Mass Shooting in Ve...
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Mass Shooting in Vegas

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Posted by: ElaineG

Said it could be a seizure as she had epilepsy, but could it be part of a cover-up?

Check out this article

This victim believes that there were 3-5 shooters and yet he hasn't "died" in his sleep.  If there truly was a cover-up to eradicate all evidence then he would've been dead already like the epilepsy victim.

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I live in a city that shoots off fireworks downtown 3 times a year. This is a city with a lot of 40+ story glass buildings.  The sounds of fireworks echo like crazy, making the fireworks sound multiply.. and come from different directions  Is it possible that the reports of 'multiple shooters' come from terrified people hearing echoes bouncing from building to building? Occam's Razor is occasionally more useful than conspiracy theories.

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All true, but maybe Kemberley Suchomel had a higher profile. 

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Considering that my google search on Kemberley Suchomel pulled as the #1 article something from a Russian site blaming Hillary and Antifa for 'murdering' the woman, I am disinclined to believe it.  On the other hand, I did have a random thought as I was falling asleep last night: The best way to hide a needle is in a haystack. The best way to hide an assassination is in a mass shooting.  Might explain his going to concert after concert, scoping stuff out.

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Another item to consider with this multiple shooter theory is the difficulty in keeping everyone quiet, including law enforcement and the FBI and the concert attendees.


Can you imagine if you were in the mastermind behind this plan?  How are you going to pay off the police, fbi, witnesses, etc...?  Sure some people don't have strong ethics and can be silenced with a bribe.  But eventually someone is going to snitch and the plan would fall apart.  Plus how would you convince a shooter to commit a suicide mission?  "Hey buddy, if you don't mind could you shoot bunch of guns from your hotel as a distraction?  You probably won't make it alive but thanks anyway"


And then you would have to talk with the Sheriff and all the enforcement personnel working under him.  You'd have to say, "Hey I know you've sworn to uphold the law and all but can you do me a solid and just look the other way when I operate a mass shooting?"


Just the sheer logistics of organizing a plan like this is doomed to fail. 

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Just some food for thought:

I lost a daughter in a plane crash. TWA Flight 800 to be specific. So, I have lived the past 21+ years having to deal with conspiracy theories and theorists who have hurt thousands of us because they believe they know more than those involved or the investigators. News stories about tragedies involve real people's lives, and it's hard for those not involved to comprehend how complex the issues are for victims and survivors. 

The larger the tragedy and the more media coverage that people face, the larger the burden that is placed on the individuals involved. Think of a relative you may have lost. Now imagine their death being on the news 24/7. How many years will there be news? The first year was the worst, but it didn't end there. There are anniversary specials, and documentaries. The investigation and hearings took several years, so there was always the risk when opening the computer or turning on the TV that we'd get smacked in the face with news.  It took nearly 5 years for all this. Once the official investigation was over, that was not the end of our being blindsided with reminders. The conspiracy theories persist to this day-decades later.

My daughter's funeral was one of the first of the whole tragedy. I needed police protection just to get into and out of her visitation and funeral service. I banned the media from these services, but still found myself running from the press while trying to get in and out of the funeral home to make the arrangements. I found pictures of myself trying to protect my son from the press on the covers of newspapers if they didn't have my daugther's coffin on the cover. I had to fight for more than a decade to get pictures of her coffin being carried in or out of the church off web pages. Today there is only one or two sites where I can find such pictures. They'll be in newspaper and magazine archives forever. 

How often will you see someone attempting to profit off of your loss? Can you imagine what it's like finding authors and Hollywood finding your loved one's death as an inspiration? I don't know how people like Nelson DeMille sleep at night, using TWA 800 and 9/11 as backdrops and props for a work of fiction. Final Destination-same thing. Can you imagine people finding a thrill in writing about hundreds of lives lost because it gave them creative license and money making opportunities? Can you imagine what it's like to have people starting fake charities to profit off of your loss? Can you imagine getting hate mail that has the local police and FBI giving you lessons on how to check your car for bombs if you go into town, or when to call the police about suspicious packages that may arrive at the house? Yes, there are people who try to terrorize victims or their families in the aftermath of such events. In my case it was because the media noted some of my daughter's more progressive/liberal ideologies in their stories, and haters didn't like that her views got publicity. 18 years after the incident, imagine seeing the promotion of a movie about the 'conspiracy', and finding people paying to see it on pay per view. When it hit the mainstream cable movie channels, I watched, to preview it for my son (by then an adult) to once again stand between him and unpleasantness related to his sister's death. I was horrified, not only at the inaccuracy of the information, but at the sensationalism employed. They showed a picture of one of the victims in their body bag-a picture I'd never seen before, and judging by the hair color and length, without being able to see the face, I still knew it could well be my child lying there on the docks.  It was a feeling of knowing who it was, and after talking to several attorneys, if it wasn't enough of a kick in the gut to see such a thing (especially being used for someone to make money), imagine how it feels to know I can't really do anything about it because of the laws that were on the books at the time of her death. 

My son was 5 at the time of his sister's death (they were 11 years apart in age). I sheltered him as much as possible, yet at the same time took him with me when I could as I testified or lobbied in Washington for legislative changes. Some DC trips were about aircraft safety and other times it was to testify/lobby on how families were treated. We had a number of mistakes made by the coroner-like having their notes of a descriptive nature mistakenly sent to our home-which called into question their identification of our daughter. They sent human remains mixed in with personal effects-which didn't belong to our daughter, but were labeled with our daughter's ID number, and we had nowhere to turn but the same individuals who were so error prone with their procedures. Even the FBI couldn't get us resolution on some of these issues-they were stonewalled by the coroner. This is why I persevered until we got legislation passed giving families assistance in crises. I cried not only at the tragedy of what unfolded in Las Vegas, but in watching the press briefings and seeing the investigators employ lessons we managed to teach them. 

By taking my son with me to DC, I taught him that no matter how bad the circumstances, there is recourse. It wasn't always immediate, but it was there. I taught him anyone could be an agent for change. I was teaching him to look out for others, and to stand up when possible. The majority of people in such situations cannot do much more than survive minute by minute, and eventually day by day, and so on. I learned quite a lot about who I am and what I'm capable of in the middle of the chaos. 

I'm not disclosing this for sympathy or to impress. Nor am I  judging anyone. I know from my experiences in life that I'm here to share with others so that they can learn. The above just gives you a fraction of an idea of what victims and survivors go through BEFORE having to deal with conspiracy theories and theorists. Once conspiracy theories start, it is hard to quash them. They persist because they get attention, not because they are valid.  The larger they become and longer they persist, the more harm they inflict on those directly involved-much more so than say politicizing an event (gun control, aviation safety, etc). How you treat others is part of your Karma and can result in credits or debt. This includes participating in conspiracy theories-even if you don't engage a victim or family member directly (and it's amazing how many people out there will challenge us directly believing they know more about a situation than we do). It is a personal choice for each of us whether to send love and positive vibrations, or engage in something that carries negative attitudes and vibrations. 

Both my daughter and I saw her death, tho I didn't realize it exactly. She told her friends she was going to die young, and it would be such a major event, her death would be seen and talked about all over the world. She was correct. I wanted to deny her the trip once I chose not to go (she wanted me to go with her), and I couldn't find a way to stop it. I even argued with the company who arranged it, not feeling comfortable with some of their transportation choices, telling them I didn't want my daughter blown up on public transportation (which is exactly how she passed-but I had 'seen' issues with the public transportation in France-not the plane to Paris). I had nightmares of losing a child, and still didn't put it all together. I refused to get her up that morning trying to make her miss the trip. I tried calling the teacher in charge to say she was ill and couldn't make it, but I lost my nerve each time. She would have never forgiven me for making her miss the trip-at least that's what I felt at the time. It's partially why I don't really tune in now. The bottom line is sometimes we see things that are horrible, and we're not supposed to stop them. If we were supposed to, we would have been shown more until we put the pieces together. I have no doubt that my daughter volunteered to be part of that tragedy before she was born. I know it is part of my life contract this incarnation to stand up and make people look at the humanity of these situations-which should take precedence over money, business, politics, etc. It has been part of my contract to make the road easier for those unfortunate souls who also find themselves on the road of life as a survivor of tragedy. Just as it is part of my path to let others know that no matter how bad things have been, we can choose to take the path of self pity, bitterness, etc., or we can learn that everything happens for a reason, and our ability to return to a loving and positive mindset can be one of the greatest lessons we can learn. It is for me to teach those that have seen some of the greatest darkness that we are capable of seeing some of the warmest light possible, simply because we have that intolerable darkness to use as a contrast and our priorities/ sense of reality have been totally put into a new perspective we wouldn't have been privy to by any other means. 


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I'm so sorry Cindy that you had and still are going thru that - hugs!! I can't even imagine...

As for conspiracy theories, I pay them no mind, they are "theories" for a reason and usually not good reasons...if you feel differently, fine with me, but I am too much of a skeptic to believe anything I read on the Internet and random YouTube videos...also Antifa doesn't do murders, they're simply Anti-fascist. 

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Just to be clear, I'm not talking about you Zoron or anyone else that is getting intuitive information. I'm just referring to stories on the internet and videos from "psychics" that are Trump supporters and are pushing untruths - like Trump was exalted into this position by God and he's a king...

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Cindy, I'm so sorry for what you went through (and continue to go through). I cannot understand for the life of me why anyone would be so insensitive and rude at a moment like that. It reminds me of a local soldier who died in Iraq and the Westboro Baptist Church tried to disrupt his funeral. Students from a local liberal arts college and the Patriot Guard motorcycle riders (the former very liberal and the latter very conservative) worked together to form a human chain to keep the protesters a block away. 

Your comments on conspiracy theories in general remind me of a John le Carre line from one of his books (and I'm paraphrasing), "We like to think it's a grand conspiracy when the reality is that it's just another cockup."

Best wishes from our family to yours.

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Jesus Campos, the security guard has dropped out of sight. He doesn't seem to have been a really employee of the hotel. Everything is still strange.

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The evidence I have re Las vegas is "Time Stamped", and can be proven later  as to time of prediction and that it is prior to further evidence that will emerge. Releasing it now would alert some wrong doers, and distress people. I am waiting for certain developments. There are also other issues. I do not have to release stuff, just because someone asks. Releasing it is entirely up to me, and at the moment, no release. The truth will eventually out.

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I am not surprised by the death of  Kemberly Suchomel, there will be more deaths of survivors. 

A friend of the assassin, interviewed by police, fbi, was later found dead. He had killed his disabled daughter, then blown his head off with a shotgun. Shotguns leave very little ballistic evidence behind, as they are smooth bore weapons. 

I have seen some very nasty stuff about all this. We are seeing a classic clean up, of the links that the assassin had with USA dark orgs. 

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Cindy this was very brave of you, to post. I followed the TWA disaster out of my aerospace interest. I was not happy about some of the forensic and technical evidence, especially explosive tests. I don't want to say more, as you have suffered greatly. leaving aside "Conspiracy theories", many of these investigations are badly done, and they do not do justice to the event. The same with 911. I was technical advisor to a writer who published a UK 911 investigation, did all the tech on 911, as far as the aircraft are concerned. I was horrified on what I saw,and the mishandling of the evidence. I certainly had a lot of issues with the US transportation safety board. So I think Vegas is going to be similar. I have great pity for the families of the victims. 

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Nihilist, You may wonder why I am not publishing everything I have picked up on Vegas. 

The reasosnswill become clear, as events unfold, and then I publish my "Time-Stamped" evidence.

In the meantime, I have chosen not to.

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Jesus Campos will be interviewed on Ellen today.


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Cindy, Thank you for reminding us of what victims' families endure. It is unimaginable to me that you had to worry about your families' safety after enduring such a tragedy. I read your account with such awe at your strength and gratitude at your willingness to help us understand.  I want to send you, your husband and son all the love of this universe. 


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Posted by: ElaineG

Jesus Campos, the security guard has dropped out of sight. He doesn't seem to have been a really employee of the hotel. Everything is still strange.

He just appeared on "Ellen":

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Cindy-thank you for educating all of us about conspiracy theories and the excruciating aftereffects on surviving loved ones — I’m sorry it took a recounting that cost you so much pain for us to get it. Because of your post and the cost of that post, I just had to look into these falsehoods. I found the one that practicalnihilist listed above pretty fast. Then I found this one

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As you can see, there are no connections to the Vegas shooter. The man killed his disabled daughter then himself, and reporters find no links whatsoever to the Vegas shooting. Cindy - thank you for being the reason I cared enough to pay attention to the dregs and debunk it for myself. I will not forget this lesson because of you and your daughter.

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I'm not accusing; just stating facts.

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