Jeanne Mayell Intuitive Wisdom Forum2022-03-27T22:45:03-04:00
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Sessions Fired: Trump/Whitaker Versus Mueller What will Happen?

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Stargazer, the moment I saw the card you drew, I shouted, "Robert Mueller's sun is at 14-degrees of LEO!" Then I got to the last line of your post and wanted to hug you.

It's also interesting that precisely 18 months ago, the last time the Lunar Nodes changed signs, the North Node moved into Leo, meaning the South Node entered Aquarius. That day, Donald Trump fired James Comey, setting off the Special Counsel's investigation and the appointment of Robert Mueller. 

The Lunar Nodes changed signs again on Tuesday as we all woke to vote in the MidTerms. This week, Trump forced Jeff Sessions out. All of this and more tells me that our solar lion, Robert Mueller, is the spear at the tip of the arrow trembling in the bow of the American spirit, and that no matter what may happen to blunt or delay his course, he won't fail. I say this because when I look at him, I see a crown of white eagle feathers. No man is without flaw, but I believe that one's spirit was fated for this path long before we were called the United States of anything.

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Posted by: Jeanne Mayell

Anyone who destroys evidence can be prosecuted and jailed for years.  It’s a serious federal crime. 

USA Today reporting on Trump appointing Whitaker.  Ranking Democrats that oversee the justice dept demanded Whitaker and justice officials preserve all records on the Mueller probe and firing of Sessions.  They stated that concealing, removing, or destroying records may constitute a crime, may result in immediate disqualification from holding a federal position, and may be punishable by up to three yrs in prison.

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Good idea Michele.

Jeanne, I never looked at protests this way: sharing energy makes it even more powerful.  I should have seen that.

Stargazer, Vestralux, 2 nights ago I meditated on what was going on in the US this week.  A lot of what you said came through within me.  I saw sticks with light at their points.  Which is why I wrote the post about centering ourselves and sending light and prayers for Mueller.    Also the song Buffalo Girl came to mind from What a wonderful life.  The only lyrics  and music I know and that kept coming back are "and dance by the light of the moon".  That is all I know of that song, so it's strange for it to come to mind.

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Lol, Bright Opal, I just watched "Buffalo Girls" the other night (the older version of the movie with Anjelica her!) and that song sticks in my mind too.




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{{{Vestralux}}}... the imagery that you can conjure from your visions is so beautiful, I am in awe. I see Mueller in much the same way... a very old soul incarnated here to share this monumental pivot point with all of us. It makes me sad to see the monumental toll it has wreaked on him tho..... we should indeed be sending him all the pure love and light that we can muster..... and maybe some Dom Perinon?


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Did I really misspell 'Dom Perignon'?

Walk of shame.......

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Bluebell, Oh. My. God. Your post hit me like a cannonball to the heart. It's been several days since I've visited this site, and although I rarely post, I've followed this forum obsessively since right before the 2016 elections. The morning after Kavanaugh was confirmed, I had just dropped my kids off at  daycare, and was still listening to their toddler Pandora station when a live version of "The Sound of Silence" started playing unexpectedly (not exactly a toddler jam). I recognized it as a message from spirit, because they often communicate with me through song. When Paul Simon shouted "Fools! Said I, you do not know, silence like a cancer grows," I started crying hysterically and hyperventilating. It got so bad that I pulled over because I felt like I was going to pass out. Fascinating to see you getting the same message. I think the meaning is obvious.

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Posted by: Bright Opal

Good idea Michele.

Jeanne, I never looked at protests this way: sharing energy makes it even more powerful.  I should have seen that.

Stargazer, Vestralux, 2 nights ago I meditated on what was going on in the US this week.  A lot of what you said came through within me.  I saw sticks with light at their points.  Which is why I wrote the post about centering ourselves and sending light and prayers for Mueller.    Also the song Buffalo Girl came to mind from What a wonderful life.  The only lyrics  and music I know and that kept coming back are "and dance by the light of the moon".  That is all I know of that song, so it's strange for it to come to mind.

Bright Opal - how many sticks? I ask because Robert Mueller is known to his peers as "Bobby 3-Sticks".

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Yes2maybe, wow! How powerful. I love this synchronicity so much.

When I read BlueBelle's post, I went and reread the lyrics and felt astonished. It's a song we've all heard thousands of times, but it felt as though they'd been freshly written by some kind of incredible collective force.

Songs are definitely Spirit's version of "sliding into your DMs" all sudden and unexpected like. Can't even count how many times I've had to pull over and cry simply from astonishment.


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Wow, Yes2Maybe.  How interesting that you receive messages through music, too.  Whenever I wake to a song repeating in my mind, I pay attention to lyrics.  Usually, this happens near dawn during that state between sleep and wakefulness and the messages are personal.  On the other hand, if I wake in the middle of the night to something like this, it’s even more compelling and more significant on a national scale.  

Once I had a song message that was deeply reassuring to me on a personal level and I thought about it often.  I nearly fell over when I walked into a restaurant during that time and the same song and exact lyrics were playing just as I walked through the door.   How wonderful to receive these messages.  I have such gratitude.  Thank you for sharing your experience with “The Sound of Silence.”  I’m reflecting on the mystery of that and sending you love and positive energy.  

 By the way, during my savasana meditation today, I asked what was going to happen to Trump.  The answer was “he’s going to destroy himself.”  

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BlueBelle, I love how your circadian rhythm (brain wave patterns, sense of time?—so many possibilities...) seems to be involved for you in distinguishing personal from collective messages. It's beautiful to me.

In the months after my father died, I repeatedly dreamed that he and I were caught in a terrible storm together. In each of those dreams, I knew that he was dead, but somehow believed I needed to save him. Ultimately, there was too much wind or rain or some enormous crumbling structure, and we would become separated. I'd wake up desperate and anxious about all the ways I'd disappointed him in life.

Of course, the dreams were a reflection of my grief. My relationship with my dad had been painful for me, though I'd loved him terribly. Six months after he passed, he figured out how to do more than show up in my dreams. He was turning on faucets and a number of other things to get my attention. But I was still too ashamed and grief-stricken to get his actual message. Then literally out of nowhere, a friend called me and said, "Your dad wants you to listen to music."

She's not a medium or even a little psychic as far as I know, and that was all she said, but somehow I knew exactly what music he wanted me to play. 

When my dad was dying, he'd been listening to a particular CD on repeat. I wasn't familiar with the artist, but it obviously meant a lot to him. Someone was kind enough to give me that CD, and even though I'd only heard it when I'd seen him briefly, I knew instantly that it was the one. I also somehow knew exactly what song he intended me to play; my finger just kind of punched the buttons for me.

The song was Storm, by Fernado Ortega. [<--YouTube link]

These are the lyrics:

Sometimes it takes a storm to really know the light
The scent of rain, the weight of clouds pulling down the sky
Sometimes it takes a storm to know how you feel
To understand indigo and the varnished sun lighting up the fields
It takes the rain between the lines to know what sorrow finds
The way a cloud divides sometimes, the clearing and the blue, I love you
I was just passing through and taken by surprise
Between the black sky and the blue
Between the black sky and the blue, I love you
[ETA: If I'd ever heard this song while visiting, I had no memory of it, and definitely didn't know the words.]
At 3:19 am on April 19, 2006, I'd sat bolt upright in bed, suddenly wide away. A wild thunderstorm had just started in South Carolina. My father lived hundreds of miles away, but I knew in that instant that he had died.  
I later learned that it had been storming in Chicago at the same time.
When I played Ortega's song, I cried the kind of tears that wash you clean. It was the most healing personal release I've ever experienced. After that, he stopped turning on my faucets and hiding my keys. And I stopped experiencing the storm dreams in the same way. Now, they're messages about climate change, and often I become lucid in them, so I tend to get a lot of work done there. He sometimes shows up to help. 
On Tuesday morning, I had a dream just before I woke up. I was looking out over a grayish plane. It had a bunch of large tarot cards scattered on it. The toe of a large feminine foot was sliding them around randomly, sort of pushing them here and there. As I followed the leg upward to see who it belonged to, the body and face disappeared behind a brightly glowing orb of warm light. In my mind I thought, a star.
It was election morning but a lot more was on my mind astrologically speaking, related most of all to Bob Mueller (because the Lunar Nodes changed that day and they're very tied to him). It felt to me that the message of the dream was that, no matter what happens relative to our predictions, which are changeable in this time of high volatility—there's a strong message of hope (The Star in tarot) above it all. 

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Vestralux, I've been thinking about your post for several days now, absorbing this wonderful gift of connection with your father, the music, the storm imagery and the release of experiencing deep grief.  It's hard to reach the heights of life again until you've dealt with the depths of despair and found your peace.  What a wonderful, significant series of experiences brought you to connect with your Dad again.  It's deeply moving.  And isn't it interesting that you need a mind and spirit open to receive the messages and reassurance from the other side?  Many wouldn't be able to recognize the possibility.  

Regarding your dream about Mueller and the tarot cards, well I had chills upon reading it.  You've been posting on the site for several months, but I don't know if you were reading these posts months ago.  Back in March, I threw the cards for Mueller in a Celtic Cross spread.  I drew the Star for him then and marveled at it's significance because I had been pulling cards on Mueller for several months prior.  Every single time, I pulled the Star.  Chills.  Every once in a while, I go back and review that reading.  It continues to resonate.  We are seeing the same things about Mueller and we see Hope.  

Here's the earlier reading on Mueller:  

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03/18/2018 12:29 pm  


10 card, Celtic Cross spread for Robert Mueller, March 18

Significator: Ace of Swords
Challenge: Knight of Swords
Foundation: Hermit, Trumps
What graces him: Ace of Wands
The Past: The Universe, Trumps
What he is going into: The Star, Trumps
Something else about him: Four of Disks, Power
Environment: Prince of Disks
Hopes, dreams and fears: Eight of Swords, Interference
Outcome: Ten of Wands, Oppression

Further outcome in three months: Prince of Wands

Further outcome in six months: Five of Wands, Strife

After the firing of Andrew McCabe and Trump’s continued attacks on the FBI and threats towards Mueller, I asked my spirt guide to show me what is ahead for Mueller. The Ace of Swords is his significator card and appropriate description of the man’s intellectual brilliance and strength of mind. Mueller’s mind controls this investigation of like minded prosecutors who are committed to finding the truth despite the obstruction by the president. It’s not only the fate of one man at stake here, it’s the future of our government, it’s the sanctity of division of power at the highest levels, that balance of power that protects our democracy from would-be authoritarians. Mueller is protecting the rule of law. He recognizes the stakes and knows that his investigation may be the most important of his lifetime. He was meant for this role.

Mueller’s challenge is the Knight of Swords: because the width and complexity of his investigation involves so many different threads, Mueller’s job is to maintain focus throughout the examination of this web of duplicity, corruption and treasonous acts. His challenge is to develop a strategy to expose them all. At the same time, he has to protect the investigation itself from obstruction. He’s working with the attorney general of NY…if anything happens to Mueller, there are safeguards built in already. Besides the evidence secured within the investigation, that evidence is protected. Key evidence is already in the hands of the grand jury and in the hands of the NY attorney general.

The Foundation, The Hermit of Trumps signifies Mueller’s instinct for solitude and strength. His investigation does not leak. He does not share his innermost thoughts and strategy outside a very small, closely held group of prosecutors. They operate in private, away from prying eyes. Mueller and his staff are not glory seekers. They are honorable people engaged in the fight of their lives.

What graces Mueller is the Ace of Wands, or his intellectual acuity and search for truth. He is a man in full, at the height of his experience and power. He also has a spiritual side that strengthens him during this time. I don’t know his faith tradition, but believe he has one. He prays for guidance and strength now with the ferocity and fervor of his prayers long ago in Vietnam. Life or death issues. He is humbled by the burden of his task.

The Past card is The Universe, Trumps. Mueller is at the height of his profession now because of every case he prosecuted in his past. Every legal gambit, every legal strategy developed over the years is now his for the using. Mueller had already reached the level of mastery required for this investigation years ago. He’s learned from every failure, too.

What Mueller is going into: The Star, Trumps. Several weeks ago, I wrote Jeanne Mayell and told her that every time I throw cards for Mueller, the Star of Trumps comes up. The Star has been coming up for months now. Some how, some way, Mueller’s work is going to bear fruit. I always see him ascending, despite the ongoing maneuvering and threats from the president. Mueller is going to make a difference.

For something else about Mueller, the Four of Disks, Power comes up. Every time I look at this card, I see fortress-like power, a stronghold, sturdy defenses. Mueller is protecting his investigation and evidence in ways we cannot imagine. His security is impenetrable. There are many levels of evidence and much of it is duplicated and in safe hands. Yet no word leaks out, because his fortress is secure.

For environment, I threw the Prince of Disks. While Mueller and his team are aware of the outward threats approaching their investigation, they are unswayed from their work. They have laid their groundwork to hold regardless of political moves. They can see their objectives in the light now. Their paths are clear. They are not searching for the one piece of evidence to convict, they are searching for collaborating evidence. They want to tie up their case conclusively, no loose threads, just substantial corroborating evidence at every turn.

As for hopes, dreams and fears, the Eight of Swords, Interference, came up. Mueller knows the president has spent a lifetime fighting in the courts of law. Trump may lose again and again, but his nature is to always fight. Mueller recognizes this quality in his opponent. He would like to work, unobstructed, but knows that Trump will maneuver and use every bit of his power to block this investigation.

The Outcome card is Ten of Wands, Oppression. I see a wall of obstruction ahead for Mueller and yet at the same time, he’s not afraid. Mueller is ready for this. I don’t know why, but I don’t see Mueller ultimately failing. Instead I see him moving into turbulent waters. He expects it.

For further outcome, I threw a card for Mueller three months from now: The Prince of Wands. I see Mueller still in dominance, in strength.

For further outcome in six months, I threw the Five of Wands, Strife.  By September, there will still be strife ahead for Mueller and his investigation.  Trump is still fighting.  Turmoil for Mueller and his investigation will continue for months ahead.  I see him prepared for this even now.  This is not unexpected.

These are such interesting cards for Mueller: two Aces-of Wands and of Swords, powerful symbols of the mind; three Princes, all about strength of mind and energy; three Trump cards, including the Hermit, the Universe and the ever-present Star; the Knight of Swords as his mental challenge. Everything ending with the negative Sword Interference and negative Wand Oppression…and yet the Prince of Wands three months ahead. I remain optimistic even though there's strife ahead.

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Posted by: BlueBelle

It's hard to reach the heights of life again until you've dealt with the depths of despair and found your peace.


Regarding your dream about Mueller and the tarot cards, well I had chills upon reading it.  You've been posting on the site for several months, but I don't know if you were reading these posts months ago.  Back in March, I threw the cards for Mueller in a Celtic Cross spread.  I drew the Star for him then and marveled at it's significance because I had been pulling cards on Mueller for several months prior.  Every single time, I pulled the Star.  Chills.  Every once in a while, I go back and review that reading.  It continues to resonate.  We are seeing the same things about Mueller and we see Hope.  

Here's the earlier reading on Mueller:  

03/18/2018 12:29 pm  


10 card, Celtic Cross spread for Robert Mueller, March 18

Significator: Ace of Swords
Challenge: Knight of Swords
Foundation: Hermit, Trumps
What graces him: Ace of Wands
The Past: The Universe, Trumps
What he is going into: The Star, Trumps
Something else about him: Four of Disks, Power
Environment: Prince of Disks
Hopes, dreams and fears: Eight of Swords, Interference
Outcome: Ten of Wands, Oppression



I loved this so much. I took my time reading and rereading, and meditating on the symbolism and significance. Thank you for sharing it again. 

You said, "It's hard to reach the heights of life ... until you've dealt with the depths of despair and found your peace." To me, that describes the very essence of the Hero's Journey, which has brought us all here. Talk about a star of hope.✨

I only discovered this site in September, I think? So, I hadn't seen your posts months back, but what you've shared here both surprises me (in an exhilarating way) and yet doesn't surprise me at all. The way all profound synchronicities do. It's an ah, of course! I have notes on my own Robert Mueller tarot spreads from months ago that are nearly identical to yours here. And I've recently seen videos posted to YouTube by tarot readers from all over the country, many going back months, which are also very similar.

Many of us have been drawing the Ace of Swords (and the King of Swords) as a significator card for Mueller. And we have all been seeing The Star in his readings again and again, which I'd forgotten. I believe The Star signifies Lady Liberty, the spirit of our country—and her future.

We're all hanging our hopes on Mueller, but they aren't misplaced. There's a sense of higher destiny in what he's doing, which is about much more than the man. It's about the nature of our democracy, and therefore all of us. 

As I was reading your beautiful and divinely guided interpretation for your reading, I was struck by that Ace of Wands. Robert Mueller's sun is at 14-degrees of Leo, and as you said, he's at his zenith; he's activated personal mastery. This makes him a beautifully mature Leo, which is an energy of fire, action, and fulfillment of purpose. It's a connected activation between the solar plexus, the heart, and the throat chakras. This is realized in the King of Wands igniting the energy of the Ace of Wands. Leo is of course depicted by the lion, which brought to mind the character Aslan from C.S. Lewis' books about Narnia (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe).

I can't recall the last time I thought of those books, but in them, Aslan, a lion, is the one true king of Narnia. He is wise and noble and fierce. He's a ferocious fighter but he has kind eyes and a heart of mercy. Aslan embodies truth, justice, and honor. His aim is to bring down the tyrannical White Witch, and he ultimately sacrifices his life to do so, thereby saving his people. Ultimately, he's resurrected. (Aslan was C.S. Lewis' allegorical Christ figure.) 

I was a little put off writing this initially (I didn't want to paint anyone as some kind of Jesus Christ), but looking at it more deeply, Mueller—simply as a character in the broader context—does share certain messianic qualities. He appears to be self-sacrificing, above reproach, diligent in the pursuit of his cause, and most of all, he has millions of people placing their faith in him that he will save them (us) from Trump. I don't think our faith in him is entirely misplaced either, so long as we're also doing our part to save ourselves from the risk of further corruption. And owning all the ways we have supported corruption, especially in our consumer practices or simply by disengaging.

You beautifully described the The Hermit card and its meaning in the foundation position. When I see the Hermit, I see a wise elder who's survived the long journey through his own Dark Night and managed to integrate into consciousness whatever demons he discovered there. So, for me, the lamplight he's shining is not only symbolic of Mueller doing hard work in isolation and in secret to uncover the web of corruption in Trump's hornet's nest. It's also symbolic of the light which has been revealing all of our collective traumas in the last two years, catalyzed in no small part by Trump's presidency. Sexual assault and coercion. Racism. Etcetera. While it's painful to have our collective demons illuminated so clearly, the Wise Hermit knows it's necessary for our healing.

Finally, the card in the outcome position is the Ten of Wands. In your deck, this card is called Oppression, and I loved your interpretation there. So true.

Because the tens are the final card in each suit, they're always about completion. So, this card has traditionally signified both the burden of responsibility and the sheer labor that have been required in the pursuit of one's goal. The road has been hard, but because wands are about will, purpose, desire, and action, the culmination card (ten) is ultimately about harvest. Achievement.

Since you drew it in March, I'd say you got it just right. Spirit appeared to be indicating that Mueller is working very hard, and will continue to do so. His task is grueling, but the other cards in the reading tell us that he's up to it. Life has prepared him; he has mastery. And although he'll likely face the fight of his life, he has the strength of a lion. Not just any lion—a lion of a higher order. One wearing a crown, without ego or vindictiveness.

A lion sitting proudly at the serene feet of the goddess Libertas (Ishtar), overlooking New York Harbor. This vision brings a new card into the reading:

The Strength card - VIII. Sign of Leo. The crown is an infinity symbol. Strength is in Kabbalistic marriage to The Magician - I. Strength is about integrity and strength of character. Power-with rather than power-over.

I believe this image resonates powerfully with the original intention of the founders, who were Freemasons. Their vision was to manifest true Democracy, and it was a beautiful vision. But their manifestation was flawed because they were. 

I feel that what's happening today is necessary in order that the original vision can finally be made whole. 

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Hi Everyone. I decided to hold off reading all the things you've predicted  here about Mueller and first meditate on him and see what I get. I posted it here (and it's also listed as the first post on the footer of this page.

Now I'm going to eagerly read what you all wrote!  

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Decided to put my Muller v Trump post here. Sorry it's so wordy.  I get these visions and then words start coming. 

First words from spirit: He Knows. He knows it all.

  • Mueller knows the truth about Donald Trump and his cronies and enablers. There are no mysteries in his mind. He needs to move forward with prosecutions but that will be delayed by Whitaker. He also needs to interview Trump, but that will not ever happen.  I wish he had moved forward before the Midterms but perhaps it wouldn’t have mattered.
  • He knows in detail that Donald Trump colluded with the Kremlin (as well as with some other foreign governments), obstructed justice, broken federal and state laws and campaign finance laws, and defrauded investors and donors. Mueller also has files detailing the related crimes of Trump family members, associates, and some GOP politicians, PAC officials, and some related corporations like NRA.
  • He knows that Trump’s criminal activities are greater than any U.S. president in U.S. history, so great it boggles even Mueller’s mind.
  • Mueller sees these people as similar to the organized crime syndicates, only Trump and associates have the ability to change laws and influence public opinion.
  • Trump also has had the GOP Federal and state politicians under his thumb, but that is changing now because of the recent Midterm blue wave. Not only will there be a democratic House but a blue wave in local governments, which is showing moderate GOP members, like Susan Collins of Maine, that there is a rising public aversion to Trump.

Next vision: Mueller v. the Green Hydra:

  • Hydra and Hercules

    I see an organization chart of the corruption, put together by Mueller, looks like a giant green hydra – a mythical snake with many monster heads springing from its body.

  • It’s a repeat of the ancient Greek story of Hercules who was called to slay  the hydra. The hydra  lives hidden in a lake, preventing people from accessing the water they need for life, and coming out at night to consume their cattle and other livestock.   The Lake is the entrance to the underworld, with the hydra as gatekeeper.   The people ask Hercules to slay the hydra. It has nine heads, 8 are mortal and one is immortal. When he slays the mortal heads, two more grow back in its place.
  • In our world, Hercules is Mueller and the many heads of the hydra are the predatory oligarchs, their operatives and our society’s many agents of greed.  The GOP and the extreme right movements arising around the world are all heads from the hydra. Putin, his agents, the Mercers, the Kochs, and of course Donald Trump, along with operators like Maria Butina and Paul Manafort, PAC directors and politicians and some extreme right media pundits are all heads of the hydra.
  • While the battle will be long and difficult with many setbacks, I still feel that Mueller will, with help, slay the hydra.  It won’t happen all at once, but over time, the truth that he has uncovered will eventually slay the whole beast. Even in the myth, Hercules does not do it alone.  But slaying the beast does not take down greed and lying in our world, nor does it take down the extreme right wing GOP.  But that was not the task.  The task was to bring the truth to light and bring  the key players in the crime organization to justice.  Also in the myth, Hercules buries the immortal head under a rock.  In our story, Mueller will use the immoveable rock of justice to bury the Trump syndicate.

Current state of the investigation:

My sense is that Mueller has just one main piece of intelligence left which is to interview Donald Trump. But he knows that is unlikely and is moving forward without him.

He and his people are also writing, writing, writing it all up. He has delivered his plans and reports to people at the top of Justice in order to get approval to move forward. I wish he had done all of that and gotten the okay before the Midterms but he had good reasons.

There will be some delays in Mueller’s work while Whitaker’s authority is decided in the courts, the Senate leadership, and in influential GOP political circles.    I see failure to act in the Senate. Whitaker’s approach to Mueller will never be to fire him but withhold approval of his plans with a million concerns.  By not firing Mueller, he avoids a huge public backlash. But justice proceeds anyway.  

I also drew a card on Whitaker and saw that he is very stressed out at the time of this reading (Nov. 13). He's drawn too much fire to do what he had set out to do and what Trump wanted him to do, which was to stop or severely limit the Mueller investigation. 

Regardless of  Whitaker’s or anyone else's efforts, Mueller’s findings will be made public, along with the president’s tax returns, but we will have to be patient.

  • The House of Representatives will subpoena the files, as well as Trump’s tax returns. In this way, the information will be released regardless of what Justice or the President or the GOP do. The GOP will seek to cover up the publicized information to their base by claiming it is all partisan and fake, but the truth will be out.
  • Once Mueller’s information is made public, there will be few real surprises, only more details. The perpetrators did a poor job of covering their tracks. The money trail tells the story. We will also learn from the House subpoenas that Trump hasn’t paid taxes and is not nearly as wealthy as he pretends to be. We will also see  violations of the Emoluments Clause.

History will show that Mueller was the white knight of our day. He follows the letter of the law. He is our hero. He can’t be bought. The people trust him on both sides, except for the Trump deep base.

A vision of Henry the Eighth and the Pope

During meditation, I saw a sixteenth century Pope. In the Tarot, this image represents the fifth Trump card, the Pope or Hierophant, and means higher authority, higher than the Emperor. card IV.

Next I saw an image of Henry the Eighth, the hedonist populist king of England, who defied the Pope over his right to divorce his wife. The image I saw looked just like the one on the right, which happened to be painted in 1538, the year that Henry defied the Pope and was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. The painting was done right before he was excommunicated.

Trump has been taking a similar path in that he defies the higher authority in the U.S. which is our Constitution. The Constitution says that the president cannot be the State itself, but a servant of the state, subject to all of its laws.

Like Henry, Trump tries to get the will of the people behind him in order to break from Mueller with impunity and establish himself as the highest authority in the U.S. He pushes the legal boundaries and backs off only when the Congress and the courts refuse to back him. The Congress refuse to back him when the people speak out loudly enough against him. The Midterms have put many GOP politicians, though not all, on notice that backing Donald Trump could be their undoing.

Was spirit telling me that the same situation will unfold for Trump that unfolded for Henry the Eighth?

It did not end out well for Henry and thus will not end out well for Trump:

  • Henry remained as king but he was excommunicated from the church which was a big deal back then.
  • He established his own church, but the  move was unpopular with his people, as was his new queen, Anne Bolyn, who he married in a quiet secret ceremony.
  • Their marriage soured quickly and he executed her.
  • His quest for a male heir, the prime reason for breaking with the Pope, did not work out well either.

But there was an unexpected positive outcome for the people, as there will be for us:

  • Anne Bolyn’s daughter, Elizabeth I, ascended to the throne and became England’s greatest monarch.  And in spite of Henry's life long pursuit of a male heir, for which he executed two wives and broke with the church, a female sprung from his hedonistic, narcissistic, money-grubbing reign and heralded in a new age. 
  • Elizabeth I kept foreign invaders at bay, she sponsored some of the greatest art England has ever known, and heralded an age of enlightenment for England. A woman saved their world. 

Hmmm. Food for thought for today’s situation – which is almost exactly 500 years later. 

The outcome of the Trump presidency

  • Trump forges forward trying to block and discredit Mueller, making his case, battling in the courts.  But he fails.
  • His efforts prove to be unpopular and fruitless. He also further incriminates himself with his efforts to stop the investigation.
  • During any delays that occur, the Mueller findings are exposed to the public via the House of Representatives.  Local jurisdictions, like New York,  will  prosecute those Mueller has exposed if Federal courts have delays..
  • Although he will not be indicted while in office, Trump struggles politically and emotionally with the fall-out. Indictment comes later.
  • Trump continues to give political rallies for the rest of his presidency because they energize him. But he becomes less effective with controlling the GOP once Mueller’s indictments are completed and also once Trump's tax returns are publicized.
  • His mental health suffers and he becomes a mental roller coaster - neglecting normal presidential duties in favor of political rallies, and withdrawing eventually completely.
  • He will not be removed from office, however I can't see a run for 2020.  I just don't see it at this time. Will check again later.

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Jeanne, this is tremendous.  Just incredible work,  thought and detail went into what you wrote and analyzed.   Thank you so much for taking the time to meditate on this.  

This is all so interesting and fascinating.  I love the image of Mueller as a true white knight.We need a white knight.    I also love your reference of the Elizabeth and how we needed Henry to have Elizabeth and all she represents and accomplished,  I wonder, when all is said and done, what will become of Mueller.  Will he quietly go back to his life or will we hear from him in some way?  My guess is a one time public comment and then mostly silence.  IF he writes a book, it will very factual and also principled.  


What a wondrous time we live in.

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Thank-you, Lovendures. You all did such an amazing job reading this and other situations.  It is humbling and exciting when my own students, like Bluebelle and Bright Opal, open like flowers and show such gift.  There may be other students of mine in this forum who I don't recognize because of the aliases.  Then there are others like you, Vestralux, and others who just appeared here with such gifts. It is, after all, just an innate gift that once you start to turn it on, spirit guides will  shine through you. 

I continue to be intrigued by the hydra image and the Greek myth it brought into this as well as the Henry the Eighth story which I think is telling us how it might go with Trump.  I believe these images came from spirit guides and are giving us the bigger picture.

The hydra story is likely 5 to 10 thousand years old. These stories last because they hold truth we can use. 

As the Republican Party, and the modern corporation, has gone more ruthless and dark , something I've watched expanding since 1980 Reaganism, I have asked myself, who are these people?  Why do some people decide that it's okay to be ruthless, to lie, steel, cheat, and even kill -- all for money and power?  Is it upbringing or something in the genes or even in the soul?  The hydra story and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness have clues for me. I would like to open up a topic on this question, not to point fingers at people, but to explore what myth and literature can tell us about this shadow that we are witnessing. 


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Thank you so much for taking the time to write out this vision, and then share it with us here. Clearly revealed and beautifully communicated. Yes, and yes, and yes. 

Not long after Trump was elected, I had a similar vision of the hydra, and talked about it with friends. Mueller hadn't yet been appointed, but I believe I was tuning into a similar archetypal thread. I didn't know the hydra was said to dwell in a lake; how fascinating. Mystic Thomas Hübl refers to humanity's collective shadow as "the dark lake." That realm of shared unconscious is where we carry whatever we've denied, disowned, or suppressed (our racism, misogyny, homophobia, violence, greed, narcissism ...), as well as the layers of historical trauma those energies continue to manifest in our world.

As I see it, Trump's role for the collective, hydra that he is, is to hold up a very pointed mirror or microscope on all that we've buried in our dark lake. He's toxic and ruthless and divisive and unpredictable, and he's bringing out the worst in us. But he's forcing Americans to examine who we are as a people—which is ultimately the way we will transform. 

I actually envision a future in which people will gather to learn about Donald Trump and offer gratitude to the service generated by his soul's experience, unformed that it was, but nevertheless conferring a tremendous service to the collective. Crisis can be transformative and even liberating, which any American knows. 


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Jeanne -Open a thread. The hydra story is one I teach to my students along with other Greek monsters. They love it. I’d be interested in what comes of this inquiry.

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Regarding Bluebelle's Celtic Cross reading on Mueller  and Vestralux's response:  Bluebelle, truly amazing.  Every interpretation you made on those Thoth cards, which I know like the back of my hand, hits a bull's eye.  Not only the way you understand the cards and the Celtic Cross, but your choice in tone along the positivity-negativity scale.  

There are three aspects to reading cards besides being psychic and able to read energy:  (1) understanding the cards, (2) understanding the spread, and (3) where you fall on the positivity scale, whether you see the brightest light in those cards.  You saw the hope in the Star Card (17 Trump). You saw beyond the current difficulty that can cloud our view. And I so agree with what you got.  :-)

Vestralux I love your interpretation of the Star as Lady Liberty, the spirit of our country.  The Statue of Liberty had appeared to me several times when doing readings for 2017-2019.   She would look distressed or embattled, and I always felt she symbolized what was at stake, what we need to protect.  

Because of reading the Thoth deck, I see the Star as the Egyptian goddess Nuith, the Sky Goddess who represents the light of the whole universe.  My vision of her, however, fits your Lady Liberty as well. It's just a different way of seeing truth.  The Star Goddess always feels like a spirit guide illuminating hope to us mortals.  I feel we come from another dimension, maybe a planet or earlier time, one of light.  And she is our teacher and guide who sends us light  with messages to keep the faith, to keep going forward down here on earth because the truth will prevail. 

We might not feel safe here on earth. We might feel lost.  But if we raise the ceiling of our consciousness to include the heavens, then we get the light from the star goddess who shows us we are going to be okay.  In the case of Mueller, she tells me he is the instrument of truth and justice here on earth and his work will prevail.

So much else that you wrote, Bluebelle, and also Vestralux in your response to Bluebelle's reading with your own illuminations and the myth of Narnia,  hit the mark so wonderfully.  

I jumped for joy when I read both your posts,  because they resonated deeply and I knew you were correct. 

On the outcome card, Oppression, 10 of Wands.  I agree that even though the outcome is something oppressive that Mueller must face, it's not the final outcome, but simply describing the task that Mueller faces in his journey of truth and justice.  

If only this were earlier times like back in the 1960's or 70's, Mueller thinks; times when his investigation would be the final word on the individuals he has exposed.  The days of Watergate and the Saturday Night Massacre where a president could be brought down by the press, a special prosecutor, and a more justice-oriented Congress.  However,  if it were earlier times, Mueller's task would not be as critical as it is now.

There are many parallels to today's situation, but we were never as close to dictatorship as we are now.

Mueller knows that it is really mainly up to him, that he is our Hercules slaying the hydra.  When I read him in August 2017, I got that he knew then that his task was the most important of his lifetime and of the life of this country, one of the oldest democracies in the world. 

I am relieved that my reading, both of the current forces and the outcome, feels similar to what you have gotten - that the battle will be difficult. Mueller will be fighting a great dark serpent,  a mythical hydra, but he is our hero, our Hercules, and he is up to the task.  And that he will prevail.  I am relieved because I have so much respect for your gift , Bluebelle, and yours Vestralux.  

I feel at this point, today, that Trump has failed with Whitaker and jeopardized himself even more. When I read Whitaker before writing my post, I saw he was very stressed and defeated.  


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