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Dreams - Transpersonal - Share with us here

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Not sure if this fits, but I will post it here. A few days ago, I had a dream where I took my grandpa who passed away in late August 2010 to a Korean barbecue restaurant. En route, I saw a Korean barbecue restaurant that is busy and full. The one I took my grandpa to wasn't as busy but the options were many as it is all-you-can-eat. My grandpa ate moderately while I ate more but not to the point of vomiting. The environment was happy and lively. I was wondering is this about eating at restaurants in the future?

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@enkasongwriter  Your dream.... Are you or grandpa Korean? If you're not, I suspect it means Korea (S. Korea) will be back to normal soon. I don't think it means all restaurants or US restaurants because the dream was specific to Korean restaurants, you saw 2.

If you or grandpa haveKorean heritage, then I would read it differently, probably that it's a visit from him and all is well on the other side. It's really nice to get a dream visit. 

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@dianamariec My family is Chinese, but I have gone to Korean barbecues in the past.

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My attention is piqued by the detail of your grandfather being deceased. I think your dream is a message about how we can derive infinite strength and wisdom from our ancestors and spirit guides during this global crisis (the restaurant was an all-you-can-eat place, after all). The fact that you ate more that your grandfather may just mean that you need more sustenance than him, since you're still a living player in the chaos of this time. Maybe the busier restaurant you saw en route is a symbol of the "center stage" that most people in globalized society are obsessed with. But you don't have to focus your attention there. You have your own quiet space where you can access the strength and loving support of your spirit guides. 

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I had a dream recently and I thought it had a message about the US.  It started with me being in my childhood neighborhood.  I feel I need to give a quick description of this neighborhood to help in the explanation of the dream.  I grew up in a suburb of a town that was large for the rural surroundings.  I grew up in a prairie type of environment and the street I lived on was a dead-end street.  If I rode my bike too far to the end of the street some pre-teen boy would harass me and tell me that I couldn't ride my bike there because it wasn't my end of the street--like he owned that part of the street.  So I avoided going all the way to the end of the street and kept closer to home or rode up to where the street intersected the main road.  He would usually be on his bike and look at me really mean.  I also learned to fear the neighbors in that area, because some of them were strange.  It was partially rental properties and the tenants also changed a lot. Later when I was a teenager a teenage girl I knew from school got raped in one of the houses there where she lived at the end of the street.  It was horrible to see her, she had covered the bruises on her neck with a scarf where the rapist strangled her and the whites of her eyes were full of blood.  This girl wasn't a friend but she came to say hi to me after the rape and I tried to act like I didn't notice anything unusual.  It greatly affected me to see her and know what had happened to her.  I have to admit I felt fear for that part of the street.   So in the dream I am an adult and I am in a car driving around the old neighborhood.  I see that I can access a new road through to the area at the end of the street.  It is parallel to the street I rode my bike on.  I decide to drive on this new road into the area which I feared as a child.  I see that this new road doesn't end, it has expanded the whole neighborhood into what was prairie and hay fields.  I am curious and I turn left onto another intersecting street which is new.  As I slowly drive down this street, it slowly starts to curve to the right and the area looks less like prairie and more like where I live now in the Southeast.  I presently live in Georgia.  It looks totally different here with all the undergrowth and trees, it is a not at all like where I grew up which is all prairie grasses and some cacti.  In the manner of dreams I suddenly am riding a horse and I am with another woman on a horse and we are slowly following the road on our horses.  I pass an older man who is sitting near the road on a folding chair.  He looks at me and waves me down to stop.  He asks me where did I come from, why am I coming around, etc.  He looks at both of us critically, in a judging way.  I see another neighbor, an older woman come up her driveway to see what is going on.  She also gives us a hard judging look.  I glance over at the other woman who I have been riding horses with, and she is a young woman in her 20's, who I don't know in real life.  She is pretty, with curly brown hair.  She looks back at me and her large brown eyes well up with tears, and look absolutely HUGE, and dark with tears.  The tears seem to magnify her eyes, almost to the point of looking unnatural.  I feel her sadness.  Her look seems to say--why are they treating us this way--why won't they let us simply ride through the street on our horses, we aren't bothering them or anyone else?  We simply start to ride further on and try to ignore them.  I realize in the dream that maybe they just barely let us pass by.  Maybe we got lucky, but what would have happened, I wondered, if they had decided we couldn't pass?  I realize they want to keep anyone out of the neighborhood who they don't know or who isn't introduced before as acceptable or like-minded.  It is like they have a neighborhood watch to keep out strangers...I wake up.

I thought about this dream for a while and my feeling was that people with a mindset that was tied to the old paradigms of society would really try to hang on to those paradigms to the point of trying to control the people around them, maybe even trying to drive them out of their towns or neighborhoods...if those people didn't think/act like they did.  The other younger woman represents the new generation and those who are here to bring change to society and new fresh ideas.  There was going to be resistance no matter what to new paradigms and ways of thinking, but I think in our extreme politically divided country this resistance will be even worse than it would have been is as if Trump has encouraged all of these people to take the law into their own hands, to the point where they feel they have right to do whatever it takes to keep things as they always were.  If you take the gun wielding protestors in the Michigan capital building for an example, I think that is their mindset...they will protect what they believe--even if it is done in a threatening way or hurts others--in whatever way they can.  I think the scenery changing from prairie to more woodsy just emphasizes that it will happen all over the country. Perhaps more so in areas where the people with the most power resist change as they feel it is imperative to do this no matter how ugly a way it gets done.  This may leave the younger generation feeling a little depressed, lost, and even unwanted.  This may harm our country greatly.  I don't know for sure, that is just the way it feels to me.

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After I posted this I thought on it a little more, and the young woman in the dream also probably represents the fear I have that young women won't find their independence,  strength and ability to be who they really are...I fear that old paradigms will hold them back from their dreams and whatever path their higher self would like them to take.

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On Sunday I had an important dream while taking a nap. Even though I went to write it down immediately upon waking, I was also rapidly forgetting the details, so I really had to cobble together hazy memories to bring the dream back into focus. It's important to me personally, but I think it also speaks to the collective as we navigate these times. Here it is:

I was walking in a woodland park near where I grew up in Connecticut. A woman and man who I did not know were walking with me to my left; they looked like they might have been Native Hawaiian or indigenous North American. To my right was the doctor/author Lewis Mehl-Madrona (I happen to be reading one of his books, and I've exchanged a few emails with him lately). Ahead of us a glowing golden orb was being blown through the trees like paper caught in the wind. I understood that the orb was what I most desperately desire in life right now: complete physical and emotional healing from my medical condition. Gesturing to the orb, Lewis turned to me and said "If you want it, you must ask the trees, the birds, and the wind for help."

At this point in our walk we had come to a sickly, diminutive green ash tree that was probably infested with the emerald ash borer. Despite its appearance, I verbally asked the ash tree for help, and a rapid sequence of events was set in motion. The woman to my left dissolved into pure energy and merged with the ash tree. The ash tree in turn widened and shot upwards to the sky to the point where it was one of the tallest trees in the forest. Its trunk and foliage was framed by a blazing fire, but not the fire of destruction; it was the fire of creation and vitality. Next, the man to my left took on the form of a bird and water started shooting straight out of his chest towards the fire. Lewis also assumed the form of a bird and shot water from his chest. They were tempering the energy of the fire, which would otherwise burn out of control and destroy the forest. Next, the golden orb was caught in the updraft of the fire until it was held aloft above the ash tree, motionless. Two more birds, albeit small ones, appeared out of thin air and I understood them to be the spirit of the wind. They caught the golden orb in their talons and started circling towards the ground, right to where I was standing. The dream ended there.

The dream was about how we must ask the nonhuman world for help if we want our dreams to be fulfilled. We must also look to the spirits for guidance if we as a human collective are to see our way through the chaos of these times; if we are to emerge into a life-affirming age. And it really is as simple as going somewhere quiet and verbally asking for help from the spirits. You don't have to be any sort of master to do this. I've lately come to understand that if you are humble and if your prayers are sincere and consistent, you will be heard, and something mysterious will be set in motion.

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Whoa! Just after I posted about my dream, I read a new chapter in the Mehl-Madrona book I'm working on, and I came to a passage where Lewis recounts telling a patient the Dene (Navajo) story of what happened after humans and animals came to inhabit the Fifth World (our current world). It's a story about how fire is a creative energy that must also be tempered by asking for help from non-human beings.

The background to the story is that there was no light in the Fifth World when humans and the animal nations were forced from the Fourth World. Fifth World's fire was hoarded atop a mountain by a monster named Fire Man. But one day, Coyote distracted Fire Man and was able to set fire to a branch tucked into his tail. But while he was running down the mountain, Coyote accidentally set the entire mountain on fire, and the human villages and animal settlements were threatened with destruction. First Woman (the leader of the humans) consulted with the animals about how best to get the blaze under control, and the solution they came up with was that the Crane Nation would fly above the fire with members of the Frog Nation in their mouths, and the frogs would eject water onto the fire. All of that water landing on the fire produced massive amounts of steam which rose to the sky and formed the first clouds, and that is how the Fifth World eventually came to be blessed with rain "except when the clouds sulk and cause droughts. This is usually the result of incomplete or insufficient prayers to the clouds, so honoring ceremonies must be done to bring the clouds and rain back."


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Being here in the Southwest with the many-layered cultural and spiritual dreamscape, it is an experience of feeling the ancient and the modern in deep contrast.

Especially with the Dine' and the Tewa tribes here in New Mexico and Arizona... here is an article (*Washington Post* news source) that may be of interest..... 

* "Coronavirus has been devastating to the Navajo Nation,  and help for a complex fight has been slow" *

The resilience of these people, and most importantly spiritually, is truly deserving of our humble admiration, and emulation as well....

Coyote, with much gratitude to you for your vision..... I have Wolf Medicine (my main Totem) and feel the constant influence....

Strength is hard to find in this time of confusion, fear, and the changing paradigm that we are all experiencing.... this is a little 'mantra' that gives me the courage to go on breathing sometimes ...

"Fate whispers to the wolf, 'You cannot withstand the storm'... And the wolf whispers back... 'I am the storm'.....



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@starpath and all light working friends,

i read through your dream - your description and detail made me feel I was there with you :-)  
i thought your analysis was very good and it felt correct to me.  When you detailed the girl riding a horse with you, her eyes and tears made me think of immigrants. It felt like the girl on the horse and the real life experience with neighbor girl that was raped are somehow connected. Maybe back to immigrants and/or poor people having it worse during the pandemic. In our waking life it feels like (at times) no one cares about these people getting sick and no one is protecting them. It must feel so sad for people in need to feel so unwanted. The parallel road does seem like it has to do with life changing and many not wanting that.
Thank you for your very descriptive dream...our sleeping world is fascinating.

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I sort of felt reluctant to post this dream and waited a couple of weeks after I had it because it tied so much into some of my fears from my childhood and teenage years.  That girl who was raped had a very difficult family situation and was sort of left to fend for herself.  She was in some ways very damaged before the rape.  I felt her mother was emotionally abusive and she had no father at home.  I agree with you the young woman on the horse does tie in with the girl that was raped, but I haven't yet understood what that means,  maybe your suggestion is right--it is those forgotten ones who need love and help the most that do seem to suffer the most.  I think that is probably the meaning.  You are very insightful Tiger-n-Owl!!



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Just to add on more thought I had.  It could be that the old paradigm to let so many people who need help fend for themselves could change to a paradigm where we actively seek out suffering to alleviate it before it festers into more suffering.  Is this paradigm shift in the collective consciousness waiting to become the new normal?  When could humanity be ready for this?  It is perhaps too close to socialism for the Republicans and so it can't exist in their world view.  Trump leads the US to more selfish worldviews, "US first", anti-immigration, etc.  He and his followers would keep us in the dark paradigms forever if they could, as long as they themselves are wealthy...

Humanity is trying to shift as a collective away from this unconscious selfishness that is destroying the planet.  We do need this shift or we will suffer until it happens. 

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Last weekend I had another dream that was followed by a real life synchronicity. I dreamt that I walked from my parents' side yard into the back yard, and there were two young bears romping around. One of them ran up to me and started trying to lick me, like a dog. I was both excited and frightened: "Bears? Here? In this part of Connecticut?" So I edged along towards the back door and jumped inside before the bear tried to interact with me further. Inside, I looked at a computer screen and saw a digital representation of the neighborhood overlaid with a service that tracks tagged bears. It turned out a whole troupe of tagged bears was ambling through the neighborhood. That was the dream.

I'm sheltering with my parents in coastal Connecticut in a dense suburban town. Although we have our fair share of deers, turkey, and even occasional coyotes, bear sightings are unheard of. But I guess Bear Spirit must have been communicating with me, because a few days after that dream, I was reading the local paper and found out two bears had been spotted in town in the previous week; one of them was caught on camera by a woman while he sniffed around her family's backyard. 

One more example of how COVID-19 lockdowns are opening up more space for wildlife. It's been a long, long time since bears roamed coastal Connecticut, so I don't mind sharing pasture with "bruin."

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Ok wonderful community, I was hoping you could perhaps shed some light on some dreams I've been having for the past few months.

I'd say these dreams started two or three months ago, and I have, on average, about one a week. The specifics and locations of the dreams are all different, but they are all the same in that they involve an old friend of mine, someone I lost touch with about twenty years ago. They are also the same in that, in each one, we are trying to communicate with one another. In the last dream, I believe we were successful, but I cannot remember what we said.

I'm curious - is it possible I am meant to get in contact with this person? (If so, I wouldn't know how, as they have no online/social media presence at all.) Is it possible for two people to reach out to one another in dreams? (This is a little too much, even for me ? ) 

I have tried asking for guidance about the nature of these dreams and have even thrown some cards about them, but each reading differs from the others. (One reading basically told me I was being silly; another told me there actually is something to these dreams, after all.)

If I hadn't been having these dreams so frequently over the past few months, I wouldn't have given them much thought. 

At any rate -- just curious what you all think, or if you've ever heard of something similar. 


(Uh oh - just realized I might have posted this in the wrong thread. If so, my apologies!)

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I'm curious about how you lost touch with this person. Did it happen gradually "because of life," or was there an argument? Or are there things you just want this person to know that you never got a chance to say? 

I've had similar dreams, about a former best friend I had a sudden falling out with 13 years ago. I realized that interacting with the friend in dream space was enough for me to deal with my unfinished business with him; i never had to contact him in real life. Perhaps you could try to induce lucid dreaming so that you interact with this friend more fully? How did you feel waking up from that last dream where you two were able to talk to each other? 

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We lost contact just because of life. I graduated from college in 2000; no one had cell phones, social media profiles, or really any real way of staying in contact with one another. (There was email, but we considered that only for work purposes, really.)

We never had a falling out, but this was someone who was very pivotal to my personal growth and who I considered a great friend. I miss having this person in my life, really.

Re: the last dream (the one in which we were able to speak), I woke up happy-ish. I was glad we were able to speak but also sad that it wasn't "real." Also, I can't remember what we said, just that we were finally able to finally communicate. But I didn't wake up with a sense of completion, if that makes sense. 

I've been trying the lucid dreaming bit, have yet to make any real progress there.

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No, you're on the right thread.

I believe your dream means you both want to get back in touch. Would that be difficult to just try and see what happens? Or was it a friendship that was tied to its place and time and therefore no longer viable?

Edit: I hadn't seen your reply to @coyote - YES I believe you should try to get in touch and I think your friend feels the same way. Let us know if it works out!

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I would love to get in touch, but have no idea how -- cannot locate any sort of phone number or address online and no social media profiles, either.

And I'm pretty skilled at what I call "Scooby Doo missions" so I consider myself an excellent investigator! ? ? ? 

Time will tell -- I'll keep you updated if there are any developments!

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There are websites that can help, you might have to pay $20-30, but they're pretty accurate. Also, if you went to school together you might be able to relay a message through the school. If your friend is/was a professional that requires a license or membership in a professional organization (doctor, lawyer, therapist, etc.) that's another way to find them. Churches also keep member directories, and while they won't give out personal info, again you might be able to relay your info to them so they can contact you.

Good luck!

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@sistermoon You might try It is free and it's pretty amazing (scary) all the contact information it has. And then you may want to remove yourself:

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