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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Wisteriacats, I think most of us know it's possible to see lots of different things in a chart. I frankly admire your honesty for posting what you saw.

The most incredible astrologer I knew told me that he probably wouldn't stay in office. Now, unfortunately, she passed away very suddenly and never expanded on this or studied it very much.  Everything she ever told me about myself and what would happen was correct. But the stars impel, they do not compel, so perhaps things will change.

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Jeanne, this summer I'm the art teacher at a kids' sleep-away camp 2 hours outside L.A. and I'll just be finishing the last class at 5:00 PST on the 2nd.  The cell phone reception at camp is erratic at best. However, as quickly as possible I plan to find a quiet spot under a tree (and at a distance from the fun chaos of campers) to participate in your healing-our-country meditation the old-fashioned way=closing my eyes and inwardly focusing on connecting with the group's energy.  I look forward to it.

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CDeanne, You will bring such good energy. Thank you.

 Bernie from Australia, a member of our community  emailed me a couple of days ago hoping we would do something like this.  She is concerned about  Iran and the US.  So am I.

 I am grateful to anyone who joins us either on Tuesday or on their own to send healing and peace.   

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Yesterday women who read about the no diapers etc. went to a detention center and were not allowed to leave anything.

I do not understand why we as a country are allowing this to go on. I don't care about this moron being a conduit for change - what about these kids that they're trying to starve and infect out of existence?

You know, the Germans said they didn't know what was happening with the Jews, but they knew - I mean, where did they think their neighbors went. To me this is the same thing. This should be blasted on the front page of every newspaper in the country with enormous headlines. It has to stop.

I found out - maybe I posted this - I found the name of one group,, that supposedly gets into these centers. I don't know if I even believe that, but they've done some work. It's not enough. Why are we letting people make $700 a day PER CHILD to let them freeze and get sick? I don't understand. I don't want to live here. This isn't a democracy. This is a fascist country.

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I am with you Suspiro44.  I am with you.  

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Honestly, I don't really know.  I only saw the chart. It has a lot of very positive and powerful aspects. certainly doesn't mean that I "know."  I don't.  I merely tossed out what I saw and, generally, what it means. I have sometimes used a chart to give a psychic reading - for those who don't believe in psychics but will tolerate or have interest in a chart.

I had a boss who had a grandmother who was one of the founders of the Theosophical Society.  He didn't believe in psychics per se, so he'd ask me to read his chart.  I just used it as a way to focus, and then did a psychic reading.  There were predictions of who he would marry, where he would meet her and when.  (He was divorced and head of a large law enforcement agency; he did meet her, as shown, married and is still married.)  But because of his grandmother, he was open to a chart.  Honestly, if you have the psychic energy or whatever you want to call it, then it really doesn't matter if you use a piece of paper, a chart, look at a palm, or just hold a closed book.  

So, just ignore what I say.  I'm just theorizing with my own feelings.  My feelings can certainly be wrong, as I am not sitting with someone (I feel more comfortable being with a person  

I hold no handle on the future here.  It's just interesting to read the various reasons, insights and probabilities here. 

I'm here because it's fascinating to find so many people seeking answers and the various ways and styles that they do that.  I really find it amazing.  

The future can be malleable.  (Some things seem to be set in stone, but others seem to flow.)  So, it's very interesting to hear everyone's insight, how they received their insight, and the various aspects about particular questions.  I'm here because it is very interesting to see how other people use their intuition and to see similarities or differences.  It is a very curious process and it is fascinating to see how each individual comes to their decision/answer.  

I think it's an interesting group of like-minded people, and I enjoy hearing your opinions, thoughts, insights, and predictions.  It's fascinating.  Thanks for everyone's input, because it shows how many ways and means can help facilitate an answer.

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Cindy, I can relate to a great deal of what you wrote.  I have ancestors which were around a few years after Jamestown was founded and others that lived in Williamsburg and York.  When I visited those places I felt as if I was walking down the streets with my ancestors beside me.  In some cases I was drawn to a particular place and later found out that an ancestor had a connection to that place as well.  

I marvel at the courage and strength it took to live in those times and make the choices they made.  My ancestors overwhelmingly supported the Patriot cause during the American revolution, mostly fought for the Union in the Civil War but also against each other in some cases.  They owned slaves and were killed by Indians.  I also had a recent Elizabeth Warren moment when my mother discovered through DNA testing that her 5x's great grand parents were  Native American and  African.  The child of this  Native American and African ancestor fought for the US in the War of 1812.  His parents were both freed as  slaves by a man who on his own, decided it was against what was written in the Bible to own slaves.  That amazes me.  This former slave owner  also convinced others to free their slaves as well.

 We are all connected.  

It would seem quite possible  that one day, my/our future generations will be descended from people that survived our current migrant concentration camps, the Hiroshima bombing, or the Syrian War.  How will our future descendants look back on their ancestors?  Upon us?

Yes, the things that we do, large and small do make a difference.


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And here we go again:

This administration has no shame.

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I believe it was Bluebelle who predicted recently that the mistreatment of children would cause the GOP to finally break away from that monster. I just saw a picture of a father and child who drowned trying to cross into the US, because they'd been turned away at a point of entry. Here is a link, but be warned, the picture is disturbing:

I don't know how much more of this we can take. Whatever your views on immigration, desperate people fleeing violence should not be treated this way. I hope this father and daughter's deaths won't be in vain. Please pray for the suffering people who are fleeing their homes only to find cruelty in our country.

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Democracy Now! just did a segment on that children's facility that is beyond horrifying.  PBS and the Associated Press have also reported on it. I copied the links and some of the reports in the thread we now have on the Migrant Situation.    I'm on the phone tomorrow morning to my congressional delegation, the White House, NPR and anyone who needs to know that we will not stand for this. 

Here's a lawyer who visited the facility reporting to Judy Woodruff on PBS News Hour: 

  • "Basically, what we saw are dirty children who are malnourished, who are being severely neglected. They are being kept in inhumane conditions. They are essentially being warehoused, as many as 300 children in a cell, with almost no adult supervision.
  • We have children caring for other young children. For example, we saw a little boy in diapers — or he had no diapers on. He should have had a diaper on. He was 2 years old. And when I was asked why he didn't have diapers on, I was told he didn't need it.
  • He immediately urinated. And he was in the care of another child. Children cannot take care of children, and yet that's how they are trying to run this facility. The children are hardly being fed anything nutritious, and they are being medically neglected.
  • We're seeing a flu outbreak, and we're also seeing a lice infestation. It is — we have children sleeping on the floor. It's the worst conditions I have ever witnessed in several years of doing these inspections."

Lynn, yes, Bluebelle saw this coming in some visions.  She has had her pulse on this situation for a while now. She had seen (don't have exact words but something like: Republicans turning against Trump. Something happens. Children died. It could have been prevented. (Bluebelle) And in another visioning session she saw Children will be released from internment camps." (Bluebelle)  I pray her visions will completely come true.  What's come true so far is that children are dying and those deaths are preventable, and also that children are being moved, not released and then moved back again.  

It remains to be seen if the Republicans will find this horrific enough or not for their taste.


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Lovendures, there's a sense of pride in finding such things in our heritage-but there's also the double edged  sword. We found no history of slave ownership in our family, but I did feel the pangs of knowing the lands my ancestors fought for were taken from those who occupied it previously-even tho there's nothing to show that my ancestors directly did so, we helped to make it permanent. It's a shame to have such pride reduced to being one of many who considered leaving the country after the election. My son and I discussed it, and then thought better of it. We'd stay and fight in which ever ways we could. 

Speaking of fights, they're just getting started. Hold on boys and girls, the ride is just about to start. The Dems are finally starting to take action instead of sitting on their hands. I had my hands full with the folks yesterday, so I didn't get the chance to post Rep. Jim Hime's press release from Monday. It's a step in the right direction. Then this morning I find that July 17 (the 23rd anniversary of my daughter's death) will now go down in history as well. Mueller will testify in public on that day in front of the house. 

I also loved that yesterday a judge ruled that the Dem's emoluments lawsuit can go forward. He says the Dems are entitled to get Mango's financial information. 

And it's only Wednesday morning. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, isn't it? 


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God Bless you always, Cindy.

Always holding you and Monica in my heart. The 23rd Anniversary of her death is numerically significant to me and in my world. From the psalm on.

At one point a dear friend I was helping (decades ago and in all ways energetically, making arrangements, setting up memorialized funds and caring for his house, yard and pets)  through the horrific death of his wife and 12 year old daughter my and my daughter's best friendsl was given incredible synchronistic occurrences of the number 23 over and over every single day while in Canada traveling to ease his grief in places they had loved traveling.

Imagine every single place you go having the number 23 show up. Your signs and visions may be different but they will come as they always have for you and do even now with this date. 

My mother collected anything having to do with mother and child...always, daughters in her prints, cards, figurines, etc. 

And now that energy is in my heart in all ways, forever 

Yes, with Mueller agreeing to testify the shift is beginning!

BREAKING NEWS: Mueller agrees to testify in Congress next month in PUBLIC | Daily Mail Online



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Great news yesterday about Mueller testifying! Maybe now the Mueller-bashing can stop.

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I've been lurking for a long time. I love the forum here. Personally, I'm more of an empath than anything else, but I'm getting this feeling Trump is going to be around much longer than we all want.  At least physically. I did have a question. I couldn't really find anything on the net. Does anyone know if a sitting president can delay an election if martial law is imposed? I have a psychic friend who has had visions of riots in the streets and martial law possibly taking effect.  She's been very accurate over the years. I think something happens where chaos hits. Almost like a trifecta of events in a season/short time span. I'm not sure it's my imagination, but I can see the orange one declaring martial law and then delaying the election. Or maybe he is reelected and then that's when the riots start and martial law is imposed. 

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Carol welcome to our community.  From the beginning of Trump's presidency, I felt he was capable of using martial law to go from president to president for life.  I wrote about it early on, not that he'd stay in office that way, but that he'd use martial law to eliminate freedoms, like the free press and whatever he feels is necessary to stay on top and avoid being held accountable.  I have mentioned Erik Prince as someone who has access to a mercenary army.  I am not predicting this outcome, but yes, I feel Trump is capable of it. 

A few weeks ago he said let it slip that he was thinking about doing what China's president did - declare himself president for life.  It was reported widely in the press and here from CNN:

"Speaking about China's President Xi Jinping, who led the charge to repeal the country's term limits law last month, Trump said this:
"'He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day.'"

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This has been my exact feeling Carol. :-( 

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He's planning it. Has been for a long time.

Out of the WH=prison, and he knows it.

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Jeanne, I remember reading that you saw a man in military dress on a horse around the elections. I immediately had a sinking sensation and felt a deep possibility of it happening. 

Thanks Perriwinkle and Polarberry for confirmation. Sometimes I think I’m going nuts. I can’t really talk to other people other than one close friend on this because they’ll just look at me strangely. Lol

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Jeanne, will it ever happen?

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The man in military dress on the horse was a vision I had for the 2025 Inauguration. Someone suggested that I might have been seeing a symbol for a dark horse candidate and it had nothing to do with a military takeover. 

Enkasongwriter, I don't know if it will happen. I believe they have to get DT out.  He is a dangerous man. Someone in their latest prediction which I will be posting Monday, said she felt something coming on the Ides of March this year. Well, I hope she's correct that finally the Congress comes to its senses and passes something that prevents DT from becoming president for life. The Ides of March are when Roman Senators took down Caesar who had just announced he was going to become president for life. 

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