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I watched the Joanna Macy's video and chills ran through me. The Shambhala Prophecy- the heart warriors that set off ripples of light! Yes, this is exactly what the world needs now and exactly the challenge we are to undertake. Thank you for sharing the video. This clarifies things for me. As Joanna said, well now I have my marching orders.

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I was not familiar with Joanna Macy before being drawn to this site and deciding to join in May. But once I was here and after Jeanne's first class on May 8th, I opened and read every page, every forum or blog post and every link.

And learning about Joanna Mavy then, from my readibg here, and visiting her webpage and learning about "The Great Turning" and Creational Spirituality felt very validating and connective to me.

And now...thank you, Jeanne... for this Shamballa Prophecy link as well...courage and wisdom have bern my prayers for growth since 2000 and this further adds to my feeling connected.

To know that 'not knowing how things will turn out" carries its own great  power is actually quite wonderful..reminds me of Tibetan riddles or koans in the student-teacher discourses as they sit across from one another for hours and hours if not days.

Lots to appreciate as well as think about here..everywhere here!

Jeanne Mayell, Lola, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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There's more. The Shambhala Prophecy sounds a lot like a vision I had in 1985. And my 1985 vision sounds astonishingly similar to the story Charles Eisenstein recounts in his 2015 book The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible.

My 1985 vision (which I shared with all my clients back then) :  I had just begun giving readings when I got a vision that the people who were coming for the readings were part of a tribe from a far off place, far off in time and space.  

They' came here (myself included) in streams of light that flowed right into mothers' wombs.  (They are still coming here today.) They grew up here, suffered  the troubles of our world, many had to deal with difficult families and social life because they had powerful intuitive gifts, even when they weren't aware of it.  

When they had worked through enough of their issues, they would emerge as guides to others.  But often many of them acted as guides to their family when they were children, even if the families didn't appreciate them.

When the time was right, each would begin their true soul's work here. When the climate surge in our world hits, which I feel started in 2017, the many from the tribe would feel an urgency to begin the work they came here to do.

I also believe that people who have been connecting to my website are also part of the tribe. Then there are many others who are connecting to teachers all over the world so that they can equip themselves to do their soul's work.  

Who would they be helping?  I was shown refugees flowing out of a major U.S. coastal city which I thought was New York, but perhaps it represented more than one city. The refugees were mostly young well-clad people who were going to need to deal emotionally and spiritually with major earth changes. I was shown light workers who would be pulling them out of the water to higher ground. I took that image as a metaphor for people who'd be helped to deal with the overwhelming emotional issues of having to adjust to a new world. 

There was much more to this vision, but that's the gist. 

Then last year, I read a similar story at the end of  Charles Eisenstein's book  A More Beautiful World that Our Hearts Know is Possible. He asks us to imagine a place in a far away planet or galaxy that is highly evolved.  

Both places where Eisenstein's tribe and my tribe easily fit the idea of Shambhala, with the inhabitants being the Tibetan prophecy's Shambhala Warrior.

 Here's what Eisenstein wrote: 

A Gathering of the Tribe (excerpted from Charles Eisenstein, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible found in  

Once upon a time a great tribe of people lived in a world far away from ours. Whether far away in space, or in time, or even outside of time, we do not know. They lived in a state of enchantment and joy that few of us today dare to believe could exist, except in those exceptional peak experiences when we glimpse the true potential of life and mind.

One day the elders of the tribe called a meeting. They gathered around, and one of them spoke very solemnly. “My friends,” she said, “there is a world that needs our help. It is called Earth, and its fate hangs in the balance. Its humans have reached a critical point in their collective birthing, the same point our own planet was at one million years ago, and they will be stillborn without our help. Who would like to volunteer for a mission to this time and place, and render service to humanity?”

“Tell us more about this mission,” they asked.

“It is no small thing. Our shaman will put you into a deep, deep trance, so complete that you will forget who you are. You will live a human life, and in the beginning you will completely forget your origins. You will forget even our language and your own true name. You will be separated from the wonder and beauty of our world, and from the love that bathes us all. You will miss it deeply, yet you will be unable to name what you are missing. You will remember the love and beauty that we know to be normal only as a longing in your heart. Your memory will take the form of an intuitive knowledge, as you plunge into the painfully marred Earth, that a more beautiful world is possible.

“As you grow up in that world, your knowledge will be under constant assault. You will be told in a million ways that a world of destruction, violence, drudgery, anxiety, and degradation is normal. You may go through a time when you are completely alone, with no allies to affirm your knowledge of a more beautiful world. You may plunge into a depth of despair that we, in our world of light, cannot imagine. But no matter what, a spark of knowledge will never leave you. A memory of your true origin will be encoded in your DNA. That spark will lie within you, inextinguishable, until one day it is awakened.

“You see, even though you will feel, for a time, utterly alone, you will not be alone. We will send you assistance, help that you will experience as miraculous, experiences that you will describe as transcendent. These will fan that spark into a flame. For a few moments or hours or days, you will reawaken to the beauty and the joy that is meant to be. You will see it on Earth, for even though the planet and its people are deeply wounded, there is beauty there still, projected from past and future onto the present as a promise of what is possible and a reminder of what is real.

“After that glimpse, the flame may die down into an ember again as the routines of normal life there swallow you up. But after each awakening, they will seem less normal, and the story of that world will seem less real. The ember will glow brighter. When enough embers do that, they will all burst into flame together and sustain each other.

“Because remember, you will not be there alone. As you begin to awaken to your mission you will meet others of our tribe. You will recognize them by your common purpose, values, and intuitions, and by the similarity of the paths you have walked. As the condition of the planet Earth reaches crisis proportions, your paths will cross more and more. The time of loneliness, the time of thinking you might be crazy, will be over.

“You will find the people of your tribe all over the Earth, and become aware of them through the long-distance communication technologies used on that planet. But the real shift, the real quickening, will happen in face-to-face gatherings in special places. When many of you gather together you will launch a new stage on your journey, a journey that, I assure you, will end where it begins right now. Then, the mission that lay unconscious within you will flower into consciousness. Your intuitive rebellion against the world presented to you as normal will become an explicit quest to create a more beautiful one.”

A woman said, “Tell us more about the time of loneliness, that we might prepare for it.”

The elder said, “In the time of loneliness, you will always be seeking to reassure yourself that you are not crazy. You will do that by telling people all about what is wrong with the world, and you will feel a sense of betrayal when they don’t listen to you. You might hunger for stories of wrongness, atrocity, and ecological destruction, all of which confirm the validity of your intuition that a more beautiful world exists. But after you have fully received the help we will send you, and the quickening of your gatherings, you will no longer need to do that. Because you will know. Your energy will thereafter turn toward actively creating that more beautiful world.”

A tribeswoman asked, “How do you know this will work? Are you sure our shaman’s powers are great enough to send us on such a journey?”

The elder replied, “I know it will work because he has done it many times before. Many have already been sent to Earth, to live human lives, and to lay the groundwork for the mission you will undertake now. He’s been practicing! The only difference now is that many of you will venture there at once. What is new in the time you will live in, is that you will gather in critical mass, and each awaken the other to your mission. The heat you will generate will kindle the same spark that lies in every human being, for in truth, each one is from a tribe like ours. The whole galaxy and beyond is converging on Earth, for never before has a planet journeyed so far into Separation and made it back again. Those of you who go will be part of a new step in cosmic evolution.”

A tribesman asked, “Is there a danger we will become lost in that world, and never wake up from the shamanic trance? Is there a danger that the despair, the cynicism, the pain of separation will be so great that it will extinguish the spark of hope, the spark of our true selves and origin, and that we will be separated from our beloved ones forever?”

The elder replied, “That is impossible. The more deeply you get lost, the more powerful the help we will send you. You might experience it at the time as a collapse of your personal world, the loss of everything important to you. Later you will recognize the gift within it. We will never abandon you.”

Another man asked, “Is it possible that our mission will fail, and that this planet, Earth, will perish?”

The elder replied, “I will answer your question with a paradox. It is impossible that your mission will fail. Yet, its success hangs on your own actions. The fate of the world is in your hands. The key to this paradox lies within you, in the feeling you carry that each of your actions, even your personal, secret struggles, has cosmic significance. You will know then, as you know now, that everything you do matters.”

There were no more questions. The volunteers gathered in a circle, and the shaman went to each one. The last thing each was aware of was the shaman blowing smoke in his or her face. They entered a deep trance and dreamed themselves into the world where we find ourselves today.   -- Charles Eisenstein a.r.r.  You can order his book here.  Its a great book as are all his books.

There is more that I received about the tribe that I was told was coming for readings. I'll start a separate thread on it soon. 



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Jeanne, Yes! Yes! Yes! Absolutely yes!




Jeanne Mayell, Grace, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Thank you Jeanne for sharing your amazing vision and this beautiful story by Charles Eisentein. As I was reading tears were steaming down my cheeks, all too real yet again hopeful...

Jeanne Mayell, Shawn, Grace and 3 people reacted
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Thank you for this!

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Hi guys 

I am definitely in need of support. At my wedding recently, some guests were preaching the merits of Trump to Canadians. One guest (a trump voter) also wrote us a long letter about the importance of accepting Jesus Christ into our lives. Reading that letter privately later I felt that me and my husband are now going to lose a friend because we refuse to adopt their Christian literalist world view (and this is a child hood friend of my husband). My coworker has just joked that I couldn't live anywhere except Cambridge because of how liberal I am. I moved to the United States from Canada in 2016, and I increasingly feel trapped here. I feel claustrophobic, like I can't escape and am forced to live the rest of my life here, when all I want to do is run away. Problem is I want to run away with my husband who wants to stay here. I am tired of being told I'm overreacting, tired of listening to people praise Trump and staying silent, tired of being told how lucky I am to be living in the United States (really?!??!?) as if every other country is inferior. I am just tired.

Sorry for the rant. 


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Welcome to the USA!  As you may have noticed, many of my fellow countrymen don't get out much. Most have never been through a modern Asian or European airport, ridden a fast, quit, and convenient intercity train, or walked the streets of a very, very walkable European city like London or Dublin. Most of us have no frame of reference, in other words. Most of us don't know that our potholed streets, inefficient public transportation, or crowded and dirty airports would simply not be tolerated in much of the western world, or eastern world for that matter. My parent's generation (our "greatest" generation) did live at a time where we led the world in most things including infrastructure. Unfortunately, the rest of the developed world and much of the developing world is passing us by and we are too insular to realize it. 

As a Unitarian, (check us out if there is a church in your area - you might find some like-minded people), I have been told many times that I am bound for hell in a handbasket unless I mend my ways. I tell them that I am comfortable with my faith and appreciate their concern.

I hope things get better for you and also hope that your husband gives you the kind of love and support you need. I'm glad you are here and if you lived out in the sticks of central Illinois, my wife and I would be happy to make your acquaintance.  I hope you can find like-minded friends where you live so you won't feel isolated. 

Take care.


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Natalie, would your husband be willing to move to a more liberal region? I'm a pagan who grew up in an atheist family and we always managed to find friendship and community. I promise that there are a lot of people in the US who are not Trump supporters, or religiously conservative.

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Beautiful story that makes so much sense. Thank you for sharing, Jean!

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Hi Jeanne,

This reminds me of our last reading together.

When I'm at work in the library, I feel like I'm totally in flow. Even though I sometimes question getting my degree, I run around the library and I just feel on purpose. It's an amazing feeling. It's like riding a wave of purpose. I don't always want to clock out of work.

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Paco that is a rare and wonderful gift.  It delights me to imagine you in total flow at the library. 

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Hey, Natalie:

Move to Minneapolis.  We're about as progressive as it gets. Just voted in $15 minimum wage. Al Franken is our Senator.  And we have a Somali state rep, Ilhan Omar.  It's a sanctuary city & Trumpism has no traction here.

Just to dangle a little incentive--we have a 3.2% unemployment rate.


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Dear Natalie, 

I'm sorry about what you are going through right now. I wish you peace, and I hope that you find some like minded friends in your area who make you feel loved and accepted. 

We are definitely living in challenging times.


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When surrounded by such difference,

That makes us feel so stranded and alone,

The storms seems so much stronger,

And earth is moving,

In the midst all of this,

The sun will rise,

New friendship will be created,

Things will be become brighter,

Mountains will become clearer.

I Believe we are much stronger,

I Believe we will be okay,

I Believe we will work our way through this, 

And I Believe tomorrow is new day.


Natalie, it just like when you lose your keys, and can not seem to find them no matter how much you look. As soon as you give up, and go to do something else, you find your keys. Take a paper, write down your feelings, desires, and dreams for the world. Then burn the paper and forget it.

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Perhaps we all can write a letter to the universe, and send our love, peace and intention/desires. We could have the letters written earlier, and we only need to read it again before burning them. All we need is a date, not so much the time because we live all in different timezones. 

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Natalie, take heart. Remember that there are 323 million US citizens and only 62 million of those voted for Trump. That's only 20%.  There are two quotes that come to mind to help here. First from Eleanor Roosevelt: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Secondly, from Dr. Wayne Dyer: "How others treat you is their Karma. How you react is your Karma." You can only control yourself. How others treat you can give them Karmic credit, or debt, but either way, it's not your problem. Most people who are in the debt category have a tendency to rationalize and need to project onto others to keep up their denial of responsibility. Here again, that's their problem, don't make it yours. I found my faith through crisis. Unfortunately, many use faith and religion to put others down or to justify their own poor behaviors - like judging others. They totally miss the point of their religions when they do this. Again, this is not your fault. My son claims to be atheist, but I often tell him he's one of the better Christians I know. He may not acknowledge there is a God, but he treats others with love, compassion, and respect. My son's generation knows more about systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., than mine did. With knowledge comes the power to change things. 

Growing up, I felt like the outcast, that I didn't fit. It wasn't just the dysfunction in the family that I came to recognize as an adult. Jeanne this is where Einstein's quote really rings a bell with me. 

When my ex abandoned my son and I shortly after my daughter's death, I gave up my advocacy and concentrated on doing the right things for my son and myself. I was alone for the first time in my life, and surprisingly, for the first time, I was not lonely. It was the first time I was not surrounded by negativity.  I saw wondrous things in meditation during this time. I came to understand that I had been chosen for this. I would not be who I am today if I had not gone through so much tragedy. I learned to listen during these times, unlike many who take tragedy to learn to disassociate. In one meditation, I read from a book written in a beautiful language not known here. I was only allowed to read what I needed to know for that period of time, and nothing more, but it made me homesick. I'm not saying I'm from another planet, but I know when we are in the flesh here, we are partially removed from our higher spiritual selves. No matter what we do here, we will return to spirit when we pass.

Another time saw a huge geometric golden grid encircling the Earth, moon, even Mars. At every intersection in this complex pattern was a precious jewel, and souls here on Earth made energy connections to this grid to upload/download information, love, support, etc. via beams of light. It was an amazing thing to behold. To this day, when I need to, I close my eyes, send a beam of light from myself to my 'jewel' in the grid. I hadn't picked up a paint brush in over a decade back in '98, but this vision was so stirring, I had to paint it, even tho I had to simplify it to look like a fisherman's net surrounding the planets instead of the intricate webbing I actually saw. In another meditation, I saw light beings and angels in the vastness of space trying to fill a bowl with light, pouring it from a pitcher. It wasn't working tho, as the bowl was already full. The vessel must be empty before it can be filled was the lesson there. 

We can lead a horse to water, but we can't make them drink. The same holds true for those who we are here to teach. I have seen another post that many things predicted here don't resonate with them. I concur. Will there be strife and problems-absolutely. This is not the first time we've seen such things. I grew up in a time where the older generations thought it was ridiculous for things like We Are The World and Comic Relief to take root, that is-if they even knew of them. Now we have vast networks of funding for those in need, from impromptu TV specials to Go Fund Me. 

Think of the toxic dumps of years ago. They festered and remained problematic until we actually went in and dug up the containers, and cleaned up the spills. We had to empty these dumps, mitigate the very Earth (soil), and then replant to let nature take over. The same things hold true today. More and more of us are willing to look inward and become the change we wish to see in the world. Those who don't do such work, won't reap the benefits.  Those who care about the welfare of the planet and their neighbors will be the ones to inherit the world and make it a better place. 

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Thank you everyone for your support. It's funny that Paul attends a Unitarian church. We were married by a Unitarian minister who has a church in Portland Maine. Her name is Carolyn Lambert, and she is very active in the gay community (officiating a lot of gay marriages) as well working intensely with refugees. I just love her, she's every caring. I am also a great admirer of Chris Hedges who is a Presbyterian minister and journalist/activist. He wrote the book on far right evangelical Christians more than a decade ago and titled it "American Fascists". I myself am not a christian, I have great admiration for the message of Christ but I am not inclined to join any religion, I prefer to learn about them all. The one that appeals to me the most happens to be Buddhism. Cindy you're right that I can only control my own behavior not that of others. My own behavior is never antagonistic without cause, nor is it preachy, I prefer listening. But it's incredible to me the things that I hear. Thank you to everyone who suggested I should move. I happen to live in a very liberal area (Cambridge Massachusetts), my problems begin when I meet people who are from elsewhere, either more rural areas of the state or other states, it seems I always encounter the right wing, which makes me think it's incredibly strong in this country. I feel better now, because I've been home for a few days, I hate sounding like a snow flake but I feel triggered when I hear Trump supporters talk, like I may have a panic attack, so someone bringing that conversion into my wedding was not only horrendous but enough to make me wish I didn't have a wedding. I wish everyone was kind to each other, I wish we would listen instead of just spouting our own opinions all the time. I wish we could slow down and really think about our actions, beliefs and ideas and what the consequences of those are. I wish we would care about consequences and not just think that if it doesn't affect me then it doesn't matter. I know that I'm generalizing, and that the people on this website already care, listen and respond with compassion. But I am thinking of our species as  a whole and how often we allow hatred and fear to dominate our lives.

Thank you everyone, your kindness is amazing. Much love.


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Natalie, try altering your perspective by recalling that everyone on Earth is here to learn. Earth is a school for the soul. You may be young in Earth years, but you may be much older and more spiritually advanced than those spouting their opinions which you find objectionable. It can be hard to remember this when confronted with Earthbound customs. 

My father is older than I here, but I know I'm an older soul. So I do what I can to teach him, and know he's got much more to learn when he says or does things that are inappropriate. What he hasn't learned in this lifetime, he'll try to learn in his next one. The spiritual school here on Earth does not separate the primary, secondary, or collegiate level learners into distinct categories. We intermingle. There are no school uniforms, age definitions, or other outward signs differentiating us.

If you were helping a 7 or 8 year old with their division homework, they may tell you that 7 divided by 2 is 3 with a remainder of 1. In your mind the answer is 3.5, but once you hear the child's answer, you then realize how fundamental their knowledge of the process still is. Remainders are something most of us forget. Those are the types of lessons that eventually get discarded for the more advanced student, but are the building blocks to anchor the student's progress.  These individuals who unnerve you are young souls, who are just getting some of the foundational building blocks under their belt. Advanced concepts aren't in they syllabus just yet. 

I've worked in elementary schools-it can be overwhelming to be surrounded by those who are less worldly and knowledgeable than ourselves. If you remember this is the situation when you encounter those espousing such unsettling viewpoints, you will eventually feel pity, not anguish or agitation. Right now our situation is that we have a substitute in charge of the Classroom Earth. The behavior problem children will act out, but this too is just as temporary as the substitute's tenure. 

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Cindy, I love the image of the geometric grid you describe.  I woke in the middle of the night many years ago to a light being talking to me.  We were beside one another looking upon a tapestry of lights that stretched across the ethers.  It was grid-like, too.  The light represented souls and they were in all of these beautiful colors.  As I was waking, the light being said, "Did you check on your mother?"  It seemed as though we had been checking in on people.  This past year I was driving south down a street near my home and saw this brilliant flash of light in the southeastern sky.  Like a star appeared and then disappeared in daylight.  I kept wondering about it and it was bugging me as I went to bed a couple of nights later ... I distinctly remember asking whatever wanders around with me what I saw.  That night a being stood beside me on the street I traveled down and showed me this light beam coming up and down along the street.  She told me it was bouncing on earth's gravity.  I remember thinking she was explaining what the light was doing in the sky and thinking, "like tigger" in Winnie the Pooh.  Someone mentioned on another missive stream that she was afraid to talk about her psychic experiences.  I don't know what these are, but they seem somehow real to me.

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