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The Blessings of this Holiday Season

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Transcript of Perth radio host Chris Ilsley's interview with me.  He was the best professional interviewer I've had.  Positive and really listens. 

Intuitive Jeanne Mayell’s interview on the Australian radio show

“Perth Tonight” with host Chris Ilsley (click this to hear it)

(Host Chris Ilsley) We’ll look back on 2020, and unless we had something that happened in our lives that was really special – the birth of a child, the birth of a grandchild, a wedding – something that might have been a real highlight, but for the most part, we’re going to look back on 2020 and say that was not a good year. Maybe with the one exception of regaling grandkids with the story about how we survived the great plague of 2020. But generally speaking, we’re not gonna look back on it well, are we?

(Jeanne Mayell) No, definitely not. But 2021 is going to be much better.

(Host Chris Ilsley)  People are still wary – is it going to take us a little while to venture out again in 2021?

(Jeanne Mayell) Yeah – I think that COVID was traumatic. And after any situation that’s traumatic, people are cautious and careful. And it will take a little while. But it’s not going to be so bad, because people are going to feel so relieved and grateful. They’re going to be relieved and grateful that they don’t have to worry as much anymore, and also I think that people have changed as a result of COVID, in a good way. Whenever anything really bad happens, it also sparks a lot of good. Part of it is a lot of gratitude – people are going to feel so grateful for each other, and to be able to see each other. I think 2021 is going to be kind of a golden year.

(Host Chris Ilsley) When you say a golden year, is that going to be because we’re going to compare it to 2020 and say this is so much better, or do you genuinely mean it’s going to be absolutely that much better?

(Jeanne Mayell) I think absolutely. And, you know, I had seen 2020 coming for a long time. I had posted years ago that 2020 was going to be a pivotal year, and that it was going to be like a crash year. But that it would be a reset too. And our values would be reset too. I think that gratitude, appreciation for each other, for love, for caring for the earth, is going to be a reaction that we will start to see in 2021.

I remember one time I was meditating on the future, and starting in late 2019, I’d see what looked like lighting striking, and then this release later of renewal, rebirth. It’s going to be good. And I think at first, in 2021, it will be a sense of gratitude, like the sun is coming out. In fact, I meditated briefly for this interview, just so that I could be fresh with anything I might be seeing, and the first vision I got was the sun – the sun is always a good symbol – it’s a symbol of enlightenment, of light, of happiness, of joy – mostly of joy. I think we’re in for something good.

And I also think that 2021 is going to be the beginning of a new age, of a sense of higher mind, or people less concerned about selfishness or greed, and more concerned about the welfare of all beings. It sounds very ideal, but we’re coming off of a period of literally decades of a sort of darker period of materialism. And that’s going to shift. And we can thank 2020 for that.

(Host Chris Ilsley)  COVID-19 has been a sort of reset for a lot of people. Is it something that’s going to endure, or do sort of feel it for a bit and then, after it passes, we kind of go back to what we’ve always done.

(Jeanne MayellI think it’s going to endure. And the people who’ve lived through this are going to live for a long time. It’s going to endure for a very long time. When this wears off, will be when there’s a whole new generation that did not live through this. But by that time, I really have seen coming for a long time…I started giving readings in the mid-1980’s, and coming off of a very standard career, I saw that 2020 would be one of the darkest periods that we’ve been moving towards, and then we would go through literally hundreds of years of rebirth, of enlightenment, of much more caring, and so – no, this isn’t just going to wear off. I think that people are very concerned that this not happen again. Also, climate change is a big factor, in terms of how people are going to be caring more about how we treat the earth, and how we live in the future.

(Host Chris Ilsley) Regardless of the science, have we somehow made some sort of a connection between COVID and climate?

(Jeanne Mayell) I think it’s very connected in a couple of ways. One is that, there is evidence that COVID is related to climate change. But more than that, I see COVID as a dress rehearsal for climate change in the sense that both are exponential. They’re not linear in the way they happen. They happen in an accelerated, exponential way. So where I live, in the Boston area – yesterday, in the United States – we saw 6,000 deaths in one day. And that is not a linear progression. That is something that just jumps and jumps exponentially. Well, climate change is the same way, only it’s happening on a much more expanded scale.

I really think that we are going to get a new respect for what could happen if we continue to abuse the earth. And we’re going to be more careful about paying attention to science, and to what it means for seas to be rising, and for heat to be rising, and for fires to be rising. So it’s a good thing, in a way, that we’ve been now prepared to see how something that doesn’t appear to be much of anything in the beginning, can suddenly escalate.

(Host Chris Ilsley)  I have to ask you, and I was wanting to ask you this – cause I know that, as an international psychic, this is one of the questions I would imagine you’re being asked an awful lot now. COVID-19 -- When are we going to see the back of it? When is it going to be over?

(Jeanne Mayell) I have been getting September 2021 as a significant time shift in COVID. I’m in the US where it’s raging right now, worse than ever. And I understand that Australia’s doing much better than we are – much, much better. I can speak from the U.S. point of view, where it’s probably as bad as anywhere on Earth, and September 2021 is a significant turning point, and if we’re at a turning point, then I think the world is doing even better. And it’s probably because that around that time is when I’m feeling that the vaccine has reached a level where enough of it is available and enough people are taking it that it’s basically eliminating this – it’s a group immunity that will be happening.

(Chris Ilsley)  Do you ever get concerned about the fact that there’s so much science out there yet a lot of people don’t pay any attention to it?

(Jeanne Mayell) Yeah, it’s an issue for me because I have always had a good science background – I have three masters degrees, and two from Harvard, and I studied science, I have a respect for science and also because as an intuitive, I see what’s going on, I feel what’s going on, and so it’s always a shock to me when people are not listening to science, and not feeling what’s going on. I just can’t even believe it half the time because I’m so attuned with the way things are, that I keep thinking that everyone else must be as well. It’s an issue, but I think it’s going to change.  I think we’re going to start seeing a new respect for science. And I think COVID’s helping us with that.

(Chris Ilsley)  You have an Intuitive Wisdom Forum on your website at that talks about world predictions, political issues, climate change, COVID-19 – you take your choice of topics – how does that actually work?

(Jeanne Mayell) It’s really something. You know, back in 2016, I used to just post predictions, and people were commenting so much that they started talking to each other, and then they said, “Could you start a forum?” So I set up a forum. And it is really busy, there are millions of hits (predictions) and people start their own topics. And some people come on the forum to ask questions – because there are so many people who come on the forum who can answer questions, including myself, and then other people come on because they want to post what they’re picking up, what they’re getting. And there are a few stars, like rock stars, there are a few people who are so good – not just me, but there are a few others, that they’re really reassuring for others when they see things and then those things come true.

And the other thing is that I, twice a year, I invite whoever wants to come on Zoom with me, and I try to teach them how to read the future, because everyone’s intuitive – everyone is – and then they participate. And I assemble all of that, and put it up on the site, and we watch everything coming true. It’s pretty remarkable. And last year, we had a thousand hits, a thousand predictions that came true. And this year, we’ve already hit that number. It’s amazing. And these are not professional psychics, these are ordinary,  very intuitive people. And they’re the best, as far as I’m concerned.

(Host Chris Ilsley)  Jeanne Mayell, from Boston, in the United States, thank you very much for joining us tonight – I appreciate your time.

Jeanne Mayell: Thank you Chris for having me.


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zThank you for sharing this with us all Jeanne.  This is wonderful!!!  What a great interview!

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@lovendures This is our own @Bernie 's husband. Sending love and light to them both.

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Dear Jeanne and everyone here: That was an amazing interview! Thank you so much for all you do for all of us. First, I must apologize to ALL of you for being "MIA" for the past month. I moved my home of 24 yrs into a new one (a blessing for sure) and the process took a lot out of my 60 yr. old self. I have not been on much social media, even this wonderful website and forum.

I'm "back" and wanted to belatedly wish you all many blessings during this holiday season and a resounding healthy, happy and Golden 2021!  I hope and pray you have all been ok and I know I have a lot of catching up to do.  I'm grateful for Jeanne and all of you here more than I can say. 

During my move, I found a copy of a poem that I printed out during the 90's and kept in my desk at work, and it "fell out" on the floor when when I was unpacking my home office. It still stirred something inside of me and I felt perhaps I was supposed to share it with all of you. 

Happy New Year to you all!

Poem from Oriah Mountain Dreamer:

"It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting you heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your sorrow, if you have been open to life's betrayals, or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain.  I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it, fade it, or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with the wildness and let ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human. It doesn't interest me if the story you're telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your soul. I want to know if you can be faithful, and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see the beauty even when it's not a pretty day, and if you can source your life from God's presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "YES!!"

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after a night of despair, wear and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children.

It doesn't interest me who you are or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't matter to me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself....And if you truly like the company you keep in empty moments"

Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

? ❤️ ? ? 

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I loved that interview and listened to it twice after Bernie gave us the link. Love that Australian accent for one thing but the poised, clear,  and energetic interview exchange between the two of you created one of the best interviews I have listened to!

So glad you took the time to provide this transcription! 

For those wishing to hear and feel it in action the radio interview can be listened to at:

2021: What does our psychic say? – 6PR


CC21, Lovendures, fajm and 29 people reacted
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Thanks so much for sharing the interview transcript, Jeanne.  Wow.  It’s amazing how much you were able to share in a very brief time frame, and it is all so very positive.  You have touched so many lives through this website and through the Intuitive Way series of classes.  Our lives are all enriched because we’ve learned to listen to our intuition, to trust our intuition.  It’s truly life-changing. 

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Tricia, your poem is kind of rocking my world! ? It's bold and direct, yet re-reading gives it more depth and staying power. I'm using it as a New Year's resolution of sorts. Great find!

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Happy Holidays to everyone! I finally had time to catch up on reading in the forum.

@jeanne-mayell That was a great and uplifting interview! I’m glad that I took the time to read it and digest it. 
@triciact Thank you for posting that poem! It truly was meant to be shared. I hope that you are settling into your new home.

I am thankful for each and every one of you in this community and the support that we have given each other over the last few years. May it continue well into the future as we move into this new and better age!

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So glad you liked the poem and Welcome with open arms and a virtual hug!  ? ? 

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Dear all, I am very late, but hope the season brings a little light to all of you.


This wholesome little clip made me very happy. I hope it will do the same for you;-) Happy Holidays!  

Jeanne Mayell, deetoo, Maggieci and 11 people reacted
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Love the frolicking fox! He is adorable ? 

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@maggieci glad you enjoyed it';-) I love Finnigan and his friends. It is all so innocent. We need that now and then.

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Hello friends. I know I haven’t been active much in the forums here this year, but I’ve gained so much comfort in lurking and wanted to share the product of a meditation I did this week for 2021. I finished painting it last night. 

The image depicts light in the middle of a ravaged wilderness rising out of the petrified shell had that long caged it. Specifically, I imagined a being with dragonfly wings, and later discovered that dragonflies signify change, self-realization, the freedom to move easily in all directions, and the lightness required to rise above the transient things that hold us down.

I hope it brings you good fortune in the year ahead. Happy New Year!




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@vida    Lovely! Thank you.

Jeanne Mayell, Stargazer, Maggieci and 7 people reacted
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How very beautiful! So happy you popped in to visit here and many blessings for sharing your gifts and your art with us ?

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@vida Your illustration is beautiful and hopeful and you are SO TALENTED!  Thank you for this. 

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@vida, this is fabulous!  And so very hopeful on this New Year's eve.

Thank you.

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What a beautiful picture.  Simply beautiful.  Thank you for sharing.  Welcome back and Happy New Year.

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Wishing Everyone the brightest of New Year Celebrations.

We made it!  

We made it to the dawn of a new year which is truly saying something.  May everyone stay happy, healthy and safe.  May there be a lot of love in your life. And may the year of 2021 be filled with hope.

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"Hope smiles

From the threshold of the year to come,


'It will be happier' "

~ Alfred Lord Tennyson


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