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Roll Blue Tide!

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Another ray of hope for this year's elections in the US:



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AS a Kentuckian I couldn't be more thrilled my this.  The Republican candidate, in her ads, said Trump every other word.  She emphasised 2nd ammendment rights over and over, this two days after the Florida school shooting and less than a month after a schoolshooting in Kentucky.  Our Govenor is a Trumpian and a total embaressment to the state.  He, like Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell, are not native to the Commanwealth.  It is no secret that Rand Pauls father and his constituents selected Kentucky as the place for Rand to move and start his political career.  The same with our Govenor.  Kentucky is perceived to be a state of poor uneducated whites which isn't far from the truth.  However,after the lies that Trump and McConnell spouted in Easter Kentucky re Coal and Health care, they have lost a lot of support.  The very poorest in our state are near the coal mines.  They have very little if any  health options and education is pretty much non existant.  The small rural health care facilites are being closed due to budget cuts by our Republican governor and his cronies in  the legislature.  These people have to travel to facilities which are hours away to receive adequate health  care and that's if they can afford it.  Our Commanwealth was one of  the first to set up a state supported ACA plan, the Republican governor  axed it the first month in office.  The small communities in the poorer areas of the state are dying because the younger generation are leaving find better conditions.  One ray of hope is our Secretary of State who is a female Democrat.  She ran against McConnell  4 years ago and it took a last minute influx of millions of $'s for McConnell to win.  (Think KochBrothers)

As for dear old Mitch, I truely believe his downfall is coming and it will be inpart due to his wifes crooked family.  They own an international shipping company that is being investigated for shipping drugs from Asia.

So for now, please spare a small prayer for those of us in the Commanwealth who want to see a brighter day and a better future.  We are working hard towards that goal but we are tired.   Sorry to rant, I'll go back to bed now.

LalaBella, Jeanne Mayell, LalaBella and 1 people reacted