .  It fits.  Not labeling someone as Beelzebub doesn't make them any less so.  In the words of Queen, perhaps "Beelzebub has a devil put aside" ...for Trump.

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Ok, in reading up on the "octopus" just now, I found out it is also called a "devil fish".  Perhaps you saw him resemble an octopus because it was emphasizing the devil/Beelzebub aspect of Trump.   ( Oh, and of course an octopus is a bottom dweller too.)    

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I had  an old friend over for dinner tonight who told me that her marine biologist son who studies dangerous fish has been studying the most dangerous animal on earth.  So what is the most dangerous animal on earth, I asked?  It's a kind of octopus, she said. 

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Actually, I suspect that the most deadly animal on earth is man. Only man creates weapons of mass destruction,  methods of torture, and has killed more species of animals either deliberately or by his wanton disregard for life. Most animals kill for food or in self defense. Man alone kills for pleasure, power, money, or sport.

But our evil, treacherous, inhumanity aside,  there is a Blue-Ringed Octopus that lives in the Great Barrier Reef, and waters around the Phillipines and the Indian Ocean that has a hugely venomous poison for which there is no known antidote.


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Well, I  do believe there is evil in the world and that there is an evil that exists outside our own inner lightness and darkness.  Perhaps this belief has its roots in my progressive Christian upbringing, but I see confirmation of that in my expanded consciousness, too.  To me, there are individuals who cause death and suffering of innocents without a qualm.  There are those who actually enjoy being predators.  These are the faces of evil.  

When Trump was elected, part of the overwhelming darkness I saw was a foreknowledge that people would suffer and die because of him.   Two years later, I am not so afraid.  Even in the midst of all the terrible things happening because of Trump,  I also know that the power of love and light is much stronger.  We are going to be okay.  In spreading the light, we need to spread the truth.  We need to speak up.  “Silence like a cancer grows...”  Remember we are not alone.  There are higher powers of light here, too.

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This thread has raised the little hairs on the back of my neck. My son - a freshman political science/Spanish double major - bought this poster of Trump as an octopus in  his room. 

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 Did you mean this one?  It is nasty.   So it seems that the octopus image is embedded in the human consciousness. 

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Yes ... that's the one ... thank you! I think it's a creepy thing to hang over a bed, but I'm not 18, I guess ;) He is attending college in a very red state, and says he's had some really interesting conversations with other poli sci majors who have very different worldviews than he does. They are able to find common ground in their conversations. I truly feel this younger generation on the cusp of picking up some of the reins will be better equipped to work together and come to consensus vs feel everything is a battle and a compromise.

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Wow! What an incredibly insightful topic about Trump and the octopus/devil!!

I have been told by my guides two powerful things about Trump; he is being controlled by a Lucifer-type entity and that he won't be in office much past 2018. I have also read other psychics who have seen Trump being controlled by a very thick cord attached to a very dark and powerful entity.  But no one has described this vivid octopus entity better than Jeanne or Lovendures! Wow - what powerful images - thank you both for sharing!

I think Trump is now at the karmic phase of his long life of destruction and evil deeds. We all know it won't end well for him or for his party/supporters. But we need to remember what we are all experiencing is the 'mass-consciousness' that elected Trump - he is just the source that came to open-up all what's wrong within us and the world, which will then bring about a release of all that's evil and wrong, then we will experience the cleansing of this evil. This destruction could have only been brought to us by a powerful 'devil', and Trump fit that bill! As with all cleansing, it will get worse before it gets better. The worse Trump gets, the more will be released. According to a Vedic astrologer I follow, Trump will have a complete melt-down around March 23, 2019, which is also a REALLY bad time for our country as well. According to this astrologer, unfortunately, we ain't seen nothin' yet!

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Thanks for your insightful post, Numerologist.  Interesting that the Vedic astrology looks like March is the month of Trump's meltdown.

When meditating along a timeline recently, I saw a lot of shake up in our Collective in March. I assumed it was Brexit but maybe it's Trump as well.  

After seeing the sinister vision of Trump as octopus, I started pondering how spiritual influences affect us. 

I feel we channel the spirits that fit our own vibration, our methods, our desires.  If we want to raise our vibration, then we have to actively ask for the change and be willing to move out of our comfort zone to a higher vibration. I don't think Trump has any desire to raise his vibration to a higher level. He isn't controlled by dark spirits, but he aligns himself with them. 

When he first took office I saw visions of Trump as a toddler fascist who wanted to become a big dictator, like Putin.   I felt he wanted to do as Putin does. If Putin controls the elections, why can't he?  If Putin can become the richest man in the world, why can't he?  If Putin has to knock off people who criticize him or threaten his sovereignty, why can't he? 

He channels the dark Kali octopus god because that is his nature.  He is aligned with the sinister Beelzebub devil  because that is his vibration,  his way of being, his perspective on others, his M.O. 

My point is that we all have free will.  The dark does not control him.  He willingly gives himself to it.

So many people who have worked with him have mentioned his immorality and dishonesty.   The latest is the retired Army General Stanley McChrystal.  It's an interview worth reading.

The General's criticism of Trump come on the heels of so many reports from people who are not progressives or democrats, but hard line Republicans, like Rex Tillerson, former Exxon chief who became Trump's Secretary of State. 

Tillerson is not my favorite person, okay? At the 2014 Climate March, demonstrators parodied him for his immoral position on fossil fuels and his success in spreading climate denial even when  we now know that Exxon knew that climate change was real and human-caused. 

But to Tillerson, Trump was too dark, too criminal for his taste.  He pointed out that Trump couldn't accept limits imposed by the Constitution and laws of this country. 

I'm probably preaching to the choir here. But I've been thinking about how spirits come through us, and I believe we have to be willing for it to happen.


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Don't know very much about various types of demons so I can't really comment on whether Beelzebub is an appropriate way of seeing Trump. The octopus - yeah, I can see where people are coming from with that one but I have no idea how far you'd like to take that. Others here probably know better than I do.

This said, I think we can all tell that the USA is nearing an extremely tricky moment right now. The next three months are really going to be "make or break". One thing that comes to my mind is a quote from Churchill. From memory, so almost certainly not accurate: "The time for warnings is over. Now we're entering the time of consequences." Also, I recently came across a meme I really liked. Again from memory: "If you ever wondered what you would be doing if you lived in historical times like the Holocaust, the American Civil War or the independence of India... you are doing it now."

On the question of whether Trump is evil: yes, he is, absolutely. The amount of chaos he's caused so far is more than enough to prove the point. He doesn't know that he is evil, but that doesn't change anything. From all accounts, Hitler, Stalin and Mao didn't know they were evil.

Another thing that I feel is very important: If Trump gets out of the picture soon, whether it's resignation or impeachment or in any other way, it is definitely not over. Too often I've come across people saying that Pence is a much easier problem than Trump. That was almost certainly true two years ago. But today, Pence has had two years of schooling in Trump's White House. Plus all his previous experience in politics, that may not be a very impressive career, but it wasn't nothing, either.

I hope those thoughts are somewhat useful.


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Maria, I have often wondered what I would have done during different times of history.  The first time I actually felt like I was living a historical moment was when Regan was shot.  The greatest moment was on 9-11.  The next was when Obama was elected president.  With Trump's presidency however, it seems different.  I believe it is because we are fighting for so very much.  For our country and for the world.  We understand the stakes are SO very high.    It is our  responsibility to make a positive impact during this age.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell
December 2018

"This past week in a vision I keep seeing a creepy image of Trump. I see him from the waist up, his body stiff, like he's in a trance.  He has many arms, like an octopus, that are moving rapidly, as if he is conducting an orchestra.  The image looks like a demon like to me.  I've seen this image somewhere in Judeo-Christian mythology. But I'm not well versed in this field.  Still the image persists and the name Beelzebub keeps repeating."

Yesterday,  I reconnected to this thread and retold an intuitive experience that Jeanne had in December of last year of  hearing the name Beezlebub.

Previously,  she and others had also seen, heard or felt the dark psychic nature of Trumps corrupted presidency. And of course,  many of those intuitions have dominated our discussions as well as our predictions and unfortunately almost taken over many of our own lighter emotions since his election.

My feelings in December were my sharing of a long Post-Predictions group reading  of an incubus like attachment feeding off Trump and altering and influencing his presidency but his unhealthy relationships, and dark dealings with underworld corruption and dark mobey.

The incubus like attachment was draining his heart (the heart is the center of the spirit and soul to me symbolically and controlling his very being mind-body-spirit.

Last night we had the first Democratic Debate and since we don't have/have never had cable tv and it wasn't televised on broadcast networks,  i had to Google the news after reading group comments on Bernie, Warren and Pete. 

But what no one mentioned was underdog Marianne Williamson whose commenton Trump's dark psychic force was raging on Twitter.

So, after reading various news souces I googled (incognito version) "psychics predictions on Trump's dark psychic force.

And after 5 references to news sources, Jeannes projections recap by month came in at #6 and "7. 

Beezlebub and octopi and psychic attachment explain so very much. And one thing for Marianne,  she's not afraid to go there. And neither is Jeanne or for thst matter, many of us!



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I think the octopus thing is a Jungian-synchronous archetype. It dates to 1928, when Lovecraft created the character Cthulhu. From Wiki:  Lovecraft depicts Cthulhu as a gigantic entity worshipped by cultists. Cthulhu's appearance is described as looking like an octopus, a dragon, and a caricature of human form...the character ... a malevolent entity, hibernating within ... an underwater city ... The imprisoned Cthulhu is apparently the source of constant anxiety for mankind at a subconscious level, and also the subject of worship by a number of human religions ...

(Who does THAT sound like?)

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One of my friends believes he could be the reincarnation of Benito Mussolini.


He also shares the same birth cards as King Henry the VIII (The Emperor and Death), a self-indulged narcissist who wrecked his country up with religous turmoil and had so many people killed just so that he could marry his second wife Anne Boylen. The man ended up having 6 wives, 2 of whom he had executed by beheading.


Perhaps he is the reincarnation of both King Henry and Mussolini?


Also when I do Tarot readings for Trump I often pick 'The Devil' too.

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A few times when I did a tarot reading for Donald Trump I picked The Devil.


When I look at this card I see the flames of hate that Trump is spreading from the right to the left, just like how The Devil does so by spreading lies and discord. The naked man and woman are meant to be Adam and Eve, but I see Adam as a representation of the people under Trump's spell (the Republicans, white people, and men), and Eve as a representation of those opposed to Trump's evil (the Democrats, people of color, and women). Notice how The Devil (Trump) encourages the man to hate the woman by burning him with a torch?


And yet they are both chained to The Devil. That is symbolic of the fact that we are all being played like puppets by Trump. 


It's very heartbreaking to me. :( 

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