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[Closed] The Impeachment of Donald Trump

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Posted by: @triciact

Does anyone think the Senate will actually convict the Orange nightmare?

I know you don't want to hear this but my intuition tells me the Senate will acquit him.  They know he's corrupt and don't care.  However good news is that I see that DT is likely to resign this year.  He's encountering a lot of stress and it will get too much for him.

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Hi everyone!  Thank you all so much for your light. I have been following for about 6 months and get so much from reading your posts. Thought I'd finally chime in. I'm a beginning intuitive, have been feeling my guides and Angels my whole life, just didn't acknowledge it. I am all in now! I have been just taking psychic tools classes at a reputable center here in San Diego. Living it. I break into spontaneous laughter all the time as I notice signs and signals  

I've been following [one psychic] since before the election who is predicting 90% chance of removal for asshole. OMG I hope this is true. The trial could blow wide open, but I'm definitely not holding my breath... ?  This is agonizing!!!

❤ Gina 

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I agree they are not going to find him guilty.   

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The only way they will convict is if NP & the gang are sitting on evidence so devastating, so vile, that the rethugs know it would be the end of all of them and their careers if they vote to aquit.

Most of them don't give a d#mn about Twitler personally.  It's their connections to Russia becoming public that terrifies them.

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Bad news for our republic.  I just saw an MSNBC news clip with Adam Schiff who said our intelligence agencies, the NSA and the CIA, have been politicized (and possibly corrupted-my word, not Schiff's) as demonstrated by their joint refusal to submit any requested information about the Ukraine scandal to congress.  Congress has oversight authority, and a refusal like this has never happened before.  So now we have a corrupt executive branch; a half-corrupt legislative branch; a half politicized (and possibly somewhat corrupt) judicial branch; and our institutions seem to be caving to the p-grabber's pressure, too.  Thank God we still have a free press.  Not counting on the GOP to conduct a fair impeachment trial or to do anything other than acquit. Praying for divine intervention, Oprah, Santa, Iranian hackers, North Korean hackers -- anyone who can help stop you-know-who from taking us completely to the darkside.  Hoping all the others who see him leaving (for some other reason) are correct, as well.  I sincerely want to be informed, but not at all sure I can watch Dershowitz and the rest of the un-impeachment gang spew their lies and ilk anymore, all the while pretending to care about our democracy.   


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devastating evidence will have no effect on them at all. And Dershowitz, once a brilliant attorney, now entering the dark side, arguing that abuse of power is not a grounds for impeachment, makes me nauseous.  I think Trump has something on him, and it's more than some 14-year-old girl at Epstein's giving  him a massage.

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Hi Community of my heart,  I'm not following the trial because is it going to be a sham.   My feeling is, wake me up when it's over!  The rules for the trial are GOP censorship. Even Cspan will not be allowed to cover it in their usual boring, non partisan, but honest way.  The Senate is dark and the darkness is descending tonight even more. 

 I pray you will breathe through this time. 

McConnell has been paid off along with Jordan and many others. Everyone else has been silenced. I don't know how to read Chief  Justice Roberts, but I don't want to.   If he does nothing as I am certain he will do, then he goes down in history as a weak ineffectual man who degrades the Supreme Court.  But he won't be the first justice to step aside and let the Senate do its thing.

The truth will ultimately prevail.  The truth always comes to the surface, just not under Moscow Mitch's watch.   

I still remember from a reading I did back in October that March and April will be bigger months.  

P.S. Regarding Dershowitz, Trump's lawyer: This man helped O.J. Simpson get off, and also defended  Epstein and Weinstein. So he likes defending men who pray on women. 

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I meditated today and came up with some events I didn’t like.  I saw the Senate acquitting Trump after a bogus trial.   I did see witnesses being called, but the whole process is rigged.  However, during the trial and in the following months, more crimes are exposed with tapes, witnesses and documents coming to light.  The Ukraine controversy is only the tip of the iceberg.  The country will reel with shock in the coming months.

It’s  possible that T will be the only president impeached twice.   However, I saw him having  a neurological event and going silent.  Before that happens, his mental state becomes even more erratic, to the point that the media must finally address this issue.  T resigns for medical reasons.

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I've seen exactly this.

In fact, each time I feel myself getting a little excited by some turn of news related to the senate impeachment trial, I'm reminded that full impeachment and removal was never the outcome I'd been shown. Like you, I've always seen that he would experience a neurological event and be forced to walk away.

I've also seen him physically stumbling or falling at some point, then slapping away the hand of the person who either tries to break his fall or help him stand back up, which I think will be caught on camera. If this occurs, his cognitive decline will spike dramatically afterward, and there will be no more avoiding the issue.

In the meantime, I've also seen more truth, more documents, and more tapes coming out that, in the end, will blow the lid off any attempt to conceal or cover up. (The far right will cry "deep fakes!" at some point, but there's too much corroborative evidence.) Like Jeanne, I've seen January through April coming for him like a karmic tsunami. Timelines can be altered but that kind of tidal wave can't be stopped. Sooner or later, it swallows him and everyone around him.

I believe it will be very challenging between now and then—and for sometime afterward. Both domestically and internationally. At several points, the nation will feel threadbare, almost unable to cope. A series of natural disasters won't help.

But he will go.

And we will come together in support of one another.



As I was reading your vision, I saw the GOP core and their propaganda media arm making a gross outward display of having claimed "victory!" and "justice!" for the president. But I could feel that not a single one among their establishment members actually believes it. Many feel adrenalized but scared.  

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This all makes a great deal of sense.  

What I would LOVE to know is where are  Pence and Pelosi when this transition happens? 

Rarely do I read about people saying they see Pence take over.

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It's been a bit since I've chimed in but felt now is a good time. We all want him gone asap, but the resignation after acquittal is actually the best possible scenario, and the later the better to be honest. If Trump is removed(not happening but go with it for a second), odds are he will be re-elected just to spite "snowflakes." There is no chance at all they can him from holding future office. They will use the "cant let partisanship.overturn an election" line. If he is let off the hook, he will be empowered and the craziness will continue, including going well beyond what he has done already to rig the election, most likely leading to his fraudulent victory. 

If he resigns later in the year, this gives the GOP very little time to find and prop up a replacement candidate. Whether they have time or not, a Dem will win the WH. The less time they have, the less fueled the base will be to go vote, the less time Russia will have to affect the election. If Trumpets are disillusioned and/or confused(a fairly easy accomplishment), the won't vote at all. If they dont vote, this gives the Dems a much better chance of getting a majority in the Senate, keeping their majority in the House, and flipping a few more state governments. If they control all levels, they can put new guardrails in, including an amendment, to protect against this insanity happening again. That truly is the best case scenario, even though it will get darker before it becomes light. 

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Oh my!  I also saw him having a walking issue and that it was caught on videotape.  

When I read your comments about the GOP and right wing media claiming victory over the impeachment trial, I remembered something else.  T will try to take a victory lap after the trial and something major happens to cut that short.  It’s either another breaking scandal or disaster that spoils his moment.


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I want to disagree with you but I can't.  When T announced his candidacy, honestly, I wasn't that worried.  The thought of it was a complete joke.  Unfit, insane, arrogant, disgusting, pick any bad adjective; they all work.  And I actually was dumb enough to give Republicans the benefit of the doubt.  They would speak out against his insults, rudeness, vile behavior and speech, ignorance.  They embraced it, from the dumbest MAGAt to the most powerful rethug senator.

If this was a Democratic president, they would all vote to convict so fast their heads would spin.

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As much as it bothers me that the trial will not be a fair one, nor that it will be the will of the majority of people, I have to agree with @MAS1581 that T. not being convicted at this time will give the outrage of the people time to develop and make them more motivated to vote in the next election. I threw a few cards a few days ago and they indicated that T. will not be convicted and that his party will take this as an opportunity to lord it over everyone. Personally, I think this will backfire on them in the long run. People tend not to like having their will subverted. Added to that, they will look foolish indeed as more incriminating evidence emerges.

I will try to meditate on what is to come, but I have found it both difficult and disheartening to do so in the last few days, so I will regather my strength and try again soon. In the meantime, I agree with @jeanne-mayell : Let’s all keep breathing and we will get through this!

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I agree with your assessment. Giving the Republicans little time before the election to ‘recover’ from all the truths that will continue coming out could be best outcome. Like others here I feel he will not be removed for impeachment but rather for health reasons.

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I decided to throw more cards and try to be more precise about what I was asking and about whom. The result is the opposite of what I got a few days ago. I don’t know how to reconcile that. In any case, the following is what I drew this morning: 

Tarot spread January 21, 2020

Rider Waite

Will he (T) be convicted?

Queen of cups - yes

Where are we at the end of this process?

T.  - The World reversed - failed plans, lack of success

P. - Ten of Pentacles reversed - unexpected financial debts, large losses or bankruptcy

NP - Two of Swords reversed - making peace with difficulties, regaining balance and making decisions about the best way forward

R. Party - Four of Pentacles reversed - instability, losses, change

D. Party - King of Pentacles - hard work pays off, attaining goals, being resourceful and principled

Please feel free to weigh in on this and give your take. I am still not very experienced with the cards. 

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I agree, and just have a feeling that resignation and not conviction is ultimately the way that he will go. I also feel that somehow this is the way that it has to be - that more will come out post conviction that reveals the trial to be a "sham" and that is how the senate turns blue. It has to be revealed for the fraud that  it is in order for others to "see the light." This is all related to collective karma. As such, I believe that others will go down before it is all said and done - but not through a senate trial. Perhaps that is also why so many see March and April as the months that are most critical?

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I do not intend to watch what there is of the trial either. I did not watch the House hearings, as I didn't want to listen to the ramblings and conspiracy theories put forth to obfuscate. I only watched clips of patriots who were defending the country and the constitution. It speaks volumes about how the Senate wants to keep it from the public, limiting press (even CSPAN) and holding it at hours that would keep viewers from tuning in. 

Moscow Mitch has said he would coordinate the trial with the WH. Jury tampering at it's finest, and it shows that they don't give a lick about justice, oaths, or laws, just victory. However what I feel is that they will rush this through, acquit as most have predicted, and then the truth will start becoming more and more evident to those who have been previously holding onto the Faux News pablum that this is not partisan and has everything to do with abuse of power issues/crimes and treason that the founders feared when they wrote the impeachment clauses. I still hold on to the dream I had and posted here back in 2016-shortly after the election. I heard clearly that Hillary was president. So, I will not be surprised that besides the funding from Russia they'll find in Rumplethinskin's taxes and business papers, they'll eventually find there was more Russian participation in our elections than just social media influence. 

I know many -including other psychics I read elsewhere, see him leaving by resignation instead of by impeachment.  I appreciate many seeing him falling silent. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish ill on anyone. I don't mind him taking down all the other politicians who are inept and/or corrupt on his way out the door. They need to go, and the sooner the better. What worries me is that unless he's silenced in some way, he'll be one of the largest national security threats we've ever faced. We've seen it time and again-just recently he went off script when talking about Iran, and chose to disclose top secret info - such as we had hypersonic weapons. It was long suspected, but if anyone other than the president had let that slip, they'd loose their clearances and more. He's vindictive, and he'll sell what information he has (that which he's actually retained) to the highest bidder. The narcissist can't resist, they have to trash those who have rejected them or exposed them, or to exact revenge in some manner. I hope the dems will  include a non-disclosure agreement which will cancel his non-prosecution clause as part of his resignation deal. This may be why many of you see him going silent (at least publicly), but I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him to stay silent through back channels. This is why I feel it is so imperative to get rid of him before the election, not with the election. 

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Thought I'd finally chime in. I'm a beginning intuitive, have been feeling my guides and Angels my whole life, just didn't acknowledge it. I am all in now! I have been just taking psychic tools classes at a reputable center here in San Diego. Living it. I break into spontaneous laughter all the time as I notice signs and signals  

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And for the impeachment of Donald Trump-- not watching and no interest. It's just a play within a play in the Theatre of the Absurd. 

And we already know how the story ends. But for those of you drawn to trainwrecks perhaps hoping you can contribute positive energies or wanting or hoping to bring in miracles, enjoy the play by play of another rigged mud wrestling match and practice your coping skills.

Witnesses do serve a purpose in history after all ???

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