The Unraveling -- D...
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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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well, I think there are a few - a real few - but a few Republicans who know that if there's no trial, no documents, not witnesses, that it will look bad.  It will look lik Ye a cover-up.  Now, I'm not sure why they think something wonderful is going to happen during a trial - maybe all the witnesses will commit perjury. 

I have to say the news today about the talk to get rid of Yovanovitch was terrifying. It was a like a plan for a mob hit. They apparently had people following her and threatening her, and the article said it was no wonder she was gotten out in the middle of the night. For some reason this kind of treachery is okay with some people. I think it's scary. The administration obviously won't hesitate to kill off anyone in their way. One thing I'd love to see is Twitler turn on Giuliani because I think then Rudy will get very ugly indeed.

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If you haven't seen the game-changing interview with Rachel Maddow and Lev Parnas, go straight to YouTube and watch it now.  It's staggering.  According to Lev, "It was never about corruption.  It was strictly about Burisma, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden." He also nailed Barf, Nunes, Pence, Ghouliani and some attorneys at Fox. (I can't remember their names.)  Buh-bye you guys.  There's just too much toothpaste out of the tube now.  Nothing but gratitude to Rachel and Lev, who apparently doesn't appreciate being thrown under the bus and painted as the lone-wolf bad guy by you-know-who and gang.  This was the first seriously hopeful day in a while.  Unraveling indeed!  

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It makes you wonder about Epstein? I am sure Pelosi has even more damaging info on T and company and just is waiting to drop it at crucial moment in the trial you know during the trial. 

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On Pod Save America last week, the guys commented that they feel that "time has become flat, circular and never ending".  I think that sums it up well. Feels like things are spinning faster, but like we're not really moving forward fast enough.

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@Bluebelle and @VestraLux

My ears perked up when I heard that Putin was trying to solidify his power with an eye to making it for an indefinite term. I threw a card to see what that was all about and got the 9 of disks (from the Thoth deck) and although, I am still new at this, got the feeling that it indicates that he was completing a plan long in the works and that the phrase “what goes around, comes around” applies to this. My sense was that his plans may not go as he has envisioned them. 

@KB I watched the Parnas/Maddow interview and wow was that crazy and very incriminating for all of the usual suspects!

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Oh the fall out are starting from G “client” interview with Maddow. Who knows what will happen but Ukraine wants to investigate since it’s a violation to spy on Ambassadors.  

"Ukraine's interior ministry has said it is opening a criminal investigation into the possible illegal surveillance of Marie Yovanovitch while she was the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.

"The ministry in a statement said police had opened the investigation in light of text messages released by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee between two associates of President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani."

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The most disturbing thing to me regarding Marie Yovanovitch was the implied willingness to kill her.... I felt reading that transcript they would have "taken her out" if asked.  My take on Parnas is that he is making public all of this as a hope of insurance to protect his life.... not so much as making a deal to lessen his charges.... He saw what happened to Epstein - over a period of months. I feel even more shocking information is going to be revealed before this play is over and the main actors removed from the stage.

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I saw Rachel's show and her commentary afterwards about how she felt like this interview wasn't really going to happen, until it did. She told Lawrence O'Donnell she was up all night. Lawrence asked her why she thinks Lev agreed to come on her show. She told Lawrence that Lev told her it was his way of keeping himself safe (he didn't want to be killed he inferred).

For the past two years I've listened to multiple psychics, astrologers etc. and my own self and they have all said they saw him being impeached but that he left not because the Senate would impeach him, but rather he would resign. Yet no one saw Pence becoming POTUS. Well according to Lev, he not only implicated the Orange nightmare and Ghouliani, but also Pence!

As the A team guy used to say "Ah, I love it when a plan comes together"! 

Hope this all sticks like glue to this mafioso gang!....

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Thanks for your insights. I was thinking about you during the recent eclipse and other energetically powerful astrological events. I could only contemplate how long it might take for it to manifest for T.  And presto, it was seamless. 

Dark days ahead for him and his cohorts. Karma has arrived. 

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I just did my daily meditation and got the following: 

I saw a sea of people in front of the WH. They are pointing, stomping and chanting “We will, we will, stop you!” (to the tune of “We will Rock You). The atmosphere is like at a carnival or a sporting event - almost celebratory. I see Barr covering his face and trying to hide, Devin N. looks angry and Pence looks afraid. I didn’t see the president at all this time.

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I watched Rachel's interview with Lev Parnas last night.  Fascinating.  Part 2 is tonight.  

@triciact, I also never saw Pence becoming President.  I sensed him coming and going, like a shadow or ghost.  Also felt that T**** would leave the WH for another reason (i.e., I saw his impeachment, but the Senate wouldn't convict him.)  Nikki Haley still makes me nervous.  Still seeing Rethugs meeting (plotting?) with her behind the scenes.  I'm concerned because I'm not feeling any strong Democratic presence in the Presidential field.

@baba, love the "We will, we will, stop you!"   Do you (or anyone else) have any further impressions about Barr?  I'm more concerned about his thuggery than anyone in this gang of thieves.   As head of this country's law enforcement, BB is really bad news.  He's already caused some major damage. 




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I understand your nervousness about her too. I feel they are having her in the wings to use if they need a backup plan because of T and Pence. It's obvious that the Mooch is hitching his wagon to hers. However, I have asked (again today) if a democratic candidate will be POTUS in 2021 and got a resounding yes from my pendulum. I also asked my Rider Waite Tarot cards the same question - pulled 3 cards (yes or no) and got another resounding YES: Ace of Wands, 3 of Pentacles and the Star. Of course I'm hoping I'm right!? 

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@triciact, sounds good to me -- I'll take it!  I also like your Tarot confirmation.   I can't use my pendulum very often, because my emotions frequently get in the way.  Only when I have zero attachment am I able to get an accurate reading.   


Lilinoe, Jeanne Mayell, raindrop and 11 people reacted
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So here we are.  Now the Senate is in charge of the impeachment trial.   I don't doubt that (1) McConnell will do everything he can to save Trump, (2) Trump supporters will try to make this into a circus, (3) Trump will do more and more outrageous things and/or more rallies to discourage us and to show the world that he is above the law, and (4) the Republicans, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, will refuse to vote to impeach Trump, giving him permission to break more laws and sacrifice America's security whilst doing it.

So why do I still feel that something big is about to happen?

I don't know why, but I truly feel that there is someone out there (the Democrats, the Never-Trumpers, one of the millions of people who hate Trump because he betrayed him, etc.) who is coordinating their attack plan.  I think that Pelosi knows that the Republicans will not follow their oath and refuse to impeach Trump, so she delayed handing the impeachment articles over.  However, I don't believe that the reason she did so was to bring attention to the fact that McConnell planned to do a fake trial and acquit Trump.  I think that someone (or several someones) have reached out to her to let her know that they have evidence of yet more wrongdoing.  But there is no point in releasing the evidence all at once, because Fox News and the Conservative Crazies will just deny everything and wait until the outrage died down.

But what if the proof is released bit by bit?  By doing this, you force the Republicans to constantly be on the defensive.  Every few days, someone releases a new revelation.  One day it may be proof that the Russians paid Trump to do something.  The next day it may be a text where Trump planned a hit on someone.  The next day, it may be a partial release of his taxes.  And so on.

A rock is not worn away in a sudden flood.  Instead, it takes a steady stream of water and time.  I think that is what Pelosi and her allies are doing now.  And I don't think we have come to the biggest revelations yet.

No wonder Trump has a vendetta against toilets.  And washing machines.  And sinks.  He can hear karma coming to get him one bit at a time.  Drip, drip, drip.

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Don't forget dishwashers.  He and all the dirty republicans will do anything to avoid coming clean.

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Many predictions about tapes. I can't help but wonder if Pelosi and Schiff are planning on releasing tapes during the trial.

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I think we may watch the Twitler/Giuliani scenario play out. CNN just did a live update where Twitler is now saying he doesn't "know anything" about Giuliani's letter to Zelensky.  He will throw Rudy under the bus without hesitation.  Of course, he is sugar-coating his letter comment with lots of fluffy flattery so it doesn't look like he's distancing himself, but surely Rudy can read between the lines?  Just like Guiliani's "insurance" comment.  No honor among thieves.

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It is my understanding that there will be no cameras in the senate chambers during the impeachment trial. And the press cannot record since no phones or electronic devices are allowed in. Am I correct about this? 

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I can’t wait until his buddy (T) starts to throwing him under the bus more and more. I suspect he will have to distance himself more and more from G and what about that insurance he has on T. He should have listened to Cohen. I hope they don’t arrest G. Look at T other friend Epstein. You see what happened to him.

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Jessi, agree.  It's just a matter of who turns on whom first.

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