Aliens, do they exi...
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Aliens, do they exist, etc.

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Has anyone tried to meditate/pray connect with a particular star system recently?

I can see that the post by Ernie said they had tried Alpha Centauri but nothing came up.

I had a very strange vision a few weeks back when I was in a half asleep state, where I saw in complete darkness, a being that looked like an Alien looking directly at me through a window but I could not see what the window was from as I could not see the outer surroundings. They looked like what people descibe as the Greys, but perhaps a little slender and taller than any pictures I have seen. It also seemed like they were trying to communicate to me through my mind but I didn't get anything as I shut it down because I freaked out. But I didn't get any bad vibes from that experience at all and they seemed fairly benign, it was just very unusual.

This isn't also the first time a weird experience like this has happened to me. A year or so ago, I happened to come across an interview trending on youtube with Bob Lazar who was talking about his experience working at Sector 4. During that interview I felt as though what he was talking about made me feel suddenly extremely aware in a very strange heightened sense type of way, that we are not alone (like literally around me but from the sky above our home) and I felt my crown chakra unusually very open in a weird way (this has happened to me before during other spiritual experiences). As this was happening, little did I know my dad was outside during the night to let our dog out, and he saw in the night sky a very unusual light that he had never seen before that was moving around in a very weird way in thr night sky. I had no idea this happnened until the next morning. The synchronicity of this with what I was experiencing that night, seemed a bit odd to say the least.

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That's a very interesting vision.  It reminds me of an experience I had around 2009.  That was also the same year my Dad passed away, and I remember hearing that at least one other relative (on my Mom's side of the family) had a similar experience.  I don't know if the experience was at all related to my Dad's passing or if it was just coincidence that it happened that same year. I don't know if the entity was an alien, some kind of supernatural spirit, a guide or guardian, or what.  I also don't know if it was benevolent or malevolent - though most folks I've told the story to seem to think it was some kind of guardian spirit.

My experience was also likely a sleep paralysis experience as I remember being conscious, but unable to move.  I saw some kind of doorway open at a corner of my bedroom near my closet.  There was all sorts of bright light behind the door and the entity was in shadow so I could only make out a humanoid form.  I remember feeling my head "buzzing".  The entity held out its hand over me and it was like there was some kind of sparkly energy coming from its hand. 

As with your experience, I "freaked" out and let out a really big psychic push and the entity left.

I told the experience to my Mom and she said that my Uncle (her brother) had a similar experience while visiting my parents not long before my Dad passed away.  He was sleeping in their guest bedroom and saw some kind of entity emerge from a doorway.  I believe he firmly told it to go and it did. 

I never saw the entity again, but there were a few times later that year when I had a buzzing feeling in my head and felt that something was trying to communicate with me.   That was my first sleep paralysis experience and I've only had one or two after that (but no entities present the other times). 

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@melmystery thank you for sharing the experiences from yourself and your family. Wow.

Could it be the door/window we both have seen is like a window/door to another dimension? 

I got the vibe with mine that it could be another dimension, where this being was from.

I saw this being move their hand also, but I wasn't sure what were going to do. I just remember seeing their face looking at me very directly. I sensed no evil as such, but I could feel them attempting to communicate through my mind. I think because the whole thing is so unusual, our nautral instinct is to respond in fear and shut it down. 

I have heard many spiritual people talk about Alien beings watching over our planet, but who or what they are I have no clue. It is hard to know whether to call them, Aliens, Entities, Spiritual beings, as we have so little information on who they are. I wish we knew more. Maybe we will in the future?

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Just popping in to say that TODAY is the day high level members of the military intelligence community will be testifying to Congress about UAPs.  There is a LOT of infighting going on about how much to reveal because the intelligence people are concerned that members of Congress are so dumb that telling them everything might result in significant national security problems.

"The truth is out there!"

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@laura-f oh wow, thanks for letting us know.  Let us hope instead this will be the beginning of more info being declassified. 

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I had no idea, thanks Laura!

I would be worried about security breeches as well.  I wonder how this will all play out.

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@laura-f I had to laugh when I read your post.  My husband and I have been very interested in this testimony today, but never considered the dumb factor in Congress.  Seriously, I wouldn’t trust some members of Congress to walk my dogs.  I’m staying tuned to the news to see what comes out of that testimony today.  Hope you are doing well, my friend.

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I know, right? When talking about this with my IC-working hubby, he nodded knowingly.

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Hopefully any aliens that land here will only eat republicans.

(75 words or more.)

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More questions than answers IMHO:


Congress UFO Hearing

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@laura-f  Yes more questions... when asked about whether we had eyes on underwater UAPs, the Federal official had an interesting response. He said in effect that the issue was best discussed in a closed-door session.  I'd call that "a clue." Of course it might also be a clue to our own rapidly expanding technological capabilities. In a recent science journal, new underwater drones where briefly discussed... they are designed to change their configuration so that they also leave the water and fly... kinda like some of the reports out there about mysterious objects that can operate both underwater and in our atmosphere. Descriptions of the mysterious objects are vastly different from the drones described in the journal. In the past I've had some visions of strange objects and beings... I'll share them another time...

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Does anyone else think it is strange that we do not hear anything about aliens and what they are from the spirit world? I mean, it seems odd to me that this is all so secretive even from spirit... I am mostly referring to people's visions on this forum and messages from their guides/angels - by that I mean answers and further insight - I know there has been plenty of experiences both here and elsewhere but they raise more questions than answers.

I have asked my angels what about this but I never get an answer...

My best guess is we are not yet ready to know...

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@luminous I increasingly feel guided, hear whispers, get visions, and you are right, I never get any sense that they are identifying themselves, except for my Native American guide.  He has been guiding me for decades, has shared his name and location and when he lived here and when he first made me aware of his presence, he showed me a vision of his costume.  But I don't hear anything about aliens.  I do feel, however, that the souls of higher beings from other places are guiding us. 

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@jeanne-mayell @luminous

About 14-15 years ago I was blessed with a full-on "council" of guides. They were a diverse group, and sometimes were so noisy that others (with abilities) could hear and see them without trying. I remember them all, and most of them have moved on and only check in with me every several years. At one point I had about 6, 2 of whom were grandparents of mine. None of them actually told me who there were. One time I was getting a massage and the massage therapist was a gifted intuitive and also a wiccan witch, and in the middle of the massage she stopped and said, "It's a bit noisy in here with all your guides. Would you mind asking the woman waving the stick and yelling at me in a foreign language to quiet down for a few?" Stick Waving Woman did not comply, lol. I still don't know what language she was always yelling or where she was from or what she was trying to say - maybe an ancient ancestor, who knows.

One in particular was also Indigenous American, and in fact I "shared" him with a friend - he used to work with both of us! He presented as Hopi or Zuni. At one point my friend and I were both seeing him at the same time, so we asked for his origin and name. He laughed and said "My name doesn't matter. I am one of the ancient ones." We politely pressed him and he said he would tell my friend the name at another time, which he did. I still remember the name (I wrote it down phonetically as soon as my friend told me), and I also remember the translation.

Each guide seemed to have a specialty and a couple of them had hilarious senses of humor, and a couple were fond of mild pranks. One was kind enough to show up for serious medical appointments and tests. I miss them...

I don't know why they have mostly disappeared and I don't know how to bring them back. Jeanne - any ideas?

And sorry for the tangent - meant to say that none of my guides mentioned aliens either (and none appeared to be alien).

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@jeanne-mayell @laura-f

Thanks for sharing your experiences and your own spiritual intuitive insight.

If I go by the feeling I get when I think about UFOs/UAPs then I get the feeling that maybe more than fifty percent of what is seen is our own experimental aircraft. Even though this is completely at odds with our current technological understanding and what I and many others would like them to be - which is that we are not alone and they are aliens who will eventually help us.

Another feeling I get is that some of them do have a connection to our ancient history,  but in what way I don't really understand - and that is why I think this connects in part to what you have said about people from our ancient history guiding us and perhaps connects to what the other fifty percent of the strange sightings are and that is where it gives me a spiritual vibe in that regard.

It is possible a few select civilizations in our ancient history had achieved a spiritual and technological advancement and understanding that is higher than we know now but in a less materialistic way. I am not sure who they would be exactly, but people have talked about advanced people before the 'great flood'.

It is possible later people such indigenous native American Indian people and others had a connection to these much older more advanced civilizations in a spiritual way - and might be why they also can make good guides because of their spiritual knowledge and understanding.

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I just want to clarify my earlier post, in saying that I do believe there is something that is Alien out there in the Universe. But I am not sure whether they are extraterrestrial/extradimensional/interdimensional/spiritual and whether they are the ones we are seeing in UFOs outside of the ones that are our own experimental crafts. 

Also, I am not denying people's experiences with these 'beings' - I had one myself and I still cannot understand it.

I think the ancient people on Earth probably had some relationship with them but in what way again I am not sure, but it seems we have lost that openness today for some reason - but a big part might be becauss we are so spiritually immature on a global scale that we are simply not ready to understand. 

The words I keep wanting to use are 'ancient guardians' does that resonate with anyone? I keep wanting to call these beings that and they are somehow linked to our ancient history.

When I see some UFO footage I want to believe that these are those same beings, but I get a different vibe - and it feels darker and more illusive. So with that, I try to ignore UFO footage and pictures and go by experiences instead such as my own and others - because I think it is more through that way where there might be some fragments of truth - and perhaps we will have more of this as time goes on...

I know there are lots of conspiracy theories out there about aliens and ufos and I used to be very interested in all that as a young teenager, but now I try to be more objective and not get sucked into all of that stuff - I try to instead go by my own feelings and intuition these days - and I do openly admit that I could be waaay off in my understanding so it would be nice for other people to share their own thoughts and experiences/intuition about this subject.

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@luminous Hi! I'm new here, and the name I am using on this website is Serethia. It's a name I will use if I ever publish anything.

On this topic, I have some interesting viewpoints. I don't much pay attention to popular culture's ideas of aliens/UFOs etc. I tend to view popular culture's views as too human-centric. Also, I cannot share the things I believe too much as I'm still learning and feel some things aren't meant to be shared. However, I can tell you that there are two things I'm confident of. One is, that there are humans that were once something other than human. Some souls come from outside Earth's system. Whether that be from another solar system/planet/civilization in our universe or even further beyond that, I don't know. I'd assume most come from this universe. I believe that as human society continues, more souls from other places in our universe and perhaps beyond, do reincarnate here, for one reason or another.

As far as alien civilizations go, if they are more advanced than humans, enough to travel in the universe outside their solar system, their desire to interact with humans would probably be minimal. The thing we forget as humans, or at least souls in a human body, is that humans aren't the center of the universe. There are other sapient beings (whether spiritual or physical), and they don't orient their lives around our existence. In fact, most times, they may not care one way or the other. Sometimes, for reasons unknown, some will contact humans, but if they sound too human, they are probably not alien. Souls bound to Earth or bonded with Earth will care about the planet. Those dwelling outside of Earth, probably won't care so much about it unless they are a guardian of sapience or have decided to protect life on Earth in some manner (even then, they will be mostly hidden). 

I know you are right about ancient guardians. I believe there are groups of guardians that exist solely for sapience, and there are also guardians of life itself (not prioritizing sapience) that typically focus on a system, whether it be a solar system, galaxy, planet, or moon. 

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About your council going silent, I will share two things that happened to me spiritually that might explain some things (though these are just my thoughts about it). On New Year's Day, 2020, I felt elated at the beginning of the day, and then, about halfway through, I felt a sudden drop as if I'd fallen into a pit, but I felt happy and was confused why things suddenly felt so wrong. By spring of that year, I suddenly knew why I felt that drop, it was the pandemic and everything that happened after that. During that same year, I sensed a spiritual shift in the realms that I have sensed before. It was as if the whole thing got reset. After that, those that had been present spiritually in my life suddenly got very quiet for a time. I sensed it like there was a house and all kinds of things on the other side, and it was as if it all got leveled and was being rebuilt. I don't know why, that's just what I sensed. So, it could be that your council going silent was due partially to that reset, though I'm not sure. Could have been something else, of course. 

I was spiritually awakened in August 2017 by an experience that proved to me without a doubt that my theories about life were true in a way I couldn't deny. I don't follow any known human religion. My path is less human-oriented, or at least, that's my trajectory. At first, I tried to fit into the boxes of human religion, but my soul just doesn't fit into that stuff. I have very vivid dreams, sometimes in places all around the world, as well as of a traumatic past life that is now healed (I had to figure it out myself, something I'm very proud of). I have also had at least one dream that depicted a place I was going to visit and got the entryway to the place exactly on point without me ever having visited it. I've also had clairaudience and clairalience. But most of what I get spiritually outside of dreams is through feelings and senses.  

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I was recently watching a show about archaeology on History channel. In it, a person had found an ancient vessel. Turns out it was from the Moche people of South America. Later in their history the Moche joined the Inca.  The Moche were most active around the 1500BCE time frame, so we're talking more than 3000 years ago.

Anyhoo, this vessel had a lid. On the lid was a little statue of a lizard. On the vessel were star designs. The archaeologist explained that this lizard was not representative of local lizards or even lizard gods - in fact the Moche had a long oral history that said that lizard people (!) came down from the stars and visited with them at length periodically.

I nearly fell out of my chair.

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I've heard people talk about weird Lizard people when they have had a strange experience from taking psychedelic drugs - so that might fit with some of the plant hallucinogens that the Moche people may have consumed throughout their history.

The fact that many people even now see the same type of Lizard people when they have taken something that has altered their state of consciousness, makes me think that these Lizard people exist somewhere in another dimension that is layered over our own. 

Like with the new James Webb space telescope that can now see greater detail under the infrared spectrum, there is probably other layers and details out there in the Universe that we can't detect where life is probably existing - but is operating on a completely different plane of existence that we are not able to detect with our current technology - and we are only able to observe and sample that through altered states of conciousness.

Very interesting.

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