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Sessions Fired: Trump/Whitaker Versus Mueller What will Happen?

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Well, that didn't take long.  Sessions is out.

Did anyone catch Trump's news conference this morning?  He seemed totally unhinged.  

Anyone have any predictions/hunches/thoughts on what this might mean for the Mueller investigation?

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Trump acted like a scared cornered animal this morning. He is definitely afraid and Sessions firing is indicative of that. He also cut off a question today about ending the need of Muellers investigation by being transparent himself. He cut off the last part and bragged about how he can end it but hasnt yet. The move to Whitaker is a move to curtail the investigation before it fully closes in on him. He is aware that it will take out those close to him already, but does not think its gotten all the way up the ladder yet. If Whitaker narrows it to the point of being the Kavanaugh investigation 2.0 then he feels safe.

I am getting the feeling that there are either sealed indictments that will unseal if this happens, or that Pelosi will hire Mueller to finish his investigation for the house and release it publically. Muellers findings are much more protected today than they were yesterday, but over the next month, Trump will make his last stand against it. I get the feeling he will effectively end the current investigation but it will resurface in a slightly different form 

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There is no way out for Trump on this.  Let the Saturday Night Massacre begin (only its Wed). This man is an idiot on many levels

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One thing that is happening TOMORROW is that there are scheduled to be massive protests countrywide at 5PM Local Time.

You can find your local protest spot here: MUELLER PROTECTION RAPID RESPONSE

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Yes, we are going to the Boston Common today to gather in protest.   The next two weeks are going to be critical in galvanizing a public reaction to Trump's move to thwart the investigation.  Clearly he's doing it now before the blue House of Representatives convenes  in January.  He thinks he can destroy the Mueller probe so that when the House reconvenes  it will have been crushed.  

So anyone who wants to show the government  that they are against Trump's action -- today at 5 pm local time -- you can join your local community at a gathering spot.  There are many gathering spots where I live near Boston. I feel the best place is to go to the biggest protest which will be in Boston Common.  If you can get to the city near you, that will be the most powerful protest, but if not, there are already protests being organized close to you:

The press will be recording how many people show up and they will be looking at the cities. 

Bernie Sanders reacted quickly warning Trump against removing Mueller.  


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I'm heading to Times Square in Manhattan a little later today myself, which is a small hike (I live in Connecticut near the NY border) but feels worth it. 

I've never done this sort of thing before but this feels like a big moment to me and the best chance right now to get that energy out there that we really need in order to shift reality into a better direction.

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The appointment of Whitaker may not even be legal:


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Mathew Whitaker, who has been called the “eyes and ears” of the White House inside the Justice Department by John Kelly, Mr. Trump’s chief of staff,  is now Acting Attorney General as appointed by President Trump.

And while not yet officially confirmed  as such by the Senate, has placed the Mueller Investigation under potentially dangerous crosshairs .

Whitaker has expressed a large degree of hostility to the investigation to which he is now charged with overseeing. 

And while Jeff Sessions recused himself from the investigation (much to Trumps intense ire), Whitaker may have the potential to cause great harm to the proceedings.

He has called the investigation in the past  a “witch hunt” and, in its earliest months, wrote an opinion piece arguing that Mr. Mueller was coming “dangerously close” to crossing a “red line” by investigating the president’s finances.

He has suggested there was nothing wrong in Mr. Trump’s 2017 firing of James Comey, the F.B.I. director, and he has been reported to have said that he supported the prosecution of Hillary Clinton.

In an interview last year he described “a scenario where Jeff Sessions is replaced with a recess appointment, and that attorney general doesn’t fire Mueller, but he just reduces his budget to so low that his investigation grinds to almost a halt.

New York Times op ed

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The next couple of weeks will be very consequential.  We really need to center ourselves.

We need to appeal to all lightworkers to send light, and to people of all faiths to pray.  We need to work very hard for Mueller, so that he can finish his investigation.  It needs to be done by Thanksgiving, Christmas at most.  

There are people in the Republican party who are part of the resistance, but they are not talking, not even to each other.  Look for the veterans amongst the House Republicans and you will find some of them are part of the resistance.  I'm not certain but one of them  may have sent the op-ed to the Times or the New-Yorker, I can't remember which. 

So let's work together and pray for Mueller, let's meditate and send light to him and his allies so he can finish the investigation very quickly.  Working together will make each individual actions much more powerful.  Mueller knows he needs to act quickly.

numerologist, Matt, VestraLux and 17 people reacted
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Thank you, so much,Bright Opal.

(((Calling all Lightworkers))) indeed.

I just now created another topic. This is indeed potentially consequential in so many ways.

US Predictions

Trump/Whitaker v.s. Mueller


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Nationwide protest today at 5 pm local time:

if yoube been waiting for the right moment to march, this would be it.  

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Our energies are all cattywampus. As Bright Opal has said, time to center!  

Focus the energies, access positive prediction possibilities, center emotionally, physically,  and spiritually, then enter into the energy of positive intention and manifestation. 

Bless you Bright Opal and Jeanne!  ???

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Love you, Michele!  The election effort, the war on Central American refugees, armed American militias heading to the border, the assault on the press, the subjugation of U.S. interests to Vladimir Putin and the Saudis and other foreign powers, the selling of the U.S. Congress to guns manufacturers --  all for Trump and GOP financial gain -- these and so many more dizzying Trumpisms that come at us daily,  has progressives all "cataywampus." 

Throughout all this chaos, Mueller has been a steady march towards justice.   Trump's firing of Sessions should galvanize the progressive movement, but we need everyone to participate.  

If you who read this are willing to join others in a show of support then know that your energy will spread to others who will also join the show of protest today.  It's not just you standing up to be counted, it's the impact you will have on others who will suddenly want to stand up themselves. 



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I think Sessions, bless his evil little elfin heart, just became a valuable witness for the prosecution. Mueller and Rosenstein have been preparing for this moment since the beginning.  I wonder if this is what I saw on the day after the election. Aides rushing in and out of offices, grabbing files.  Preserving evidence or destroying it? It would fit with the elephant card meaning Justice.  Justice Dept or is it Justice finally served?

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Anyone who destroys evidence can be prosecuted and jailed for years.  It’s a serious federal crime. 

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I had posted this earlier under dreams, but think it's appropriate here, too.  Whenever I wake to music lyrics, I pay attention as this is a way I often receive reassurance or premonitions.  Whenever I wake up in the middle of the night with a sense that something is going to happen, I pay attention.  In this case, the more I reflect on the lyrics, the more I think the warning of this premonition is about the firing of Sessions, the appointment of a Trump loyalist instead of the normal line of interim succession and the threat to Mueller.  More thoughts following this repost and lyrics.

I woke up at 4:30 a.m. this morning to the “Sound of Silence” lyrics.  I think somehow this has to do with the marches today.because the phrase that I heard  repeating was:
“And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share”

Even though, I kept hearing “the sound of silence” repeating, too, I couldn’t remember all the lyrics and had to look them up:

“Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
"Fools, " said I, "You do not know
Silence, like a cancer, grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells, of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls"
And whispered in the sounds of silence”

It’s going to be a momentous day.  Be safe and aware if you are marching.  If you’re not able to participate in person, send your light and energy to those who represent.

In consulting with Jeanne, she pointed out the phrase "silence like a cancer grows."  Marching and speaking out is the best way to fight the cancer in this Orwellian administration.  I would really welcome any other interpretations that resonate with you.  Mueller is often on my mind and I think that no matter what happens now, Mueller has had months to prepare for any contingencies.  The evidence will come out.  I'm channeling now:  the evidence is secure and distributed to other law enforcement and state justice departments.  Any attempt at coverup or obstruct justice is not going to work.  Hold fast and send positive energy to Mueller and his team.  There are higher powers at work here."

"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls..."


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The missus and I are headed out the door to the White House for the rally there. Every day between now and when the new House is convened will be consequential. We're at the tipping point and need to raise awareness about the dire straits our country is in. This midterm election created great energy for democracy... now we need to keep directing the momentum!


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Your dream is Perfect timing for a day of protest -- 

"Fools, " said I, "You do not know
Silence, like a cancer, grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"

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I drew this from the Sabian Symbols Oracle just now focusing on Robert Mueller's success in dropping that one ton report on Drumpf's head......

LEO 14'

'Cherub-like, A Human Soul Whispers into Every Receptive Ear, Seeking to Manifest'

(This symbol implies that there will be deep realizations... Spirit is descending, wishing to make itself known.... seeking to have one's heard... urge to accomplishment... passing on messages... manifesting intention)

It's interesting that Mr. Mueller's natal sun in his birth chart is also 14'/15' Leo!


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