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Scanning Trump. Latest.

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Michele, yes. That's the section.

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As the poet Rumi wrote:   

"Somewhere beyond right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there."

Differences of opinion often just require a different way of looking at things and finding the garden where we can all meet!

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In the ancient Bronze Age religions, from which the modern "Religions of the book" are descended, there is the idea of "Righteous Anger". That can get focused into "Righteous Justice", and "Righteous Action". I am a Buddhist. We regard such things as stages, of a process. It's channelling our biological emotions, so that eventually, we end up with something called "Engaged Buddhism". or "Engaged" anything else.

Whatever is sacred to you, it contains a lot of energy. It can be channelled one way, into violence, or another way, into peace. Peace is the Biggie. The most difficult. Sometimes, paradoxically, it can only be achieved through violence. there was a point, when Hitler had advanced into power, where it was obligatory for those who wanted peace, to oppose him by all means, as otherwise even worse violence and suffering would result. This became, in ancient times, a creed of the assassins. I had, when much younger, a much older friend. He was a retired British  officer, who had been the military attache at the British embassy in Berlin, before the War. He was also the organiser of a plot to kill Hitler. It would have succeeded. The British Prime Minister forbid it. Foolishly, he obeyed. He said to me, many times, how bitterly he regretted not doing it anyway. It would have saved the lives of millions.

In Buddhism, this generated the rise of the orders of  martial Monks, such as the Shaoulin, and the development of Buddhist Martial Arts, such as Kung Fu, Tai Chi, etc....ultimately, it led to Ninja, who were secular. I say all this, as it eventually led to much deeper ideas, philosophically, such as the cultivation of  arts such as divination, oraculism, prediction, and such. as the ancient saying goes: "In the Kingdom of the Blind, the one eyed man is king".

To be forewarned, is to be forearmed. All this leads me to where we are now. I joined this group, after looking around for something like it, as what we are doing, is a form of this. We are speaking truth unto power. We are predicting, forecasting, and watching. We are influencing. again, as an ancient saying has it, "It is written, it is written, it is thrice written".

Also, we are getting a reputation for it. Be sure that in the American "Deep State", there are others, like us, derived and descended from the old programs such as "Stargate", Remote viewing, etc. They have now morphed, become embedded, and are used. But they are used for the Dark Side. Not the light. be sure we are being tracked, as what we are saying on here is reaching a mass of people now, with very high ratings, and our methodology, which we owe to Jeanne, of group prediction, is bolted onto the internet, the Web, which gives us an international audience and scope.

To this, the scientist part of me, is trying to structure my own posts, into a frame-work, which everyone else on here can make sense of, and develop further. Modern data organisation, messaging, posting, group prediction, analysis, development of techniques, group support and solidarity, are all being created from what we do. We now have something unique here. it will develop further. Welcome to the World of "Majority Report". We are it. That is what we are here for. That is what we are doing. we are evolving, trying things out, discovering. I do not think anyone has used the NET quite like us before, as "Open Source" prediction and discovery. Why am i saying all this?....its simple. Evil flourishes in darkness. It scatters like cockroaches, when exposed to the light. Let us light a torch, with this new method of ours. 

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Thank you, Zoron. 

I just finish a very quick dream, the guy yell out insults to others and then took off, can't remember what he said, but it jolted me out of my sleep. Thought about it for a moment. "We are not our ego, but our ego begs to differ."

I am going to rewrite what came to me yesterday, "It is sometimes better to ride the waves in a storm, then fight the storm. This do not mean doing nothing, but rather help all your crew mates out through the rough time. We are all in it together."

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Dearest Lora,

The idea of the shadow originated in the study of psychology and psychoanalysis with Carl Jung and most recently perhaps written about by Debbie Ford in her book "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" which is about unmasking that aspect of ourselves which destroys our relationships, kills our spirit, and keeps us from fulfilling our dreams. That is usually easier to understand than the more involved Jungian concepts.

In Jungian physiology, the shadow most commonly it refers to an unconscious aspect of the personality which is outside the self-concept of the conscious ego. It is usually that side of ourselves that we say is absolutely not part of us, but on a deeper level (because of our interconnections with archetypal or unconscious energies) is indeed part of us.   This unknown ‘‘dark side’’ of our personality–-dark both because it tends to consist predominantly of the primitive, negative, socially or religiously judged human emotions and impulses like lust, striving for power, selfishness, greed, envy, laziness, gluttony, jealousy, anger or rage, etc. ..states of being which we perceive as innately "negative".

The dark side is hidden so deeply within our consciousness that it sometimes overwhelms a person's actions; for example, when the conscious mind is shocked, confused, or paralyzed by indecision. This emotional blockage or paralysis can lead to apathy, depression or altered states of mental health that are very challenging to work with and even harder to live with. The message we get from this hidden place is often felt as... there is something wrong with me. I’m not okay, I'm not enough or good enough and translates into the triggers of I’m not lovable or deserving or worthy.

This brings in the idea of triggers and how it is these triggers that show us the sides of ourselves that still need healing i.e. a need for the light to shine upon these shadow elements in order for deeper understanding and become clear is often seen as the evolutionary progress on the spiritual path.

The shadow is to the light chaser a part of the yin and yang of the balance of all there is. But it is the balance that is the key. We can work on understanding how it is the shadow self that we can see in others that enrages us makes us hate them the most but it far harder to see that that is also a part of each of us that we have repressed or our reactions would not be so defiantly protesting and seeking to eradicate that in the other.

And part of this is admitting yes, I hate this one or that one, I want to act to rid myself of this one or that one, but if we do not go into why we hate, why we are so angry, why we want to destroy than the shadow remains a projection onto others as their flaws or failings and not part of ourselves and remains unacknowledged or accepted or understood in a way that integrates and heals. (Think in terms of alternate selves, realities, multiverses if that helps.)

We find understanding and peace when we recognize the shadow, embrace it as part of the whole and understand that it is only by facing our deepest fears, our secret places, our own inner pain, that we can truly begin the process of allowing the light into all of the hurting places within us.

The shadow also holds the secret of change, change that actually affects us on a cellular level and indeed evolve our DNA. By facing these aspects of ourselves, we become free to experience our aspects of our humanity as well as our own innate spirituality...the good and the bad, the dark and the light.

It is most often in the altered reality of the dream state that our shadow can be explored. (Dream symbolism is a very powerful tool  for opening up the meaning of these repression or blockages that keep us from being free to be who and what we want and need to be.)

 Because our positive self-concept is primarily composed of behaviors and memories we judge as "positive," Our Shadow contrasts by hiding or holding within the shadow state behaviors and memories we do not identify with, those we judge as largely "negative".

However, as a tie in to Warriorwitch's comment to me above, Jung also believed that "in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness—or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity" so that for some, it may be, the dark side of ones being that represents the true spirit of life which some see as the side of themselves as necessary to fulfilling other needs or roles they see within themselves.

Dark nights of the soul are very powerful states of being that jump start incredible creativity, understanding, and power. It can be a source of great energy and power if it does not get into violent lack of control and spin off into other states which do more harm than good....raging evil, war, revenge etc.

The idea is that most of us set out on our paths of personal growth because as some point the very burden of our pain becomes too much to bear and we seek understanding ourselves, our driving forces, our needs and our path to personal healing. So we, the idea of our shadow..our repressions and holding, as creating blockages can be opened up and true creativity, expression and join with others in spiritual or altered consciousness levels of communication/communion/community that bridges the duality or polarization of the world we live in now. In this sense, doing this hard and very challenging work in the depths of our very souls, is long dark challenge into the night, into our depths and into all that we truly believe we are not..yet as we dig deep..can often discover who we truly are and just how incredibly powerful these gifts can be for our own growth and spiritual evolution.




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I checked the oath taking chart. This presidency should hold up to 2020. Despite large public resentment, the goverment will finish it's term.

But, writing about the remaining years would take pages. Ultimately, trump's legacy will be a deeply splitted office and a madman foreign policy. Anti-americanism will see a surge worldwide. It will be impossible for the coming president to salvage america's position in a chaotic and volatile world along with the 'great depreesion' which would have set throughout the world by 2020-21 with a large unrest at home and infighting elites . America's influence will fade gradually throughout the next decade.

It is inevitable. Not, trump's fault. The whole system is collapsing, and it would have coollapsed regard less whoever became president. Trump is merely accelarating it. A few years here and there. 

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Anger protects us. My oldest daughter had a stroke. She was okay but lost all the anger she had towards anyone. Nothing makes her angry because she lost that part of the brain. We have to watch her all the time to make sure others don't take advantage of her because no matter what she never gets angry. When people are pushed too far we do we get angry but it is a warning of sorts to others about how far they can go. It shows others our limits. If someone sees that a person has no limit or thinks they have no limit they can really take advantage.

All our emotions serve a purpose or we wouldn't have them.

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Asian, I agree, in general, with your last post. political and social inertia mean that the "Guberment" will endure until 20202, then from 2020 to 2024 it will survive, also a bit battered, and only after 2024 will there be a reformist government. 

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 Yeah, it's a general post about USA. Come to think about it, it is the death of world order created after WWII. The elite behind the creation of system, who the benefitted from the system most know that it can't survive. Thus they are bankrolling "right" and incumbent politicians. An attempt to play people against each other based on their political believe, when the crashing system will impact everybody. It's paying of for now.

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So agree with you. Every major civilization eventually lost its  US hit its peak and now . After all, you can't just keep abusing the system and raising the debt ceiling. And when US is not a major superpower watching over the world, that's when a possibility of a WWIII is the most likely.  All it would take, is for the charismatic leader to rise in one of countries in the Middle East to unite muslims under the radical caliphate. The US is already supplying them with weapons (thanks to Trump's arms deal), Iran is close to developing nuclear bombs and Syria is using chemical weapons on their own people. And there is massive amount of refugees all over the world. Another Hitler could rise on a new massive scale, and lead the world against each other under new ideology.  I hope we never get there 

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This won't happen. Globalists are pushing for a great confrontation between west-russia/Western world-muslim world. But due to rising awerness level, to the people true intention and attitudes of leaders and people are getting cleared. By 2020, it will get onto another level. Large civil disruption in every major country along with depression, no one will be unaffected. 

However fouth generation warfare that is going now, will continue to go on. It is only after 2025 people will be able to unite against this. 

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