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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Posted by: @polarberry


Patience.  Gotta solve the nationwide fifteen flush epidemic first.

Best laugh all day. ;)

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This seems huge to me. 

Christianity Today, which is an evangelical publication founded by Billy Graham, has just published an editorial entitled "Trump Should Be Removed From Office"

An excerpt:

...the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.

... The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people. None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.

That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.


Again, this is a leading evangelical publication, founded by Billy Graham.


Read the full Christianity Today editorial at this link - I think it is quite damaging to Trump.







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Oh Wow!

The editor in chief of Christianity Today just tweeted:

To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record.

Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior

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I was just reading the same news! @marcosromao's Twitter link took me over to Axios, where I landed on the following:

"[F]ormer evangelical pastor Joshua Harris said the movement's identification with President Trump has been "incredibly damaging to the Gospel. And to the church."

  • "I don't think it's going to end well. ... you look back at the Old Testament and the relationship between the prophets and really bad leaders and kings, and oftentimes ... it's actually in the scriptures presented as God's judgment on the False Religion of the day. ... this is the leader that you want and maybe deserve. That represents a lot of who you are."

After yesterday's uncanny GOP comparisons of DJT to Jesus Christ (followed by Donny's own diabolical rally remarks regarding the spiritual state of deceased members of congress)...well, it's about time.

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If the evangelicals turn on him(most are sheep so this will have a huge effect) then he is screwed. If a trial happens after that, itll be just the Russian pawns voting no

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Wow! As folks would say down here: "He done lost his mandate from God..." ? 

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@rosieheart @vestralux @mas1581

 Yes, this article is major. Evangelicals are finally waking up. The dam is rapidly leaking, about to fully burst.

As I'm typing this, January is coming in strong. They'll be several T bombshells Jan-Feb-March. Ugly ones.


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You said it, @lawrence. I've been picking up for nearly a year that a revelation of "tapes" would be part of his undoing, which might mean audio, video, or photo evidence of some kind. Maybe these bombshells were already part of the Cohen/Stone/Epstein evidence raids, and have or will be inordinately fruitful in the courts. (Let us pray.)

I see him physically stumbling as the pressure mounts. I'm not sure whether we'll see this happen live or if it will be reported (and then voraciously denied as fake news), but it will be just one more sign that his power is rapidly draining.

I also sense something coming down for Jarvanka. It feels painful for them, and I continue to see a desire to leave DC. 

I'm more concerned than ever about Don Jr.'s potential future as a demagogic shill for the alt-right base, but if there's any justice. ... Sigh.

Any other medically intuitive types/aura readers here? I quickly saw an image of Lindsey Graham last night and immediately felt that his liver is inflamed. He looked like a man walking around sleepless in the dark, desperately arguing with his own ghosts. His skin is vaguely jaundiced and waxen.

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Totally agree. The Epstein, Cohen and Ghouliani and buddies will all explode at some point, all implicationing T. 

I've seen T falling for many months too. Hard. I don't think they'll be able to hide it fully.  The impeachment has totally freaked him out. Everything goes downhill from here for him. Let T and the GOP continue to flap their jaws. Hear it as hot air. It's all it is. They are all VERY frightened. 

Also feel T doing another emergency hospital visit. Heart, breathing problems. 

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So where the Evangelical church leader voices BEFORE the election, and last week and in-between?  I am glad to hear them now but good grief!!!!!

 I am so tired of religious leaders supporting him and the Republicans who are his pit bulls.  For years the evangelical litmus test seemed to be whether  a candidate opposed abortion and that was about it.  Totally unacceptable to make that the most important issue and neglect single moms and teenage parents who choose to have their unplanned child.  

The Religious leaders who had called him out before he was elected stood alone in a cold windy desolate land, especially if  located in a red state.  

God IS love.  The religious right needs to remember that and reflect that love in all that they do not when it is convenient. 

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Man, how did I forget to mention Rudy? He's like the human embodiment of the herpes simplex virus. And due to our Dear Leader's own poor judgment, the guy is now covered in it. Too late to do much about it, I'm afraid.

As for Rudy, I received a sudden flash about him a couple of months ago, I think it was. I saw it from his perspective. He's coming out of a building (maybe the court?), wearing a black coat, so I assume it's cold weather time of year. Something or someone passes by quickly to his left, he feels a sense of shock, and the lights suddenly go out.

I referenced it here at the time only by saying that I'd seen something in his timeline that I wouldn't wish on anyone, but honestly, I don't know whether it's his end. (And it goes without saying that it may not happen at all.) Maybe you or someone else here has picked up something about Rudy that could clarify this vision? I joked about him above, but it's worrying that anyone else known to have "insurance" on T might be targeted for death.

Rudy has certainly made other enemies along the way, and it isn't my desire to speculate or drum up conspiracies—especially when the man is still walking around.

As for our visions of T actually stumbling and/or falling over, this would be inevitable—and coming very quickly—if that FTD diagnosis (or any other dementia type) is in play. I also keep sensing that his left hand/arm won't be as functional as the right. @bluebelle has seen the same thing. 


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Since last summer, I’ve seen tapes coming out, too.  Don’t know what about, but my sense is that more evidence of crimes is going to be revealed.  Felt it for months.  Waiting for another shoe and another shoe and another shoe to drop.  The downward spiral turns and turns.

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I got chills as I read your vision about Rudy. It came clearly with the same visualization as I read it. Strong. His 'insurance' puts him in the same category as Epstein. We know how that turned out.

T's dementia is rapidly progressing. It will be clearly seen by Americans shortly. He's physically breaking down. 

T is currently feeling defeated and is devastatingly embarrassed by the Impeachment. It will accelerate his decline.

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I'm hearing phone recordings as I read your message. The Jan-March bombshells will not even be debatable. Just devastating. 

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If you've been seeing this coming for a long time too, then I'm confident. In fact, as I read your words: "...another shoe and another shoe and another shoe..." I visually saw thunderbolts dropping instead!

And that suddenly reminded me of historian Allan Lichtman's "13 Keys" of presidential election prediction. He's the one who's successfully predicted all those successive presidential elections, including T's 2016 win (and at the same moment, predicted that his impeachment would come in the first term of his presidency—check).

[I just noticed that the underlying science for his model was based on earthquake research—wild. And rather poignant, you know?]

Last week Lichtman was saying that 2020 is still too close to call, but that an impeachment vote in the House would turn a critical "key" against T in 2020. He went on to say that any further major scandals would do the very same, making it harder for him to win, with or without his party's primary nomination.

Our vision of tapes/shoes/lightning bolts dropping out of the sky would surely be that: big unholy scandals. Even without removal by the Senate after a trial (which we've all known is utterly unlikely), if evangelical support is splitting or faltering, then the wall he's gonna have to climb to secure a second term (should his health/"sanity" hold up) gets inexorably higher and harder. 

I feel a couple of possibilities—neither of them comforting—are still left to the GOP before the November election:

  • A Nikki Haley ticket.
  • A national military emergency, contrived at the last hour (but nevertheless effectual).  

Both would be tragic in their real world consequences, as much as their potential to confuse the collective and siphon away needed votes. But I'm not sharing them because I believe they will happen. Logically, I see that they could. And I know that to avoid that, we must be 100% clear about both the vision we hope to see in 2021 and beyond, and united in our purpose. 

The absolute best thing is starting to happen now: the evangelical base is splitting. Their party is continuing to fracture. It's very difficult to fulfill your aims if you can't agree on what they are. 


Note: The GOP is purging voters from the rolls and doing 1,000 other underhanded things to tilt the vote. We know this. They've always done these things, but now, they're doing it out of sheer terror. And on a certain level, we need to recognize that their fear can be beneficial to the outcome we hope for. Fear fragments. After too long, it exhausts. Eventually, it makes people numb. They will inevitably continue to lose their numbers, their "true believers"—not for the reasons they think ("minorities and feminists and queers are taking over!"), but because anger and fear cost too much.

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well one can always fear a military emergency, but I think - even though he didn't bother when he dropped a bomb somewhere a while ago - Congress has to approve.






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Posted by: @lawrence


I'm hearing phone recordings as I read your message. The Jan-March bombshells will not even be debatable. Just devastating. 

Bingo. I imagine the Nixon tapes will seem feeble in comparison. 

That Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter power conjunction will be fierce for the Donald. And come march, Mars, god of war, will converge with them.

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And combined with the Mercury retrograde February 17th-March 10th. Secrets exposed. It will blow him out of the water!

I just don't see him making it to the election. He looks like a very old man hobbling on a cane by then. It's a sad scenario. 

I remember @Jeanne-mayell also seeing him silent mid 2020, I believe.  We're all in the exact same vision alley as we close in on 2020.

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@lawrence so true! And the "same vision alley" is the perfect way to put it. I feel buoyed by the resonance. 



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@vestralux and @lawrence,

Your visions of a physical fall immediately bring to my mind Baba hearing "Blow the Man Down" when focusing on Trump back in October.

So, yes, resonance indeed.


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