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Hi Aang, This vision was mine and it was the first vision that came to me when I was meditating on Jan 22. I felt it was about the reaction to the signing  of the tax package which excluded DACA protection.   It was not a final pronouncement of what will happen to DACA, just a vision of people's despair at the time and of feelings in our collective about wanting to save the dreamers. Hang in there. We know how you feel. We stand with you.  We send our support and our positive light to surround and protect you through this. 

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Jeanne, thank you so much! I get very desperate,frustaded and angry, at this point I just want to know, even if it's bad, I would really like to know.

I am staying hopeful reading all the good predictions for this year, I have hope the sun will come out soon for all of us 

Thank you again, for your wisdom and all the positive energy.

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Thank you all for  the love, I have just had a bad gut feeling lately and being a mother I want the best for my child. And I’m afraid of us losing our lives in the incoming future and I won’t see him grow up. I love this site and everyone on it, you all inspire me! I want to be able to see the better world along side of my little one. I come here for hope and reassurance everything will be ok, even if a war or anything happens everything will be ok in the end.

Michele, LalaBella, Paul W and 3 people reacted
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Laymara, that is just how it feeks to me. We will be o.k. and we are changing the energies of tge future..bit by bit.  Keep the faith!

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This is Paul's response to Laynara: By all means, keep the faith. Be the change we seek is the best thing we can all do. -- Paul

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I had been meaning to comment on your RV request for investments and still haven't done that.  My spideysense on the market is pretty much flatline right now, even through the wild market swing a few days ago.  I have had premonitions in the past, specifically 2008-2009.  That's when spideysense screamed get out of the market (which we did) and then later it screamed get into the market (which we did).  Actually, the time out of the market was minimal, a matter of months only, and when we got back in we were able to recoup and grow.  Intuitive investing.  Actually, our son begged us to get out of the market in the summer of 2008 and we didn't listen...because he was 29 years old and seriously, who would?  

Here's my general thinking on investing in a nutshell:  Not smart enough to buy individual stocks, so we leave 30% to a professional.  The rest is spread out in mutual funds: small cap, large cap, index funds, international funds, bond funds, the distribution dependent on spideysense and risk/comfort level.  We've been anticipating a crash since the tRump took office, but stayed in so far.  We took profits from the market climb during the tRump regime and invested in an annuity.  If the market continues the nutso climb, we will do that again this summer. 

During a period of obsession with investing and during which I determined I know nothing, I discovered the Bronte Capital blog.  The blogger is out of Sydney, but it's truly an international investing blog.  Because the author is so clever and snarky, I was hooked.  You might like it...just skim past the posts on the evils of corgi racing, etc.  Hempsted often researches and comments on companies on the Chinese stock exchange, plus there are comments on bitcoin.  Here's the link:  Plus, it's searchable!

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Hi R1,

Sat with your question for a few days, and while I am no psychic, I am picking up on a trend that warrants caution in dealing with investments, obvious.  What I keep running into from a sensing stand point is inflation.  As Jeanne had pointed out and many here have predicted, the markets are going to be volatile.  How that looks to me is the gathering of a storm.  In doing additional research, the thing that bears watching is how inflation is going to play out.  Maybe those of you who can scan this more clearly could provide some input?  Right now, according to a NY Times article, US debt is now 100% of GDP.  If the Fed raises rates too quickly, it will cause further problems with inflation, but rates (the rate of interest at which the banks loan to each other and the rate at which the Fed lends to banks) need to be increased in a measured way to keep inflation from spiraling out of control.  

I did find out what "bourse" is, basically it's another word for stock exchange or commodities trading.  So investing in the Chinese market seems to be what you hit upon.  Full explanation below.  In meantime, I can only say what other investment guides advise and that is to invest with an eye to the long term. Given the volatility we are heading for over the next 8-10 years based on predictions here and what economists are saying, looking at bonds, (Chinese bonds perhaps, if there is such a thing), investing in CD's feels like it could possibly come back into vogue, which is safe and boring but gets the job done. That's where credit unions and small local community banks come in. Especially credit unions. They are much more conservative in their approach, are member centric and non-profit, meaning that all profits get plowed back into CU operations to provide better member services, competitive CD's and loans and solid banking infrastructure. Which may be why community bank came up for you. Many credit unions offer Financial Advisor services that aren't tied to commissions so you get expert advice without all the garbage.   Real estate is also a good long term (at minimum 10 years to 15 years) investment if done carefully and done with the advice of a savvy Realtor.  I'm a retired Realtor and had some rentals that I held through the 2008 crash.  When the market started coming back the market heated up to the point that now they are worth 20% more than at the peak before the crash. I sold one rental and am keeping our commercial building as it is a good cash flow and equity earner.

Here is the info on "bourse":

What is a 'Bourse'
A bourse is a market organized for the purpose of buying and selling securities, commodities, options and other investments. A bourse is more commonly known as a stock exchange. The word "bourse" is based on the house, belonging to Van der Burse, where merchants would gather and trade with one another.

Historically, those interested in exchanging commodities and other investments met in common areas to discuss transactions. Over time, traders became more organized and the exchange process more codified, resulting in the development of exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Today the word "bourse" is more commonly associated with the Paris stock exchange, the Paris Bourse or Euronext Paris.


Read more: Bourse
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Hi everyone, I've been trying to write a fictional book for a while and I keep getting lost in the here and now. I'm maybe 15% of the way through my first draft. Tonight I just felt like I wanted to continue to write, I thought I'd look at the ending. But I ended up writing this:

I will walk this path, but shy not from its weight. I will carry you and all your selves, I will lead in the darkness, I will fight in the mire, I will remain at the end. When you are still, when you exist for more than you, when you exist for life itself, I will salute and exalt, for you are whole.

I don't know why this came out, but it did and it made me cry.

Kim K., Gigi, BlueBelle and 13 people reacted
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Winkrainbow, Lovely! Inspirational words to carry us all on. Your words made me cry too! What is the name of your book? I want a copy! 

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Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. The book is a work in progress, bear with me.

I don’t know why I wrote that, I hope to write more that connects.

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Hey everybody,


I just want to ask you for a favor. Could you put a prayer in for me?

1,5 years ago I moved to the USA with my family from a really lovely place (okay, often you see things more favorably in retrospect, but heck, fee healthcare, education and no fucking guns, right?).

It’s better to take them back, right? Even if that means going into debt???

I’ve been through a really hard slog of life recently, with a lot of regrets, demons of the past reemerging, and new skepticism about the future. Sometimes I wonder why anyone would want to be incarnated on this brutal and cruel, godless spec of universe. Then recently I heard that the reason evil is allowed to exist is that the hope for us to return to what is good is so great, that despite of people’s evil doings, chance after chance after chance unfolds for us in order to chose what is right — love. But sometimes it’s just so damn hard to be in this body/ life with all the dumbfoolery around; people on this planet are driving me crazy! How hard can it be to love and listen to each other?? Yet, whenever I felt giving up on life, I just couldn’t. Something just wouldn’t let me.

Today my car broke, I lost my wallet… that’s on top of my marriage breaking down, slowly and painfully (this one is really killing me and I don’t know what to do about it). But I haven’t given up hope. I’m almost there, I almost have shaken the weight of me but with a little help and light I think I can make it. But it’s just so damn hard…

Much love to this beautiful community! It’s good to know there are like-minded people out there!!!

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I've found a lot of comfort and acceptance for how my life is playing out reading Eckhart Tolle. I can't recommend him enough. Speaking for myself, there have been times in my life when my depression was so bad that I made plans to take my own life. It got better - slowly - but I'm in a very good place now. Praying for peace and comfort for you.

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What's up Tee,

Sending you light and love, and a little bit of "I feel you girl"! Its nice to hear I am not alone when I hear about your difficulties! Sometimes people just really annoy me as well, and I too long for a more peaceful existence. And yet we trudge along shining our light anyway.  Wow you really had a bad day! I am sorry!  But try to keep it in a lighter perspective...It's just a shitty day. Shit happens!  Tomorrow your bright light will shine again. Its a time of change and transition for us all right now. The harder we resist, the more pain we feel. We want to hold on to our comfort and security. Yet, We are however being asked to let go and trust. Keep breathing, keep the love close to your heart, and practice, practice, practice. Sometimes we forget....who we are.

Tomorrow start your day with this:

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Hi Tee,

i am so very sorry for your suffering.  Life can feel overwhelming sometimes, but feelings change and you can find the strength to carry on.  People disappoint us, society can disappoint us and most certainly, our government and institutions disappoint us.  Yet we are so much more than these things.  The wheel of fortune turns.  There is still love.  There is service to others which is a manifestation of our love.  I will pray for you.  Like Paul, I’ve been reading Eckhart Tolle lately, too, and have found much comfort there.  Blessings and peace to you, Tee.

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Hi Tee,

Times are tough for all of us - life seems a bit too fast and confusing, nothing is as it seems....gawd - dont talk about governments all over the world........just gone bonkers!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel we are all picking up on the general madness, fear, uncertainty. horror of this reality - its in our face everyday like never before, unless we choose to not allow it. Pain, cruelty, death for no reason. heartbreaking. I was raised to see guns as the epitome of evil. Just cannot understand some people's stance - will it ever change - not for long time I fear..............simply horrifying reality in which to choose to live.

But do take one day at a time - consult whoever feels right for you.........mainstream or other.....there is always help when we ask God, spirit, mother nature, whatever appeals, our higher selves, angels.............I never really believed in all that stuff, but one day, decided to try it.when my logic and intuition failed................ was stunned with the amazing answer that came for me.  So had a wake up call there.

There is no perfect place on this planet, no perfect life, but if the other place is pulling you back, maybe its where you need to be.

It   is ok to change our minds about anything - its our life.  Whack a pillow when you feel mad and fed up. Cry your eyes out, Its all ok, let it go.

Your answers  are inside you - be still and it will come to you.

 Sorry about the drama of some desperado ? swearword upsetting your world.

Read many years ago Christians nurses in South Korea always did a prayer for safety before driving in their cars and that their record of car accidents was way lower than the normal population's .  Never thought of that before then. Worth a thought and to also include protection from theft.

Peace Love and perseverance

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Hang in there Tee, yesterday was just a crap day. I know yesterday was a crap day because I myself got into some drama with neighbors from hell, where it ended with me calling the police for property damage. I have zero energy as the drama has sucked everything out of me. In moments like these, sometimes we just should go with the flow and not fight it. Things are never as bad as they appear to be, especially when you look back in retrospect. Just remember whenever you have a bad moment --- this too, shall pass. It may not pass as quickly as you want it to, but it will pass. Sending a short candlelit prayer to the Blessed Mother Mary for you.

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Tee I am sorry you are going through this. I understand how you feel and how difficult it is sometimes to function when you can't control what's going on around you. Sending you lots of light and love. Just try to breathe and keep going, as best you can.

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Tee I am sorry you are going through this. I understand how you feel and how difficult it is sometimes to function when you can't control what's going on around you. Sending you lots of light and love. Just try to breathe and keep going, as best you can.

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Tee I am sorry you are going through this. I understand how you feel and how difficult it is sometimes to function when you can't control what's going on around you. Sending you lots of light and love. Just try to breathe and keep going, as best you can.

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Tee, I hope you're feeling better today. There's something I do when I feel life is spinning out of control, and you can totally laugh at me for this, but it's something I picked up from my grandmother - "When the going gets tough, the tough get to cleaning." I know it sounds ridiculous, and when I was younger I didn't know what it was that my grandmother was really trying to impart to me, but now I find that cleaning something, anything, creates an in-the-moment mindfulness immediately. Controlling one tiny corner of the universe for a bit calms me down and clears my head. I know this isn't for everybody, but if you feel up to it, give it a try. Polish one piece of furniture. Fold 1 basket of laundry. Something small. Take your time doing it, and try to focus on the task at hand. My grandmother, an immigrant who came to this country in 1910, lived to the age of 96. I still miss her, but am grateful for her wisdom that I carry within me.

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