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Brexit deal

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I'm interested to see what your predictions are Blue... I haven't got any myself it seems to be never ending.

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Hi Stu, I did two tarot readings on 5th April (using Legacy of the Divine cards). I'll try and keep this as short as possible without losing too much meaning.

The first reading was for the current withdrawal deal: for challenges/obstacles ( 8 Wands) I was getting 'many players' or factions all trying to have their voice heard. I think this was about the challenge of trying to meet everyone's wishes (I never see this card in this deck with the traditional meaning). The near future card ( Queen Coins) was interesting as it felt like some kind of intervention or action by someone (maybe a proposal or idea) that helps solve/soften some of the problems (of getting the deal accepted?). Kind of like someone shining a helpful light, or stepping in to help move things along favourably. May be a diplomatic scenario.  For the outcome (9 wands) it was like  a last final push and getting something done, after much hard work and toil. Something, albeit with diminished strength is achieved , a last vestige of energy and life, with some approval of others watching or taking part. Unfortunately I didn't put a time frame into the question, so not sure when this might be, or even if it's all correct lol.

I did  a separate reading right after regarding a no-deal brexit in the next 4 months. Challenges :(The moon) it felt like an issue of perception and being tied to illusion. The near future: ( Ace wands) the card conveyed some continuing, maybe even some new, energy but underneath there was an energy of getting burnt out or being consumed by fire, or maybe it's detrimental energy, detrimental maybe to a no-deal? Outcome: This was interesting. It was the 7 coins and the focus in this imagery was an empty bucket, the woman in the picture waiting and waiting but the harvest doesn't fall - so she has the empty bucket. Yet around her is a golden harvest which she fails to see she can harvest.  

The cards for the no-deal seemed to indicate this isn't successful in the next few months. But who knows!:) Does anyone else have any predictive insights?


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Time to revive this thread. As many of you probably know, Theresa May is stepping down as leader of the Conservative Party on June 7th, after which she will continue on as a lame duck prime minister until the Tories choose a successor in July. Just last week, Nigel Farage's Brexit Party won a plurality (34%) of the British electorate in the EU parliamentary elections, while the Conservatives finished in fifth place with only 8% of the vote. In light of this shellacking at the ballot box at the hands of Farage, the Tories may be induced to elevate a Brexit hardliner to 10 Downing Street. (Boris Johnson? Andrea Leadsom?) Meanwhile, the UK's departure date from the EU has been set for October 31st. 

All in all, it seems like a no-deal Brexit just became likelier. If a pro-EU Tory becomes prime minister, Westminster is still hopelessly deadlocked, and it could stay that way for the next five months. If a Brexiteer becomes prime minister, nothing would stop him/her from sitting on their hands and allowing a no-deal Brexit to come about through inaction. Either way, if the last week of October rolls around and the UK still has no concrete plan for exiting Europe, then it's up to the respective parliaments of each EU member state to decide whether to grant Britain another extension; France, Belgium, and Spain are all showing signs that they'd rather push the English off a cliff instead. Plus, it's no secret that Nigel Farage wants a no-deal Brexit, so who knows what shadowy work he will be up to in Brussels in the next few months.

If anyone from the UK could offer a more nuanced perspective on all of this, that would be appreciated.


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I know this doesn't relate to Brexit, but did anyone see John Bolton imply the US would try to stop Jeremy Corbyn from becoming British Prime Minister and outright say he personally would try to? I saw it in a Guardian article, and how disgraceful of the US.

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I think Jeremy Corbyn will become UK PM in 2020 or 2021, does anyone else see that occurring as I do?

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Hi all

Now that Boris Johnson is PM it's more certain we're moving to a No Deal Brexit.

I predicted last year that Theresa May would not be PM on Brexit Day and she would step down before Christmas. Looks like I just got the wrong year. 

It's still a tangled mess right up to 31st October. I'm feeling that people are now resigned to a No Deal Brexit. Again, as last year no one's talking about it. There's no fierce debates in public places or in workplaces near me. Just a sense of relief that there's a PM who's actually picked a side and doesn't flip-flop. BoJo is a stronger leader. 

My visions are that he has advisor's who are convincing him to run another General Election before the end of October. The Conservative working majority has been reduced to 1.  He's not convinced. I see him shaking his head. It's risky. 

Europe is really interesting tho.  Carrying on from The Economy thread I see lots of empty seats at the EU Parliament. MEPs no longer attend. And not just British MEPs.  I think EU may break apart due to the economy failing.

Prince Charles will be crowned King during Brexit for a very short time.  I've got 46 days, 46 weeks or 46 months.  William will be crowned King as his father will step down. 

Brexit and the economy will tank around the same time, BUT the economy won't tank due to Brexit.  The Brexit process starts the day we leave the EU and will take 2/3 years to untangle.


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It's completely different story around me. People are deeply upset and panicking. Small businesses are making plans moving their business to Ireland or mainland Europe. Importing raw materials etc is extremely expensive as pound is so weak and keeps going down. We are run by right wing unelected prime minister. I suppose it depends on the area, but I don't know one person who thinks brexit is a good idea. 

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Let  the champions of Brexit suffer its downfall.  In other words, Boris has been pushing for it, let him find out how much leverage he's lost and likely won't be able to pull a deal out.  The Brexiters won't be able to blame anyone for their failures, it will be their own failures and own undoing.

Sorry, it is like our GOP party, they have been "in charge" for the last few years and haven't done anything well, other than give a HUGE tax break to the ultra wealthy and take away services from the most in need.  They keep trying to blame the Dems, but when the economy tanks, they will have to own it, just like they "owned" how good the economy has been the last 2 years due to Trump policies.

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I think the champions of Brexit —the ones who are pulling the puppet strings— want an economic crash.  They are oligarchs and oligarchs stand to gain greater financial control during an economic crash. In a crash they will be able to buy up assets cheaply.  


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You are spot on. A lot of dark money is  behind this. Rich, privileged guys telling working class people they are looking after them. Blaming everything on immigration while stuffing their own pockets. The working classes eventually will suffer the most especially in case of no deal. It is literally case of turkeys voting for the Christmas. Lots of it is thanks to very right wing press like daily mail and sun. 

I still think about Zorons predictions on this. Terrible financial situation and eventual breakdown of the Union with the Scotland and Northern Ireland leaving the UK. 


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These are dark times and I think will get slightly darker over the next few years where ever you are in the world. But the saying is 'it's always darkest before dawn'.  

I think if we look after each other and stop 'playing the game' (where we can) the power can be taken away from the rich. 

I believe there's a new generation of lightworkers coming through and these kids have extraordinary talents, they're more powerful and inspirational we could ever imagine.  They will show no fear of 'authority' figures and a 'class' system just won't register with them.  I'm confident they WILL change the world for the better.  The world order is out dated and not fit for purpose.  I think rich men know their time is coming to an end and they are using dark forces to try and prolonge their grasp on power.  The irony is that the systems they've built will destroy them. Everything runs on cycles, this is coming to an end, we need to keep each other safe while this rides out. 

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I agree that the oilogarchs will be in for a surprise when a new generation rises up and renders the ultra wealthy irrelevant and obsolete.   

 Just because they’ve massed fortunes doesn’t mean they are smart. They  know how to make money and that is it.  Putin is one of the world’s richest men.  He made it to President out of sheer luck. (read Gessen’s The man without a Face)  The rest of his rise was out of pure Machiavellian evil. Mercer thinks that a person’s worth is totally equal to the amount of money he makes. DT is an intellectual and emotional toddler.   Etcetera.  


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Don't forget that we're approaching the final stages of the crisis of capital. We're running out of resources that can be efficiently converted into money, while the architecture of our interest-based economy demands more and more resources, just like how a bonfire needs ever more fuel to keep on burning. The endpoint of this biophysical limit to capital creation will be a rapid deflation of the "everything bubble" that could leave our currencies worthless. So the oligarchs will just as well be made irrelevant by the fact that their fortunes will revert to their true state: meaningless scraps of paper and digits on computers. Likewise, any oligarchs who snap up British assets in the midst of a chaotic Brexit and recession really won't be gaining anything in the long run (there's no innate value in a 2,000-square foot flat in London's financial district, after all, only the value that society abstracts upon it).


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How are people feeling about Corbyn and UK Labour now? Do we think it's a possibility for him to form Government? Also, I feel the Queen will leave her position within a couple of years, either something bad happens to Phillip and she decides to resign to look after him or she is mourning her loss or something happens to her, whether she is just done with it all or whether she dies or falls ill, I think she will step down, and I don't think she will still be Queen when/if she makes it to 100.

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I don't see Corbyn as PM, but I do see John McDonnell AND Keir Starmer standing outside Number 10. It's nighttime and camera light are flashing off the door.  I hear: 'We have been trusted with so much to do.' Within 2 years. After Brexit. They're smiling, hands raised in the air.  

I see members of the Royal Family walking behind a horse-drawn carriage,  dressed in black.  September, leaves have turned brown and fallen off the trees. It's also bitterly cold for the time of year. People are pulling the collars of their coats up, as if protecting themselves from an icy wind. People are shaking their heads, murmured quiet, disbelief. Big Ben is striking 1pm.  One of the faces on the clock tower is missing or blacked out. I hear 'Everything is falling apart.'  'Things aren't the same anymore.' The Duchess of Cambridge's face is one of shock as if this is totally unexpected.  

I can't see who has died, but the odd thing is there is spaces in the street where people should be.  Very few are turning out for this person's funeral,  people looking at their watches hurrying to get home.  


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Hmm, Maybe it's The Queen or Prince Philip. They have been constants and comforts on this earth for decades.

Regarding UK Labour, do you think Corbyn could just not have appeared in your vision because he has already walked into Number 10 or is it more likely John McDonnell takes over as leader of UK Labour?

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I don't see Corbyn at all.  McDonnell and Starmer are BOTH leaders.   Like a unity/coalition type party. I have a vision of the name Labour and it's broken up like when you drop a plate on a stone floor.  By the time they get into power it's a different Labour party than we know now and it needs a coalition to make the government work. I shouldn't try to impose logic here, but I'm thinking that either McDonnell or Starmer will break away and join a smaller party or there will be 2 different wings of Labour. Smaller parties support will be needed to keep the Conservatives out of power. 

I feel there will be smaller grass-roots parties than larger ones dominating in Westminster.  Brexit will show that neither Labour or  Conservaties 'fit' or represent the new generation of voters.  And theyll just create their own parties.

Crazy visions, but we live in crazy times so I'm not ruling anything out.  


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Posted by: @celticwitch


I don't see Corbyn at all.  McDonnell and Starmer are BOTH leaders.   Like a unity/coalition type party. I have a vision of the name Labour and it's broken up like when you drop a plate on a stone floor.  By the time they get into power it's a different Labour party than we know now and it needs a coalition to make the government work. I shouldn't try to impose logic here, but I'm thinking that either McDonnell or Starmer will break away and join a smaller party or there will be 2 different wings of Labour. Smaller parties support will be needed to keep the Conservatives out of power. 

I feel there will be smaller grass-roots parties than larger ones dominating in Westminster.  Brexit will show that neither Labour or  Conservaties 'fit' or represent the new generation of voters.  And theyll just create their own parties.

Crazy visions, but we live in crazy times so I'm not ruling anything out.  


I dont necessarily feel the same. I think there will still be 2 main parties, but I think the Third Way component of UK Labour will break away or will mostly disappear.

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I am stunned. 

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Boris Johnson is asking the Queen to shut down Parliament for a few weeks ahead of the UK's scheduled departure from the European Union on Oct. 31.  The move is aimed at reducing the amount of time available for rebel lawmakers to pass legislation to block  his government from pushing through an abrupt split from the EU.

The Queen has the constitutional duty of opening and closing Parliament.  I am stunned because I can't imagine the Queen could be placed in the position of basically making a no-deal Brexit happen or not.   Does she even have an option of saying no?

Boris seems to have as big of an ego and Trump.  What a huge power play.  Now a group of MP's have signed a document saying that such a move would be considered an undemocratic outrage. Another group is writing a law which would block  a no-deal Brexit.  

I think we are living in the Upside Down of Stranger Things myself.


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