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[Closed] The Impeachment of Donald Trump

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Bolton and another guy asked the courts to clarify if they should follow t* or if the subpoena takes precedent over a command from IQ45. My husband said this has already been decided that the Congressional subpoenas takes precedent over orders from the WH when it is an impeachment. If the courts says that the subpoena is tops, maybe some of the whitehouse losers may come forward to keep their butts out of jail. I do believe there is a prediction that many of t** minions will be find or jailed once he is out of office. 

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My "non intuitive" guess is that these guys will testify.  Why?  Because they now know they are all implicated, and each of them is a ruthless, cutthroat without an ounce of loyalty to others.  It will truly be "every man for himself" and they will rush to Congress to be the first in line to get their stories out there.

Sondland showed how the game is now played.  Throw others under the bus to take the spotlight off you.

I suspect Bolton will want to go first, to try to cement his "good guy" image, even though Sondland just implicated him on this too. 

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 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️Fiona Hill ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

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He's Just a Gurl Who'll Quid Pro Quo is Randy Rainbows latest music video.

He has been such a bright spot during these past few years.

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@lovendures, thank you thank you thank you!!  I really needed to see that.  Just love RR!

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This is very good news for checks and balances.  Hopefully The Supremes agree.

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I loved how it said Presidents are not Kings?? I know T thinks he is.  

"Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings," Jackson said. 

"To make the point as plain as possible ... with respect to senior-level presidential aides, absolute immunity from compelled congressional process simply does not exist," Jackson wrote.

"Indeed," she added, "absolute testimonial immunity for senior-level White House aides appears to be a fiction that has been fastidiously maintained over time through the force of sheer repetition in (Office of Legal Counsel) opinions, and through accommodations that have permitted its proponents to avoid having the proposition tested in the crucible of litigation."

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I love how T and his boot kissers complain how T does not have representation at the heading and how it was hidden and they wanted more transparency. Ok Democrats give them what “they want” and make the hearings public. The boot lickers complain after they realized maybe not a good idea since it ain’t looking good for them. Next T complains on and on how he has no representation so him or his attorney can be there. What now oh they will not be part of it. Geez what they really want is for all this to go away and guess what nope.

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The Mueller Report is about to rise again.  Just in time because it is now illustrated, comic book style!  It makes it all so clear. Here is is:

Chapter 1: This Russia Thing is Far from Over.  It clarifies what had previously been confusing.

Chapter 2. The President Fires the FBI Director

Chapter 3. Muller's Arrival Pushes Trump to the Brink.

Chapter 4: Trump Turns to Loyalty For Help

Chapter 5: Maybe I'll Have to Get Rid of Him

Chapter 6: The President Goes After Witnesses

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Did you read that G is no longer allowed on Fox because of the  “insurance” that he has on T.

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This isn't in response to any of the previous comments on this thread,  but I'm watching the Judiciary's impeachment hearing right now and feeling so discouraged. The Republican counsel (Collins) is questioning the Republican witness (Prof. Turley), and everything they're saying is designed to muddy the waters and cast doubt and obfuscate, and it just makes me so angry. I feel like justice will never be done- all of the brave men and women who have come forward to testify have done so only for their testimony to be shot down by Republicans who are either in on this Russia/Trump thing up to their necks (Nunes) or Republicans who are just selfish and/or ignorant. Who knows, maybe they're all in bed with Russia(?) and there are no Repubs who are just ignorant of the facts, but all three branches of government have now been corrupted by Trump appointees, and Fox News is still alive and well, and I'm trying so hard not to lose hope. Can anyone (please) remind me that this will all work out or something?? Ugh...

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NO - but thanks for the link!  ? 

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I feel for you right now. I am so glad you reached out here. I am surrounding you with heart strength.  And as well, I am sending heart strength to the brave men and women who are working to bring down tyranny. 

Unlike you, I do not watch the GOP ever, on tv, on the computer or on the radio.  On the one hand, I wish I could stomach them,  since I could send strength to the other side as it is happening, if I did watch. But I do not watch because the energy of bullies, liars and thieves is a parasitic energy.  They channel the energy of vampires.  As an empath, that energy gets across my boundaries and takes something from me that I need to keep. 

Nelysthealchemist, I take the long view on all of this. Good will win, although I can't say it wins the minds of half of the U.S. right now.  We can't know the outcome of the Impeachment in a way that is certain. If you hang your hopes on that outcome, then you set yourself up for an emotional crash.  What I do know is that the energy is building up for a huge GOP/DT crash at some point. And no matter what the GOP people say, Donald Trump has been exposed.    And more is coming.

People who care to listen are seeing first hand the way a criminal works.  I can't put my hopes in the impeachment as far as getting rid of DT. I don't want to cling to that outcome.  I know however that he has been weakened in the eyes of half this country and most of the world.  I know that the youth in this country are rising and coming of age and the majority of them will not tolerate him or the party he represents. I see a level of pushback from college students that I have not seen since the 1960's.  I feel there will be some GOP shenanigans in the fall of 2020, but a blue wave is in the works. 

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Guiliani traveled to the Ukraine to help defend the President. He means bribe them. Isn’t Guiliani in trouble enough? He has to make it up to T for saying that he has “insurance” if T rolls on him. He really wants to be back on Fox and on T good graces

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Posted by: @jeanne-mayell


I feel for you right now. I am so glad you reached out here. I am surrounding you with heart strength.  And as well, I am sending heart strength to the brave men and women who are working to bring down tyranny. 

Unlike you, I do not watch the GOP ever, on tv, on the computer or on the radio.  On the one hand, I wish I could stomach them,  since I could send strength to the other side as it is happening, if I did watch. But I do not watch because the energy of bullies, liars and thieves is a parasitic energy.  They channel the energy of vampires.  As an empath, that energy gets across my boundaries and takes something from me that I need to keep. 

Nelysthealchemist, I take the long view on all of this. Good will win, although I can't say it wins the minds of half of the U.S. right now.  We can't know the outcome of the Impeachment in a way that is certain. If you hang your hopes on that outcome, then you set yourself up for an emotional crash.  What I do know is that the energy is building up for a huge GOP/DT crash at some point. And no matter what the GOP people say, Donald Trump has been exposed.    And more is coming.

People who care to listen are seeing first hand the way a criminal works.  I can't put my hopes in the impeachment as far as getting rid of DT. I don't want to cling to that outcome.  I know however that he has been weakened in the eyes of half this country and most of the world.  I know that the youth in this country are rising and coming of age and the majority of them will not tolerate him or the party he represents. I see a level of pushback from college students that I have not seen since the 1960's.  I feel there will be some GOP shenanigans in the fall of 2020, but a blue wave is in the works. 

Thank you so much for responding, Jeanne- this is so reassuring to read. It's probably a good idea for me to take a break from news, hearings, etc., as obsessive as I've been about following what's been happening lately. I felt sick with rage whenever one of the GOP congressmen spoke during the hearing yesterday. I'm sure it's not good for me and I find that the feelings threaten to spill over into my interactions with others. 

Your responses and this forum in general have been a godsend to me. Years ago I was much more in tune with my intuition. My sister and mother helped me to discover a kind of "gift" that I had; they would think of a person they knew and I would be able to "see" the person they were thinking of and describe every detail about them that came to mind. I would often "see" a challenge that they were currently facing in their lives, or something significant in their pasts that were affecting them in the present. Soon enough, my sister had been telling her friends about what I could do and they would ask her to ask me to give them a short reading, so I did that for a little while. There were some really funny things that I would see during this time- one morning, I had the most vivid image of my sister walking into a building in NYC, wearing heels (I described every detail of what I saw to her when I spoke with her later), and she tripped on her heels and spilled her coffee, and this struck me as extremely funny. I spoke with her later in the morning and the first thing I said was, "were you embarrassed when you tripped and spilled your coffee in the lobby this morning?" She was shocked that I had seen what had happened in such detail and we had a good laugh. Anyway, all of this is to say that I have tried to shut this off since my cousin's death, largely because I had seen and sensed his death for years prior, and I didn't want to know anything anymore. I decided to tell my therapist about it yesterday for the first time and described how I'm so fearful now that I have turned off my intuition and can no longer tell the difference between something I "see" and a fearful thought/vision that I'm having. As a result of shutting myself off and deciding that everything I had seen was coincidental, I have also shut myself off from faith or belief in anything that can't be proven with tangible evidence/facts, so I have been struggling with a lack of spiritual connection as well. I also told her that I knew all of it sounded crazy, but she didn't question it or make me feel crazy (haha!). I still can't believe some of the things that I saw and was able to do, so I checked in with my sister ("remember when?") and she was like, "I wish you would allow yourself to see again." Apparently some of the things that I had seen really helped people that she knew- they had shared this with her and she wanted me to know. Anyway, sorry for the extremely off-topic post, but I just wanted to take the time to thank you and share how helpful you and the forum have been to me and how I'm learning to make peace with my intuition. 


This morning, I was thinking that, even if Trump is impeached in the House and not the Senate (and not removed from office) and somehow wins the election in 2020, maybe the Dems will end up having control of both the House and Senate and could essentially render him impotent, which would explain why I keep feeling that he's still there somehow in 2021 but has somehow faded into the background(?). Even this sort of outcome might be one of the better possibilities, since it will render him powerless and would ultimately render the GOP powerless as well. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens with Fat Joffrey (my current favorite nickname for him)!

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Thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences as an intuitive.  I feel that this could become a new thread.  It’s not all sunlight and roses, is it?  I’m so grateful for my intuitive experiences, for my intuitive self when I can help people or connect with friends in a profound way.  It also helps me understand people and situations.  On the other hand, I also see the darkness and ugliness, too.  It’s a growing experience to look behind someone’s bad behavior and come to understand why they behave as they do.  Loving kindness (and Jeanne’s meditation on that topic) is the answer for me.  

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She gave the green light. 

Attachment removed

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Posted by: @bluebelle


Thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences as an intuitive.  I feel that this could become a new thread.  It’s not all sunlight and roses, is it?  I’m so grateful for my intuitive experiences, for my intuitive self when I can help people or connect with friends in a profound way.  It also helps me understand people and situations.  On the other hand, I also see the darkness and ugliness, too.  It’s a growing experience to look behind someone’s bad behavior and come to understand why they behave as they do.  Loving kindness (and Jeanne’s meditation on that topic) is the answer for me.  

Thank you for your response! I agree this might be a good topic for a new thread (I know my previous reply ended up off-topic :P). I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been burned by previous intuitive experiences and ended up feeling afraid of their own intuition/trying to turn it off and forget about it...

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