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I'm sending healing, hugs, and prayers to your entire family. Losing a pet is horrible. They depend on us to do the right thing when they are suffering. Think about the wonderful life she shared with you. 

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@periwinkle I am so sad for you & your family. My family just went through this right before Thanksgiving and my heart still aches for my Cocoa. Our whole family came to the appointment and we hugged her and told her how much we loved her & always would. I too wrestled if it was the right thing to do... I guess our fur babies rely on us to let them know it’s ok to let go. My poor Cocoa had liver issues & couldn’t even hold water down with medication. As hard as it was to let her go, I couldn’t bear to know it was only going to get worse if I pushed her to stay ? I am sure your pup will know the love you have and that you are being as gentle as possible. But yes, there is a hole in our family- and I try to remind myself she’s still with us & loves us too ❤️❤️❤️ Much love & healing to you & your family. 

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I just saw your post from 12/23 about the picture of your mom. I'm so sorry you experienced even ONE fire let alone more. I felt how you were feeling when you looked at that photo and she was blurry. I was picking up there were 17 Angels - not just one. 17 is a number that kept coming to me when I read your post just now. Not sure if that number means anything to you. One thing I can tell you she's with them now.

Image result for angel of the number 17 picture

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My love and light to you and your family! I know how hard this is too. ❤️ 

Image result for angel of dogs

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@perriwinkle10, I am so sorry for your loss.  Our fur babies are miraculous beings that touch us in remarkable ways.   I understand how painful this is for you.  We lost our sweet Gracie to cancer over 2 years ago, and we still miss her.  I am sending you and your family comforting light, healing and lots of love.

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I am sending you, your son and family love and and healing.  May you each find peace of mind.

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I am sending you warmth and healing and love to share with your whole family.  You will be able to comfort them and you can take comfort yourself in knowing that you gave your beloved pup a good, good life.  Much love to you.  I know it’s been tough.

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So sorry. It never gets easier with our furry babies. Sending you light and peace.

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@perriwinkle10 and many unknown others now reading here about losing or about to lose a beloved pet.

I have lost dozens and dozens of beloved animal friends in my life and each and every one literally broke my heart.

I mourned them all and created remembrance memorials for them that gave me comfort, wrote poems or memory story books about them and kept them in my heart forever.

All of these ways of loving and honoring them eased bits of me along the healing journey along with lighting candles, saying prayers or sending healing energies for their little beings in perpetuity and for myself for understanding and accepting that the more we love in life the more we have to lose and grieve when they are gone.

There have been many times when losses hurt so much I wasn't sure I would ever want another little precious being in my life but then when I let another one into our home and hearts, I found the memories and love for the others was just added to not taken away from  and the pain eased.

For our children who often first learn about loss from the death of a pet the journey is just as painful but the experiences of healing not yet experienced.

And the pain of their loss is so painful as we experience it even more deeply feeling their heart and our heart's love combined.

It takes time, special ways of remembering and honoring the love as well as the loss. I know you will find ways to honor and remember in your own ways as you go through this now.

I hold you all in my own all too understanding heart and send love to all of you as you go through these healing times. ?

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I have been thinking about you all day and what you are going through as caregiver to your elderly parents.  It's hard for anyone who has not had Alzheimer's affect a loved one to understand.  It's really a 24/7 sacrifice and a commitment of the deepest love to  care for someone who can not care for him/herself.  The word exhaustion doesn't even come close to covering it and I know that you also have struggles with family, too.  I am praying for your endurance and stamina to see this through.  I am praying that you are given some respite from the day to day worries and efforts and find some precious time to center yourself and find moments of peace in the midst of struggle.  Sending you love and light and a healing for the situation in which you are living.  Namaste, dear one.  Your daughter is also near to you during these days.  You know that and feel her presence.  

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I've been meaning to respond to your post. I'm with bluebelle; I've been meditating on you as well, and I have also strongly sensed your daughter helping you through the daily trials of eldercare. 

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this may not be the right place for this post, but I have a couple of questions and observations.

I want to say upfront that I'm not psychic. But here's my question - what does it mean when you're about to say something and get a vibe that you shouldn't.  And it turns out you were right to keep your mouth shut. And the reverse - saying exactly the wrong thing, like telling an alcoholic I need a drink (obviously not knowing the person was an alcoholic).

Also, many years ago I took a course and was able to do remote viewing. Also it seemed like my vibrations were high - for instance, I would miss an audition (this is when I was a singer), I'd leave my resume anyway, and I would be called in to sing.  Other odd things happened during that time.  I'm assuming then that with some kind of training we can raise our vibrations and become more "in tune" I guess. Would love to hear more about this.

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@bluebell, @coyote, I just now saw your posts. Thank you both. Hugs! It is tough to deal with one ailing parent, much less two. I am very grateful for your thoughts, prayers and meditations. They are helpful, rest assured. 

And, yes, Monica is making sure I know she's around. Songs on the radio, a rose still blooming here or there on the bushes, rainbows on a clear day, an odd butterfly fluttering by. When I posted last in this thread, I hit the post button, and then wondered if Monica would be there to greet me when it's eventually my time to transition. As I've seen, we aren't always greeted by all of our family and loved ones when we go. Her response was immediate and unmistakable. I saw just pure energy in light form bouncing up and down in front of me, putting Tigger to shame. She was emanating pure love, and saying an unequivocal yes. It humbled me, made me cry, smile, and gave head to toe goosebumps all at the same time.

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That feeling of about to say or not say something? I think that's spirit, your guides, your angels, whatever you want to call it. For me, it's a guide who will "whisper in my ear" in those situations sometimes.

As you evolve, this will happen more and it will seem more natural to you. My advice is to heed the voice.  I've only ever regretted when I didn't.

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Here is one of my art pieces. Please note the butterflies surrounding the white tiger. If you can feel my energy, and the energy of this piece and the love I put into this piece, than I hope it will bring you comfort, whoever you are, wherever this post may find you.


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Lovely work!

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Hey y'all - shoutout especially to my cat people - need some healing vibes sent to our cat Tess (not Arlo - he's holding his own for now).  Tess has esonophilic granuloma, an autoimmune disease, which we've been treating with steroids for a few months now.  I've been suspecting she might be developing diabetes for a few weeks now (increased thirst and hunger) because of the drugs and was going to call the vet specialist today for an appointment.

This morning she was unable to move around properly, couldn't keep her eyes open, was purring and crying at the same time. I syringed some honey into her mouth, which roused her slightly, but she was not well. I ended up rushing her to the regular vet as soon as they opened, and they're keeping her for tests and to stabilize her. She's with our regular vet who we like and trust, but the vet said she's critical. They're keeping her for the day to try to stabilize her, hopefully she won't die, and if she's still unstable at the end of the day she will have to get transferred to the emergency vet for overnight care.

We're so worried about her!! She's the Alpha of the would not be the same here without her. Please send her strength!

Thank you beautiful people! Namasté

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Praying for your kitty. 

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@laura-f, I'm so sorry to hear that about your fur baby.  I'm surrounding sweet Tess with comforting, healing light.  Sending lots of love to you, Tess, Arlo, and your entire family.

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@ghandigirl, your artwork is stunning.   Yes, I can surely feel the love behind it.  You are extremely gifted.  Thank you for sharing this with us.

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