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Jeanne I never thought about the opiate or health care connections to the needle scene which must have been important since there was a huge close-up of the needle in my dream to show how sharp it was right before the woman started sticking it in a person's neck.  I think the problem the GOP doesn't see is that when industry and corporate CEO's control everything their selfish decisions are going to lead to a very unhealthy US population and economy later.  We have huge trillion dollar deficits due to the tax cuts for the rich and corporations and actually a tax increase for many middle class Americans. This will eventually damage the economy. 

Their plans are all so shortsighted and horrendous on so many levels.  By the time enough people sue the corporations and opiate producing pharmacy companies to try and stop them they have already obtained many millions of dollars on the suffering and illness of so many. 

I also have a strong belief that we will get through this and be better in the future.

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This debacle that Orwell and Huxley wrote about that fits your dream began long before Donald Trump, but he and the GOP corporate sponsors are now moving us quickly into the worse case scenario: go along with the program or else you get a needle in the neck. For people in the country's huge prison system - the poor, primarily people of color, who did not go along with the program, people are medicalized.   They stick them with needles to conform. In Brave New World, the government tries to prevent its people from speaking freely and thinking by giving them soma, a legal drug that is available for them every day. The people become zombies. 

We need to stay strong and not cow-tow, and more than ever, we need to continue to be true to our authentic selves.  My initial feeling back in 2014 when I first started getting premonitions about this period was that many light workers would pull away from the federal government and focus more time on local initiatives.  


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Don't forget all the immigrant children they took from their parents and drugged in those horrible cage holding facilities...people who crossed the border hoping for a new life...

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I had two dreams this week that brought my new little dog over to me in the night, with concern.

1st night, woke up shouting, "Not my leg!" Didn't recall the dream. Felt very threatened though...

2nd night, dreamed I was a soldier. I was a dark haired , dark eyed swarthy Italian, or Lebanese man. I was shot in the leg during battle and the dream was a whirl of confusiomn and panic. Woke myself up making guttural pain noises.

My old dog who passed in December was an empathic companion who was here to help me heal. 

This new dog is here to help me laugh. She is all joy. So for her to be in my view when I awoke abruptly from both dreams was unusual.

Also a picture that I had hung 12 hours earlier jumped noisily off the wall. Weird happenings afoot...




deetoo, Stargazer, Starpath and 3 people reacted
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1) Jeanne, you mention forced vaccinations twice in the context of social control. Do you think you could clarify what you mean? Are you just referring to the forced medicalization of the prison population, or to vaccine regimens in general? With the ongoing measles outbreak in this country plus the press the anti-vax movement has been receiving of late, vaccines are very much in the national discourse right now, and with your background in public health, I'd like to hear your take on the issue (perhaps this deserves a thread of its own). 

2) Starpath, the needle scene in your dream could just as easily signify the massive prescribing and consumption of antidepressants in the United States. We are all hurting in these darkest days of the Age of Separation. But in a go-it-alone capitalist society that is uncomfortable with despair, we interpret our pain as an individual struggle/failing. So we medicate ourselves and put on a brave face in order to get back on the hamster wheel.

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Coyote your point about antidepressants is also true.  I heard the other week that suicide rates among teenagers was increasing because of more stressful life challenges like having opiod addicted parents, living in poverty and upsetting social media posts.  I live in a college town where CBD oil is flying off the shelves and this is for many reasons-- anxiety, chronic pain, trouble falling asleep.  At first they put them out on the open shelves but now they lock them all up because they were getting stolen like crazy.  I think it is good people want to try natural remedies but it is a sign of the times.  CBD oil and weed probably worries the pharmaceutical industry...


Jeanne Mayell, Coyote, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Ghandigirl, I became convinced around a year ago that angels can get animals to comfort us when we are in those very painful or emotional moments.  I was crying one night and my cat acted extremely different than usual and although my cat is always affectionate he did things that night that made me feel very loved and I can't explain it but since then I think an angel was influencing him to act that way.  He never has acted quite like that again.  Your dream sounded pretty extremely upsetting and I think an angel wanted your dog there when you woke up to comfort you.

Marley, deetoo, Jeanne Mayell and 9 people reacted
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Starpath & ghandigirl... I have long felt with certainty that the beautiful little souls in the furry bodies that we hold with so much reciprocal trust and love actually are angels.... ❤️ 

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Stargazer, Starpath,

I so agree. Pets can carry natural healing energies and bring in a divine higher self energies from our future selves which are simply referred to by many as angels.

When i first joined here 2 years ago we had some great discussions on both and topics.

Those can be located and brought back up by using the sites search feature. Top of recent posts. forum listing screens, member listing s reens etc  Revivea topic any time when sharing your personal believes and stories. 

It's also great for finding posts on yourself though it will also bring up everytime someone addresses you in thanks or reply. 

Panpsychism is the believe that everything around us have sentient abilities. Just copy and paste the term in the search box or be hitting the back arrows on main Consciousness topic. When I i started the topic I misspelled Panpsychism then the post timed out before I could correct it. ?‍♀️



Illustrious Member Registered
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Stargazer, Starpath,

I so agree. Pets can carry natural healing energies and bring in a divine higher self energies from our future selves which are simply referred to by many as angels.

When I first joined here 2 years ago we had some great discussions on both topics as well other great ones on the higher senses and how we were called to serving our world's greater good.

Those can be located and brought back up by using the sites search feature. Top of recent posts. forum listing screens, member listing s reens etc  Revivea topic any time when sharing your personal believes and stories. 

It's also great for finding posts on yourself though it will also bring up everytime someone addresses you in thanks or reply. 

Panpsychism is the believe that everything around us have sentient abilities. Just copy and paste the term in the search box or be hitting the back arrows on main Consciousness topic. When I started the topic I misspelled "Panpsychism" in the header and didnt catch it until i was done posting and explaining the term. then The post timed out before I could correct it. ?‍♀️



Starpath, Stargazer, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
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Coyote, you asked what I meant about forced  vaccines.   The word flew out of me as I was writing in an automatic writing way.  I wasn’t thinking it though but it is common knowledge that the  pharmaceutical industry has a strong influence  on the universities and the mainstream press. They are all about profit even it it means sacrificing lives.     They have infiltrated the medical schools by paying  professors and researchers  lucrative honorariums and research grants,  and the medical societies like the IDSA (the Infectious Disease  Society of  America)  as wells the CDC, the  National Institute of health, and the national Institute of mental health. 



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Thanks Jeanne. I agree that the pharma infiltration of  media, academia, and, our health care network is problematic and  parallels many other instances of corporate overreach in American civic life (the closest example I can think of is how beholden state/university agriculture programs are to the pesticide and agribusiness industries). But I'm still wondering what bearing that state of affairs has on vaccines. 

Are vaccines overused? Are we too aggressive in delivering vaccines to infants and children with developing immune systems? Are the current pharmaceutical methods of developing vaccines suspect? These are the questions I have, and right now there doesn't seem to be any middle ground where one can air these ponderings without being branded an anti-science, anti-vax nut job. Stances on this issue are just so inflamed, partly because what's at stake is so personal and primal; the health and well-being of our children.


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Regardless of what may or may not be going on with development of vaccines, regardless of Big Pharma, regardless of lobbying to CDC, NIH, etc., the idea of NOT getting vaccinations at all is a selfish one. One cannot claim to be altruistic or enlightened and be anti-vax. I say this as a person with a compromised immune system (who gets every vaccination anyway), who is also from a science/medical family. Yes, there is a tiny risk, but bear in mind that any links to autism have been well disproven, and the original research papers on that have not only been debunked, they have been completely withdrawn, which is a rarity in the science world.  And despite the risk, much like voting, it is a civic duty to get vaccinated.

As for those who are against it for whatever reason, that's fine as long as you don't send your unvaccinated kids to public schools, and don't go out in public when you come down with whatever disease - if you're willing to quarantine the entire family til it passes, I'm ok with that. But don't come to my local ER and spread it around. Don't go to the pharmacy to buy aspirin or to the market to buy herbal teas - STAY HOME, preferably off the grid somewhere. And by all means, please homeschool your kids.

Do vaccines increase risk of other things like cancer? I don't know, but even if so, we as a society have to continue to protect as many of us as possible given the science so far.

This may seem harsh, but I have known victims of the "old" diseases in my life. Kids who were partially paralyzed due to polio. Boys who got mumps who could never have kids as a result. My husband and other family members who get shingles (because we all had chicken pox as kids). And a few here and there who died. My father had a baby brother, who died of meningitis as an infant. My grandmother never really got over it. Today, this is something we can vaccinate against. Not vaccinating children against the big diseases amounts to abuse IMHO.  I still remember family members who traveled having to get different booster shots depending on the country - sometimes it was required to get a visa. When I traveled to Southeast Asia, I made sure to get Hep A and B done in plenty of time.

For those of you becoming parents, I can share the compromise I did:  I refused to let our pediatrician do more than 2 vaccines at a time, for not more than 3 diseases at a time. This meant more frequent trips, but I do think it's reasonable to give an infant's immune system a little space between the provocations of the vaccines. So let's say on June 1 we'd do a Meningitis vaccine plus a HIB vaccine. Then I'd return on June 14 or so for the MMR, and maybe on June 30 for polio and chicken pox. Just space things out. No reasonable pediatrician will refuse this if they see you are being compliant overall.

Look, I remember that the swine flu vaccine of a long time ago caused many people to develop Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a serious and life threatening disease. Some died. As a result many, many people still refuse to get the flu shot. When swine flu came around again in 2009, I didn't hesitate, I got the shot and was grateful for it, and this time around no one got GBS from it. I knew it was a risk, but I didn't want to die from swine flu either, and I was working with frail elderly people who I didn't want to carry such a disease to, so I did it.


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Often I have prophetic dreams or guidance from my spirit guide during the hynopompic state between deep sleep and awakening.  This morning as I toggled between sleep and wakefulness, I asked my spirit guide what is going to happen to our democracy.  It has, after all, been a deeply disillusioning week as we've watched our emboldened president (lower case and I'm leaving it) encourage government employees to break the law and assuring them of presidential pardons if they do.  We've seen the Attorney General refuse to release the full, unredacted Mueller report to Congress and call legal investigations by the FBI "spying."   We've seen the Secretary of the Treasury act as if he doesn't have to obey the law in turning over tax records to the House.  It's been hard not to despair as we watch our government institutions threatened by authoritarianism and our downward slide continue. 

Yes, this is what I'm thinking about all the time.  So, when I asked my spirit guide for guidance, I saw a paper city map with a main  road heading straight to authoritarianism.  It looked pretty clear as to where we are heading.  Then I heard a voice say, "turn the map over.  What's on the back of the map?"  On the back of the map was a list of hundreds of street names.  "Look at the map again."  So, I looked at the map and this time I noticed the multitude of city streets surrounding the authoritarianism destination.  "There are multiple ways to avoid the disastrous destination.  It can be bypassed.  There can be roadblocks on the main road."  So the message to me is that it's not yet set that the destruction of our democracy will happen.

I do hope readers will be joining us for the Full Moon Meditation on April 18th.  It will be a chance to  meditate together and direct our energy towards protecting our country and our future.  We can find alternative routes to a brighter future.  

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Bluebelle I find your dream both encouraging and sort of frightening.  If the way we are pointed is presently straight toward authoritarianism I am worried those side streets won't get used in time!  It is unfortunate that Trump has been such a master at marketing his brand of presidency to people who seem attracted to his brand of authoritarianism which pushes back against freedoms and civil rights of non-whites and foreigners of non-Christian religions.  I feel that the civil rights of women is also under attack. 

I’ve been struggling with one scene from my dream with the people strung on the line.  There was a close up on one person already strung on the line to show me that these people willingly choose this situation.  It was a very young woman with her hair in a long single braid.  She is wearing a dress and has her mouth clamped firmly on the string.  I see the close up of her mouth so that there is no doubt in my mind that she is purposely clamping down on the string to keep it in place.  This close up was upsetting in a different way than the close up of the sharp needle.  It was so upsetting I didn’t describe it in detail before.  I have been thinking about why I am so upset and what I should say about it.  The woman is giving up her voice and her freedom willingly for the illusion of security.  She is the one part of the dream that I thought was symbolic of the religious conservative voters.  She embodies their need for women to willingly shut up and submit and allow others to control their bodies and their behavior.  If mothers willingly submit to the religious traditions which are imposed on them then they teach the next generation of girls to submit and do the same.  Another generation of women get to learn to be quiet and do what is expected.   Add to this the republican’s resistance to providing birth control or other reproductive health care and preventing a woman from having control over her own body.  It does sound a lot like The Handmaids Tale to me also--Thanks Jeanne for mentioning it earlier.

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Jessie 1978 I read your post before and re-read it just now and I am not sure that anyone can tell you why you have these upsetting dreams.  It sounds like a psychic gift to me but to make it more pleasant I would start talking aloud to your angels and spirit guides and ask them to help you get your psychic messages in ways that are not so can also petition your higher self.  Just write down or say aloud what you want your higher self to know.  I think sometimes the dreams are scary or stressful because it is a way to ensure you will remember them.  It is dramatic and it will keep the dream in your thoughts for quite a while.  I have upsetting dreams at times but as I started to journal them and work with them they aren't usually so scary anymore.  I think if you start a dream journal and let your guides know you are trying to remember your dreams to get their messages this will assure them you are trying to remember and work with your dreams.  I really believe in the power of essential oils and crystals so I often burn incense or sage or put frankencense and myrrh or patchouli on myself before bed.  Crystals are maybe not recommended unless you are brave and want to experiment.  I found white howlite gave me interesting dreams but agates gave me nightmares.  Don't have agate near your bed it reveals things and overstimulates.  I do really love agates when I am awake! Assess your bedroom maybe there are negative influences around when you sleep--sage smudge your bedroom, it can't hurt.  I am sure there are more things you could try...

Tiger-n-Owl, LalaBella, Stargazer and 7 people reacted
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After I wrote the above I kept thinking I should have mentioned lavender essential oil.  I found a blend that was frankencense and lavender and really liked it.  Lavender flower essence will be nurturing and soothing. Find an essential oil blend you feel drawn to and really enjoy...

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Jessie1978 I agree with Starpath.  I would sage smudge my bedroom and use Lavender oil.  The oil promotes peaseful sleep.  I had to sage my bedroom the other nite.  I usualy don't remember my dreams, when i do 9 times out of 10 they are visitations by past loved ones.  The other nite I had a weird dream that I did remember when I woke up.  I dreamed I was getting married (I'm 67 by the way) and was all dressed up in my wedding dress when I got to the end of the aisle my groom was Trump!  He was standng on the left side of me and refused instructions t o move to the right (!).  I looked at him and said "ugh, I changed my mind" and I left.  The dream was so stange that I woke right up.  I didn't eat anything strange before bedtime so this is just weird to me.

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Jessie1978 - great suggestions above, I have a few more to add that may help.

  1.  Hemp oil with CBD is legal in all 50 states (I'm presuming you're here in the US?) - you can get it at Whole Foods or online. Take some with your dinner. This helps calm anxiety but without making you super groggy or affecting your dreaming.
  2. After dinner, try drinking an herbal (caffeine free) tea that also sets the stage for calm sleep. I recommend Rooibos (aka "Redbush"), or Chamomile, or Dandelion Root. Consider pouring an extra cup as a kind of offering to guides/angels.
  3. Something I use for migraines, but which might help you, is to listen to Binaural Beats music before you fall asleep. This music "resets" brainwaves. Here is my favorite one:  Music To Soothe
  4. If you get panic attacks, there is a way to stop them in their tracks, it's called the Valsalva Maneuver. Take a sip of water. Hold your breath. Swallow hard. Bear down (as if pooping) as you swallow, keep holding your breath, breathe out slowly, repeat if necessary.
  5. Make efforts not to look at any screen of any kind for a couple of hours before bed, especially not anything upsetting (news, true crime, etc.).
  6. Lastly - chelated magnesium - helps regulate sleep and the central nervous system. Make sure you are either getting enough in your diet or supplement if you have to.

Good luck. I agree you have a gift, you just need to learn to control it a bit rather than have it control you. Let us know how things go! Namasté.

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Thanks guy I am going to try all of these suggestions. I am going to do these things when my husband is not home. He is kind of scared of me. I just had a text from my son's GF that her nephew who is like 5? I am not sure is in the hospital. They found 2 masses on his brain and 1 on his chest. Unfortunately a couple weeks ago I had a dream with my own 5 year old who was in a coffin. I was not sad so it did not effect me at all. Now I am hoping that I did not dream about this little boy.  

Yogagirl- What a nightmare with Trump!! 

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