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Another Crazy Dream Last Night

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Last night I dreamt that I observed a spaceship enshrouded in beautiful white light.  It moved like a jellyfish and extended two very long arms of delicate cranelike structures at about a 70 degree angle from each other and began to emit what looked like lightening.  Missouri has a very dense humidity compared to places like New Mexico and southern Colorado, where I observed the kind of lightening I saw in the dream.  I traveled to Crestone, Colorado once; it's a spiritual center known for its ET sightings.  While I didn't see any ETs, I did get to hug and meld harmonic with an enormous citrine crystal in a rock shop there.  The lightening storm I then experience zapped these major energetic circles through a car radio and then a television set that were so tangibly present they seemed visible in an otherworldly sort of way.     

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Jung writes, "As we know from ancient Egyptian history, they (UFO's) are manifestations of psychic changes which always appear at the end of one Platonic month and at the beginning of another. Apparently they are changes in the constellation of psychic dominants, of the archetypes, or 'gods' as they used to be called, which bring about, or accompany, long-lasting transformations of the collective psyche. This transformation started in the historical era and left its traces first in the passing of the aeon of Taurus into that of Aries, and then of Aries into Pisces, whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity. We are now nearing that great change which may be expected when the spring-point enters Aquarius." 

I think some of us are more sensitive to the energetic 'gear shifts' of changes in the collective psyche. We are multi-dimensional beings whose conscious minds only recognize a partial reality. Some of what we sense as UFO's are parts of a collective higher dimension, interpreted through a merely 3D lensing of reality.

Dreams are a kind of portal in to that higher understanding. 

None of this precludes there being actual non-human sentients--it's just difficult to separate the soup from the nuts, so to speak.  R1

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Good morning all

I hope this is the right thread to let you know of an intense and vivid dream I had last night regarding Trump. 

In the dream I could see Trump ordering a nuclear strike but the Generals completely ignored it.  They then presented him with made up images on a TV screen of the supposed strike. He began laughing and banging his hands on the table like a toddler.  It was comical. 

What I'm getting from this is that Trumps mental health is so bad he can't be trusted by anyone,  it might be worse than we think right now.  From the dream I'm also getting that they are preparing to remove Trump from office. 

Full moon in a few days so anymore dreams I'll let you know. The thing about full moons is that they illuminate what's going on.  It's going to be an interesting few days 

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Re: Trump's mental health

I had a dream sometime last year of Trump going bats**t crazy. It was so bad he had to be put into one of those jackets that are used for the mentally insane a straight-jacket.

In addition to that, I was reading at an astrology site a few days ago that Trump has the fixed star Algol conjunct his mid-heaven in his natal chart. In traditional astrology, Algol represents the losing of one's head either figuratively or literally. 

It's one thing to go crazy in the security of your own home or mental hospital but when you're a leader of a nation, it's not a good thing it's another ballgame, a very dangerous ballgame with a player that may or may not strike out. 

Reminds me too much of the average dictator being crazy.

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