AHCA Bill passing t...
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AHCA Bill passing the House...

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There is an energy to Lake Ontario, and the air smells different by it. I lived in Oswego for awhile and basically visited it frequently growing up as my Stepfather was from there and we would go for holidays etc.  Oswego is about 20-25 minutes from my home and I also live close to the Seneca River. Right now there is quite a bit of flooding due to rain and the river is quite violent. I know exactly what you mean. It seems to effect people differently depending on their affinity.

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Jeanne thank you. But why are rural areas more conservative,  the cliche is ridiculous in that its true. Why are people so malleable,  I can't stand how few people think. I work with rural Massachusetts people,  im used to hearing right wing talking points like Canada has death panel's etc.... why why are people so easy to brainwash.

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Im sorry Jeanne, just rereading your post. You mentioned new york going underwater by end of century. Are we still going to be dealing with conservative vs. Liberal at that point. Are people still going to be denying climate change then? I just feel so uncomfortable thinking that humanity won't resolve these conflicts by then.

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Thanks so much, Jeanne. That is a tremendous help to me.

One more follow-up question: All of the places you mention are back east. What about the west?
I do not think I can move my household by myself across the country.

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NY's Capital is in Albany. Upstate in rural areas are pretty conservative but we also have a number of midsize cities that temper that-- Albany, Binghamton, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, hell, even Ithaca. Even as you go downstate, there are more cities like that Newburgh, Beacon etc. Bet even our Republicans are considered moderate except for a few of questionable notoriety.  I think most of them got a little angry about the gun laws that were passed as hunting is a popular sport around here.  I love Canada but it has been a long time since I visited as I am a homebody. One thing  I need to do is renew my passoport, it expired.

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I would move to Montreal or Toronto in a heartbeat if I could get work there as an American.

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Kathy, LB, and others, your always welcome in Newfoundland, Canada, you even can visit St. Pierre Miquelon which is part of France.


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Toronto and Montreal are black and white. I lived in both, and miss both a lot. Toronto is more American style and Montreal is uniquely itself, hard to describe, but so amazing. I get depressed thinking about leaving them both. I used to think Americans were the same as Canadians. But since living south of the border, the cultural differences are always striking. Kim I would love to go back to Newfoundland, I have great interest in it, there's so much to learn, and such a deep cultural history. I wonder how similar culturally new England is to the maritimes.  

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I didn't explain how Trumpcare will play out in the liberal states.  The blue states have more money to begin with, but they won't be able to be as generous as they have been in the past because they will lose a huge chunk of federal funding. So benefits will decline, but not as badly as in red states. and charitable giving will increase.  The blue states have more money, and they will do what they can to help people get the care they need.  

There will be shifts in health care provision if so many people don't have health insurance. I remember that Target, for example, began selling common prescription drugs at extremely low rates.  

Trumpcare will allow insurance carriers to deny people who have pre-existing conditions. This is a big boondoggle for insurance companies -- it will increase their profits big time because they won't have to cover really sick people who sign up for insurance when they are sick.  

However Blue states like New York and Massachusetts will keep the old more fair Obamacare rule that forbids insurance carriers from denying people who have preexisting conditions.  So that's a plus for living in Blue States.  If you don't have health insurance, and you get sick, (and under Trumpcare,  a lot of people will have no health insurance at all) then Trumpcare allows insurance carriers to deny you health insurance because you have a preexisting condition.  So those people will pick up and move to the blue states However, blue states that will continue to cover people regardless of preexisting conditions. 

 The other draconian rule in Trumpcare is that it will allow insurance carriers to charge up to five times higher premiums to the elderly and people with disabilities.   I read one analysis that an elderly person who gets $22,000 a year in Social Security will be hit with $14,000 a year in health premiums!  I read that this price discrimination will be applied to all states, but I'm not sure how they can make states follow such a rule.  If so, the elderly will die like flies. They simply won't be able to afford health care, they'll get sick, as the elderly do, and so they will much earlier. 

But the elderly  will not take it lying down. As long as we have elections, they will show up and vote the Republicans out.


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This is too scary/depressing to continue talking about it. Dying like flies? My God, where does such evil come from, it feels genocidal. It makes me feel physically ill. I will meditate and pray soon that this can be avoided. The elderly aren't likely to start voting democratic. Not to mention the fact that the democrats are in the pocket of the corporations just like the republicans. Case in point, Cory Booker voting against importing cheaper drugs from Canada, and Diane Feinstein going on the record against single payer medicare.  

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LB, thanks for sharing that. There is so much to learn from being here at this time, though.  The good outweighs the bad because good people will help each other.  

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Natalie,  I didn't mean that this will happen - that the elderly will by dying like flies.  I  want the people who voted for Trump and want to pass these laws to see what they are voting for. I don't think it's going to come to that because people are seeing what the effect will be, and that will cause people to stop it from passing.   But what they are trying to pass - what they voted for in the House, would have that effect if it passed.  But as I wrote earlier in the comments section when asked, the Senate is going to tone down the bill that the House just passed.  And then it is possible that nothing will pass ,or what will pass will be a watered down version of what they barely passed in the House. 

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I agree with you, Natalie, that the cruelty and callousness of the Right is mind boggling. I have a health care background, and started out in Medicaid as a policy maker.  I understand what they are doing and what the effects will be.  I shake my head when I see them standing in the Rose Garden congratulating themselves.  As my talented channel student and colleague, Judy S, said to me during a channeling session,  genetic material  of the Right will go extinct. And I pray that what they have proposed does not pass.  But if it does, the Right will be finished.  They will be voted down. And they will have ruined themselves. Then the benefits will be restored.  if the pendulum swings far enough in the direction of evil, it will swing back to something more liberal than we have seen in years.  

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Kim K., you are a sweetheart. 

Have always had a spot in my heart for Canada and Canadians. As a child in Syracuse, NY, we would drive to Montreal often.
If you know of a single 50-something Canadian guy who wants to get married, let me know. 

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Natalie.  Responding to two of your questions - always good ones. At the end of the century, I doubt we will be looking at the extreme right wing politics.  We are moving into a matriarchal age, one of caring. The pendulum will swing back.  Ancient prophecies, the Kali Yuga, and I've heard the Mayans have a similar prophecy, that around the mid 2020's we begin moving into a matriarchal more caring system. What we are going through now is the last hurrah of a dark, patriarchal system.  It is destroying itself with these kinds of policies.  They will be condemned down the road. They will try to hide that they were ever Republicans.  So much will be blamed on them, climate change being the biggest crime ever committed on humanity. 

Regarding the political split between rural and urban. I don't know what the sociologist say about it but people become more liberal and caring about each other when they live close together.  People become more tolerant of differences when they see different races and nationalities all day long, as you see in NYC, for example.  In the country, people are more isolated, it's more homogeneous, and, well, people can be more ignorant about people who are different from them. Also people in rural areas have to be more self sufficient. They might be less tolerant of helping others because they aren't as accustomed to cooperative living.  

There is probably more of an explanation than this. Will have to ponder it more. But I think it's understood that the political divide in this country is more rural versus urban than red versus blue state. That's one reason why the U.S. Senate is a totally unfair voting body.  Tiny rural states get the same number of votes as large urban states.  

Over time, when climate change really hits, people are going to have to live more cooperatively and that will be a good thing. 

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I heard on the news last night that the Senate plans on scraping the entire healthcare bill and are going to start from scratch. Then it has to pass thru them but go back to the house to be approved. Hopefully all this delay will give time for other things to happen to those in office.

I live in NW PA 150 miles south of Lake Erie. I told my kids when I die to keep the house because the area will become prime and they will have somewhere to go. I''m 67 & only have my SS to live on but I am not going to worry. All things are possible with God so I will leave it to him. A family psychic friend told me when I was 25 that I would live to a nice age, not Really old, but a nice age. She was spot on about everything else that has happened in my life so I don't see any reason that this one thing would change. So I will either stay really healthy or will have appropriate healthcare.

I think every generation has to go thru turmoil of some sort but they emerge and it becomes better for those that are young. Imagine if nothing ever changed. We could still be living the way they lived in the beginning or in the dark ages. We are human so we always seem to have to go thru these changes with swirling turmoil about us but in the end it will be okay.

I have been following predictions since the mid 60's. I've read Cayce's books and some by a few others. Climate change and water covering the coasts has always been in the predictions.

As terrifying as this can all seem just live. You will be okay.

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I have been to Montreal as a child once, it was a religious trip to St. Anne's. But we have been to Niagara Falls numerous times and Toronto. I love Canada and most Canadians I have met are wonderful. We have many Canadians that come here to the Syracuse area to live and work. In fact, I found out from some generational research that a branch of my family moved to Canada in Revolutionary War times because they were loyalists, another branch remained here-- they lived in the Jamesville/Skaneateles/Onondaga Nation area.  My great grandfather and all his sibilings were oprhaned and he was "adopted' by a Jamesville farmer. Apparently this did not work out well for him and he ran away, following the tracks downstate to Long Island... Patchogue (I guess he really wanted to get very far away). So if you know of the last name Rowse in Canada, they are my long lost relatives!  But to be more focused on topic, when George W. Bush was president, I thought at that time we had swung to the radical right side and would begin the swing back to more liberal/progressive policies.  It is very hard for me to read the hard hearted words of Trump supporters. I feel like they are missing an essential piece of what makes us human. I did not realize empathy, and a sense of responsibility to each other has become like a talent for music, rare but miraculous.

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In response to Kathy. I love family history, I'm always interested in anybody's stories about their ancestors. I'm married to a mayflower descendant, and I love looking at the family tree he has on one of our walls, it dates back to England in the 1500's. I don't know the Rowse family, but I spent four years living in Montreal, I consider it my second home. It's funny how now living in New England I come across so many people that have very Quebecois names, and even look extremely french, and yet don't speak french or know much about Quebec. It's so bewildering to me, because I'm so used to people who look just like them and are complete francophones. When I exit my mom's building in Toronto, the first thing I see is the lake, she lives right on it, with a beautiful view of the city reflected on the water. I used to jog there in the summer, there are few things I loved more than feeling the air of the lake, the cool breeze, and just the peaceful energy of all that water. They call it the lake of shining waters, all the great lakes have nicknames that the natives gave to them long ago, shining waters seems to fit I think. On my last trip home, I looked out the plane's window as we were over the lake and I could see both shores, New York and Ontario, it felt amazing to see it from above in such detail. The history of North America in so many ways is not about border's. Many people's families have traveled back and forth for various reasons. There are a lot of loyalist families in Ontario and among the Anglophone's of Quebec. For me the message is that we are all connected, and should try and understand and connect to those who are different from us.  I was deeply shocked by what I saw coming out of Trump rallies, and by the language, callousness and cruelty of many of his supporters. I couldn't understand where this hateful energy was coming from. And it felt like energy, really strong, negative scary energy. I can't speak for everyone who supported Trump, but the feeling I get from meditation and just personal experience is that many of these people live in deep deep fear, and despair. And this mental state they live in, eventually manifests itself as rage and hate, it can be extremely dangerous, but the root of much of it is fear and despair. This describes the voters in a general way, but the actual republican party is different. They are motivated by an ideology, most of them are Ayn Rand loyalists. They truly believe that selfishness is a virtue and want to push that to it's extreme. I can't understand why anybody would think that selfishness is a moral quality, but I've met people who do think this. I can condemn them until my voice is hoarse, but in the end the only way they will learn is to suffer the consequences of their beliefs on themselves, which I believe is likely to happen long term. I hope and pray that we can create a better society in the end, it's worth fighting for more than anything.



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Jeanne, could this be the shocking event you foresaw for spring? Certainly a lot of people are upset and disgusted by it. I almost broke down over the phone, calling Senator Chris Coons on Friday. :'(

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Dear Warrior Witch,

The big event of teh Spring has still to happen. It might also shrink a bit, before we get there. Meanwhile, Korea is looming again. The next cycle of crisis is about to start. The outcome this time is not going to be good. At best, a further ratchet towards war. At worst, war. More on this later.  Late Spring.

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