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Robert Mueller

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Well, after reading this I would say I have to agree with you all that the GOP are not doing what is best for us all.  I guess I just like to hope that there are some that do, because it's so awful what is going on that when you hear a  bit of hope it is hard to discern whether it's just what you hope /want to be true.  I don't listen to the news as much anymore because I  can't stand to hear it all and it's tough but my optimistic side is always hopeful.  Perhaps it will all be leaked out like I originally thought and we just have to wait and be patient.   and Pray / send light to it all!

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Cindy thanks for posting Adam Schiff's speech.  He is a hero.  It is affirming and on track. Adam Schiff Intelligence Committee 3/28

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I'm amazed by all of the hand-wringing that is going on by the media and pundits.  They are very perplexed by Mueller and his findings, although right now their information and analysis is based on Barr's 4-page op-ed.  It might make sensational news, but it's a waste of time.  I strongly sense that Mueller plays by the book, is a good Marine, and is loyal, but to the country.  I also strongly believe Mueller was hampered in some way -- maybe he even anticipated it -- so he has been strategic.  The words "smart strategy" popped into my head.  When Barr's report was released, in my mind's eye I immediately saw Mueller shaking his head, as if to say, "No-o-o-o ....".    I say we wait and see.

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In meditating on Robert Mueller, I am very much sensing his relief in many ways that his investigation was abruptly terminated by Barr, but also that he is troubled deeply in his being and I see him sitting alone in peace but anticipating what is to come.

He knows he will be called upon by Congress to testify, and even though most of this will be in private, we will be informed of much of the damning evidence.

I do feel that impeachment proceedings will be initiated in spite of the convolutions and perceived legal impossibilities. November comes to me as definitive time for some results.

I am so sickened by the gaslighting, the toxcicity, and the outrageousness of the whole T***p regime at this point, that I can't even say the name, much less focus on the face or the voice of his vileness. He is dead to me, he is already gone.

Mercury is going direct today and conjunct Neptune, so going forward over the next two weeks we can take our spiritual power back in the holographic dream-scape and stay firmly grounded as Saturn closes in with it's conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn...

Mueller as the 'Martyr' just doesn't feel right, does it? He is a powerful Leo personna, and I am reminded that he is experiencing a strong square from Uranus (in Taurus)... we are in for some surprises ;)



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I love Adam Schiff! What we are seeing from the Republicans are the same defenses you experience in any highly dysfunctional system.lashing out, blaming, self righteousness, on and on. Adam Schiff is a huge threat to them and they are scared. So rather than act with integrity and surrender to the truth so healing can occur, they are acting out, kicking around sand in their sandbox like a bunch of little kids. I would venture to guess the base functions much the same way.  I guess DT is going to be speaking at a rally in Michigan tonight. The good news is we have been warned, so we can ask for protection from headlines that may come out as a result.

I agree the truth will come out, but things may get worse before they get better. 

I don’t know about anyone else, but we have elections on Tuesday. On our ballot we have someone running for the State Supreme Court. Every election is vital for us to participate in.


CDeanne, deetoo, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Two recent dreams and visions I had, as well as a dream from one of the people who post here, are worth mentioning. I'm not mentioning her name because I haven't had a chance to ask her if it's okay, but she told me about a month ago that she had a dream that Mueller keeled over sideways with a heart problem.  Of course we know he didn't keel over with a heart problem -- dreams can show us what is going on by using symbolism --  but she certainly saw that something had happened to him.  

Either he could not continue withstanding the onslaught against him or he was simply sidelined and cut short, as I feel happened. They didn't fire him. They just cut his work short and then held back his report. 

The same night that she was having that dream, I had a similar dream about someone I loved who keeled over and hit the ground injured.  After we spoke, I felt my dream was also about Mueller. It was at this time that Barr had been installed over him. 

Also I had said in my Youtube reading Dec. 29 that I saw there would be an impediment to Mueller, but that eventually the information would get out.  There certainly has been an impediment to Mueller. It's Trump and Barr.   

I also did a reading in 2014 which I have posted here in a variety of places over the years  in which I saw the darkest times would come in 2019 or early 2020.  I don't emphasize this reading because no one hear wants to hear that it will take that long, but it does show that we won't be dealing with the darkness for decades. (Here's one place I mentioned it, and also in the Jan 6 Youtube called  Two Prophecies that are already coming true, posted on the main prediction page)

In the 2014 vision, I had seen that there would be stability in the Collective until 2017. Then in 2017 it would get volatile.  2018 would be worse, then some time near the end of 2019 or beginning of 2020 there would be a real downward decline in the markets.  There would then be a plateau for a few years.  (It is possible that the decline is more the collective nervous system than the markets but I tend to think it's a little of both. )

In the mid to late 2020's I saw a recovery where we would get back up to higher levels of well-being with women in charge.  When I got that vision, I thought it was only about the markets, but as 2017 came and went, I saw it was not only the markets but the Collective nervous system. People have been exceptionally upset since 2017 all over the world. 

That 2014 prediction is the one of the clearest visions I've received in my life.  I use it as a framework for the future.  So far it has been accurate.   I think we will get out of the darkness sooner.  But my point is that this darkness will end and there will be a return to humane living.  This darkness will not last 30 to 50 more years as some here have said after listening to the doomsday psychics.   Will it last until 2025?  I don't know.  The 2020 election will be a key factor.

Lightworkers are already rising rising rising.  Give it time and give strong support to the heroes like Schiff who are unafraid to stand up against evil.  

P.S. Please refrain from naming outside professional psychics on this site, just the ones who read on this site.    I don't know their reliability or methods, since none of them tracks their accuracy, and there are thousands of them so there is no end to it if we allow it.  


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It was my dream about Mueller being incapcitated at the same time that Jeanne had her dream about Mueller.  I saw him sitting in a  chair and suddenly he and the chair fell over sideways.  I didn’t want to frighten anyone by implying he was physically stricken, but rather saw it was an impediment to his investigation.  It’s as if he was suddenly out of commission.  It was remarkable to me that Jeanne and I had dreams about him at the same time.  After the Barr letter,  had another dream about Mueller that I haven’t figured out.  I saw a crowd of people talking about needing to pay a new tax.  They called it a Mueller tax and unlike other new taxes, the people were willing to pay it.  In fact, they were lining up to pay.  Mueller was there in the crowd, too.

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A couple of days ago the abhorrent little mouthpiece of the regime, that Huckster woman, gave a press and started laying down the framework for the DARVO move against Mueller... Deny and Reverse the Victim and Offender positions.

She emphatically stated that what was in the Mueller report was 'treasonous' (meaning Mueller); gaslighting him and said that this is (?!?!?) 'punishable by death in this country'.

Today T***p is on his propaganda channel Faux News spewing the same thing and calling for an investigation and retribution for Mueller and all involved with his report. Is he a little bit worried that the truth will become known soon?? How far down are the rabbit hole are we now?

The light of a thousand suns needs to be focused on Mueller now, Jeanne, with a strong blessing for his health and safety...

Love to every beautiful soul here... you are so appreciated.


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Mercury is going direct today and conjunct Neptune, so going forward over the next two weeks we can take our spiritual power back in the holographic dream-scape and stay firmly grounded as Saturn closes in with it's conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn...

Mueller as the 'Martyr' just doesn't feel right, does it? He is a powerful Leo personna, and I am reminded that he is experiencing a strong square from Uranus (in Taurus)... we are in for some surprises

Stargazer, I have almost no exposure to astrology, so can you direct me to a reliable website or webpage that provides a good primer for astrological terms (an "astrology for dummies" sort of thing). I'm not particularly interested in performing astrology myself, it's just that I don't know what to make of phrases like "Mercury is going direct," "conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn," or "a strong square from Uranus." 

Jeanne, I agree that a downward trend in the markets will be accompanied by a deterioration in the collective nervous system; most of the alternative economic writers and philosophers I read agree that the 2008 financial crisis was just a dress rehearsal for growth-based capitalism's real reckoning. A market route could very well serve as a the cultural reset that will lead to the rebound you and others here have been envisioning for the 2020s (which I also intuitively feel is on the way). But I wouldn't count on stock markets existing in their current form going into the future. They are notoriously bad at picking up on long-term economic malaise, nor do they take into account truly worthwhile factors such as the health of our ecosystems, wealth equality, or general human wellbeing. After another, even more destructive financial crash in a single generation, coupled with our interlocking climate change crises, and the global collective may decide to consign "the markets" to the dustbin of history.


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Right now the release of the Mueller report is being thwarted, but smart and experienced as he is, I can't imagine that he didn't anticipate the possibility of something like this and make contingency plans.  I don't know how it will come about, but I think we will see it.

I also believe we will see indictments and arrests.   Just a hunch.


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    The importance of who controls the U.S. senate keeps coming up again and again. Had the Democrats won control of the senate they would have been able to block the worst of Trump's nominees to the Department of Justice and the courts. As matters stand they are helpless in the face of a strict party line vote. I was very surprised that the Democrats couldn't even hold Florida. Until the day of the election, polls showed them leading in both senate and governor's races over there.

    You might be able to blame some of this on the Republicans cheating but I also think that Trump's appeals to anti-immigrant sentiment worked in  some of the states where Democrats needed to protect vulnerable incumbents. Too many of these vulnerable incumbents lost.

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This is a response to Jeanne's time line of darkness in the world. 

In 2017 we went into a new 9 year cycle (2+0+1+7= 10 or a ONE year in numerology) That's the year Jeanne saw many people becoming upset in her 2014 prediction. In numerology we have 9 year cycles, and the last year of this current 9 year cycle is 2025 (2+0+2+5 = 9) So it is in 2026 that we go into a new 9 year cycle. In 2019 we are currently in the 3rd year of the 9 year cycle - and especially in a 3 year, if we become too scattered, things get CHAOTIC. WORDS are very important in a 3 year. Needless to say, we are in the middle of a chaotic s**t storm right now, which is why it's so important for all light workers to hold the light for the rest of the world-now more than ever.

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Thank you, Numerologist.  The Kali Yuga Hindu astrology also syncs with my prediction which, as I said, is based on a an unusually clear and vivid vision I got while on a two week silent retreat in 2014.  

The Kali Yuga is based on  a 12,000 year cycle that divides into four ages - two are patriarchal and two are matriarchal.  They say that we are in the darkest age - it's patriarchal and it's called Kali Yuga, but the cycle ends around 2025 and  a matriarchal age begins.

I discovered this astrology after I posted my vision a few years ago.  A knowledgeable reader whose alias was Indian and later changed to Asian, alerted me to the astrology  because it slowest for my prediction.  So I researched it.  The age that we are headed into won't happen all at once.  Each phase takes a few hundred years to become full force.  But it fits the vision and timing I was getting.

I do see that our present situation is part of a cycle.  However there are cycles within cycles.  As an earlier blogger pointed out, the Warren Supreme Court which ended  in 1969 was the height of progressive government in the U.S. so there a dark cycle that started with Reagan.  But given our 100 year old history of overthrowing and subjugating other countries, starting with Hawaii in 1898, the progressive cycle  has been limited to the white elite male in this country. The cruelty and oppression goes back further, though, to Columbus in 1492.  

I sense that we are on the verge of a much greater change than just a reversal of the last forty years of GOP ascension that began with Ronald Reagan. The damage they have done to the climate is the ultimate game changer.  It will awaken us to the damage we have done to our earth and the indigenous people who treated it with care for thousands of years.  

You can also go back to Francis Bacon (d.1636)  who in the 1600's promulgated a theory that man was separate from earth and animals and was meant to dominate them all.

 It's no accident that there is a movement in the U.S. to change Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day. Fifty-five cities in the U.S. have made the change.  In fact it's going on in my own little town and coming up for a vote next week.  

As I said, there are cycles within cycles. We are at the apex of a big one right now that shifts around the mid to late 2020’s.

The more damage that is done, and the darker side get go, the greater the shift and the further back we go in reversing cycles. The Republicans are going full force dark right now. Their brutal response to covering up the president’s crimes will only make change all the more profound when it finally happens.  

When the dust settles, we will see that they have expedited their own demise. 

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Thanks Jeanne. I had a powerful psychic dream last night. Very vivid. In it,  I saw a copy of The New York Times with a huge letters in a full banner headline and a following story on the top half of the page. This a major headline and story for the NY Times. It read as two words: "REPUBLICANS LOSE."  It felt like a prediction for the next two years in the dream, but I also felt like it was describing the outcome in next election. 

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Barr said he is not going to show the full report to the white house  before he hands it over to Congress and that it will be seen by Mid April  “He said Justice Department officials are reviewing the report to remove grand-jury evidence "that by law cannot be made public," as well as information that U.S. intelligence agencies believe would compromise national security and information that would "unduly infringe on the personal privacy" of people who weren't charged. He said he did not plan to provide an advance copy to the White House”

So in other words there is going to be a lot of black outs on the pages?  I highly doubt we are going to see the “full report”

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Welcome to the community.   I understand what you are saying about the Senate, and the appeal of Trump's anti-immigrant message.  I was in the grocery store this morning and a Latino man working behind the deli counter was wearing a tee shirt that said, "Only God can judge me."   I smiled and told him how much I loved it.  At the same time, I understood the hidden meaning and felt sad that he felt the need to make that statement. 

I do have faith that in time, hearts will soften.  I also believe that the Senate will flip, most likely in 2020.   The tide is turning, even if it doesn't always look that way. 

I am just grateful that in 2018, we were able to turn the House blue.  I was feeling a little down yesterday, so I replayed Adam Schiff's address to the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee -- he spoke with such courage, clarity and conviction, that I actually felt cleansed.  The truth will set us free.

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I just heard that Barr will be working with Mueller on the redactions before the report is released.   If that is true, I don't think that Mueller will want to divulge as much as we would like to hear.  Mueller is considered an institutionalist, and would want to protect any ongoing investigations.

Just an FYI -- Adam Schiff is supposed to be interviewed on Rachel Maddow this evening.

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Thanks for the heads up..I’m going to tune in. 

About an hour ago they said on CNN that DT tweeted a bunch of stuff about the Democrats and how they won’t be happy regardless of what they hand over, so maybe they should just claim victory and say, No! Because they have a country to run!

A couple of hours ago it was reported that he was glad about handing the report over, not interested in any claims in executive privilege, he has nothing to hide, bla, bla bla...

That was a fast turn around even for a narcissist.

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(He was also happy to share his tax returns, and happy to be interviewed by Mueller in person...)

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Regarding my Mueller dream of last weekend, the dream of people paying a “Mueller” tax.  I came across a tweet from Joe Walsh on Twitter that relates to my dream.  An hour ago, he said “The American people paid for the Mueller Report. The American people have a right to see it. Don't redact it. Release it. All of it. All 400 pages.”  So when I think about it , the people have already paid for the Mueller report by our taxes.  It is ours.  

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