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I can not remember ever having had a dream of any politician or even a celebrity before, but this night I had one that I would love to have your input on, as I feel it might be relevant to the topics we discuss here.

In the dream I saw T finally exposed for what he is. He lost his normal body and what was left was his head with the body of an infant. The body was slimy, sickly and disguysting. [content removed]

The dream now shifted to Harris playing ping pong. I could not see who she was playing against. Suddenly Biden came in from the side, all smiling and agile in his step. He joined in with Harris, but he did not really play very well. Instead, the ball would hit him in the forehead and bounce back. I got the feeling he was not really doing anything but getting credit for Harris work. I have to maybe stress that I have not had any such thoughts about Biden. I have seen him as an expereienced and wise statesman and have felt comfortable that he is on top of things.

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I had this really strange dream of being in a river sorrounded by people I did not recognize and we were all looking at alligators in awe. The was a huge one with a abnormally large jaw and even more abnormally large teeth that took notice of me, got out of the river and began to chase me. I tried to act like I did not notice it but it chased me everywhere, even inside a house. 

The house had was shaped like a donut so it never had a chance to catch up to me. Then I saw my gf sister and I escorted her out of the house( I don't get this at all) even thought she got mad at me for rushing her. I was able to get the alligator to follow me outside the house and then finally lost it. 

I remember looking it at it leave from the inside of the house and then my actual phone started ringing which woke me up. 

If anyone has any idea what this mean let me know ... It was really vivid so I felt like it actually meant something.

I've always felt like dreams are ways that my subconscious (guides) speaks to me but I'm stump on this one. 

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I had a dream about being chased by an alligator in a wetland once (or at least trying to avoid it). It took place where I live in Connecticut. Since there aren't alligators here, I think it was a dream about the changes being wrought by global warming. Could this be the case with your dream? Since rivers seem to be a metaphor for flow, change, or the path of least resistance, perhaps there's significance there too.

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@blackandwhite My first thought is that the alligator represents the mythic beast, something you fear. that ultimately you are able to manage.

But the alligator has been an ancient symbol of primal instinct and unbridled power. Of course humans are afraid of these beasts because they can kill you and they are wholly mysterious and untamable. They are reptiles and our own reptilian part of our brain which is part of the lower brain is where our psychic power resides.

It is instinct.

When you ignored the creature I thought of how you might ignore your intuition about messages you are getting that you don’t want to hear or paths you take and people in your life that cause fear.

So The alligator is also something we fear and you definitely tried to get away from it. But the alligator is ultimately about your own powerful instincts so try to use it.

In the dream you were able to lead it successfully out the door.  

The donut shape of the house was so interesting because it reminded me of the circular nature of all of life and the journeys we make.  You clearly have a psyche that is working with your own deeper intuitive awareness and sometimes you have to run away from it, and other times you can cleverly control it. In the dream you wanted it out of the house and I see the house as your safe no-risk place. Putting it altogether is hard without knowing you or doing a full reading for you. But it feels like an important dream about you, your awareness or evolving consciousness, concerns about other people,  and your path in this world. 

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Hey perhaps the crocodile dream could be about a threatening person (or group of people?) in the future who has an aggressive manner causing you (and others) some difficulties.  Your dream suggests you manage to work around this person (or group of people) despite their trying to be difficult or critical or bullying of you (as well as others)-- you will be able to avoid them or their attitude or influence on you or others.

This article suggests that dreaming about an alligator could mean person who communicates harshly:  "The mouth is almost half of the alligator. Therefore, the alligator most often … represent[s] someone who has a big mouth, and typically with that big mouth, sharp biting remarks, criticism, hurtful words, biting words"

I have never dreamed about alligators but I have dreamed about a difficult boss as a black panther that was trying to chase me (I ran up a tree and was safe in the dream) a threatening animal in a dream representing a threatening person makes sense to me.  Or perhaps a threatening group of people is being represented as a threatening group of alligators.  When the one alligator singles you out and chases you, it becomes more personal.  Alligators are not good at chasing people, they usually wait silently for a prey to come too close to their jaws and then they snap at the prey.  So it was easy for you to outrun the alligator.  This suggests that the person or group of threatening people are not as skilled at being a threat as they would like--you easily outrun and "lose" the alligator.

You are the best judge of what the alligator represents.  I saw someone yesterday with a "don't tread on me" shirt--a shirt with the coiled snake ready to bite--along with many images of bullets and assault rifles.  It reminded me of the wild west when people killed others without fear of the police, they used "frontier justice" as a way to handle things.  I think the snake is a good metaphor for this type of person.  I am getting off on a tangent but maybe you see what I mean.  A group of crocodiles=a group of loud mouthed difficult people??  Almost sounds like Republicans LoL...

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@starpath I love your interpretation. I think of that big jawed alligator, and, like you suggested, the size of the mouth representing the power of words which can harm. I resonate most with your interpretation which really fits. Now to find out what @blackandwhite feels. 

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Thank you so much for all of yalls input. I very much understood my own dreams better with both of your interpretations. 

I feel very much like Jeanne said, this crocodile or alligator is very much me, a part of me that I have not faced. I feel like it's my own aggression. Recently I've been experiencing a lot of change and been feeling challenged, in a way that has been clear that I have to shed my old skin. 

There is a little bit of everything here so let me break it down. I know that for a time now I've shied away from aggression because of how others might feel, even though what I've perceived or felt was correct. this has happened a lot and I've been feeling like this cannot continue for a few months now. Generally, I've taken the easier road....because for so long I have defined myself as a mediator, or someone who values peace above the rest. But my psyche must be telling me that this is just not healthy anymore. maybe I need to realize that aggression is a necessity for a mediator, just thought of that. 

I think I've also known for a bit now that I have trouble filtering, shifting through, and communicating my emotions, I grew up in a Hispanic household where men weren't allowed to feel, nonetheless I've always been very sensitive and able to perceive emotiuons fairly easily... in many cases, I've often been overwhelmed by the emotions of others. hence why I am here with yall. 

Oddly enough my gfs sister is someone I feel is the complete opposite of myself, volatile, unpredictable, and specifically difficult to be around. I've never clashed with her but I have felt like is only a matter of time before we do. I think it's particularly interested that after reading yalls prediction I see myself understanding how I am escorting out someone I deem troublesome out of my " safe space".

so @starpath you're also right, I've just started a new job as a tutor and I have been dealing with kids who are extremely smart and have been taking advantage of me and my lack of experience. so yes I've been feeling a bit bullied lol. But it's okay, ill just have to learn to be a bit more stern and tough because reason will just not do. 


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I can share a dream I had on Wednesday June 23rd.  It was simple.  I arrive at work and I suddenly feel my nose is running.  I need a kleenex but don't have one on me so I look for a bathroom.  The women's bathroom is occupied by a repair man and is out of service, so I run into the men's bathroom (which is empty) and I grab some toilet paper for wiping my nose.  I come out of the bathroom and I hear people coughing, it seems like everyone around me at work has a cold.  I feel this dream is about the new covid variant called delta going around where I work.  Possibly it could be another virus or the Delta plus variant...but my intuition felt it was going to happen sooner than later so I am guessing the delta variant from India.  We are all vaccinated for the most part, only a couple of people will admit they aren't vaccinated.  I work with around a 40-50 people maybe?  The feeling I had when I woke up was that since we are all mostly vaccinated the symptoms will probably be mild.  The coughing I heard was light and not that bad sounding.  It still suggests to me that even being vaccinated won't prevent some symptoms and infections will still spread around, so vaccination won't prevent the spread of delta.  Herd immunity will not work if vaccinated people get sick, it will just shorten the duration and severity of the illness.  If this is true the unvaccinated will most likely get exposed to delta in the future, as soon as it gets to spreading around in their communities.  For me personally this seems likely to happen whenever the variant gets around here to Athens, Georgia where I live and work.  It seemed to me that everyone was sicker than me--maybe only because I had just caught it.  It could also be because in real life if I get sick with a virus I take a lot of supplements to get over it quicker and this usually leads to milder symptoms also.  I want to emphasize that my intuition seemed to suggest the symptoms are mild and everyone seemed unconcerned about it, but only because they were already vaccinated.  I don't know the reason I dreamed that the women's bathroom was unavailable and I had to go into a men's restroom.  It suggests something is inconvenient for me when the variant starts infecting people.  I mostly work with women.  If they are all sicker than me I will be working harder to make up for less people...perhaps that is what it means?? 


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@starpath it might just be your fear of the delta. My understanding is that the covid vaccines are pretty good for the variant. Also people are still going to get colds and flu and allergies. We are all so sensitive now to coughing and runny noses. I admit I’m not looking forward to flu season. I’m likely to keep my mask on when it begins because I’m going to be worried that’s it’s a covid variant. 

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Hi Jeanne!  Yes it could be.  I seem to post the dreams that really get under my skin in some way or another.  As I have often mentioned before if I post a dream I often feel I need help with it... I post hoping to get extra help/insights...I don't post many dreams but I dream a lot.

The main feeling of the dream was sort of like "this too shall pass--don't be super worried" so maybe it was in response to my worries about Delta and Delta plus variants as I read the news.

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I dreamt of extraterrestrials yesterday while taking a nap. In the dream, there was something in the news about a UFO displaying very unusual movement that was seen by many people in coastal parts of the US - I saw the shore of Lake Michigan briefly. Then I was alone in a small sailboat in Boston Harbor, but surrounded by other occupied boats both large and small. A saucer-like UFO appeared in the middle of the harbor, amidst all of the boats, and the ocean water beneath us started to be sucked towards the UFO to the point where my and the other boats were resting on bare mud. The receding of the water was quite energetic, like we were caught in a maelstrom, but everyone ended up being safe.

Next, I was with a group of 4-5 people that consisted of me, several other 20-something young adults, and one of my high school science teachers from waking reality who I will just call Ms. Johnson. We were standing in what looked like a spaceship bridge from a sci-fi film, and we were about to have an audience with the occupants of the UFO that had had been seen all over. A woman plus 3 other people appeared before us; they were the crew from the UFO, and the woman was their leader, or at least the spokesperson. She had dark blue skin (almost like it was coated in oil paint) and was wearing a blue cape. She had straight shoulder-length hair that may have been brown, red, or even blonde. I don't recall any details about the other 3 figures.

The woman told us that "our people" would have the capacities of "her people," in 10-11 years, and she was very explicit about that. Ms. Johnson asked what those capacities were, but the woman said she couldn't specifically explain them to people who do not have them; there was too much of a cognitive gap. She added that these capacities couldn't be understood through objective, reductionist science, but that we would nevertheless understand these principles "soon." I intuitively understood what she was conveying, but Ms. Johnson again asked the woman in an exasperated manner to explain how their UFO worked. Again, the woman replied that she wasn't able to tell us, but Ms. Johnson wasn't satisfied and kept asking for explanations. I nudged Ms. Johnson and hissed at her to be polite, and even the blue woman was growing impatient in her repeated replies that the principles in question couldn't be explained away but must be experienced. That was the dream.

There are the metaphorical undertones of being in a sailboat, but I'm especially interested in the symbolism of the ocean water receding in the harbor, which is how water behaves before a tsunami comes ashore. I've had a number of neutral wave dreams in the past week, so perhaps the Boston Harbor part of the dream hints at the figurative tsunami of spiritual growth and innovation that is coming amidst the energetic maelstrom of cosmic transition. The intuitive understanding I had of what the blue woman was telling us is encapsulated in the short story "The Shobies' Story" by Ursula K. LeGuin. Reading that at the beginning of the year expanded my own ruminations about what is possible in the universe.

This was a big dream that included a personally significant portion that did not involve extraterrestrials, but that personal component isn't for sharing ? 

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@coyote That's a powerful dream that I take seriously because it was your dream. Yes, I also thought of tsnumani when I read of the mud flats in Boston Harbor. I've also wondered about whether a significant dissembling of the West Antarctic ice sheet could cause a tsunami. Of course an earthquake could. Lastly I've recently felt the demand coming from spirit for us to evolve by practicing our meditation and visioning skills. And your timing of 10-11 years fits when earth changes will surge to levels that will require such a rise in the collective conscience. 

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

That's a powerful dream that I take seriously because it was your dream.

Why thank you, Jeanne ?. Since I have never dreamed about extraterrestrials before, I knew immediately that I had to pay attention. I also interpret the presence of a high school science teacher juxtaposed with younger people as a symbol of rigidly dogmatic individuals next to those who are more flexible and capable of adapting to new ontologies. It's the flexible ones who will safely ride out the coming tsunami.

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@starpath Looks like that dream you had is coming true with so many breakthrough cases of covid (vaccinated people getting covid) in the news. 

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Hi Jeanne thanks, kind of you to ask.  I did seem to have a vision related to the covid situation. I didn't get what this meant at first.  There were multiple triangles floating in the air and then I was shown a triangle with the letters M and N inside it.  Later on I realized the triangles were delta symbols.  They float in the air like the virus does.  I also didn't understand the letters inside until recently when I read about the lambda variant in Peru.  Then I realized M=Mu and N=Nu...Mu and Nu are the next Greek letters after Lambda. I think this means that two more variants of interest are going to show up sometime in the future.

A few days ago I had what seemed to be a very weird dream about something creepy but I couldn't decide what it meant.  I now think it is related to the covid virus because one of the people in the dream is a character from the series "The Walking Dead" which is about zombies and I used to dream about zombies whenever viral infections were spreading and killing people.  The dream started with a man casting a dark spell on another man who played the character Noah on the Walking Dead show.  In the dream Noah dies and then keeps "coming back to life" and each time they kill him he becomes more scary.  At one point I realize he is "mutating" into something that can't be killed.  In the dream I start to beg the men killing him over and over to let me have the body so I can heal him or make him normal again.  They don't listen to my pleas and he ends up being dragged away headless and yet not dead.  Zombies can't be killed in the movies unless their brains are damaged due to their viral infections somehow keeping them in a weird state of automation which is also very animal-like and primitive.  I think in the dream the young black man was someone I related to as the Noah character and I cared about this character in the show.  My best guess right now is that this dream is about the misinformation killing people who believe the vaccine is dangerous or useless.  Perhaps more misinformation will come out in the future that leads more people to avoid the vaccine.  A lot of people of color seem to have decided the vaccine is bad for their race in general...due to mistrust of the people who create vaccines being somehow part of a scheme to kill their race...It also suggests to me that something humans do to try and stop the viral spread will instead help it mutate.  These are just guesses as to the meaning of the dream, they could be wrong.  I am getting a little bit sadder due to these dreams/visions and praying seems like too little too late now...


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Here is a nice montage with the actor Tyler James Williams playing Noah in the series, "The Walking Dead"

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@starpath the triangles are fascinating and it was clever of you to realize they stand for delta. I think you’ve nailed the idea that we’ve missed the chance for group immunity. It’s a metaphor for the fact that unless we take care of all of us, we all will suffer.  We can’t live separately because we are so interconnected.  

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Posted by: @starpath

At one point I realize he is "mutating" into something that can't be killed.  In the dream I start to beg the men killing him over and over to let me have the body so I can heal him or make him normal again. 

I had a slightly different take on this part.  It almost reads to me like every time we come up with a  vaccine/booster for each variant to keep it in check, it mutates to something different that the vaccine can't stop, until at some point it is basically unstoppable.  However, viruses in general tend to become less deadly with each mutation (a survival mechanism, I think?), so perhaps the entire sequence with the delta/lambda/mu/nu variations is the virus mutating until it becomes as ubiquitous and only mildly irritating as seasonal flu or cold.

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I really liked the character Noah on the Walking Dead.  I would have liked for him to have been on longer.

 Your vision about the next Greek letters is interesting.  Lambda is already in the U.S. so I imagine it will not be long before a new strain is discovered somewhere. 

I appreciate the fact that you are posting about your visions and dreams.  It appears this visors will be here for some time and your visions/dreams may help others prepare for that reality.  Thank you.

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I agree it is highly likely that eventually the virus will become more like another general cold/flu someday.  I don't know when that will happen but it seems like that wouldn't  be soon.  It won't  happen until most humans have developed some immunity and that means massive vaccinations and/or exposure to virus.

However in the dream I feel a real visceral feeling of fear at this point bordering on a creepy feeling akin to realizing evil is close and I want to escape.  There is sort of a metaphor here that fear can't  be killed...fear feeds on itself...fear is what ultimately leads humans down these paths of darkness.


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