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So, I'll say it again: you are a writer. That is your gift—I'm sure, one of many. Do not ever doubt it. --@vestralux to @coyote

True, so true about Coyote. 

@vestralux, All of my cells came alive as I read your post.  I have felt that my Native guide who sits in my side back yard, outside my door, drumming and meditating with the elders of his tribe, is operating in another dimension right now. I have thought about why many of the light workers are here in this physical form in this materialistic culture-- born into this culture, indoctrinated into its materialism and addicted to technology and junk food, to achievement and money.

We are wholly a part of this upside-down world. But our souls come from the other right-side-up world. I have seen streams of light coming here from distant stars and landing in women's wombs.  

We grow in our mother's womb.  We are thoroughly human and we grow up drinking the kool aide, (literally I drank a lot of kool-aide :-)) but many of us feel a disconnect with our souls.  As the timelines here speed up, we feel increasingly uncomfortable, pained, by that disconnect.

If we are lucky then we wake up and begin the journey of syncing with our soul selves in this life right here on this earth. Living in this paradigm is painful. Often we feel alone in our families of origin, even while we love (and clash with) our parents and siblings, our classmates and co-workers. Then a time comes when we begin to awaken and see. 

Rumi wrote, "My soul is from elsewhere and I intend to go there someday."  

I love this earth with all of my being.  I love the trees and the smell of the winds, and the wonder of the animals and creatures. If I can get myself up on an early summer morning, I love seeing all the spiders out with their nets, like fishermen.  Everyone is busy making a living in the forest.  I never want to leave this place.  I want instead to bring that other place here, rather than go there, as Rumi  had wished.  I think that putting us into those mothers' wombs to grow up here is the divine plan for saving the earth. 

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@coyote @jeanne-mayell @vestralux

This is absolutely fascinating to read through. Thank you so much for sharing! My late mother was always interested in Native American culture and I am as well. There is a resonance there, somehow, and your dreams and Jeanne's and Vestralux's explanations make so much sense. I have never had nearly the kinds of experiences you all have had, but just that resonance of truth and homecoming really strikes me. 

I attended a Pow Wow once that is held annually here at one of the local high schools. When the Grand Entry began with the drums and singing - oh my! I was incredible moved! I was tearing up and it just hit me in my core. What a wonderful experience. I had always wanted to have my Mom up to visit for it since then, but never had the chance before she passed last year. Maybe everyone is so moved, but I do wonder if sometimes that is our soul responding to a truth that we are not even consciously aware of? I am also very drawn to ethnic, world music from many cultures when I hear it - something just resonates and awakens in me so deeply. Really fascinating to me, those reactions. Thank you again for sharing!

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell

I love this earth with all of my being.  I love the trees and the smell of the winds, and the wonder of the animals and creatures. If I can get myself up on an early summer morning, I love seeing all the spiders out with their nets, like fisherman.  Everyone is busy making a living in the forest.  I never want to leave this place.  I want instead to bring that other place here, rather than go there, as Rumi  had wished.  I think that putting us into those mothers' wombs to grow up here is the divine plan for saving the earth. 

So. Damn. Beautiful.

...And so gorgeously written, Jeanne. I feel precisely the same: I want to bring that other place here.

You've just articulated something I've not entirely been able to. So many times when I read or hear someone who strongly identifies with a particular starseed community, I notice a little resistance surfacing in me. It's quiet but insistent. Like you, I've seen those very streams of light, the subtlest sine waves ribboning in from distant worlds. My daughter arrived that way and it was an utter and overwhelming recognition. And I recognize those threads in me; I'm not entirely from here.

Very recently, in fact, I saw one of my guides clearly for the first time, and could see and feel how his subtle body—a tall sparkling pillar of blue incandescence—emerges from ... another system. It doesn't seem important to label it even if I could. 

But wherever else I've been or to whatever else I may belong, I know that I am Terran. Gian. An earthling (literally, "little earth being," ha!). I feel the deepest, most precious, and abiding love and responsibility for Her, for the Collective Being that we are with Her, which includes every last one of Her countless creatures and plant beings. And of course, our Star.   

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Your dreams and visions touch my heart in the most profound and compelling way.  This is just what we need to hear in this time and place as our world teeters on the brink of war and environmental catastrophe.  There is so much more to our existence.  No wonder we can feel peace while there’s turmoil all around us.  What a gift this is.  Thank you from my heart.

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Posted by: @bluebelle

No wonder we can feel peace while there’s turmoil all around us.  What a gift this is.  


Exactly this!

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I repeatedly got goosebumps as I read your reply, and all of my brain cells are on fire as I process your words. There's so much I want to say, but I'll start with this. In the dream, when I was being led through the settlement, I became lucid, and remained so until the dream ended. But I didn't think to myself "this is a dream, so it's all fake." Everything I was seeing was absolutely real to me. I didn't include that detail in my original post because I didn't have the words to explain even to myself why this was so - why was I lucidly dreaming yet completely convinced that what I was witnessing was reality? I haven't bene able to figure that out for a year, so THANK YOU, THANK YOU for helping me understand that I journeyed into the True Nature of Things.

At the end of Lewis Mehl-Madrona's book Coyote Medicine, he concludes by sharing something a Navajo/Dené shaman once told him: that everyone who was once a Native American is being reborn in North America at this time in order to help the humanity through this period of transition (I'm sure this is happening with indigenous lineages on the other continents too). When I read that, I immediately thought of my dream/journey - wait a second, what if...? But, ever mindful of the history of white Americans disingenuously playing Indian in order to be "closer to nature,"  I've been reserved about identifying with Native lineage. Yet I keep coming in direct contact with Native peoples (despite living in the Northeastern US, where American Indians are few and far between), and I tend to feel at home with them. You, along with Jeanne and @lilinoe, are helping me get over my reservations about this aspect of my soul self. Now, I'm certainly not going to dress up in redface for the next Wamapanoag powwow here in MA and expect a prodigal son's homecoming. Genetically and socially, I'm thoroughly enmeshed in colonial European culture, so it's my job to help transform that culture so that it can successfully integrate the world's ancient and indigenous knowledge.

Oh, and I'm aware of wetiko. I included a discussion of wetiko in the collection of essays that composed  my undergraduate honors thesis ? .

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@coyote, I'm wearing the broadest, deepest smile I think I own. As for reminding you of the fact of your lucidity, you're very welcome. (Lucid dreaming as a practice is dear to me.)

Also, I'm delighted, though not surprised, that you're already intimately familiar with the subject of wetiko. [My introduction to it was a crucial personal key code, leading me directly to the writing I do now professionally, in fact.] When I was looking for the right link for the term on my earlier post, it tickled me to see that Paul Levy's website is titled, "Awaken in the Dream." Full circle.

I've now added Mehl-Madrona's book to my list, so thank you. Not sure how I ever missed it.

Also, your sensitivity toward cultural mis/appropriation is lovely to see. And while I'm glad you know where the lanes are, I also hope these things will never make you too self-conscious to fully embrace certain interior truths, whatever those may be.


Jeanne Mayell, Lilinoe, Coyote and 3 people reacted
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@cc21 I was thinking along the lines of you regarding world music.  Celtic Drums are incredible.  So are African Drums.  Both very different yet very powerful.   I am sure that if once were to do research, all kinds of interesting discoveries would come out about the effects of playing different types of world music and listening to that music as well, especially the different drums.   

 I have been wondering, it seems that most of the people seeing Native American Spirit guides or Native Americans around their homes ( not Spirit Guides) are from the US.  What are people seeing from countries located outside of N. America?  Are you also seeing indigenous people?

Also, it seems the Native Americans (not Spirit Guides) your are seeing are  representing tribes from regions where you are residing.  Would you continue to see them if you traveled or moved to a different part of the country or world?  Would you begin to see different ones from the local area you traveled to?

How different is this from your Spirit Guide experiences?


Jeanne Mayell, CC21, Lilinoe and 3 people reacted
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One of the things I so appreciate about this forum is that for years I had dreams where I was either someone else, or in another place and time, and I was told that I just have "an active imagination". Many of the dreams were totally mundane - just going about daily activities as whomever - whenever and wherever. A few dreams from the past may have been past life stuff coming up, but mostly my dreams were present day and occasionally near future. It's so nice to be validated and accepted here.

I have had dreams involving indigenous americans in the past, but I never wrote them down and don't remember them now. Where I used to live, I could see spirits of male native americans walking among the trees at night. I think they were drawn to a creek nearby... I never got any messages from any of them, though, although I did get a sense of sadness from them.

Here is a link to an interactive map, so that we can all remember whose land we're really on. I was raised on Lenape lands, and live now in Kumeyaay territory. BTW the map is GLOBAL - those of you abroad may be interested as well.



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Yes, a long-lost brother. His initial shyness was a mirror image of my demeanor up until 2018-ish. When he started speaking to me, I could tell by his gestures and the look in his eyes exactly what he was trying to tell me: I may be smaller and younger than my brothers, but come with me, and I'll show you that I can hunt better than all of them.

The dreamscape of that night was tinged by a distinctly indigenous understanding of brotherhood. Right before the Lenape journey, I had a dream in which the men on my mom's side of the family were preparing for a canoe voyage through the waterways of South Jersey. That's not something we would do in real life; the men on that side of the family aren't particularly close, and besides, none of us canoe. So the voyage in the dream carried with it special spiritual significance. 

I've been receiving lots of visions and intuitive knowledge in the past year about how masculine energy will be acting through me on the world. The health challenges of my first 23 years helped me access my divine feminine to a degree that's novel for males in our times and culture. Having internalized that wisdom, I've been granted the opportunity to start manifesting the divine masculine. Even though it will be matriarchal in character, the Golden Age that is coming needs the divine of both sexes. An induction into the brotherhood indeed.

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I'm posting this dream simply because it had nothing to do with things going on in my life but it stuck with me. Last night, I dreamed the police were pursuing a man by the last name Vander-Starr spell just like that. I saw his name on the driver's license when the police searched his hotel room. The police questioned the man who was supposed to be on vacation with his family. Something about the exchange made me believe the man was lying about who he was and why he was in that hotel. It's felt like he was running away from something. I Googled the last name Vander-Starr just because I've never heard that name before and  it stuck with me with such a unique spelling. The only prominent Vander-Starr I found was the founder of AIG the insurance company. I wonder if there is some fraud going on in that company and if they are about to have some major financial shake up?

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Hi all, I finally got my registration to this site sorted and wanted to share a couple things. 1st: I love you all and want to send a virtual hug to everyone. 2nd: I have been dreaming of children a great deal lately . 2 dreams in particular. My favourite is... I’m standing watching dozens of children playing and laughing in an indoor swimming pool. I suddenly grow diamonds that radiate from my collarbone then notice all the children also suddenly appear to have the same diamonds protruding out of their collar bones. It was so bright and beautiful and the reflection on the water was breathe taking. The diamonds reminded me of the body-mod community but the light broke through the skin. It was so physically warming and calming from the inside out. No pain at all. I woke up smiling and feeling so much love. The second dream has me teaching many young foreign children in a classroom and a being of light is pointing to the children and says “that’s it! That’s the future “ Please understand that I am not a teacher in my waking life, nor am I a life guard... I’ve suffered from chronic random nightmares my entire life. These dreams seem different and significant that they’re happening now; that others on this site have prophesied a new generation of light walkers being born. I’d ask that we all send love and strength in our daily intentions to these children. Especially the misplaced ones around the globe. I pray their hearts are not hardened too much to be the light workers they’re meant to be.

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Welcome!  Glad you decided to post. What beautiful and positive dreams to share with us.  May you continue to have more.  

Here is a hug back to you!

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Wow, @vagabeau, what beautiful and prescient dreams! Also, welcome. Looks like you're in the right place.

The instant I read about the diamonds shining out from your collar bone and those of all the children, I heard Jesus of Nazareth's words as written in The Gospel of Thomas (which incidentally, was first discovered in a cave in Egypt in 1945, the same year the horror of WWII came to an end).

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you."

I heard the words ringing, like the vibratory harmonic of thousands of wine glasses being "sung." Like diamond light.


...The second part of the verse, of course, is: "If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

I'd say that's the crucible we're in now. The intense energies of all our personal and collective traumas are miasmic and black like coal, and the terrible gravity of our unintegrated shadow is bringing us to the very brink. We're actually destroying ourselves. 

But how are diamonds made if not under calamitous pressure, racked over the wheel of time?

All the souls who've been forged and developed by this great unraveling are returning. They're burning with new light, so that we can shine differently and see more clearly. So that we can better bring forth what is within us in order to change us.


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Thank you for sharing those  beautiful dreams.  The dreams reveal so much about you and your connection with the divine, as do your exquisite visions that you have shared from Read the Future nights.  I have seen many times when meditating on the future that the children will stand on our shoulders and be able to reach so much higher.  They will be a great generation.   

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I had a vision this morning during the hypnagogic state.  It was brief and simple, but it’s been haunting me all day.  I saw an empty conference room with an enormous table in the center.  Then flames appeared at the far end of the table.  Then more flames appeared around the table until the room was engulfed.  All I can think of is the Cabinet Room.  

Now this week ahead is shaping up to be a momentous one concerning articles of impeachment and the Senate, but maybe something will happen in the Cabinet, too.

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I love your visions. I know they come from a pure place. 

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@Bluebelle - Esper (Secy of Defense) will probably be fired/resign this week because he spoke out about the Iran situation and that he felt it was wrong to kill the [yes very bad, yes a threat, but not right now] head of the Quds (Iran Special Ops). That being said, I wouldn't put it past the Orange Shitgibbon to fire his entire cabinet... he still thinks he's "boss" on a tv show...

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I was feeling when you wrote that that the Orange nightmare will become an even bigger nightmare until he's gone. Expect his behavior to get even more insane and bizarre (if you can imagine that!).

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It sure sounds like the cabinet or cabinet level officials.    Perhaps one person is fired, and then more.  Or perhaps many in the cabinet are going down in flames because of new information learned about them

What an interesting vision.

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